Family Issues Ch. 03


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"She wanted to hook-up."

"Doesn't she know you have a girlfriend?"

"She knows we're together."

"Then how come she thinks she can get you? What did you tell her?"

"Diana, stop!"

She pulled out of him entirely and grabbed his phone. Kevin turned around, still dazed.

"What the fuck? Stop messing with my phone!" He shouted. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm giving that boyfriend-stealing ho a piece of my mind."

"What? Stop!" Kevin lunged at her, but she scrambled out of bed and kept typing.


"There," she gave him the mobile.

He searched through the messages. "Where the hell is Ginger's message?"

"The whore got purged from your phone."

"Awesome. Very mature, Diana."

"Fuck mature!" She grabbed his wrists and dragged him back to the bed. "I was gonna give you a birthday treat today. But now I don't feel like it anymore."

"Ten seconds ago you didn't even remember it was my birthday."

Diana pushed him on the bed and grabbed his legs, forcing them apart. Still standing near the bed, she stretched his legs to a full split.

"Stop, Diana," he said in a quiet voice, "that hurts."

"You're hurting me, Kevin, talking with that girl."

"I'm sorry."

"If you thought about me half as much as I think about you this wouldn't have happened," she said.

Kevin couldn't figure if he should laugh or tear his hair out from frustration. "In what world do you ever think of me or do anything I want?"

"I took my Prince Albert out because you said it hurts your throat."

"You took it out only because I couldn't deep-throat with it in the way."

"Because I didn't want to hurt your delicate throat."

"Right. I guess I'm just selfish," Kevin closed his eyes. Arguing with Diana was as fun as arguing with a wall, and just as productive.

Still splitting his legs, Diana aligned the head of her cock with his ravaged pink hole and pushed. The head stretched the round muscle of his asshole as it quickly dug in.

"Ohhh, Baby, your ass is just the best," she purred. "Every time I'm angry with you I just think of it and I ain't angry no more. It's like my cock melts in there."

She pushed and claimed him once more, on his back, legs spread wide like a ballet dancer. She pulled almost all the way out until only the head was lodged in his hugging tunnel then proceeded to pound him. Diana set a relaxed pace, but each time she was near bottoming she thrust with gusto, jolting his body and extracting an 'Oof' from his lungs.

Kevin's sphincter went tight around the base of Diana's cock like a cock ring. He could feel her cock throb in response deep inside his ass. She let go of his legs.

"You just love feeling me inside you, don't you?"

His cock was stiff and already leaking. There was no denying her effect on him. "Yeah."

"Show me how much."

Kevin wiggled his ass around, just like Diana trained him to do. She stopped moving. He opened his eyes and saw her standing above him, smiling, with her eyes closed. He hooked his legs around her ass and pushed his ass against her cock.

"Squeeze my cock with your ass," she asked quietly.

Kevin clenched as hard as he could. His smooth walls tried to squeeze the milk out of her hard cock. She gave a sharp intake as pleasure hit her.

"God, Kevin, I love you baby."

Kevin clenched again, and Diana couldn't take it anymore. She started thrusting hard and quick. Her balls slapped his buttocks at a fast pace. Slap, slap, slap, churning the love juice inside them. She fell on his lithe body and hugged him tight as her orgasm hit. Diana stayed on top of him, lodged deep inside as her balls emptied their load deep into his bowels.

"Ah, Ah, Ah... Fuuuuuuck."

The hot cream drenched his insides, and Kevin drew a deep breath. He unhooked his legs and pushed her gently, but she wouldn't move. Diana stayed inside him for a long time. She sometimes loved hugging him and staring into his eyes in the post-orgasmic afterglow.

"I love you, Kevin," she whispered. "I love you so much I sometimes feel I might explode. I would die if some girl took you from me." She kissed Kevin on each eye. "You're so perfect."

Someone knocked on the bedroom door. "Can I come in?" Helen said.

"Sure," Diana huffed.

Kevin was panting. Still, he was aware enough to panic. "What? No! No! Helen, don't come in."

"Okay." There was a short pause. "Wait, are you two doing it right now?"

Diana answered with her devilish laughter.

"What the fuck is wrong with your brain, Diana?" Helen screamed. "One of these days I'm gonna have you hospitalized."

"Chill," Diana withdrew from her lover's ass. She slapped Kevin's butt. "Go on, Baby Butt, open the door; let's see what the bitch wants."

Kevin stumbled out of bed, put on his training pants on and opened the door.

"Hey," Helen smiled at him, and he stared at her mouth agape.

"What the fuck?" Diana said.

Helen usually wore her hair in a long braid or wildly loose when she was at home. The golden Rapunzel-like locks now lay sleek and chic. Every hair rested in its right place, and each one shone. She wore makeup, which concealed most of her scar, and she painted her lips blood red, in stark contrast to her pale skin. Completing the new apparel was an elegant red sleeveless evening dress. Classically cut, with no cleavage. She was much curvier than Diana. However, unlike her little sister who was a regular slob, Helen jogged and exercised her body with the same boot camp discipline that she applied everywhere else. Helen thus maintained a slim hourglass silhouette, and her dress clung to that gorgeous shape in all the right places. Kevin thought the result was dangerous. It could cleave the male heart in two.

"Wow," he said.

"Diana, I need to borrow your earrings. The long ones; the ones that look like feathers."

"Are you going out?" Diana said.

"No, she's going hunting alligators," Kevin said. "Of course, she's going out."

"Where to?" Diana ignored him.

"A restaurant," Helen said.

"Like for a business deal?"


"Like... Like on a date?"


"Like with a man?"

"Like, Diana, can I get those earrings?"

Diana closed one eye, "Hmmm.... I don't know where they are."

"I do," Kevin said. "Closet, upper left corner. I'll get them."

"Are you actually going out on a date, Helen?" Diana said.

"Why is it so inconceivable?"

"Maybe because I can count the number of dates you've gone to in the past ten years on the one hand?" Diana lifted her hand and started counting fingers. "One, two, three... Zero. Actually, I don't need hands."

Helen shrugged.

"How did you two hook up?"

"On 'Match' dating site."

"Since when do you start using a dating site?"

"What's with the Spanish Inquisition, Diana?"

"It's a bit of a shock, that's all. Is that a new dress?"

"Yeah. What do you think?" Helen lifted her hands.

Diana motioned a so, so with her palm. "The Victorian look... Meh... Not my jam. Guys like to get a sneak peek at the girls, to know what they're getting."

"Okay, so you wouldn't wear it, but how does it look?" Kevin noticed that Helen's lower lip trembled a little; a chink in her armor that he learned to recognize. Her nonchalant demeanour was the same as her tough bitch act. Just an act.

"I mean, with you it's probably best if you won't show skin," Diana said. "Because of the scars and all. It's Okay, I guess." She twisted her mouth.

"Helen, I think you look-" Kevin started.

"You're not allowed to compliment girls that aren't your girlfriend," Diana lifted her hand and cut him in mid-sentence. "We've been through that before."

"Sorry." Kevin picked the earrings and stopped by his work desk. He quickly drew a big 'Like' button sketch on a notebook page, lifted it behind Diana's back and mimed pressing it a couple of times.

Helen smiled and then to Kevin's surprise, blushed. Diana turned her head, but Kevin already lowered the notebook.

"Oh, by the way, Kevin, this is for you," Helen gave him a red envelope, blushed again and hastened out of the bedroom.

"Get your ass cleaned. Get dressed," Diana said, "we're going out too."

"To the club?"

"To an old friend of mine. What's in that envelope she gave you?"

"Why are you always so mean to Helen?"

"What did she give you?"

"She cares for you. Why are you always so mean to her? It's like you hate her."

"What's in that envelope?"

"She didn't need your opinion on the dress; she was just fishing for a compliment. Even I understood that, and I'm a guy. Was it that hard to say something nice? She looked stunning, by the way; you really had to put an effort there to say it's just okay."

"I'll kick your ass if you say that my sister looked stunning."

"Helen looked stunning," he nodded. "Hot and classy."

"Watch it."

"She looked super amazing, and you were super mean, Diana. You live in her house, at her expense. She lends you money all the time, which you never bother to return. She does everything you ask her to. She-"

"She should!" Diana snarled. "Half of everything she owns is mine, anyway."

"I kinda doubt that."

"How do you think she became a VP in a big-firm, and how do you think she came to own all these apartments?"

"I'm willing to bet it has nothing to do with you."

Diana's face turned crimson. "She sold our mom's old house. Our mom. Half of that house was mine, and that's how she got her initial fortune. She never consulted me."

"Probably a good thing."

Diana searched for something to throw at him, and when she found nothing, she threw a pillow. It didn't have the desired effect. "Shut the front door, Baby Butt. You're pissing me off."

"You're hardly a garden of roses yourself, Princess."

"You want a piece of me?"

"I want you to stop treating me like I don't count. You can't just tell people to come in when we're having sex, and you can't send a video of me getting butt-fucked on the phone. Yeah, I saw that. Stop making me feel like I'm an idiot. Stop calling me names and stop humiliating me. You're not better than me, Diana. You're selfish, and you're cruel, and not just to me; to everyone around you."

"I've had it up to here with you, Kevin!" She roared.

"Same here."


"Maybe we need a break, Diana?"

"Maybe I need to break your arms and legs?" She jumped naked off the bed and was on him in a second. She grabbed both his arms and pinned him to the closet door.

"Let go of me!"

"Never talk to me like that!"

"Okay, sorry."

"Say it like you mean it."

"I'm sorry that I called you selfish and cruel."

"I don't give a fuck about that. We don't need a break."


Her lips sought his. He tried to move his head, but she let go of his arms, grabbed his head and kissed him deeply. When she pulled away, her eyes were full of tears. "Asshole! Why did you have to say we need a break? You scare me, Kevin."

"You scare me, Diana. One minute you're about to skull-fuck me and the next you just wanna fuck me. I can't keep up with you."

"I'm sorry that I scared you." She nuzzled his neck, then kissed his lips again. "But when you say stuff like 'I'm gonna leave you'... Never say that shit again."

"Jesus. Okay, I won't. We don't need a break."

She hugged him tightly and breathed him in. Inhaling deep. "I know I'm not the perfect person, but I'm trying to be a good girlfriend. I honestly am."

"Then try to think about how I feel every once in a while, Diana."

"What's in that stupid envelope she gave you?"

"How the fuck should I know? You didn't give me a chance to open it." Kevin opened the red envelope and read the note.


A fresh year needs a fresh start.

Desmond Tutu said that anger is like a dunk room. Anger closes the windows and the curtains. But the sun is shining outside, and there is fresh air outside. To get that fresh air, you have to get up and open that window and draw the curtains apart.

We are only human. As humans, we let each other down. We abuse trust. We break hearts. We make mistakes. I have made my fair share of mistakes, and I sincerely ask for your forgiveness.

I hope this opens the window just a little.

Happy Birthday,


Enclosed with the letter was a slip of paper. When he pulled it out and read its words, he stared, and then started to laugh. It was a voucher for a ten-session course of Krav Maga.


Happiness is rare. It's a delicate golden string that shimmers at the corner of your eye. One wrong move, one wrong touch and it can slip through your fingers. Sometimes happiness is a new hope when you feel a change is coming your way.

Helen felt that happiness as she checked herself in the mirror for the hundredth time. Happy with the result, for the first time since her injury, she blew her image a kiss and wished herself luck. Then, heart thumping but without looking back, she left the house for her first ever date.


To be continued...

Well, you're at the end of chapter 3, and I'm guessing that if you slogged all the way to this point, you like the story so far. So be kind, and leave a message here or to me, or at least punch those stars. I like to hear people opinion about my work, even the criticism (it helps me improve).

Chapter 4 will be posted in a day or two.

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1smartguy4no11smartguy4no12 months ago

Your writing is riveting, and that's the truth. Yesterday I was late to work because I just had to finish the chapter, and then had to forcibly put my phone down and go to work like an adult is supposed to do. Lol. I love your writing, please don't stop. You're very, very good at it, and it's truly a pleasure losing myself in your words.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Loving the story, thank you! <3

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I LOVE this story, and even as a straight tough guy, I wouldn’t mind Helen overpowering me a time or twenty. One bit, but a serious one. Marines NEVER abide the term “ex-Marine.” Once a Marine, always a Marine. If a Marine wants to distinguish between active and non-active, he or she may say “former” Marine, never “ex.” Unless dishonorably discharged, you’re NEVER an “ex” Marine.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I love the work and the quality of writing I was straight once, married. My boss was a former seven foot two inch Black retired NBA center. At an office party he got me drunk gave me some e. He told me he loved me and basically fucked me all fourteen inches of his long thick cock. My cock is nine inches and it was flying in circles spraying ropes of cum everywhere. I divorced my wife. James bought me EE fake tits and bubble butt enhancements. My adam’s apple and jaw line were softened. We are married I present as his milf. He likes me pegging him!!! I make him cum with my clit in his cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great character development. Diana is a psychopath; starting to really like Helen. Interested to see what develops there.

service_proservice_proabout 1 year ago


I honestly don't want to read anymore because I'm too emotionally invested in the characters and it feels like something REALLY BAD is about to happen...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. Difficult to put down. Not often a read that stirs such emotions & yes, even tears

jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien420over 1 year ago

This is by far too 5 stories on this site. Excellent character development and story line. I don’t even care about the sex stuff. ( don’t get me wrong it’s hot) thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You're very good at making characters who read like real, complex human beings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very good story. I can see all three aspects of the characters in me and it scares me. I will read your story until the end and report back to you. 5 stares so far.

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