All Comments on 'Fantasy Pt. 05: Life in the Ruins'

by H. Jekyll

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HarddaysknightHarddaysknight10 months ago

That was different, but your stories always are. I will be looking for the next chapter.

RePhilRePhil10 months ago

Wow a wife beater. Kinda makes you think about what’s behind the pen here. Stopped reading after the third slap. Seems some people relish in beating up women. Not in this house! 1 star

MellowJoeMellowJoe10 months ago

This whole story has been an emotional rollercoaster. Well done!

grogers7grogers710 months ago

She traumatized him emotionally. He could not respond in kind. He traumatized her physically. She could not respond in kind. This story greatly exaggerates both, but in normal, non-abusive non-violent, relationships this dichotomy is always present. In many cases there is joyful acceptance of her skillful, loving, gentle manipulation and his control of his strength for her benefit.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You seem to be a lost troubled writer! Can only happen if u were raised in a dysfunctional family or orphaned and raised in Foster homes!!

I pity you…pse see a psychiatrist for ur own week being!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle10 months ago

People don’t change. Henry beat her unconscious, almost to death. He was always that mentally and physically abusive, he only needed a reason to justify his cruelty.

The fact that he thinks tending her wounds earns her forgiveness? Fuck him. If he was serious about helping her, he would have taken her to a hospital, instead he wanted to kill her.

Henry is as evil as Richard, the only difference is that Richard doesn’t pretend he’s a good man. He doesn’t pretend to be a victim; but Henry does.

Henry deserves prison for spousal abuse, mental and physical cruelty, sexual assault, illegal restraint, attempted murder. In his own words, while she lay unconscious almost to the point of death, he hit her twice more.

If you put him in prison for his actions, you can’t punish her for her actions.

groaningbumpgroaningbump10 months ago

Had not read the previous parts before you posted this latest one. A very entertaining story, albeit a little rough with the beating. Totally understand the sentiment behind it though, and maybe it needed to be that visceral to make the point. You're an excellent writer and I look forward to following you in the journey when it resumes. Thank you for sharing! - gb

Jlyn1Jlyn110 months ago

Richard must pay for what he has done. That is the only satisfying ending to this story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I think most people want to see Henry get his pound of flesh out of Richard. And then some more. It peeves the normal human mind to see someone do evil with impunity. And that describes Richard's actions. But Richard forgets that he's human too. He isn't made of stainless steel and Teflon. One of these days Richard is going to get hit with something that won't wipe off.

My ADD brain wants to take you up on the offer to write my take on this tale. Along with 20 or so other stories in LW. But another account to juggle is not on my to do list. Alas, I must remain as always, Anonymous.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I'd just like to know WHY Alice and especially Richard did all of this. The previous chapter said he hated them and wanted to burn bridges. Why? Just because?

Regarding her, maybe she really is mentally ill. Her behavior certainly indicates so. I mean okay, Richard was dominant and had money and she seems like a submissive. But to be willing to throw her whole life away for him? To humiliate herself and her husband? Why was she so willing to literally be his whore? Ruining her career and friendships even. Yeah, something could seriously be wrong with her mind.

Henry's beating her was too much for me though. I could see never speaking to her again or even a little violence (though I don't condone that), but he went way too far.

I'm not sure you will grant this, but I hope Richard will get his comeuppance and Henry his revenge. And yes I'm a sap, but if Alice gets help I'd prefer a reconciliation. Though I know many here would hate that.

Thanks for sharing your work with us. Looking forward to the next part.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Please find another hobby!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJ10 months ago

A very painful punishment for Richrd is the only satisfying ending. Yeah, Alice gets better and stays in the house while Henry leaves and finds a better woman. (After he captures and tortures Richard killing his henchmen in the process.) It could be a drawn-out process where Richard's fortune is taken from him bit by bit. That would hurt worse than the physical punishment, but the physical pain has to be delivered, for closure..

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer10 months ago

Looks like this moron failed at everything! A failed husband, a failed lover, a failed assassin... plus failed at any meaningful revenge. On either Richard or Alice. He didn't have the balls to do anything. Physically beating her was a cowards way of getting revenge... and means nothing, neither to him nor Alice.

If he had any intelligence at all and any type of backbone and self respect, he would have tackled the whole situation in a mirror-like action. Once she said she would do ANYTHING, he should immediately taken her to a Tattooist/Piercer and had those piercings removed: From her clitoral hood and her nipples. Then I can't remember if she had a "tramp stamp" tattoo placed on her lower back but, if so, he should have got the tattooist to do something over it, changing it. Then, if real revenge was warranted, have Cunt and Slut tattooed on the top of her breasts, to remind her of what she became for Richard! Every time she looked in the mirror she would see that... and remember what she had done.

Plus, immediately forbidden her to shave her pubic area again, as that was Richard's way of making her "clean" for her to be his fuck-toy.

But no, beta boy couldn't do anything like that.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x10 months ago

"You don't know all of why she did what she did" - Who the fuck cares why? If she wasn't drugged she did it of her own free will.


I never would have whipped her, but I never would have let her in, either.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Intense, loved it. Looking forward to the next installment

jstformejstforme10 months ago

For a self proclaimed tough guy, you sure know how to write wimp a husband that haven’t a clue. Also women are weak, gullible fools that throw their lives away for orgasams. I skim through most of your stories in the hope that real justice comes to the “alpha” males in your stories, but that’s rare occasion, and not often very satisfying. Maybe you write a decent ending in the next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

He is a Cuck and a pussy must be autobiographical

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Complex and well written...a bit wrought....but very well done. 5

The dig at the Anons was gratuitous. Everyone, if he has a brain, is anonymous here. Do you think that there is really someone whose parents named him "Big Dick in Detroit"? Moreover, with Tor, say, anyone can have as many handles as he wants. In reality, there are just 2 kinds of Anons here - those who are databased and those who aren't. The criticism of the anonymous who aren't databased reminds me of Dr. Seuss's story "Sneeches". The animosity is just stupid tribalism.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

@Whackdoodle - Actually, people do change. Change is one of the constants of life. Change is the very process of living.

Perhaps you meant that people don't change dramatically? Ever seen somebody who got tired of being obese and put in the effort to return to a healthy weight? Ever seen somebody in a dead end career go (back) to college and reinvent themselves into something with a future?

The simple fact is that people can change dramatically, especially when a catalyst is applied. All of the previous chapters were documentation of the catalyst being applied to Henry, so it shouldn't surprise anybody, even you, that he was changed by what he went through.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nobody deserves a beating that was narrated here. For someone to describe what was done here must have a huge problem and needs to check into a hospital before their true feelings come out and hurt someonein real life.

dc6370dc637010 months ago

So Richard was tough enough to pull a gun, not tough enough to use it, but tough enough to beat up a female. Sorry he's a pussy that needs to get his ass beat within an inch of his life.

HcopHcop10 months ago

One of the best authors here, though we don't read stories of yous often enough. You know how to write, something that can't be said for the overwhelming majority here. Looking forward to reading the last part and to having fun with the raging crowd of the commenters, which I have not any doubt will breathe fire in their responses...

HcopHcop10 months ago

I just read some of the comments, as I expected, idiots who cannot understand the difference between the author and the characters of the story, or the plot of a literotica story and the preachy morality of a Christian film...

FabGMxFabGMx10 months ago

Welp this one is a typical story where the MC was destined to fail, in every way. The end when he basically take back the wife after beat her... no, just no. Rather he ended up on prision for that or homeless by choice. Alice its written as a typical weak person without any self respect that gets reduced to a pityful creature rather than a broken person at the end. And Richard... well its just a typical amoral villain with plot armor.

Nothing really original. Good writting and pacing... and thats it.

Sigh. I do understand when an author tries to defend his/her/their? work, but then when rather than present an argument its just a rant that basically tries to says "im smarter than you" its not helping any case.

A better solution its make the comment section just for registered members or turning off all comments and rating system.

BigDee44BigDee4410 months ago

I was surprised in a bad way at his rejection of Alice at the end of the previous chapter. Then, to berzerk! Alice did not deserve that. And it should ave been obvious that when Alice did those final things as=t the order of Richard that she was complying as a sex slave, and that she would face punishment if she did not comply. Those things did not seem logical to me.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I’ve struggled my way through what, until this chapter, has been an almost totally unpleasant, even repugnant, story. The main problem was Richard, a character so evil as to strain credulity. It also didn’t help that Henry was a hapless jerk. But this chapter, even with the almost unbearable beating, began to hint at the possibility of something worth attending to. I actually gave it 5 stars. We’ll see what follows.

des911des91110 months ago

This is one of those stories that describes lots of unpleasant events in which the characters get damaged and hurt. But, it is brilliantly written and I have appreciated your efforts from the first chapter.

Full marks all the way from me. And, I'm looking forward to Part 6.

Thank you very much

Wavedave45Wavedave4510 months ago

Crap, she has a bad std I'm thinking AIDS. That's why she didn't want him to lick her. Also aids can cause diabetes which might explain the citrus vaj smell. She's exhibiting a whole bunch of symptoms. Weakness. Trouble breathing. Horse voice. Visible bruise when she arrived.

She probably DID pull off the 3 way with Deb. And maybe she infected her as well. This is why she said she ruined everything. She didn't say she loved him because she didn't have the right to put that on him, because she figured it would be easier for him if she was a cold hearted bitch and not his love when she died. Her response to Henry telling her she actually has money is almost like frustration that he doesn't get it and she can't bring herself to tell him. I think she also might not want to spend any money gained from the marriage to pay for this disease she caught by cheating. "She startled." was her reaction when he guessed she tried to kill herself. However she went on to say she "Considered" it and "thought about it all the time" and "wasn't brave enough". Well she already tried killing herself before didn't she? Unless I miss read something from an earlier chapter. Well she was startled because she was actively trying to kill herself by her lifestyle when she was flying solo. She wasn't hurting for money, she was trying to catch something that would end her. Maybe end her the only way she thinks she deserves.

And when Henry tells her "Don't you think you've been punished enough?", she tells him,

"That's not it, Henry."

Because she knows she isn't long for this world. Has nowhere else to go. And doesn't want to cause more trouble than she already had. She's the one that's all messed up and she's obviously watching him sleep because she said he looked peaceful. She's thinking of all the crap she caused and liked seeing Henry is still able to feel at peace.

I'm wondering if THIS is the reason why she was so desperate to stay with Richard. Because he was paying for her HIV cocktail meds. In the last story she pleaded with him that she did everything he asked of her and mentioned specifically her job and marriage. 2 things she would have needed to pay for her meds she gave up. She wasn't begging for him to continue being her master but that he basically sentenced her to death by kicking her out.

Finally her dying would be one of the few possible ways forward without being a mega cuck story where they hug it out and have a family 3 years later.

I just hope she did something to kill off Richard or something.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Exceptional writing. Depressing story.

StruckwrongStruckwrong10 months ago

Jekylling not Hyde. Impotent pathetic madness that sputtered without manifesting.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The over-thinkers, the self-righteous, the self-flagellant, the unforgiving, and the plain old damaged-beyond-repair have spoken. As usual, they're dogs barking at the moon and the moon railing against the engulfing shadow, and as has been since the primordial soup gelled into primordial thick-extra-crispy, the END is still the end. Otherwise, we'd all get to have our way every, single,



And we know that ain't 'what da happs.' Great writing from a guy who writes his own damn way. From the Rustler of All Teh Jimmies. Bravo.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I like your ending, i will imagine that he helped her and they both became better people. Course that richard guy has to get his nuts cut off!🤙🏽

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon10 months ago

I found this to be incredibly boring, other issues not withstanding. I lost interest numerous times and had to force myself to read further. I won't even rate this because it's so irrelevant to the genre.

patilliepatillie10 months ago

Conflicted on this one, the beating scene was brutal and visceral, and just so wrong. If that is what you were going for, you suceeded. The redemption phase was good except for the abrupt ending. So i think a 3

deependerdeepender10 months ago

For all of you one-sided BTB'ers out there: if Henry goes unpunished, then so must Richard. Their transgressions against Alice are equivalent.

mazk1098mazk109810 months ago

And so we've finally got into 1st version ending. Thpugh given subtle differences one could expect that's not the end. I guess it'd be somewhat interesting to see how Stephen, Alice and Richard's future will play out - though I hope (probably in vain) that the last one of them would get deserved treatment

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I believe you have alienated a lot of readers. Beating a woman is a definite no-no. I am surprised that they allowed you to print it. They never do if it's the main villain. only the MC is allowed to be beaten severely. Perhaps the problem lies with whom is writing the stories. At the best this was a loathsome last 2 chapters. I hope that the author will add another chapter where the MC finds his courage to confront and permanently maim Richard or give him a multi-day torturous painfilled death.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

No worse than the previous chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I scored your story a 5. Having gone through a divorce myself, ironically my wife's name was Alice, I can understand how mixed up someone can become, however I could not or would not ever lay a hand on a woman let alone beat her you as you told in your story so well.

Since you told the story in first person a lot of readers will not realize you are telling a story instead believe the story is a confessional, so good job. While I am sure you will get trashed in the comments just remember the mark of a good writer is to have readers believe you are the main character.

StruckwrongStruckwrong10 months ago

Here come the rationalizations, abstract thinking,ignoring and intellectual dishonesty to get to the impossible finish.

Epiphanies too.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The numbers are speaking very clearly: last 3 parts, 3.2*, 2.5*, 3.2*. That's a pretty low readers evaluation, not even 60% of the rating range (3.4*). It's very difficult in this LW category to reach the minimum of the 4* (75%), for the huge posting of femdom tales.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Whackdoodle said "people don’t change", I disagree. Henry didn't beat Alice, he attacked an evil presence, not a human being. I don't think Henry was always "mentally and physically abusive...", or that "...he only needed a reason to justify his cruelty." Richard is a master of evil who hated Henry and Alice. What better way to destroy them than to change how they perceived each other? Alice ceased to see Henry as husband and lover, he became inconsequential as Richard became her idol. To Henry, Alice mutated from his wife into a creature absorbed with serving Richard. Surely Henry's thought " wife would never debase herself or our marriage in the ways this sexually wanton apparition has done in my presence?" When Henry beat Alice he was subconsciously beating Richard.

After coming to his senses Henry tended her wounds, not forgiveness. But for self-preservation. What hospital wouldn't immediately report Henry for spousal abuse? Henry would have gone to jail. Another feather in Richard's hat.

Henry was not as evil as Richard, he was destroyed by Richard. And Richard used Alice as the instrument of Henry's destruction. No, Richard didn't pretend to be a good man. But Richard did victimize Henry and Alice.

I don't think Henry deserves prison for spousal abuse, mental and physical cruelty, sexual assault, illegal restraint, attempted murder. I think a lawyer could build Henry a case for temporary insanity. Again when alice lay unconscious and he hit her twice more, I think he was hitting Richard. Henry was not in his right mind.

I don't know why you put Henry in prison for his actions and don't pursue Richard for his? If Henry was such a closet monster, why didn't he blow Richard's brains out? And why can’t Alice be punished her for her actions? Sure, she was the recipient of a lot of detrimental treatment by Richard and post Richard's eviction. But she totally threw away her own accountability towards Henry, their marriage and herself.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

re:Hcop Why don't you stick it up your cuck ass. Stop reading comments if you're that sensitive about them.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"Hcop" seems to have a strong opinion about the quality of authors in this category. In my opinion, authors whose stories make it into the top 250 of the Hall of Fame in any category is what I consider the best. But then, we're all entitled to our opinions, no matter how flawed they are.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"Hcop: One of the best authors here, though we don't read stories of yous often enough."


Well, the numbers are telling a totally different story. In the 5 parts of this serie, we got: 3.7, 3.4, 3.2, 2.5 and 3.2 stars, so these are very low evaluations received from the readers. This last part got 7700 views till now, and just 3.2* (55% of the rating range). The very well appreciated tales reach at least the 4* (75%). So, it's just a personal opinion to see "one of the best authors here", with these low evaluations. The reasons ? The content of the tales of the writing style ?

HcopHcop10 months ago

Re anonymous statistician:

Obviously each one of us expresses his opinions, flawed or with merit. I expressed mine addressing the author. Writing is a form of art and art is never judged by its popularity. If that was the case, Taylor Swift would be more artful than Brahms.

To the other anonymous, the idiot, in your words don't be so sensitive, if it bothers you don't read the comments.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

re:Hcop You're an idiot, plain and simple. Just shut the fuck up.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I enjoyed this wacky story. 👍 Series deserves a better overall rating.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Horror! this reminds me of the deep seat horror that you cannot do a single thing about; at every turn poor old Henry walks into another web of terror. It is a true wonder he is even half sane at this stage, he has lost all power in his life, not even a deep clean set him free. It would be fantastic if Richard [a real Dick] and his minions were on the receiving end of a Sharon Tate style end but H J is way too subtle for something that crass or simple. Another begrudging 5 only begrudging because I am a soft soul.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

There are evil people that use women (Richard).

Then... UGH! the sensless brutal beating of his down and out desperate, homeless

Woman. My heart sank for him and I actually cried for her and felt physically sick. ( could not eat my lunch).

Beating a woman is never right...NEVER. Especially with a weapon. Even if one has been so deeply wronged

You are a very talented writer. I know my 5/5* won't help the rating of this story.

You had me emotionally involved with their plight. If a writer gets me upset that top marks from me.

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userH. Jekyll@H. Jekyll
I'm just a guy who loves sex and loves words. I like stroke stories well enough, but I don't often write them and frankly I think that sex can be the curse of sex stories. I write about what sex means to people, how it hurts and heals them, how they are driven by it, how it dr...