Far Pangaea 70 : Immaculate Misconception


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During their commune Orin starts barking orders. This gave young James the chance to speak out to others. Elder James as well. In a unified effort. Elder James telling Sophia she was the best he ever had. She sniveled slightly while voicing her thoughts. Of course she told him she had better. He knew differently. She had never fucked an Anomaly before. He had a billion years to build up to it. That response made her giggle. Of course Harpea noticed.

"Telepathy." Harpea calls out in her mind, "Please allow me to join in."

"Private room." Elder James replies, Harpea smirking slightly.

"You have not surmised my true calling have you Anomaly?"

"Meaning what? Dragon Lady?"

"All worlds have a counter part to yours Anomaly. Time itself begins with the first impression. Knowledge. However, it all began here on Earth. The Prime creation. On my world the Anomaly saw her reflection which began just as yours did. I am also a descendant of our own Anomaly. None know of this. Our people have not abused this knowledge as Orin has. He himself does not know."

"Mean Anomaly." Sophia interrupts in her thoughts. To which Harpea picks up on. "A ruse. Play along child. I approach my own birthday in six months. I chose to join Orin in hopes of learning how to extend my life beyond 33 Earth years. 66 upon my own world. As noted I do not look old. In a sense I am not. Let us work this out together."

"Not to be trusted." Young James invades her mind forcing Harpea to wince at the assault. She realized then and there that somehow Younger James was more powerful than his older self. The Elder weaker due to his expiration date approaching by the minute.

Orin sensing a strangeness about everyone growled toward G'Ort, "Let's get this started. Haul the brat along behind me. Guards escort the older brat. Get me Granddaughter locked away until this is over."

Sophia began struggling and complaining of their hands in all the wrong but oh so right places. Dragging her toward her old room brusquely. Tossing her inside the door closes and the guards bar any exit. Their biggest mistake to date. None of them noticed a dampness at their feet. Yet.

Orin led the way toward the ramp. Both James held firmly in tow. Reaching the ramp Ridge noted his time. Fourteen minutes until D-Day. Knowing he still had to contend with the Giant and the Hybrid he let a pair of guards advance before him to bar the way.

Once stepping to the bottom of the ramp he met Malcolm for the first time. At twelve feet in height at the moment. Looking just intimidating enough. It helped his act by the fact he held in his mighty hands a certain Tachyon Destroyer gun. To his left Oophalah munching on the arm of the soldier who once wielded the weapon.

"Step aside or the boy dies." Orin waves them away from the path toward the grottos. Malcolm growls until he notes a pleasant surprise. Madigan had emerged partially through the hull to motion for him to let them pass. Mal nods and steps aside. Oophalah spits his food out disgustingly and also backs off. With his own telepathy picking up on Malcolm's thoughts on the matter.

While the sojourn proceeds out on the rocks the only other Hybrid who remained behind due to her promise observed. Animahni peered carefully to see what was transpiring. She had told Oophalah upon his arrival of her mission to watch over the--

"Monkey man!" Animahni briefly turns to check on the primitive Moe. In a panic she looks about, "He's gone." Obviously her paralysis effect on Moe had faded. In a race to escape the hairy little man must have snuck off during the battle. Animahni felt badly for failing Madigan.

Reaching the Tempora Grotto Orin Ridge parts his arms from side to side. The vibrations in the great hall of the canyon were intensifying. Time was near.

Harpea held back but kept her interest on the situation. Until Elder James entered her thoughts, "So my dying here will give you insight into how to prevent your death? That's rather morbid."

"I'm Ganthorian. What would you expect? We study life. We fashion it to exist better. This is only another day at the lab."

"If you're an Anomaly like me then there has to be a certain amount of good in you. Keep my friends safe. Please."

"Relax old man. We're good." Younger James confidently projects.

Harpea thinly smiled. The demeanor of the boy appeared so in control over his own destiny. This would prove quite interesting indeed. It still amazed her that more than one Anomaly could exist in the same lifetime.

High above them on the canyon ceiling something bizarre began to happen. The web like stick drawings illuminating on the walls began to look as if they were dancing. It took the Hordakians in their snorting to make even Orin realize the epic.

"Well now." Orin smiled, "The party begins."

"How do the cave paintings dance?" Harpea admired with her jaw wide.

"Wait until they play Twister with you Sister." Mal grumbles sensing just how the drama was unfolding. Oophalah sensing Animahni turns toward her. She had snuck in behind them as the Hordakians surrounded their vicinity. Stealthily touching guard after guard and inducing her paralysis injections. Magic fingers indeed.

Within the ship Greta Winston in her invisible state carried a visible box of some type of fruit down the hallway directly in front of Sophia's cell. The guards on duty eying the strangeness of it. Grunting they chose to investigate the floating box. They were hungry at the very least. Greta managed to draw them at least six feet from the door. As they reached out for her she dropped the box and ran. Distraction complete. Behind them Madigan phased through the cell door and entered into the room.

"Sophia?" In the gloominess she found the unexpected. Her daughter laying on the floor amid a mass of clear liquid. Maddy quickly realized the glob around her was the hybrid Jello Shot. In a panic at first until Sophia opens her eyes and looks at her Mother.

"Intimate moment Mom. You mind?" She mumbles through the liquid and gel. Moaning as if having another orgasm.

"Oh my God!" Maddy had to turn away.

As the guards outside devoured fruit they note a blue glow coming from the hallway around the corner. Investigating it meant leaving their post. One held back while the other curiously stalked toward it. Other Hordakians had already discovered the strange glow and were mesmerized by it. Adorning a wall it felt warm and peaceful to the touch. Almost as if it were calling out to the Hordakians to feel in its gift.

The lone guard at the doorway couldn't resist. He had to see it for himself. The second he stepped away Greta moved in to open the door. One quick look inside the Cowgirl turned around and marched back out.

"I did not just see and hear that." She would wait in the hall and wonder about the soft blue light. This mosquito would avoid the bug zapper. Reasons being the horde of worshippers surrounding it.

Back outside Animahni on her silent quest found herself confronted by something that made her smile. Waving from behind another rock formation stood Elle Franklin in her diamond form. A thing of alluring beauty even in the light.

Sneaking to her side the girls hug and crouch down awaiting their time to strike. A quick kiss made both their nights.

Orin eyed the Tempora pool. The waters were simmering in their mirrored effect. What was once hard to see yourself in became more vibrant. At the approaching hour the grotto would become the perfect mirror. Harpea and another Ganthorian scientist watched Orin intently. Letting him either make history or make a mistake. Either way they would learn something this eve.

"Time to shed more than some light Kiddies." Orin unclips his robe and lets it fall to the ground. Standing proud in his own skin. Circling around to face James and James.

"Little blue pill wouldn't help that." Elder James chuckled.

Younger James smirks at his older version, "Mom's coming."

Orin took a sudden interest in the boys words, "What was that you said? Mom? The Colonel perhaps?"

Young James raises his palms to show off letters glowing on them. Right hand spelling ON, left hand WA.

Harpea stood amazed by the newest revelation. How was he doing that? She stepped closer to examine them when the letters changed to BA then CK before a vibrant OF on one palm then a larger F on the other.

"What does this mean?" Harpea darts her gaze from young James to the older. The Elder feeling his own palms growing warm.

"I don't recall this happening when I was younger. I guess time is changing already."

Letters ignite on the Elder's palms as Harpea moves to him grabbing his wrists to check it out. Only smaller and becoming complete verses. Harpea recites the words as they light up.


A sudden blinding light erupts overhead forcing all below to cover their eyes. Orin stood in awe of something he hadn't expected.


"Why yes I am. So not my child." Came a familiar voice to some. Both James grin as they look at each other. They knew who it was instantly. Remaining calm of mind so as not to alert the telepathic Harpea of just who it was. Or that they knew him.

Orin refused to bow even though he did dryly swallow at the glowing figure above.

"Release my children or face my wrath."

Orin grimaces, "I don't think so. Times up Elderboy." A hesitant Hordakian guard forces older James toward the pool and throws him in. The splash down in his weakened state made it difficult to swim. Orin in turn turned and stepped into the grotto with a handed knife. His Hordakian guard priming guns on the glowing man hovering above.

Groaning at his failed act Cameron Scott just starts zapping soldiers with laser like daggers in rapid precision.

"BRING ME THE BOY." Orin roars from the pool.

Harpea is suddenly nudged aside and a soldier hurls young James into the water. Submerged at first he chokes on the waters. Its taste horrible as he frolics to stay afloat. Young James knew he should have taken swimming lessons. Fortunately his older self did. Both hugging each other to stay above water.

Sensing the perfect vibration Orin glides in behind the Elder James, "Nothing personal."

A swift slash across the Elders throat gushed blood into the water. Young James feeling his own pain and loss. In a raging battle around them the Hordakians that had feeling in their limbs took the initiative of surprise to wage war.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Can you feel it Boy? The vibes are magnificent. I might not need that blue pill after all." Orin basks as young James clings to his older self choking to death. It was horrifying to see himself dying.

A thunderous roar is heard from the ship behind everyone. All fighters slowing to observe Hordakians toppling down the ramp by the dozens. Gathering bodies at the base in a large pile.

"LEAVE MY SON ALONE!" Echoes from the interior of the ship. The canyon walls amplifying it.

Harpea looks to her fellow scientist with an expression of fear. Her associate merely shrugging. Prepared to turn and run Harpea finds herself facing a living breathing Diamond.

"Going somewhere?"

Elle Franklin presses the tip of her hydraulic spear up to the woman's chin. Animahni joining her to face the Ganthorians. A simple caress paralyzes both. Elle grinning at Harpea merely says, "Stay."

Orin struggles with James as he attempts to get him in bleeding range. The hour was at hand. A precious five minutes was all he had left to succeed. The Tempora mirror mixing red with its mirrored effect.

"Stop fighting you Brat."

"Stop trying to kill me you Old Fart."

As they wrestled to stay above water and keeping the blade at arms length. The real battle emerged. Invisible Greta leading the charge down the ramp with a Sonic gun blazing. Followed by a pleasant surprise.


"Ruby?" Everyone murmured as one.

Striding to crawl over the Hordakian tackle formation the stunning Ruby Goddard appeared. She seemed different. Slightly bigger. More muscular in tone. In her bolt toward the grotto she took a hail of gunfire from soldiers. The Sonics merely annoying her. Blades were breaking on her flesh merely cleaving her clothing. Grim look on her face she tossed Hordakians aside like fleas. Pummeling others with rapid punches that felt like getting hit but a truck.

High from her arrival the rest of the gang joined in. Malcolm intensified his growth to 50 feet tall and literally kicked five Hordakians like he would a football. Throwing them through the air as if a kick off at the Super Bowl.

Cameron flying by his friend chuckled, "Stadium seats Buddy."

Mal grinned and continued clearing the field.

Elle, Greta, and Animahni battled back to back. Hordakians everywhere. More pouring out of the ship. The bowels of the X'Orr must have been packed with Pigs. Some of them appeared terrified. Racing out to escape.

Madigan Ridge flowed out like a Banshee. Her voice wailing to strike terror. It had been awhile since she had accessed that feature. It was all about fear now. Following her out was just as big of a shock as Ruby.


Stepping down with a dedicated gloss marched Sophia Ridge. Having in a sense been bedded by Jello Shot he shared his Tyrant Tear armada with her. Instead of eating the girl the Tears recognized her as their new Host. The solo cell microbe coaxing them to join him inside the young beauty. It was good to be home.

Ruby continued her battle toward the grotto. The body count mounting all around her. Seeing James fighting for his life made her glow golden hot. The fetus inside her fueling her with adrenalin. Strengthening her in every way possible. His own existence possibly in jeopardy if his adolescent self perished.

The Hordak Commander G'Ort began to show his true colors stealthily avoiding the losing battle by keeping to the shadows of the rock formations. Inspired to run away and live he hid well. Crouching in a sweat.

"A true Leader does not abandon his troops."

G'Ort swallows with a grunt and hauntingly looks behind him. A blade of light eases from a sheath then ceases. The blade returning to its home. G'Ort stood then to face a mighty Roman Centurion. Antonaeus Gaicazar glared at him, "I shall join the battle for you."

As Gaicazar stepped away G'Ort looked confused. Regardless he was still alive. Through puffed cheeks the Swine felt relief. He didn't feel a thing. A Vampire flock fed on the Commander with zest.

Joining the war Gaicazar drew his blade once more. Cleaving heads as they faced him. Joining the hybrid Oophalah with a glint of shared respect.

Ruby had reached the grotto. Sadly only remnants of her clothing were left on her succulent form. She wasn't worried in the least. Orin had managed to drown young James enough to weaken him into submission. The Elder James floating on top of the water beside them. This was the first time Ruby had seen the older James. It made her pause.

"So. The pregnant Colonel made it just in time." Orin bragged, "I knew you would. Quite interesting this glow about you. Motherhood suits you well."

"Let him go. He dies you die."

"On the contrary Colonel."

With a swift slice to young James throat blood continues to flow. Ruby shrieks at the sight. Releasing the boy Orin leans back and bathes his entire body in the Tempora and blood. Emerging with a grin as his body is coated by a mirrored effect. Looking down at the water he see's his reflection. It was glorious.

"Wait! I only see my own face. Where is God's face?"

Ruby had no clue. She swooped in to cradle James in her arms. Tears flowing. Her own stomach feeling loss. Her body returning to normal. She was losing them all. All for one. Growling Orin continues to study the water, "Nooo! Where is God?"

In his plight Orin evaluates the defeat above. Another look at the Tempora waters. A glance at Ruby in her failing emotions. A swift glance of the grotto shoreline. Pause. "It's not possible."

On the far end of the grotto crouched a certain Primitive young man. Looking directly into the pool smiling at himself. His reflection seen. A reflection that changes into something other than his own face. One that winks back at him. A moment to dance in his huddled position the early man looks up with a cheesy grin.

Orin knew failure. Submerging he attempts to drown himself.

Ruby clung to James tightly as the boy manages a whisper. Hearing Cameron Scott hovering over them sigh, "Moe saw God." James coughs up blood and eyes Ruby.

"Mom." He barely escapes his lungs. Fighting for another few words, "MoE is ME."

She closes her eyes and holds him to her chest. Bare chest at that. James felt comfort in his dying breath. Seeing her agony Cameron lowers himself into the water to console them both. His glow basking them all.

Spiraling headlong amidst them came a bawling Sophia Ridge. She swam to the Elder James side and rolled him over and drew him into her own arms. Her Tyrant cells forbid to hurt him further.

As the women bawl the final death toll ended as Gaicazar stood with a bloody sword. Noting the grotto the Roman held his sword out before him. Its glow strangely ceasing and returning as if encouraging him to follow the light. It was poised directly at the pool. The journey taken the Centurion stands over the drama. He tilts his blade toward the water and catches a reflection of his own. Young James. As he spies the image the cross on his eyes pupil fires up. Not seeing evil. But seeing the true light. The reflection of James tells him a tale. A tale of Jesus. A face that forms around the facial reflection of the boy. Then a swift alteration to a baby in swaddling clothes. A Mother holding him closely. Realization sets in. How could the Roman not piece it all together?

"My Lord? I give unto Thee." He drops to his knees and casts the blade into the waters. Reaching up he digs his fingers into his eye socket. A gruesome yet painless decision plucks his eye from his skull. It too is tossed into the waters.

Malcolm returns to normal size as he encourages Elle, Animahni, Greta, Madigan, and Oophalah to surround the grotto out of respect.

Moments pass when a sudden tremor shakes everything. Dust falls from the canopy of artwork above. The Tempora ripples. More than 33 times. If counted the ripples would reach 333. Light fades from Cameron as he looks over his hands in surprise. A moment of peace followed.

Everyone wept. Even a hybrid Orca.

Ruby manages a glance at Sophia and her aged Son within the girls arms. A moment of eye contact defines their relationship. Above them Madigan notes the connection made. She whom cheated death had no say. Turning tangible Maddy hugs Malcolm from the side. Beside her Greta stepped up behind Gaicazar and knelt to comfort the Roman. Elle pulled Animahni to her side and allowed the scarlet hued Beauty to lay her head upon her diamond shoulder. Oophalah? He took his leave. A caress to Animahni's shoulder made her look up for confirmation. Telepathy told the girl that her home was with these people. She would obey her Leader. On his way by the ship Oophalah spots Jello Shot blobbing his way down the ramp. Acknowledging him as his own Leader the two made their way to the water.

Ruby pondered on Jack. He couldn't be here to witness this. The death. Deaths of a son that should have been his. Might still be. If Merlin. Merwyn was truly mistaken. Lord she missed Jack. She missed James. His youth kept her sane. Even when he wasn't flirting with her. Peeping Tom. Pervert.

"What the?"

Ruby felt a tweak to her right breast suddenly. Her stomach reacting to the waters she inhaled. Presumably. Her flesh tightening. A golden glow returning ever so slightly. Cameron beside her smiled. His own light energizing again. Above everyone the artwork resumed their dance. Cam looked up at Mal and Elle. With a shrug the two knew Cam had nothing to do with the Dance Dance Revolution this time.