Fem School


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Tina was relieved as she walked back to the others. She and Pat had not talked about this and, while Tina knew what the injections could do, she had not thought about it before.

Jane went for her talk with Ms. Sheila. Dr. Carla was trying to comfort Michelle and had her at least calm now.

Jane and Ms. Sheila rejoined the group. Only Michelle was listed for hormone injections that would start that evening.

Dr. Carla helped Michelle up and they went off together. About half an hour later, Ms. Gina said good night and went the same way Dr. Carla and Michelle had gone.

A little while later, Dr. Carla came back and asked for Tina.

Dr. Carla told Tina to go to her room and change out of her clothes and put on a robe she would find there and then take Tina's night things to Dr. Carla's office.

When they got to the examination room, Dr. Carla told Tina to take off all of her robe and hang it on the door. The Tina was told to get on the table. Dr. Carla was pulling on latex gloves.

"Face the wall and pull your knees up to your chest." Tina did as she was told.

The next thing Tina felt was Dr. Carla's finger pushing some kind of goop up her ass. Tina drew her breath in suddenly in response.

"Just try to relax. This won't hurt if you can relax." Something was being pushed into her rectum. It kept going in until it was firmly seated. Then the water started to flow into her. Dr. Carla removed the gloves and was messaging her stomach. It only took a minute before the pressure started to get very noticeable.

"I think it is getting too much..." Tina was feeling very full.

"A little bit more and you will be done."

Tina felt like she would burst. Dr. Carla rubbing her belly helped but it was getting to the point at which even that would make a difference.

"Ok, that is all of it. Go expel it."

Tina did and was back in the exam room. Dr. Carla told her to get back up on the table for a 'rinse'.

When that was done, Tina was told to cleanup and put her nightgown and robe on. Tina was told to go ask Jane to report to the examination room.

When Tina did, Ms. Joyce escorted Tina to Ms. Joyce's room. "I hope you will enjoy spending the night with me. I know I will enjoy it."

Tina was getting excited to be spending the evening with this beautiful blond instructor. At lease she would have been excited if the chastity tube on her cock would let her get excited. This night might not be that good after all.

Ms. Joyce's room was very feminine with a four poster bed and lace all over.

"Take a minute to feel at home. I'll be right back." Ms. Joyce went through another door. Tina did not know what to do so she sat on the bed and waited.

When Ms. Joyce came back, she was naked. Well, almost naked. She had on black panties that had short legs and was high on her waist. In the middle of it was... the biggest dildo Tina had ever seen. It glistened with lube. This was enough for Tina to not notice Ms. Joyce's beautiful breasts and hard nipples.

"Come over here, you." Ms. Joyce pulled Tina to her feet and hugged her. Tina felt the 'cock' press against her lower belly. The kiss Ms. Joyce planted on Tina's lips shocked Tina and made her legs almost give out.

"I have been watching you all day and waiting to get my hands on you. This week you are all mine and I intend to use you to the fullest."

Ms. Joyce took Tina's hand and guided her over to a bench opposite the bed. Then she helped Tina take of the robe and nightgown and panties. Tina was pushed over the bench lengthwise and Ms. Joyce pulled Tina's arms down and forward. Padded straps were fastened around her wrists preventing her from standing up. Then Ms. Joyce moved back and fastened other straps around her ankles.

"This is to keep you safe. Any pulling or twisting can hurt."

Ms. Joyce spread Tina's ass cheeks and placed the tip of the dildo to her tight opening. Tina was trying to calm herself but this was bigger than the enema nozzle and this would hurt.

Tina felt the dildo at her ass hole.

"Concentrate on breathing normally", Ms. Joyce said.

Tina tried to concentrate but as the dildo pressed into her she gasped. For a moment she thought she would pass out.

Then, all of a sudden, it was in! It did hurt but the initial shock was over. Tina now had the pleasure of feeling Ms. Joyce press the dildo in as far as it would go.

Beyond the pain was a feeling of fullness that was not unpleasant, in fact, it was pleasurable!

Ms. Joyce paused and held herself against the girl's butt. Then, slowly, she started to work the dildo back out.

Tina knew what was coming next. How many times had she, not as a 'she' but a 'he', done this same thing to Pat?

She did not have to wait long; Ms. Joyce withdrew it almost all the way then pushed it back in. Then it was back out; this was repeated again...and again...and again.

This Tina did not expect when she entered the school; to be feminized, yes, but to be used, to be fucked, well, no. It started as a harmless game, not it was life changing. What really had Tina scared was the fact that, as Ms. Joyce continued, she, Tina, was beginning to enjoy it! If it weren't for the tube on her cock, it would be iron hard! As it was, she felt the tip of her cock getting slippery with precum.

Ms. Joyce was holding on to Tina's hips and pounding the artificial cock into her. Suddenly, Ms. Joyce stopped and her whole body tensed. Tina could only feel the dildo in her ass but she knew Ms. Joyce was climaxing; it lasted for several seconds.

Then Ms. Joyce relaxed and Tina felt the dildo slip out of her ass.

"I always enjoy a virgin!" Ms. Joyce released the straps and sent Tina to get cleaned up.

Tina went into the bathroom and did so. While there, she paused and looked in the mirror. Other than looking feminine, she looked the same as she did days; weeks ago. Yet here she was, being used for someone else's pleasure. She did not know if she liked that or not. She did feel glad that someone else found her attractive enough to want to fuck her. But still... she was, in reality, a man; not a woman.

That was the first time she remembered her true gender since coming to this place. Until that very moment she was thinking of herself as a woman.

'What would, what could, happen next' was her thought.

"Are you almost done?"

Tina went back to Ms. Joyce's bedroom not knowing what to expect.

"Put on your night gown and come to bed."

Tina did as she was told and got into the bed.

Ms. Joyce lay on her back and looked at Tina. "How about you put that pretty mouth to good use."

Tina did not have to guess what she was referring to. Tina started at her neck and kissed and nuzzled her way down. She stopped and moved Ms. Joyce's nightgown aside and exposed an erect and stone hard nipple. This she knew what to do with. She drew it between her lips and ran her tongue over it. As she did this, Ms. Joyce placed her hand on the back of Tina's head and held the girl at her breast.

Tina worked on the hard nugget that was Ms. Joyce's nipple until Ms. Joyce let her head go and Tina could move farther down. Tina had discovered that Ms. Joyce had removed the vinyl shorts with the dildo and now she was bare below the waist and waiting for Tina.

Tina push her nose into Ms. Joyce's cleft and felt the soft wetness. Ms. Joyce was very wet and parted her legs even more to allow Tina entrance. Tina could not stop now even if she wanted to. She burrowed into Ms. Joyce and licked and sucked like she had never done this before.

Tina felt her cock trying to get hard for the second time. She could feel the stickiness at the tip again; not that she came but she was getting wet never the less. The thought that that was happening, and that she could not do anything about it, drove her to suck on Ms. Joyce's clit with renewed determination.

Then Ms. Joyce tensed and rode her second orgasm of the evening.

This time, Ms. Joyce took a couple of minutes to regain her composure.

"Go wash your face and come back, quickly."

Tina did and was back in bed in a few minutes; this time to sleep.

Ms. Joyce curled up behind Tina and put her arm around Tina.

"Tomorrow morning you can do that again." Tina was feeling proud that she had gotten Ms. Joyce off but also very frustrated that she could not experience the same release.

'Oh, well, maybe tomorrow.' Tina thought as she fell asleep.

When Tina woke, Ms. Joyce was already awake but still holding her.

"Do you remember what I said you could do again this morning?" Tina had no problem remembering what was expected of her. She rolled over and moved down to start on Ms. Joyce's nipples. They did not seem as hard as last night but Tina found it hard to distinguish if that was so or not.

After only a short time at her breasts, Ms. Joyce was pushing Tina lower. Tina slid down and Ms. Joyce laid back and spread her legs. Tina did remember the soft lips and the wetness and was excited to be back at the woman's pussy.

Ms. Joyce was not as wet as last night but it took Tina just a few minutes to work Ms. Joyce's juices into a flood. Tina felt her own juices flowing and hoped that today she would be let out so she could enjoy a much anticipated orgasm.

Ms. Joyce's pussy was Tina's whole world for the next few minutes. It was wet and soft and the clit was as hard as her nipples had been. When it finally came, s. Joyce's orgasm was at least as forceful as any she had the last evening.

After it was over and she had recovered, Ms. Joyce lay with Tina's head on her thigh stroking Tina's hair. Tina laid there with her face inches from the woman's pussy and enjoyed the sight and smell.

"As much as I would like to stay like this, we have to get the day moving. Clean up a little and go to your room and put on what has been laid out for you. Then get the breakfast tray from the kitchen and bring it back here."

On the way back to her room, Tina was thinking about how she was going to face Jane and Michelle knowing she had lost her virginity last night. She wondered if it could possibly show on her face somehow.

The outfit on her bed was just like what she had seen Barbara wearing; a very frilly, very feminine dress. It was almost a maid's outfit but not quite with no apron.

Once dressed, she headed for the kitchen rather slowly. When she finally got there, she saw that the tray for Ms. Joyce was the only one there and no one was waiting for her other than the cook. Cook told her that her breakfast was on the tray along with Ms. Joyce's.

Ms. Joyce was dressed and sitting at her dressing table. During breakfast, Ms. Joyce told Tina that today was nap day. This was another special day or rather afternoon. After they were done eating Tina and the other girls would have a class in walking and sitting properly. Then, after lunch, the students and the mistresses would pair up again and then each couple would go to their rooms for a nap.

Tina was thinking that an afternoon nap would be a good thing even though she slept well the night before.

When Tina met up with the other girls she noticed that they were quiet and would look away when she looked at them. 'I wonder if they had the same thing happen last night that I did.'

By the time lunch rolled around, everyone was acting more normally.

After they were done eating, Ms. Gina walked over to Tina and asked it Tina would like to have a nap with her. Tina said ok and Ms. Gina took her hand and pulled Tina along to Ms. Gina's room. Tina was expecting something like the night before to happen again but she was surprised when Ms. Gina handed her a black leather 'thing' and told her to put it on. Tina turned it over and realized it was a hood with rings attached all over the top. Then Tina was told to strip.

While Tina was figuring out what was intended for her to wear, she failed to notice what Ms. Gina was putting on. It was a pair of black panties like Ms. Joyce had worn the previous evening but instead of the dildo these were crotchless! There were some straps hanging from the waist and the thighs. That was all Ms. Gina was wearing.

Ms. Gina lay on the bed. "Ok, come over here and lay on my legs."

Tina did as Ms. Gina spread her legs. Tina found her face was very close to Ms. Gina's pussy. The she felt Ms. Gina working on the rings on Tina's hood. The straps were pulled tight and Tina's face was secured to Ms. Gina's pussy. No matter how she moved, Tina was held by the straps in place. For someone who liked having their face in a soft pussy, this was not a bad arraignment.

"While you are down there, you might want to do what I think you know I want."

Tina did not have to be told twice. She ran her tongue along Ms. Gina's slit. When she got to the clit, Ms. Gina moaned softly. Tina kept running her tongue around the sides and completed each turn with a swipe at the distended clit. Ms. Gina's orgasm did not take long in happening.

Tina was told to lie quietly and go to sleep. As if that was going to happen with her face secured to Ms. Gina's pussy! Ms. Gina did fall asleep rather quickly but for Tina a nap was several minutes coming. She did get to sleep after a fashion.

Tina woke to the feel of Ms. Gina stroking her head.

"Did you sleep well? I sleep very soundly." Tina could not answer very well with her face in Ms. Gina's pussy so she kind of nodded.

"Ok, now I want you to do exactly as I tell you. Can you do that for me?"

Tina did the nodding thing again.

"What I want you to do is to slip inside my pussy lips with your mouth. That is right get right in there. Now open your mouth and make a seal. That's it, now press against me. Ok, now don't move and I will take it slowly. Ready?"

Tina had no idea what to expect but she did the nodding thing once again.

Then she felt something warm in her mouth. It...was...Ms. Gina was urinating into her mouth!

With her face held so tightly by the straps and now Ms. Gina was pressing on the back of her head, Tina could not move away. There was so much she was forced to swallow. It kept coming for almost a minute! Then it slowed to a stop.

"Now lick me dry."

That seemed to be the least of the humiliating acts expected of her.

'Why don't you give me another orgasm while I have you down there?"

Tina did as she was asked. When she was finally unstrapped, Ms. Gina did some explaining.

"The harness is to insure you go through with the whole nap time experience. This will happen often; in fact you may be told to provide the 'service' at any time, even outside of nap time."

Tina was allowed to get dressed and rejoin the others. Jane and Michelle were very quiet and they did not look at each other. It was clear that they all had the same experience.

A few minutes later the school mistresses all arrived.

"Now you all know what will happen for the rest of you stay at Fem School. You will be the 'girls' you have dream you wanted to be and you will be used by the staff as we see fit. Don't feel embarrassed; what has happened to any one of you has happened to all of you. I have heard it said that if someone does something 10 times, it becomes a habit. You will all be developing some new habits. That is the purpose of Fem School. By the time you leave here, those habits will be second nature."

For the rest of their stay, every night the 'girls' were selected to spend the night with one of the school mistresses. Every night the dildos were in use and every other day was nap day. At no time were the chastity devices unlocked except for supervised clean up times. Michelle was receiving regular injections and her body was developing curves where she did not have them before.

Tina had begun to think of herself as a girl; not as a man any longer. By the time 'graduation day' arrived she was having trouble even remembering wearing male clothing.

When 'graduation day' did arrive, she was troubled by the thought of Pat seeing her so completely feminized. She did not know that Pat was receiving periodic reports on her progress.

The wife-mistresses were treated to dinner and were addressed by Ms. Sheila. The girls were kept away for them until after that had happened. Then each girl was shown to a small room to get reacquainted with their wife-mistress.

Tina was apprehensive to see Pat again. A lot had happened at the school and she did not know how Pat would react to her new self.

Ms. Sheila led her into the room and stayed for a few minutes. Ms. Sheila told Pat of the changes that Tina had gone through and Pat looked her over with a critical eye.

"I think you have done a good job with her. She seems totally feminized."

'She has been one of our best students. I am sorry to see her go. Before I leave you please remember to continue with the activities she has been taught. If allowed, she will revert to her former self."

"I understand that completely. She will not forget her training."

To Tina, Ms. Sheila said, "Remember, you are to address your wife-mistress as 'Ms. Pat'. Obey her and service her as you have been taught."

"Now if you will both come with me, I will show you to a room."

Ms. Sheila led Tina and Ms. Pat to what Tina recognized as Ms. Joyce's room.

"This will be your room for the night. Please enjoy you stay." Ms. Sheila left.

"Well, was it all you expected?"

"I never thought it would be possible to be as transformed as I have become."

"Do you think you could be a girl for me all the time?"

"If you want me to be."

"That is what I thought you would say."

That evening Ms. Pat used the dildo panties and Tina felt so much affection for her it almost scared her. Then they were in bed and Tina proved that the oral training was one of the high points of the training.

"I heard you have been trained to provide a 'service'. Do you think you could show me how it is done?"

Tina blushed. She did not know all of the details Ms. Pat had been told. Now she did. Tina slid under the covers and pressed her mouth to Ms. Pat's pussy. By this time she was accustomed to swallowing and keeping her mouth tight to a pussy at the same time.

Ms. Pat seemed to hesitate a moment. Then a slow but steady trickle filled Tina's mouth.

"That was something I had to see to believe. I did not think you could do it."

Tina was contented being back with Ms. Pat. She felt accepted and loved and protected. This had been a journey that not all that long ago had seemed impossible yet here she was. And tomorrow she was going home with Ms. Pat.

The next morning, she was back between Ms. Pat's legs to provide a wake up orgasm and to provide her 'service' also.

After breakfast, everyone was ready to leave. Ms. Sheila gave Ms. Pat a key on a chain. "This is the key to her chastity device. It is yours to unlock as you see fit."

"I need to think about when that will happen, or not. I will also be thinking about the hormones you mentioned. My Tina might benefit from that."

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JackiemichelleJackiemichelle11 months ago

Couldn't stop reading. I hope you finish her journey and let us know where you want her to go. I wish I was in her place and my wife would accept me to transition. I need to become the woman I always should have been

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Chapter 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nope. Missed the mark when you changed it into a non-con/pegging thing. Note that he can remove the cage at any time without the key (it's a toy) and the cage was another wasted bit that had nothing to do with crossdressing. When he learns that he can't trust his wife, that's an instant divorce. And after what happens in the school, signature or not, the civil lawsuit would have closed the school, put them in jail and made him a wealthy man. Good start, horrible ending ruined the story. 1 star

v22omkv22omkalmost 2 years ago

i continued to think about this story...and the transfer of power...it's clear that MIss Pat needs to take a male lover and then train Tina to suck cock...

v22omkv22omkalmost 2 years ago

Not sure why i even read this story...a bisexual woman...but somehow i chanced onto it and...oh my god....the slow, steady erosion of Tina's manhood...the careful destruction of the carefully constructed persona he had lived all his life...was incredibly erotic! And the casual way at the end... about the lock, and the hormones.. "I need to think about when that will happen, or not. I will also be thinking about the hormones you mentioned. My Tina might benefit from that." Such a clear transfer of complete power from Tina to Ms. Pat.... any sub could understand and get wet from that!

SissyTanya69SissyTanya69over 9 years ago

I would love this to happen to me

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

just love the holl transformation but I donote like watter sports the rest was fab is his wife going to give him hormones pls write more ty leann mawh xxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Michelle gets Tina but loses her husband Tim.

I think that the wife went over board with her husband sending him to the school. They had a loving relationship but he wanted to explore his feminine side at times to find out what a woman felt like and may be understand his wife better. But not to be subjected to what he had done to him at the school. To have a chastity device, turned into a slave or sex toy for his wife and may be put on hormones is too much. That is not what he was looking for. He will probably never be the same loving husband. What will you have the wife do next? Have her find a new guy to screw her or her feminized husband?

crazycatzcrazycatzover 10 years ago

I wish you will keep the story going a little bit longer.Well written

bluesky496bluesky496over 10 years ago

i love this story , i want to go to fem school too .

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