Female Sexual Response: Subject 334


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I walked in the room to see Kinsey wearing Veronica and on all fours, humping the air as she arched her back, crying in ecstasy. At first, I panicked. Was someone here in the room? I looked around, but saw that she was alone.

She looked over and smiled at me. "Hey," she said as if this was totally normal for her. And I hate to say it, but it was totally normal for her.

"You're supposed to wear it with someone in the room," I said, just as Logan started caressing my nipples with his tongue. Both tongues.

"I know," she said. "I've already logged my one hour today."

"Oh," I said just as Logan started slowly fucking me. Slow and hard he thrust into me, almost making me lose my balance as I walked to my bed and lay down, propped up on my pillows.

I watched as Veronica made Kinsey climax two more times while Logan was teasing me, taunting me. Just as I reached out to touch him, he would run away and hide. Laughing. Over and over again until I was frustrated, squirming on my bed and squeezing my legs together, hoping it would be enough to push me over. Kinsey took off her device and put on her bathrobe. She got her shower caddy and was about to leave. But she couldn't leave. She had to stay in the room with me!

"No!" I cried.

She turned to look at me, puzzled. "What?"

"You can't leave," I panted.

And then I saw her smile as she understood. "You're wearing it aren't you?" I nodded just as I came. I couldn't hold it in, I moaned as I involuntarily arched my back. My hips bucked in the air, trying to meet a phantom lover halfway. I cried out in humiliation and in pleasure. Oh, that sweet sweet pleasure.

Kinsey stood there, watching me. Her robe had fallen open and she was circling her nipple. "That was so hot!" she said. "How much longer do you have to wear it?"

I gasped for air as I looked at the clock. "Ten more minutes."

She seemed disappointed. "Well, okay then," she set her caddy down and sat on her bed, cross-legged, watching me, her robe completely open. Not only was she fully exposed, her wet slit, her hardened red clitoris and the small patch of hair, but I could smell her. I could smell sex everywhere. "Let's get the show started," she smiled.

I turned my head away from her as Logan started fucking again. He was urgent, almost like he wanted to hurt me. But that's what I wanted. And he knew it.

"What is it doing?" she asked.

I ignored her as Logan started pinching and sucking my nipples. Alternating. Then simultaneously, he was sucking and licking my clitoris, softly humming and vibrating while stroking my g-spot. Over and over again, faster, harder. This was it, I would have to orgasm in front of Kinsey again as she watched, eagerly anticipating it. I reluctantly followed, higher and farther than I really wanted to go. And right before I broke through, he stopped. Leaving me gasping for air, panting and moaning loudly into my clenched fist. "No!" I heard myself scream.

And then he started again, dragging me along with him. Right as I reached the top, he stopped again. I gasped for air as I screamed in frustration.

He took me a few steps closer before violently pulling me back. And then without warning, he pressed hard on my clitoris and pushed me over. I screamed out, not caring who could hear me. I rode it as far as Logan wanted to take me, I didn't care where he was going. As I rode the crest, I didn't think it would be possible for me to go any higher, but I did. With each orgasm, I could hear myself crying out, I could feel myself violently thrashing on my bed, possessed. Logan pushed me to new heights and then slowly, gently, he carried me back, lovingly showering me with kisses on my nipples and my wet slit, knowing to stay away from my sensitive clitoris. I started crying as I tried to catch my breath.

"Wow," I heard Kinsey whisper. I didn't bother answering her. I crawled under my blanket and took off the device under the covers. I rolled over and cried until I fell asleep. I hate him, I thought. But I knew that wasn't the truth. I loved him. And I hated myself for that.

Weekly Exam: End of Week 2 I avoided Kinsey all the next day. But I knew I would probably see her at the weekly appointment at the lab. I brought Logan with me and put him on in a bathroom close to the lab and sat under a tree for 30 minutes as he teased me, licking and sucking and fucking me, bringing me close, but not close enough. When it was time, I gathered my stuff and slowly walked to the lab with dread. I didn't mind seeing the doctors or the nurses or the other girls. I just didn't want to see Kinsey.

I walked into the waiting room and was handed a clipboard. I sat among the other girls and tried not to make eye contact as I answered the questions. There were about 20 of us sitting there, uncomfortably trying to make this all appear normal, as if we were at the dentist's office or something. Did you achieve orgasm everyday? Yes. On what day did you achieve the most powerful orgasm? I hesitated. I finally wrote Day 6. Did you know the person/people in the room? Yes. If yes, what is your relationship with them? Roommate. Did they know you had achieved an orgasm? Yes.

I answered the other questions and realized it was really quiet in the room. No one was moaning or sighing in pleasure. In fact, Logan wasn't fucking me or licking me anymore. The girls who had finished their questionnaires were looking around and I know they were all thinking the same thing. A few minutes later, a door opened.

"If you can all follow me, please."

We all slowly got up. This was different. I was nervous. What was going on?

We were all led into a large room with chairs arranged in a circle. The same doctors and nurses were sitting down in chairs behind the circle. We were told to stand along the far wall and disrobe, except for the device.

"The nurses are going to go around to make sure that the device is fitting properly before we begin," Dr. Matthias announced.

I watched one of the attractive nurses approach a girl standing next to me. She was blond with freckles. She seemed like the kind of girl who would have a nice smile, but she wasn't smiling. She looked like she would be the shy modest type, like me. She had a look of fear in her eyes. The nurse reached into her top and started caressing her nipples, much like the first day. Then she unclasped the bra in the front, and squirted some clear gel on her fingers before manipulating her nipples. "Your nipples aren't fully erect," she explained. The girl was blushing deeply as the nurse pinched and rubbed her nipples. I heard a moan from my left and I saw that another nurse was using her mouth on another girl's nipples. I looked back and saw that the nurse on my right was clasping the blond girl's bra, satisfied with the hardness of her nipples. She slipped her hand inside the girls panties in the front. The girl gasped. "You have sufficient lubrication, but the clitoral stimulator isn't fitting properly either. She moved her fingers around on the inside as the girl bit her lip, a small moan escaping. With a few more adjustments, the nurse seemed satisfied and turned her attentions to me.

She just immediately unclasped my bra and started rubbing and pinching my nipples. Please get hard, I begged them. Please, please please. I didn't want her to use her mouth. She lowered her hands to look at them. I could tell she wasn't happy with their slow response. She bent her head down and took my right nipple into her mouth. I cried out, in shock and pleasure. But she didn't even try the gel, I thought. I looked up, not wanting to watch her tongue circle my nipple while her hand pulled and pinched my other nipple. I saw Kinsey sitting in one of the chairs in the circle, watching me. I watched other girls sit down, their devices apparently properly adjusted. Soon, there were only a few of us left standing. She moved her mouth to my other nipple, biting and sucking it with her expert mouth. I just stood there, horrified that I was standing in front of not just the doctors, but all the other girls, my breasts completely exposed. Well, except the one that was in the nurse's mouth. Pretty soon, I was the only one left standing. I closed my eyes, trying to shut it all out, knowing they were all watching me, waiting for me to get ready.

Soft moans escaped my lips and I hoped that the nurse was the only one who could hear them. Finally she stopped. She was satisfied and clasped my bra, fitting each of my wet nipples into the suction cups. As everyone watched, she reached her hand inside the front of my panties and she rubbed my clitoris with the tip of her finger. I bit my lip, just as the other girl had. Her finger slipped lower, gathering some of my fluid and rubbed it onto my clitoris a little bit more. Then she pressed the stimulator onto my clit and pushed it into place until I felt a pop as it slid into place. I slowly made my way to the circle and sat down in the only empty seat, next to Kinsey. She smiled at me as I sat down, but I refused to look at her.

"Ok, shall we begin?" Dr. Matthias asked. Without waiting for us to answer, he just started right in. "Each device is perfectly in tune to your rhythms now. It knows when orgasm is inevitable, and is programmed to stop just a millisecond before climax. It can also read when you want more pressure, or lighter pressure, or faster movements or slower movements."

Yes! I thought. Logan did know all that!

"It has been programmed to bring you all to an arousal level of an 8 today and hold you there. Some of your devices are turned off right now, others are still going because it can sense when you've slipped to a 7 or if it has moved you up to a 9."

I looked around at the other girls and I could immediately tell whose devices were on, and whose weren't. I wondered if I was that obvious when Logan fucked me.

"This week, we wanted to test the theory of exhibitionism and voyeurism. Judging by some of your answers on your questionnaire, some of you enjoy it, others do not. It is all completely normal."

Logan started lapping away at my pussy and kissing and licking both nipples. I must have slipped to a 7, I thought as I tried to keep a poker face.

"Right now, we are going to play some games to test your mental acuity while in a high state of arousal. We're going to go clockwise around the room and start with colors. Starting with you." He pointed to the blond girl who had been standing next to me, the one with the freckles.

"Um... pink?" she said.

"Blue," said the next one. And on down the line. After colors, we moved to countries, musical instruments, food, animals.

Logan continued fucking me deliciously, tenderly. It really didn't seem like I was at an 8 anymore. This was feeling dangerously close to a 9, a very high nine. It was close to my turn to say something, but I couldn't remember the category. None of it was making any sense. I tried to ignore what was happening to my body and concentrated on the words going around.




I was so confused. And I was so close.


What was the category? I was gasping, willing myself not to moan. I felt Kinsey's naked leg rub against me and I pulled away, squeezing my legs together which only intensified the fucking and the rubbing and vibrating.

"334?" All of their eyes were on me. It was my turn and I had no idea what I was supposed to say.

I opened my mouth, but only a low moan came out.

I was going to come. I knew it, I couldn't hold back any longer. They were all watching me. From across the room, I heard someone cry out, "No!" and their eyes turned to watch a girl throw her head back, panting and moaning as she climaxed. Then to my right, another girl climaxed, her moans sounding like a baby kitten mewing.

"334? It's your turn," Dr. Matthias prompted. Everyone turned back to look at me.

I shook my head. Another moan escaped as I tried to ask what the category was. They were watching me and Logan was being cruel, oh so cruel. He was teasing me, slowing right before I peaked, then increasing with angry persistence, then slowing again as they all watched me. He was taking me higher than I thought possible. I was moaning loudly with each quick gasp of air, and I didn't care. He paused for a brief moment and I felt my clitoris quiver before he sent me crashing over the waves. I was tossed around, rolling around in complete bliss. I cried out with each spasm, thrusting my hips obscenely, but I didn't care. It felt so good. Too good.

It was quiet except for the sounds of some of the other girls as they came. To my left, Kinsey grabbed my leg and squeezed hard as her breath came out in a hiss. "Yes, yes, yes, yes..." she cried over and over again. I was embarrassed by her intimate touch.

Dr. Matthias ignored her orgasm as he looked directly into my eyes. "When you're ready, name something you find in a kitchen."

I knew the category, but I still couldn't think of anything to say. Kitchen. What do you find in a kitchen? Logan was making it hard for me to concentrate. I couldn't think. What was a kitchen? Kitchen. The word sounded foreign to me. I could only repeat the word in my head as Logan continued molesting me. It wasn't a gentle and slow fuck like the first one. This time it was urgent, fucking me hard, raking against my g-spot each time. My nipples were being pinched, and ow! he was actually biting them, then sucking them. Alternating between pleasure and pain. The vibrations started on my clitoris, fast. He wasn't easing into it this time. I cried out again as another wave hit me. As Logan continued attacking my clitoris and rubbing my g-spot while kissing and sucking my nipples, I heard Kinsey say, "whisk" and they moved on down the line as orgasm after orgasm hit me.

I think I missed every category after that. Some of the other girls did too. We all sat in the circle, watching each other, listening to each other as we let our desires out in the open.

Finally, Dr. Matthias said that they would be observing all of us for the final ten minutes. We could get up and walk around if we wanted, we didn't have to stay in our chairs. "But after you achieve orgasm, please raise your hand in case we've missed the tally," he said. We all just sat there. I was pretty close to another one. It wouldn't be long. Kinsey got up and moved her chair closer to the center and straddled it, facing back towards me. She was watching me, her eyes intently trying to hold my gaze as her hips moved back and forth. She pressed her chest into the back of the chair and she cried out. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see her. But I could still see her in my mind. I opened them again and she was still staring at me, her hips moving faster and faster. She finally let out a loud moan as her hips furiously humped her chair. I sat there helplessly as it built up inside me. The pressure was going to explode. I was going to explode. And then I did. Kinsey's eyes were still locked on mine and she raised her hand. She was smiling at me. I raised my hand as well but I looked away.

Across the room, I saw other girls straddling their chairs. Some were standing and walking around, stopping to have their orgasms, holding onto the wall or a chair for support as they humped the air, raising their hand afterwards. Logan fucked me harder, sending me over again. I raised my hand and noticed Kinsey's hand go up. She was still watching me, intently. The doctors and nurses were watching us, taking notes on their clipboards. The nurse who had sucked my nipples earlier caught my eye and she smiled at me, her own nipples standing erect under her shirt. And it still didn't stop. The next orgasm blended into the previous one, or maybe it was just a really long orgasm. Was it ever going to stop? It had to stop. I couldn't take it anymore. I closed my eyes as I came again, crying out loudly, my moans drowned out by the other girls who were all in various stages of arousal and orgasm and brief recovery before starting the cycle all over again. I raised my hand as tears flowed down my face. It was too much. I wanted to die. I put my head in my hands and wept as Logan softly caressed me. It's over, he seemed to be saying. It's all over. You're done. It's okay.

Kinsey told me other girls were crying too, so I shouldn't feel bad. I don't remember much about what happened afterwards. We were all taken one by one to another room where they took off our devices and plugged it into a computer to download the data. I left that day, never wanting to go back. But I knew I would. I knew if I didn't, I'd never get fucked by Logan again. And I needed him. I was addicted to him. And I knew that I wanted to experience it with Kinsey again, when we were alone with Logan and Veronica.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well it's been great. I've been edging all the time spent reading it, even not touching me

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well, still the hottest story line I have had the pleasure of reading. I know it has been a long time since the story has been published but it still carries a lot of creative and imaginative writing. As another commenter mentioned, I would hate to be a boyfriend of one of these lab rats. There would be no way of being able to make one of these women cum as long or as hard as these devices. Imagine being fitted with one of these and then subjected to an intense interrogation? I would probably confess anything to be let out of the device. Too bad none of the girls have passed out so far.

pervopervoabout 6 years ago
Very hot

Well done! I can't help but picture two of my college girlfriends as subjects of this study and I can't get the images out of my mind.

One thing though; I would hate to be the next boyfriend of any of these girls. It seems like, no matter how good you are, you would have trouble competing with these devices.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Nidce girls, good tempers.

Seems they are very willing too.

playtime999playtime999over 7 years ago

stuff for sure. I can imagine one for guys with nipple suction, cock suction, anal fucking and ball massage and after finally getting to an orgasm, starting over, and over, something that can be painful for most guys after cumming and "Kelly" would not care!

topoffagaintopoffagainalmost 8 years ago
It keeps getting better and better!!!!!!!!!

Wow!!!!!! This DOES keep getting better and better!!!! OMGgggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Beautifully Written

The detail! It is incredibly detailed and the orgasms are so beautifully decribed. Keep on writing. 5 out of 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

So hot

GeneseepawsGeneseepawsover 11 years ago

This was somehow hotter than the others. For some reason, more spicy and tantalizing. Perhaps her reluctance urged ME higher. IDK, but it was the best, yet. Of any of them. Thank you, please? Continue, just one more??

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Loved it

Great story!

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