FF Crystal Caravan Year 02


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Flora sighed and her eyes inched closed.

"Come on honey, let's get some sleep." Mick sighed, all of his exertion caught up with his body.

He hefted her into the bed as she was falling asleep.

"I love you my wife and I wouldn't want you any other way." Mick whispered into her ear as he slipped into the bed.


Sala and Peter walked together through the trees under the moon light. They had been walking side by side for a few minutes. Sala had stopped crying, but she still didn't feel that good.

"Hey Peter, let's do it." Sala said, turning to him.

"What?" He said uncertain.

"Right here, let's do it. I don't care what my sister thinks, I won't go changing no matter what anyone thinks. I like sex, who gives a damn!" Sala said, her old exuberance bubbling up again.

"Um...Okay!" Peter said, undoing his new pants. He had picked up some cheap pants and a shirt at Lynari after they had gotten out of the desert.

His long thick cock flopped out. Sala knelt down in front of him, smiling widely. She rubbed a furry paw along the length of it. She wrapped her lips around the head of it and started to feel it harden already. It was getting longer and probing deeper in her mouth without her moving. Soon, her lips were wrapped around a thick shaft of rock hard pleasure. She moved up and down it, feeling it prod the back of her throat every time. She pulled back off it with a loud pop!

"There, nice and hard, now lie down." Sala said, pulling off her top.

He did as he was told and she climbed on top of him. Pulling her G-string aside, she lined up with him and sat down. His cock ripped up into her and shoved against the back of her pussy. She cried happily and lost her balance, falling forward on him.

"Too hard?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow.

"God no...mmmm...too wonderful..." Sala sighed pushing herself up with her paws on his chest. Her tail flicked around behind her happily.

She pushed up and let herself fall, enjoying the sudden jolt of his cock slamming into her. She positioned her knees and started to bounce up and down on him. Her heavenly globes bounced up and down inches from Peter's face. He just watched her cry and moan as his dick ravaged her insides.

"Mrrroow...So deep...so wonderful...I love it..." Sala moaned, her entire body tingling with pleasure.

Her tail curled around and started to rub against her anus. It sent tingles up her spine and she shuddered slightly. Peter wrapped his hands around her and grabbed her gorgeous ass in both hands. Pleasure tingled through Peter's penis as she rode up and down him.

She bent down over him and shoved her ass up and down faster. His cock dug deeper and deeper into her. Sala pushed herself down on him suddenly, burying his cock as deep inside her as she could. Her pussy clenched around him and he felt a sudden rush of wetness.

"Ohhhh...cumming..." Sala cried, lifting her ass up and off him.

Her pussy squirted as she set back down in front of his cock. Juice splashed across his lap and she meowed happily. Her head fell down on him and she laid still, purring.

"Damn, was it good?" Peter asked, running his hand through her long hair.

She nodded weakly.

"P...Peter...Bend me over...do my ass..." Sala whispered in his ear.

She rolled her pelvis up and down, feeling his cock rub roughly against her tight little anus.

"Now that sounds like fun, but I don't think I'll bent you over." Peter smiled, pushing her up. He stood up and helped Sala to her feet.

Standing unsteadily, Sala looked into Peters eyes and smiled.

"What did you have in mind my love?" Sala said, smiling innocently.

"Turn around and put your paws up on the tree." Peter said, pointing at the large tree in front of him.

"Hmm...yes my master..." Sala said, smiling deviously.

Peter rubbed his hands over her as she did so. Sala purred and her tail flicked back and wrapped itself around his cock. He shuddered at the tickling feeling of the fur on her tail. He spread her cheeks and looked down at her cute little anus.

Peter prodded at it with his hard cock. Sala squeaked and gasped as his head pushed against her. She bit her lip as he stretched her ass out, the tension was painful and yet her entire body tingled with pleasure. He pushed harder, shoving more of himself into her. Her vice-like ass squeezed around him as he pulled her towards him.

"Ohhh goddd...So big..." Sala moaned as the last inch of his large cock pushed into her ass.

Her spine tingled and her entire body shuddered as he started to pull back. Her insides seem to fight to keep him in. Peter pushed on her ass and pushed her back to his head. He started to push back into her, groaning with the pressure. The inside of her ass was like a furnace.

"You are so...tight..." Peter moaned trying to push faster.

"Mrreow...mmm...sooo...good..." Sala moaned loudly, feeling an orgasm approaching.

"I'm...Cumming!" Peter grunted, pushing himself up into her ass.

His load exploded up into her, painting her insides with hot sticky cum. Sala moaned as she felt the hot cum pushing up into her. She moaned softly and started purring as he pulled out of her. She dug her claws into the tree to stay standing. Cum spurted form her ass and splattered over the grass. Sala came and fell to her knees, shaking from the orgasm. Her pussy squirted across the grass and more cum shot from her ass.

"Man, you milked me." Peter sighed.

"So good..." Sala sighed, turning around on her knees.

"Sala, I need a cleaning." Peter said, grabbing the base of his cock.

Sala smiled and stuck out her tongue at him. He prodded at her tongue with his dick.

"Damn it... you know I can't resist that taste." Sala sighed, wrapping her lips around him. She licked around him until he was clean and he buttoned his pants up.

"It's a nice night out." Peter sighed, looking into the sky.

"I suppose it is." Sala said, standing up. She fixed her underwear and put her top back on.

"I love so much." Peter said, pulling her close.

"I love you too." Sala muttered, kissing him.

He kissed her back and she smiled. He kissed her again and again.

"Affectionate tonight aren't we?" Sala smiled, wrapping her tail around his waist.

"Always for you." Peter chuckled, taking her paw.

"Come on, let's go back to the Inn and get some sleep." Sala said, nodding sideways towards the lights of town.

Peter smiled and they walked back to town, hand in paw.


Sala meowed softly and her eyes cracked open. The room was dark around her, it was early morning. Ever since her transformation into a cat, she had a strange sleeping cycle and it often made her go to bed late at night and wake up early. This usually ended in her taking a nap mid day.

She sat up and looked around. Peter was lying with his back to her, snuggled up to the pillow. The other bed in the room contained an almost comatose Flora and Mick. They hadn't moved whatsoever when the pair came in last night and went to bed.

Sighing, Sala slipped out of bed and her paws quietly touched the floor. She walked naked across the room and out the door. It was early morning, a short before sunrise and she didn't expect anyone to be awake.

Her tail bounced around behind her as she walked down the steps and through the empty Inn. Sala walked out front and took a deep breath of fresh morning air. Dew was settling on the grass and leaves all over. Sala's cat eyes lit the world up around her with just the light from the stars. She turned and walked down the dirt road. There was a small river running through town a short ways away and after last night's wrestle in the forest, she needed a bath.

She wandered down the road. A farmer was working in his field on her right and she waved hello as she past. The farmer leaned on his hoe and scratched his head under his hat, wondering if the naked half-cat Selkie was a hallucination or it was just his lucky morning.

Sala wasn't bothered in the least bit at her open nudity as she walked down the road. A cart with a young woman driving it road by and she waved hello again. The girl did a double take as she past. Sala started to whistle happily as she padded down the short grassy hill to the river.

The river splashed happily past, heading for the coast a long distance away. Sala stepped down onto the round river rock and into the water. She purred, feeling the lukewarm river water. She stepped in until she was in the center of the river and up to her stomach in water. She knelt down and sunk under the water, using her paws to pull her mane of hair out behind her. She turned over under the water and picked her head up out of the water so that her hair fell behind her. Her fur glistened brightly with water. The fur was extremely waterproof and the water ran quickly off her arms, legs and the hair on her head and dried quickly.

She laid back on the shore, letting the water wash over her body until the sky started to brighten. Sighing, she scooted up and got to her feet. There were considerably more people on the road and in the fields when she walked back. Everybody's eyes were on the naked cat girl walking through town. She enjoyed the attention, liked everybody admiring her full natural body. Her tail was high in the air behind her and she walked nonchalantly into the inn and upstairs, oblivious to the streaks of lust she just left behind her.

She walked into the Inn room and found everyone still asleep. Grabbing her skimpy clothes, she pulled up her tiny underwear and put on the small top. By this time, all of her fur was dry and she sat down on the bed next to Peter.

His face was peaceful and Sala smiled, looking at him. Rubbing a fuzzy paw down his face, Peter smiled and opened his eyes.

"Morning sexy." Peter sighed, rolling onto his back.

"Morning handsome." Sala smiled, kissing him on his lips.

"So where'd you go?" Peter whispered.

"For a bath. I've been up for probably an hour." Sala said, leaning back on him. Her tail flicked over him and she laid it across him.

"You and your tail..." Peter smiled, looking down at her tail.

"Cute isn't it." Sala said, flicking it down to tickle his nose with it, "Of all my body, I think it's the best."

"Well...I...sure, let's go with that." Peter said, looking down at her.

"Hey, I agree with you, my breasts are a close second." Sala chuckled, putting her paws on the top of her characteristically large bust.

"Are you two going to talk all morning?" Flora sighed, looking over Mick at them.

Both Peter and Sala choked at her look, dried semen still covered her cheeks. They both clasped their mouths, trying not to laugh. Flora looked between them and sighed.

"He came on my face last night didn't he?" Flora sighed.

Both Peter and Sala nodded quickly. Flora sighed and got up, dragging the blanket with her to cover her body. She wandered over to the table where a pitcher and a few cups sat. She wet a corner of the blanket and cleaned her face off with it.

Mick mumbled something and curled up, naked and cold.

"Hey Mick!" Peter yelled, "Your butt ass freakin' naked!"

Mick sighed, "I know...I'm also cold because she ran off with the blanket."

Flora sighed and slipped on her underwear beneath the blanket with her back to them.

"Here, shut up." Flora said, throwing the blanket over him.

"Hmm...warm..." Mick sighed, curling the blanket around him.

"Get up!" Flora yelled loudly, leaping onto the bed.

She landed roughly on top of Mick and started to wrestle him out of bed.

"Getting frisky in the morning are we?" Mick said, starting to wrestle back.

By the time the two of them were done, Sala and Peter were laughing loudly. Mick was standing naked next to the bed and Flora was tied up like a mummy inside the blanket. Only her nose and one eye was visible as she struggled against her bonds.

"Get me out of this!" Flora yelled, but her voice came out muffled and quiet.

"Yes dear." Mick said snidely, grabbing one corner of the blanket in both hands.

He pulled up and the blanket started to roll. Flora yelled as she was spun around a few times and dumped onto the bed. Her hair was frazzled and she blew a piece out of her face.

"I'll get you for that!" Flora said, seeing him turn away from her.

She stood up and leaped on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"Ahhh...You clingy little bug!" Mick cried, turning around, trying to get a hand on her.

Tears were running down Peter and Sala's face because they were laughing so hard.

Mick sighed, turned and sat down on the bed.

"I'm still naked you know." Mick sighed, crossing his arms.

"I know, it's your own fault." Flora chuckled, kissing his cheek, "Get some clothes on."

She let him go and they all started to get ready for the day.



The Caravan bounced and rattled down the road. They had left the Inn over an hour ago and they were just now coming up on Selepation Cave. It was the wind blown side of a mountain. Numerous caves and crevices covered the side of the mountain.

"We're looking for the entrance with chimes hung in it." Mick said, stopping the Caravan a distance from the cliff side.

It took them ten minutes before Sala spotted them. Far on the right, on the ground, there was a cave entrance with four large metal chimes hung in the entrance. Mick drove the Caravan over there and unlatched Missy before grabbing his gear from the Caravan.

"So, what are we going to find in here." Sala said, feeling the air blowing lightly out of the cave entrance.

"I couldn't tell you except that there's a Myrrh Tree in there." Mick said, adjusting his sword belt.

"Let's go get it then." Peter said, adjusting the Crystal Chalice on his back.

"Sounds like a plan." Flora chuckled, resting her hand on her sword's pummel.

The small group stepped around the large chimes and into the cave. It was a short distance in when the cave exploded outward into a massive canyon. The path shrunk to about five feet wide in front of them. The canyon went too far down for them to see. Monsters could be seen roaming about the path in front of them. Sala flexed her claws in a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She wasn't afraid of heights, but something about those massive drops along side the path made her uneasy.

"Come on, let's get going." Mick said, starting forward.

They were fifteen minutes down the path before the first monster came up on them. A number of over sized rat-like creatures. They scampered forward towards them, eager for a snack.

Mick took down the first one easily, driving his sword through the center of it. Peter speared another and Flora sliced a third in half. Sala, not having the reach that any of them had, kicked out with the claws on her feet and nearly sliced the head off a forth. They killed a fifth and a sixth, kicking their bodies off into the abyss.

"That wasn't so bad." Mick said, resting his sword on his shoulder.

"Speak for your self, I think I still have rat meat stuck in my claws." Sala said, rubbing her toes along the ground as she walked.

"Let's just get this done and over with." Peter said, pushing past. His face was light and his eyes darted about nervously.

"Peter, are you okay?" Mick asked, walking along side him.

"Fine...fine, why do you ask?" Peter said quickly, looking around.

"Well, you're acting a little funny." Mick said, raising an eyebrow.

"Funny...really? Funny, I didn't think anything could be funny with death so near." Peter said, looking around.

"What are you on about?" Mick asked.

"It's the ledges okay, the heights make me a little uncomfortable." Peter said quickly, speeding up his pace. They reached a large island in the center of the canyon and he stopped.

"You're that afraid of heights, why didn't you say anything?" Mick said, looking at Peter.

"I didn't think the Caves of Selepation would have cliffs." Peter said, looking around.

"You'll be fine Pete, let's just get through this quick and clean." Mick said, grasping his shoulder.

"I'll be fine...sure...right at the bottom of the canyon." Peter said, starting to walk.

"Peter..." Sala said, putting a hand on his back.

Peter looked over at her and smiled, "I'm still moving aren't I?"

"Good, because if you go over the side I won't have anyone to have sex with." Sala said, smiling.

"Sala, its not like I'm trying to jump over the edge, I don't need incentive to stay up." Peter said desperately.

"It wasn't for you, I'm serious, you die and we're going to have troubles." Sala said, looking ahead of them.

They walked into a cave on the other side of the canyon and Peter sighed happily.


The Caves of Selepation were boring. The path was long and tedious. The monsters were few and far in between, the Caves weren't a popular place to live apparently. The small group trudged on for an hour, between small dark caves and bright open expanses with large abyss' below.

"How much longer is it?" Peter asked as they stepped out from another cave.

"Just there." Mick said, pointing to a larger cave entrance.

The only problem was the pathway to the entrance was gone. The path they stood on led out to about three feet from the larger cave entrance.

"We're going to have to go across that. Sala, you're a good jumper, would you mind going first?" Mick said, looking back at her.

"Not a problem." Sala said, starting to run forward, "Whoop!"

She leaped across the gap and cleared it with three or four feet to spare. Her muscles were definitely that of a cat. Flora followed close behind, tossing her sword across to Sala and then jumping across herself. She didn't clear it with as much room, but she landed safely on the other side.

"Peter." Mick said, nodding.

"Uhh...yea...how about I wait here and you guys take the Chalice." Peter said, shuddering.

"You can't breath Miasma." Mick said, looking flatly at him.

"I'll learn quick." Peter said shakily.

"Just run and jump across. Just think of it like a little river and you don't want to get wet." Mick said, trying to comfort Peter.

"You're going to have to throw me, because I can't jump that. It's huge!" Peter said, looking at the gap in front of him.

"It's only three feet Peter, that's incredibly easy." Mick said.

"Uh..um...agh...fine...Mick, stay away from my funeral." Peter said, stepping back.

He started to run forward, but he had second thoughts at the last second. He tried to stop himself and only succeeded in throwing himself over the edge.

"Peter!" Sala cried, hitting the ground. She reached out and caught Peter's arm, "Help! Pretty much no thumbs here!"

Flora dropped down by her side and grabbed Peter's other arm. The two girls managed to haul a crying Peter up onto the other side. He scrambled like a spider, going as far as he could from the gap.

Mick leaped the gap with ease, the Crystal Chalice on his back. The three of them helped a hysterical Peter to his feet and kept him there.

"See, that's why I don't like heights. They usually kill you. I'm not going back across that. You better hope there's a back door to this place." Peter said, shaking uncontrollably.

"You're fine now Peter, you're safe." Sala said, wrapping her arms around him.

"Plus fear of heights is irrational anyway." Mick pointed out.

"Yes, an irrational fear that could've killed me." Peter said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Let's just go get this Myrrh." Flora said, starting off forward again.

The walked into a larger cave and looked around. They were astounded at the sight. A massive creature was lying on its side, gutted and dead. It had been recently killed.

"Oh no...Don't tell me." Mick said, running forward past it.

They all hurried past the creature and into the next grove. Sunlight shone down from a hole above them and they sighed. The Myrrh Tree was shining bright with dew. Nobody had beat them to it. Mick walked forward and set the Chalice down beneath it. It had been their easiest drop of Myrrh yet.