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To serve and protect.
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Authors Notes: All characters are legal age.


Rufus yawned and raised his head from where he was snoozing on the floor. Cindy and Steve had their eyes glued to the TV. It was time for him to get some fresh air and do some business.

Out in the kitchen, he used his paw to snag the back door open. He loved those new lever door handles Steve had installed throughout the house. It let him open the doors himself to go outside any time nature called. After Steve had seen him pull off that neat trick he was all in favour. They left the back door unlocked so he could take his business out anytime he needed, without them needing to let him out.

On the deck, he took a deep whiff of the scents wafting on the gentle breeze. There were messages in that cooling air telling him what was going on around the neighbourhood.

All his friends were down the block. He could smell them and faintly hear the barks and yips of them chatting. Time to go.

He sailed over the back fence like it wasn't there, making Steve's denials to the neighbours about the fence being too high to jump a lie. Launching over the next fence from the middle of their rose garden, his paws dug deep furrows into the soil, the source of their ongoing frustration.

He greeted his buddies with a polite woof and settled down looking around the group to see who was there. It was the usual group of hangers-on, all intent on discussing the day's happenings and who was doing what.

As it seemed to every time, the conversation soon veered into discussing their humans and the ongoing difficulties to train them properly. Roy, a Border Collie, and the smartest of the group trotted out his well worn theory.

"They can't smell, they can't talk, they babble nonsense. No matter how many times I try to get my human to speak properly they insist on making silly noises back at me. I doubt they'll ever improve!"

Rufus had to agree. He'd often shown Steve how to hold his mouth when he spoke, but it seemed pointless. He didn't make much effort to speak back and the odd time he came close, his accent was atrocious. Worse than the Pugs whose short snouts made them barely intelligible. When he did attempt something it was often just nonsense noises. Rufus had given up any hope of ever getting an intelligent word out of him.

Sweet as Steve was, Rufus figured for sure he was touched in the head and not overly bright.

The group all agreed, however, that the humans had an incredible connection to the 'Great Bone Maker in the Sky'.

Roy, the Collie, had his own pet theory about that.

"The Great Bone Maker blesses humans with those incredible bones so that we'll stay with them and help them through their miserable lives. Without us, they'd be helpless and die off."

Everyone nodded their heads knowingly. It was obvious. The humans needed them to survive. Bones were just their heaven-on-earth reward to keep them connected, helping out those poor creatures.

Once the usual gossip dried up it was time to head back home. Jumping back amongst the neighbour's roses, he paused, then took a dump around the roots of a fragile-looking plant. The poor thing needed fertilizing to help it grow. He knew the neighbours appreciated his efforts, but felt sorry for them. Their red faces and fists shaking in the air were an obvious reaction to their frustration at not being able to speak properly. To thank him for helping with their gardening.

He was gracious when he saw them do that, barking back and telling them that despite their speech impediments, he understood their gratitude.

They often came over afterward, ringing the doorbell and expressing their appreciation to Steve for Rufus' efforts in their garden. He knew they were impressed by his success in looking after their roses. He could hear it in their excited voices going back and forth.

Lying on the back porch listening to their noises, he resolved to redouble his efforts to help them have the best damn roses in the neighbourhood. It was the least he could do for such gracious people.


Sitting at the kitchen table Cindy sipped her coffee. She'd gotten Steve fed and off to work and was now relaxing. He made a lot of money so she didn't need to work. She was bored though with nothing planned for the day. Her phone beeped a notification. Her app was asking permission for an update.

She stared at the screen. She should delete the app. Since she'd married Steve three years ago she hadn't used it. A married woman shouldn't be on dating app. Curiosity made her accept the update and when it was finished she clicked it open.

HE popped up.

She remembered seeing him three years ago, shortly before she married Steve. He had superliked her one day and OMG, WHAT A STUD! He'd since updated his picture and if anything was even hunkier than before. She gasped when she spotted that blue bar pop across the top, he'd just superliked her again.

How was that possible? She had been on the phone for only seconds. Superlikes only lasted for a day. They must have popped up on each other's apps the instant she logged in.

Stunned, her finger swiped right before she realized what she was doing. Her breath hitched and she felt her nipples erect. She had a match.

She couldn't. She shouldn't!

In the backyard, Rufus was dozing in the warm sunshine an hour later when the doorbell rang. He heard voices in the house and then silence. A short while later Cindy started moaning.

Curious, he let himself into the house and checked out the shoes by the front door. Immediately revolted he jerked back in shock.

'Ewww! Great Bone Maker!'

Did this person know nothing of foot care? The shoe reeked. Even puppies were better at keeping themselves clean than this.

He could help Cindy's friend. Show whoever it was how to take care of themselves. He trotted into the bedroom where a moaning Cindy was bouncing up and down on the top of her new friend. Her head was thrown back and she looked happy. Rufus had seen her get her exercise with Steve like this. It was good that she took care of herself.

But, how could she stand that reeking foot? It was impossible to ignore.

He got close and watched the culprit bounce up and down till he had the rhythm then leaned forward and took a long lick up the foul thing. He could do this. He could help!

Rufus' hackles rose at the massive screech that erupted. Unsure, he slunk back just in time to see her shocked new friend buck upwards sending Cindy flying across the bed and over the edge. She hit the floor with a loud groan, her head smashing against the dresser.

Sudden silence overtook the room.

Sensing something wasn't right Rufus took off and let himself out, settling in the sunshine. Screaming voices arose in the house and he heard the front door slam. A car revved it's motor and went peeling down the street. Shortly after Cindy's car started and left.

Rufus lay there pondering the strange goings on. He couldn't believe her friend was so resistant to learning personal care. No wonder he smelled as badly as he did.

Well, smelly foot had left, there was nothing he could do about it. Time for a doggy nap. He stretched in the warmth of the sun and dozed off.

He heard Cindy come back a couple of hours later. He stretched himself with a yawn. The backdoor slammed open and Cindy stood there glaring at him. Rufus thumped his tail in welcome, but the look on her face didn't say happy. His tail slowly stopped.

She didn't look good. Her skin was pasty white and she had a large purple welt on her forehead. It almost looked like...yes, it looked like someone had traced a small line back and forth across the welt.

Most curious!

Even more curious was the metal things on either side of a finger with a white bandage wrapped around holding them in place.

'My goodness what had she done to herself while she was out?' he wondered.

Times like this he wished he could talk to Steve. Perhaps Steve shouldn't allow her to go out on her own if she got hurt like this when she left the house. Obviously as slow in the head as Steve was, Cindy was worse. He shook his head in dismay. Sometimes he wondered if all the bones in the world made it worthwhile babysitting these humans.

Cindy turned and huffed her way back into the house. Thinking it was probably best if he stayed away from her when she was angry, Rufus settled down and went back to sleep again.

Steve seemed very excited when he got home that night. They were making noises at each other something that sounded like 'tripped'.

Rufus gently grabbed Steve's hand in his mouth.

"What's he doing?" he asked Cindy.

"No idea," she responded.

Rufus led him to the front door. He shook his muzzle trying to tell Steve not to let her out anymore. She wasn't safe out there. Steve didn't seem to get it. Rufus finally gave up in dismay. He could only hope Cindy survived out there on her own.

Inspiration struck him, he'd get his buddies to help and try to keep her from harm's way. He'd talk to them about it tonight before stopping to spend some quality time in the rose garden.


Cindy slept in the next morning. She woke up feeling better and checked her battered head in the mirror. Last night's ice packs had taken the swelling down. The doc had told her to come back in a few days to get the stitches out, he didn't think the wound would scar. Her broken finger was going to take a while longer though, up to three weeks. She cursed that damn dog, although she had no idea what happened. She'd been unconscious for a while. Her stud had screamed at her when she came to and left without telling her why. Certainly, the blood dribbling down her face couldn't have been too attractive either.

Her skin was still pasty white, perhaps she should go for a walk and get some sun. Get away from that goddamn Rufus. If it wasn't for the fact it'd break Steve's heart she'd take Rufus for a drive and drop him off a few hundred miles away. Preferably a wilderness area where something big and hungry would eat the bloody dog. Rufus was Steve's dog, he'd gotten him as a puppy before he met Cindy.

It took her a few minutes to figure out she was being followed. Within a short time, she was surrounded by a posse of a dozen dogs casually strolling along with her. If she went left, they went left. Right turn and there they were. She saw a cute guy, but he crossed the street keeping a jaundiced eye on the twin dobermans keeping pace ten feet behind her.

Spooked, she headed home. They followed her right to the gate and then sat in a circle watching the house. She stared at them through the front window, but they weren't leaving. She felt like she was in an episode from the Twilight Zone. She went and opened the front door, stepping outside. The two dobermans slunk forward growling at her until she hurriedly shut the door on them.


She moped around the house for a couple of hours before the dogs disappeared.

Still feeling bored, she launched her app again. She swiped right on a couple of good looking guys and finally ran into another superlike. She felt her panties get damp looking at him. Swiping across they were soon chatting.

Framed by the kitchen window, Cindy took a thoughtful sip of her coffee, watching Rufus chase a squirrel around the yard. It took her a few minutes to realize it wasn't serious. The squirrel wasn't running as fast as it could and when it made sudden turns Rufus pretended to stumble over himself. Finally, the squirrel took a ninety degree turn and jumped on Rufus' head launching himself up into the tree where he chattered at Rufus like he was lecturing him. Rufus sat at the bottom of the tree wagging his tail and excitedly barked back.

Squirrel tore a cone off the branch and threw it at Rufus who promptly picked it up and ran around growling and barking. Tossing the offending missile up into the air the Shepherd caught it in his jaws shaking it in his mouth and growling at it. Having bravely subdued the vicious cone creature he spat it out and barked twice at it, daring it to attack again.

With the creature lying quiescent and no response forthcoming, he pranced over toward the tree only to have squirrel pounce on him. That set Rufus off spinning in circles barking madly like he was chasing his tail. A chattering squirrel, tail erect, was clinging to his back holding on like a bucking bronc rider. They rolled around tussling back and forth before finally settling down and curling up together to snooze.

A smiling Cindy took another sip of her coffee, Their playfulness was adorably cute. She wished she'd gotten it on video. Surely Rufus couldn't have been at fault yesterday, she must have overreacted. After all, he was just a stupid dog! Whatever happened couldn't have been deliberate.

The doorbell rang and she went to greet her new guest.

Rufus stirred hearing the doorbell. Annoyed, friend Squirrel chattered at being disturbed from his nap, but forgiveness was easy. Rufus was a good friend who'd caught Cat from next door stalking Squirrel. With a few chews of his jaws, he'd made it clear that if Cat so much as looked at Squirrel or friend Mouse who lived in the corner of the garden, he'd be Rufus' newest chew toy of the month. A damp, saliva slickened feline had limped away never to terrorize the yard again.

Rufus was curious, he owed Cindy for yesterday. It hadn't gone well. He wasn't quite sure why, but he definitely would make a better effort to greet her guests. He was determined to show her how friendly he could be with this new person.

Maybe they could all have a romp around the backyard after. That would be awesome! Especially if Steve showed up early. Rufus was almost dizzy with thoughts of all the fun the four of them could have.

He headed in.

He found the shoes by the front door. A delightful organic odour emanated from them, pungent, sharp and full of promise. This would be someone to enjoy. So much better than that last loser. This one took better care of himself.

Encouraged Rufus went searching for the two of them stopping at the bedroom door. It was slightly ajar and he could hear the moans and the springs of the bed squeaking away. He stuck his head in to look. Cindy was on the top exercising again.

Rufus listened to her guest's moans, he sounded...hungry? Yes, that was it, the poor thing sounded hungry. He had just the thing!

Hungry he could do.

He headed outside and looked around. 'There? No! There. No!' He looked over the fence. 'There? Oh yes, perfect!'

He cleared the fence in one bound and started digging in the rose garden. A plant went flying. He knew they'd forgive him for that, he'd done so much getting their garden in shape for them and Cindy's friend was important.

There it was! He stopped for a minute overcome with admiration of his creation. The bone was incredible, the meat so seasoned it was almost dripping off. Maggots swarmed over it busy tenderizing it and his saliva glands flooded anticipating the incredible tastes to come. Those little white critters added so much to the juiciness and taste.

If Michelangelo had been smart enough to paint bones Rufus knew in his heart this was the masterpiece he'd have chosen. There had never seen a more desirable bone ever. The Great Bone Maker in the Sky would be proud of his efforts.

He soared back over the fence in one bound and let himself into the house. He almost detoured and took the bone for himself it was so tasty, but he had a mission and Cindy's guests were important.

Nosing into the bedroom he reared up on the bed with his muddy paws. Cindy and her guest both moaning had their eyes closed. He waited till hungry guy had his mouth wide open and leaned over dropping that delicious morsel in. Rufus shivered in delight, her friend was in for such a delectable treat. Her guest could have a little chew, maybe let Rufus have a bit. Even Cindy could join in. They could all be friends!

There was silence for a second, then an earth shattering roar when her friend bolted upright and spat that gorgeous bone out. Horrified, Rufus watched his divine creation arc through the air, the sharp edge of the bone smashing Cindy's nose.

Her guest lunged upward, flipping over on all fours, vomiting all over the sheets and comforter. Cindy went tumbling ass over tea kettle backwards from the end of the bed, landing on the floor with a painful groan. Her guest made a dash for the washroom where Rufus could hear him gargling and spitting out water, rude sounding noises coming out of his mouth in between.

Rufus couldn't believe the incredibly bad manners this guest had displayed. He picked up the abandoned bone. With tremendous dignity, head and tail held high, he took himself back out to the tree to enjoy the treat himself.

He was disgusted! The nice smell of his shoes had fooled him completely.

A few minutes later there were loud voices going back and forth then the door slammed louder than Rufus had ever heard before. A roar of an engine and tires went squealing down the street.

Bone-hater had obviously left.

Cindy's face showed in the kitchen window glowering at him. He cowered knowing it hadn't gone well again and he had no idea why. He thought about offering her the bone. Maybe not, the first offer hadn't been well received.

Well, it was their loss. His mouth was drooling over this divine concoction in front of him. Deciding he wasn't entirely displeased at the outcome he started chewing, savouring every delicious morsel.

Cindy was in a foul mood. Her nose had swollen up and the edges of her eyes were already turning black. She'd cracked the back of her head and had a splitting headache despite taking several aspirins.

That damn dog!

She wasn't entirely sure what had happened, just that there was a bone and very upset stud who thoroughly reamed her out before stomping out the door and squealing off. She hoped the neighbours hadn't connected the car to their house. She wouldn't want Steve getting asked awkward questions.

It took her hours to launder the dirty paw prints and vomit off the bed and sheets. She finally relented and took the soiled comforter to the dry cleaners on the way home from seeing the doctor again.

The bedroom had been airing out all afternoon. Hopefully, Steve wouldn't smell the sickly odour.

Steve was shocked seeing his wife that evening when he arrived home. Cindy told him about Rufus dirtying the bed with muddy paws. She had been so angry she wasn't watching and tripped again.

The doctor said her nose was broken and she had a mild concussion. He was asking pointed questions about her being abused at home. She'd denied it, of course. She wasn't sure the doctor believed her.

Steve scowled at Rufus, but had a hard time believing her story. Rufus had never behaved like that before. There must be an explanation, but Cindy was in such a foul mood that he didn't dare press for more details.

Nor did Steve argue when Cindy coldly announced he and that damned dog could sleep on the sofa, she was sleeping alone tonight. He could have ignored her, it was his house before they got married and still in his name. Given her angry state of mind though, Steve figured the dog and he were getting the better deal with the sofa. He was up and gone early the next morning, not wanting to run into her.

Something was off, he wasn't sure what.


Cindy was up and on the app before she'd even finished her first cup of coffee. She was goddamned if she was going to let that mutt win this battle. When the doorbell rang a while later she opened the door and without a word grabbed her stud by the hand and dragged him into the bedroom. Shutting the door completely she was satisfied she and her dick-of-the-day were alone.