Fighting and Loving Ch. 05


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Bringing her eyes once again to her date, Nic did her best not to look away from his stare. It would have been an easy enough task if he had not used that moment to take the last bite of his own dessert. Nic couldn't help but watch as he ate the last bit of his cake, sliding the fork slowly from between his lips as he savored the taste. The man obviously liked his chocolate.

It was strange that Nic had never before really taken notice of a man's mouth. She had always considered Des' to be firm and unyielding, usually because he was barking orders at her in the classroom, although she had only recently come to realize it could soften into the smiles he had graced her with tonight. As she followed his tongue, coasting along his upper lip to catch an errant smear of chocolate frosting, she reevaluated her original opinion. His mouth was assuredly firm, she remembered that very well from the few kisses they'd shared; but, it was also smooth and sensual. Just full enough to be attractive without straying into the feminine and, at this moment, utterly devastating to her senses.

Nic could hardly help imagining his mouth covering various places on her body. Her traitorous mind conjured images of him playing his lips and tongue over the swells of her breasts, teasing her nipples and perhaps biting lightly as he learned her sensitivity. Continuing along the expanse of her stomach and torturing her belly button with quick flicks of his tongue before finally trailing down to the... Snapping herself out of her daydream, Nic realized Des had asked her something. She hoped she hadn't been staring at him for very long.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Nic asked, praying he hadn't noticed her lapse.

"Do you like it?" he asked, catching Nic's gaze with his own. His voice rasped across Nic's nerves, sending a shiver through her body that seemed to reverberate in her erogenous zones. His eyes were the deep grey that she had come to associate with his arousal. He pulled a slight smile that made Nic suspect he knew exactly what she had been thinking. She squirmed in her seat uncomfortably, realizing that she was quite wet and not clearly remembering how she got that way.

"D-Do I like what?" Nic got the disconcerting feeling that he was referring to himself. As though he was asking if she liked what she saw and what she had been imagining.

"Your dessert," he responded, gesturing toward her half-eaten slice of cake. "Don't you like it?"

"Yes, I do.'m just so full. I couldn't eat another bite. You obviously enjoyed it." Nic smiled down at his empty plate, hoping that he bought her excuse. She could hardly tell him the real reason she didn't finish was because she was too busy trying to rein in her libido.

"I think this cake has become my new favorite indulgence. Though, I'm very much looking forward to having something else tonight." Des slid his hand across the table and slowly engulfed Nic's in its warmth. He rubbed his thumb gently across the back of her hand in what should have been nothing more than a romantic gesture. But, the predatory gleam in his eye gave it quite another meaning.

Nic's heartbeat seemed to triple in speed and her breath caught. When she was finally able to take a breath she found she had difficulty doing so regularly. What the hell was the man doing to her?! And why the hell couldn't she seem to stop herself from wanting everything he had to offer?

Her skin felt heated under his touch. Her hand was burning up within his grasp, and the heat was slowly traveling up her arm and spreading towards places she would much rather have him touch with his hands, his mouth, his cock. Nic only just managed to hold back a whimper as Des brought her hand to his lips and laid a gentle kiss on the palm.

It was too much. Nic felt like she was cum right there in her seat if Des didn't stop looking at her like that. Prey caught in the sights of a very hungry predator, that's what it felt like. That was what made this so different from the other times that he had touched or kissed her. This time there would be no turning back, and no running from what they both felt.

"I-uh, I need to go use the ladies' room before we leave." Was that husky, little voice really hers?

"Of course. I'll get the check," said Des, that same smile still in place. He released her hand slowly and watched as she grabbed her purse and made her way to the back of the restaurant. He was now sure she was nervous and enjoyed the fact that he had her off balance. God knew he had felt the same way since they first met.

Adjusting himself so as not to attract too much attention as he made his way across the room, Des slid out of the booth and headed to the bar. Once there, he breathed a sigh of relief that no one seemed to have noticed the erection that he had been trying to control since about half way through the meal.

Quickly taking care of the check, Des tried to stop himself from thinking of the way Nic had looked just moments ago. He hadn't really meant to come on so strong in the restaurant. And he probably could have pulled back if she wasn't so responsive. Just the light touch of his hand on hers had sent a visible shiver through her. Kissing her palm had made her eyes go unfocused and forced her breathing to speed up, which only drew attention to her fantastic breasts. It was almost torture having to sit across from her and not be allowed to do more.

Impatiently looking back toward the hallway which led to the restrooms, Des spied the door to the employee lounge. Though, if everything Rico had said was true, that title was a bit of a stretch. The small room was more of a "spontaneous sex spot" for when Rico and Janie were feeling a little frisky.

At the moment, the door to that room seemed more like the gateway to heaven itself. Des couldn't help the lecherous grin that pulled at his mouth as he made his way down the hall towards the back of the dining room. He was sure Rico wouldn't mind if he made use of his private sanctuary; just to take the edge off until he could get Nic somewhere with an actual bed.

Nic wet a paper towel in cold water and pressed it to the back of her neck. Looking at herself in the mirror, she noted that she had the appearance of a woman that had just come from a long haul make-out session. And all Des had done was kiss her hand.Damn, but that man turns me on so good!

"Okay," she said, straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath. "You are going to go back out there andcalmlyallow Des to take you home. You will not, upon reaching your house, act like some slut in heat and immediately jump on him. No matter how much you've been dreaming about doing just that."

With a pep talk that she really didn't believe over and done with, Nic grabbed her purse off of the sink and made her way out of the bathroom. She took one final deep breath before she started down the hall towards the dining room. She had just passed a door marked "Employee Lounge" when a large arm grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a darkened room.

Not even pausing to think about what she was doing, Nic quickly went on the defensive, using her attacker's momentum to put even more thrust into the elbow she shot towards his abdomen. Imagine her surprise when her arm was blocked and the arm about her waist disappeared only to slide across her chest, pinning her other arm to her body.

Undaunted, Nic let her body go limp, in the hope that she could get under the assailant's guard and put him away with a well placed kick to that all important location of the male anatomy. Once again she was to be disappointed as the man scooped his other arm under her armpit preventing her from falling. When she would have tossed her head back in hopes of hitting him in the nose, his arm quickly came back so his hand rested against her neck. In a matter of a few seconds, he had her securely within his grasp.

Nic drew in a deep breath to prepare her last defense, the loudest scream she could manage, but was cut off by a deep voice whispering in her ear.

"We seem to have taught you well. If I had been any other man, you'd probably have already taken me down."

Nic's scream came out as a shocked gasp as she realized that Des was the one that held her. As quickly as he had forced her into submission, he now wrapped his arms around her in a much more intimate fashion as his mouth brushed gently along the side of her neck. His breath tickled along her skin, as he pressed open-mouthed kisses starting just underneath her ear and stopping where the collar of her shirt impeded his progress.

Pressed full-length against the front of Des, Nic couldn't help but be aware of the hard-on pressing into her ass. The close contact transformed the adrenaline she had felt at first being grabbed into pure lust. She couldn't have broken out of his hold now if she wanted to, and that was something she very much did not want to do.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Nic breathed, trying to make sense of everything that had happened in the past few moments. Her head felt like it was spinning, and Des' hands tracing the counters of her body wasn't helping matters. She was once again losing control; falling into the pace Des had set and unable to deny that was exactly what she wanted.

"If you have to ask, I'm obviously doing something wrong," Des murmured as his hands drifted over her abdomen to her breasts. She expected that he would continue to tease her, his fingers tracing lightly over her shirt, the heat from his palms sensitizing the skin just a layer of cloth away. It quickly became clear Des had other plans as a sharp tug sent buttons flying and bared Nic's skin to the cool air of the darkened room.

Before Nic could gain her breath back from the surprise of being nearly half naked, Des pulled the cups of Nic's demi-bra down and quickly replaced the sheer fabric with his hands. His grip went just to the edge of being rough, his fingers squeezed and played her tight nipples pulling a sharp moan from her lips and arching her back so that her ass danced along the hot pole of flesh straining against the zipper of Des' slacks.

"Oh God," Nic whispered, trying to hold on to some semblance of reality as Des twisted and plucked the sensitive peaks of her swollen breasts. She could hardly believe she was allowing him to do this. What if someone walked in? Nic was facing the door and there was no way they could explain away what they were doing. Of course, Des' hands felt so good, she probably wouldn't care either way. It had been so long since she had had a man to touch her, and never had it been like this.

"You feel even better than I thought you would," Des whispered skimming his hands down over the trembling muscles in Nic's abdomen. She was softer than he'd imagined, and yet there was a strength there that drew him deeper, making him eager to find all the different sides of her. To bring everything she kept hidden to the surface. For his eyes only.

His fingers played in the indentation of her bellybutton, skirted around the shape of her waist before reaching the barrier of her slacks. He slowed his movements, listening to the increased pace of their breathing, and trying to bring himself under control. It was so tempting. He could easily draw her pants down, free himself from his own clothes and slip inside her; giving them what they both wanted. What they both needed.

Slipping past the button and zipper hiding her from view, Des followed the seam between her legs, gripping the heat shielded by her thighs. His own groan of impatience played alongside Nic's gasp of surprise. God, he could feel her right through the fabric; so ready for him. He pressed against her, tracing the outline of her lips and locating easily where her clit was already straining for his touch. She whimpered and gasped, grabbing onto his arm as though to push him away, but instead covering his hand with her own, following and then leading him towards her pleasure.

Nic's head fell back against Des' shoulder as she grinded herself against his fingers, eager for the release he could give. When he pulled his hand away she moaned in frustration, already so close to climax. Fortunately he moved to the button and zipper of her slacks, working them free so quickly Nic barely had time to prepare herself for the heat of his fingers moving through the light down that was the last flimsy obstacle to the place they both needed him to explore.

He wasn't gentle. His hand delved between her pussy lips to find the liquid heat he could smell even now. He worked a finger into her, her tight walls clutching him so hard he thought he'd lose it. Des ground his cock into the soft valley of her ass as he set up a rhythm, pumping into her as deep as he could reach, needing to feel her cum more than he wanted to breathe.

"That's right, baby. Give it to me. Come on," Des murmured as he added another finger and pressed the heel of his palm into her clit. Her moans were more than he could take and the way she moved with him, fucking herself onto his hand with abandon was torture. He really didn't want to embarrass himself, but if she didn't cum soon...

Nic reached out to the wall, pressing a hand against it in support as she lost herself to Des' pace. It was too much. It wasn't enough. She wanted...she needed... Reaching behind her with her other hand, she reached between their bodies to cup his heavy length. Oh God, she wanted him inside her so much. Fucking her hard, not with just his fingers. Gasping for breath, she stroked him, wanting to drive him as insane as he was driving her. Wanting to make him forget that they were in the back of restaurant probably seconds away from getting caught.

But, it was too late. As though he was reading her mind he skimmed his mouth from her neck to her ear and whispered, "Don't worry. I'll fuck you as soon as we get back. Hard as you want. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Nic nodded her head as she felt the crest rising within. She was lightheaded. She couldn't breathe. God, she was gonna die.

"Let me hear you say it. Tell me you want me to fuck you. Say it and cum all over my hand," he demanded and pushed a third finger inside, stretching her so good the slight pain melded with the pleasure to push her over.

"Yes, yes, yes! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Nic half screamed as her pussy clamped down hard and her vision blurred. He kept working her, refusing to let her come down, extending her orgasm out until she really thought she'd pass out. When he finally gentled his movements, her legs were shaking so badly she was certain there was no way she could walk out of that restaurant under her own power.

They stood for a long minute trying to catch their breath before he pulled his now drenched hand from her pants and tried his best to right her clothes. Nic could hardly care that her shirt was ruined and that she'd just allowed Des liberties she'd never previously allowed any man to even get close to on a first date. Her body was loose and relaxed, and she just knew that there was a smile on her face. She hadn't felt this good in...well...years. And yet, strangely enough, even now she throbbed to have more of him. Couldn't wait, to be exact.

Pulling off his jacket, Des slipped it over her shoulders before directing her to a couch Nic hadn't noticed until this very minute. He pushed her down and knelt in front of her to adjust the jacket. Once he had her covered, he gave her a smile before leaning in for a sweet soft kiss that was completely at odds to what they had just done.

"I'm going to pull the car around back. We can leave through the kitchen. Okay?" he asked as his thumb traced her lower lip, has hand cupping her cheek.

She nodded mutely, the smell of her cum on his hand both arousing and embarrassing. Nic watched him stand and head to the door. Before opening it he turned back to her, his grey eyes dark.

"You know we're not finished right? I'm going to take you home and I'm spending the night. That's alright with you, isn't it?"

His voice was less question and more command. But, Nic couldn't deny that she wanted this. Wanted him. She nodded again and felt immediately lighter when her response was met by another of his smiles.

She smiled back and watched him exit the room. Flopping back against the couch she tried to tell herself that getting involved like this was a bad idea, that she'd probably regret it by tomorrow morning. But, she couldn't quite make herself believe it. And wondered if that was a good, or bad thing.

To be continued...

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tjdhall2tjdhall2about 4 years ago

Man, please update!!!!!!finish this or something

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
You can't be serious

You got to be flipping kidding me; how can you write 5 freaking chapters and leave YOUR readers hanging like this. Why even start a story if you CAN'T FINISH IT.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Where are you????

Aww shit.... Please tell me you working on ch. 6

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Lovely story; you are coming back to complete it, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I think this is my favorite story. I've been rereading for years. Please update!

roseloveroseloveabout 11 years ago

That was so hotttt. Wow i think that was the hottest love story ever n it only before the main course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Oh my gosh!

You've got to finish this! It's just so hott. I can't wait to see what you have in store in future chapters. Please update! and Keep up the awesome writing :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Please finish!

I nearly cried when I realised there were no chapters after the 5th. It is so good! Put us out of our misery!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good story

But I just realized u started this in 06. By the time she sleeps with him it'll be 2015. Kinda wish I never started reading in the first place, thanks for the chapters so far.

TalyniaTalyniaover 11 years ago
You're in timeout for making us wait so long

Jade, I request a yearly update. I've been reading this since you posted it and I will somewhat patiently wait for you to finish it.

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69over 11 years ago
Fuck my life NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

You must update quickly please! LOLz! Ain't to proud to beg now! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
When u gonna finish?


Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Baby.....when we getting to.......

I found this then I lost it....found it again and did two re-reads.

I am like a family member sitting down to a holiday feast. I'm looking for the wish bone in the turkey....when is she going to fuck this dude???? He is clearly hotter than July for her. She needs to ride that bronco and be done wit it !!!!!!

I'll be checking back from time to time. You have a nice writing style with very few technical errors. Keep up the good work..............but sooner!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

You have a crisp, clean, writing style with flowing dialogue (spoken and thought) that keeps the reader glued to the page... uhm, I mean screen. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story!

got2luvmelgot2luvmelover 12 years ago
Hm as a Bookworm

I'm one of those people that read so much that years between updates mean nothing to me. If it takes you a year to update then so be it, I'm not complaining. IF I aint dead by then (praying I won't be LOL), I'll still be around to read your next chapter.

This story is totally made of win btw...whenever we get another chapter, please make Des and Nic fuck the shiotz out of each other! After this chap's steaminess it'd be pointless to expect anything less.


You for Finally updating the series, I look forward to more on them SOON!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

How many years has it been? I was actually about to delete this from my favorites, and just had to check it one last time. Girl. Let me tell you. Don't. Wait. Another. Year. I will delete this for real and it will be a wrap. Damn on second thought...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I'm curious, but not that curious

Like so many others, I have longed for the conclusion to this story. However, I can't bring myself to read this chapter because I don't want to find myself waiting and wondering for years to come. Nevermore, Nevermore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I give up, too long between chapters

FloribundaFloribundaalmost 13 years ago
oh god damn!

On the one hand I'm so happy that I only just found this brilliant story and therefore didn't have all those nail-biting years in between chapters 1-5... and on the other (yes, I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to say!), I'm feeling gutted that I might have to wait for years for the next.

Please - kind beg - fall at feet (lol!)- update soon.

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