Final Breath


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She let out another squeak and surrendered to another trembling orgasm. Her juices dripped down my latex-covered cock until I felt their warmth further down my groin. Her body slumped forward and I caught her in my arms and held her tight.

Amazingly, I had not come while she did. I craved for my own release but I resolved to myself I would not push for it if she was not ready, willing or able to continue. She, however, had different ideas.



"You... didn't come yet?"

"I waited for you. Ladies first and all that."

She thought for a moment before replying.

"I want you to come too."

"Don't feel like you have to do this for me. If you want to wait..."

"Shhhh," she silenced me. Then she did the most amazing thing. She flexed her inner walls and contracted her pussy around my achingly hard cock. The pleasure was indescribable.

"It's your turn now, Gare," she purred.

"Oh god, Erin!"

"Fuck me, Garrett. I know you want it. I want it too. Come for me baby! Fuck me!"

Her dirty talk lit a fiery animal instinct in me. I rose up and drove myself inside her mercilessly, without regard for anything except my pleasure, as was her command.

"Yes! That's it!" she egged me on. "Fuck me! Fuck your little goth princess!"

That last, mind-blowing statement sent me over the edge. With a loud cry of "ERIN!", I arched my back and thrust inside her one last time. I surrendered to the tremendous orgasm that powered through my body, and surely the latex condom strained to hold strong against the thick strands of cum that fired out of my cock. I fell back on the bed, utterly spent, seeing stars and lost in a sweet daze of joy, holding on to my beloved Erin and never, ever wanting to let go.


I wasn't sure how long it took me to recover. I looked at Erin. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling sweetly, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. Her arms were lovingly wrapped around my shoulders, as were her legs around my thighs. I didn't want to disturb this moment, but I had to, if only briefly.

I attempted to get up, but Erin squeezed tighter and held me down with surprising strength. I tried once again and encountered similar resistance.

"Please, don't," she whispered.

"I need to get up, just for a second. I'll be right back, I swear."

"But... I don't want to let go." She put on her best little girl face, complete with puppy dog eyes and lower lip pushed out.

Damn. How was I supposed to say no to that?

"OK. Ride me piggy-back style?"

Erin's sweet smile widened again. I sat up and she maneuvered to hold on to me from behind. I carried her on my back as I properly disposed of the condom. We returned to her bed and, after some careful shifting, we naturally fell back into our previous position, one that I was sure would be a favourite of ours; I on the bottom with her on top and draped all over me.

"This is nice," she said.

"Very nice," I agreed.

She grew quiet, and it looked like she was contemplating something.



"What are you thinking right now?"

"I'm thinking that I'm ready."

"Ready? For what?"

"To tell you what I couldn't back then, when I found you again. To tell you everything that happened to me."

I wasn't sure I was ready for this. "Erin, I want you to tell me, but are you sure this is the right time?"

"Yes. It has to be now. I love you, Garrett, and I want to share everything I have, everything I am, with you, even the bad stuff. And if I don't say this now, I might lose my nerve and I might never tell you. I can't let that happen. Please?"

I nodded and gently kissed her nose. "OK. I'm listening."

"OK. You remember how we wrote back and forth regularly for a while, then I just stopped?"

"Yeah, I do."

"You can blame my dad for that." She sighed heavily before continuing. "That promotion he got was the worst thing that could have happened for all of us. My dad was under a lot of pressure from that damned job, and he didn't handle it well. He started drinking. Social drinking at first, then it got worse and worse, until he became a full-out alcoholic. And he was an abusive alcoholic. He'd yell at Mom all the time. He even beat her and hurt her pretty bad a couple times. He started in on me, too. He didn't physically hurt me like he did Mom, but the verbal abuse was horrible. He called me stupid a lot and said I'd grow up a worthless whore.

"One night he caught me trying to go out and mail one of my letters to you. He had already downed one bottle of whisky and was working on a second. He said he'd be damned if he let me whore myself out to some guy. I tried telling him it was just an innocent letter to you, tried to make him remember you, but it was no use. He took a lighter and burned the letter in front of me, then he grabbed a hammer and smashed our laptop computer so I couldn't e-mail you either. I know I could have maybe e-mailed you from school or somewhere else, but I was so afraid of him. The fear took control of me and paralyzed me.

"No matter what we did, it wasn't good enough. Towards the end he wouldn't stop, the abuse got worse and worse. Can you imagine what that's like, being so afraid of someone that you can't live, that anything you do will result in you fearing for your life?"

I was absolutely stunned. I remembered her father; he seemed like a decent enough guy, perhaps a bit too strict but nothing outrageous. To hear about this monstrous behaviour he inflicted on Erin and her mother was beyond my ability to comprehend.

"So... what happened? How did you end up back here?"

"He ran out of booze one night and went to the liquor store to get more," she said in a flat, emotionless voice that stood at stark contrast to the heartbreaking tale she told. "He was shitfaced, in no condition to drive, and even with everything he did to her my Mom pleaded with him to stop, but he just slapped her and shoved her to the ground. He ran a red light a few blocks away and crashed his car into traffic. He nearly killed the driver of the other car. Last I heard he was convicted of DUI causing serious injury, or something like that, and is rotting away in jail somewhere.

"Mom came to her senses and got a divorce, it was pretty easy with all that had happened to us, to her. She didn't know anybody in that damned place and just wanted to get the hell out, and I didn't blame her. She moved us back here because it was all that we knew. And, well, you know the rest."

"Not quite all of it. I do have another question."


"I'm curious... how did you... get into the whole goth thing?"

"It's OK, I don't mind telling you. I was just starting high school when things were getting really bad at home. I didn't know anybody, had no one to trust, and felt that no one cared. Then I met Madison. I thought she was strange at first and I tried to push her away, but she kept at it. She told me that I looked so sad that she wanted to make it her personal mission to help me."

"I'm glad she did."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for her, I don't know what I would have done. The more I talked to her, the more I liked her, and the more I became interested in her goth lifestyle. I asked lots of questions, she answered them honestly, and I liked what I heard. I knew in my heart it was the right choice for me."

"Did you know there was a group of kids like you here?"

"No. I got lucky. I told Madison that Mom and I were moving here, and she told me that she had a cousin here who would help me fit in. Scarlett is Madison's cousin. When I moved in here in the summer before junior year, I met Scarlett, she introduced me to everyone else and we all became friends."

"Hold on a second, Erin. You said you moved here in the summer, but I didn't know you were here until you showed up by my locker about a week into class."

"I know. That was the only time I regretted even for a little while becoming goth. As soon as we moved back here I wanted to run right to your house and hold you, but I was scared you'd reject me because I was so different. About a thousand times I wanted to see you, even if just to say hi, and a thousand times I chickened out."

"But on the thousand-and-first time, you mustered up the courage to do what your heart wanted."

"Yeah, and I fucked it up pretty bad after what that asshole Billy said."

"Well, nobody's perfect. And I lied about knowing you at first, so I almost fucked it up before you did. Besides, you made it right the next day."

"Only because you let me. You let me, and you made me whole again."

"You make me feel complete, too. Erin, I'm sorry you and your Mom had to go through all that shit with your father. I'm sorry that some kids at your old high school and some of the ones here are such idiots. I wish there was something I could do to take all the pain away from you."

She closed her eyes and softly, sweetly, kissed me. "You've already done so much for me, Garrett. But if it's not too much to ask, there are two other things I need you to do, it would mean so much for me."

"Just name them. Anything at all."

"Keep being the good person that you are. And keep loving me. That's all I ask. Can you do that?"

"For the first part, I'll try my best. As for the second, that will be easy. I love you, Erin, and I don't ever want to stop loving you."

"That goes double for me, Gare. I love you too, so, so much."

We kissed to cement our new-found yet deep love for each other. I felt honoured that she chose to open herself up, share her pain and bare her soul to me. I thought about the sequence of events, all the things that had to go right, the myriad number of coincidences, how everything had to pile up in just the right way, in order for Erin to come back into my life again and eventually become the love of my life. And on Halloween of all days. Sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction.

Erin's heavy sigh broke my concentration. "I wish we didn't have to go to school tomorrow."

I was about to agree with her until the devious part of my mind started to turn. I looked at Erin and saw the sparkle in her eye and the mischievous grin on her face that almost certainly matched mine.

"What are you thinking about in that head of yours, Gare?" she teased.

"I was thinking it might be fun to play a little hooky," I replied.

"Oooh," she whispered and kissed me. "I like the way you think."

"I thought you might. I do have to go on Friday, because it's game day and Coach has a rule that if we don't show up to class on game day we don't play."

"That's OK. I know football is very important to you. I don't want to keep you from something you love."

"Thanks. But I think I have built up enough goodwill with Coach, my teachers and my parents to get away with taking tomorrow off."

"Well I'm glad that's settled, Gare."

"Me too, Erin."

She shifted her position slightly, and I felt her body brush up against my awakening shaft. "Garrett?" she quietly asked.

"Yes Erin?"

"You're... hard again."

"Guilty as charged. In my defense, I am naked and I have a hot naked babe lying on top of me."

She giggled and kissed me full on the lips.


"Yes Garrett?"

"What do you suppose we'll do all day tomorrow?"

She smiled and wriggled her hot little body into mine, enticing and tempting me. "More of what we did earlier tonight, I hope."

"Oh yes! But we only have two condoms left. And I know I'll want to do it with you much more than twice!" I kissed her neck and earlobe after my words set in, and she happily sighed at my touch.

"I guess that means we'll have to get... creative. Because... Garrett?"

"Yes Erin?"

"We're not leaving my house at all tomorrow, and you're not going to put on any clothes so I can play with your glorious naked body all... day... long!"

She punctuated her last sentence with kisses and licks to one of my own nipples. The wonderful sensations went straight to my ever-stiffening cock.

"If my goth princess will allow me to worship her beautiful naked body all day tomorrow," I panted, "then she has a deal."

She left a trail of kisses down my chest and abs. For the second time that Halloween night, one of her soft hands closed around my cock.

"Deal. But I can't wait until tomorrow. I want you again right now."

Her tongue flicked out and licked the head of my erect member, circling all around it. Then she wrapped her mouth around my cock and lovingly began to suck on it.

"Oh god, Erin!" I groaned, writhing and clutching the sheets beneath me.

I just happened to look at her alarm clock at that moment. It read 11:59pm. Only seconds to go until the calendar flipped to November 1st.

With my final breath of Halloween, I let Erin, my goth princess, take me once again to the heights of pleasure.

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ScoratScoratover 3 years ago
Lovely but sad

As a once upon a time fringe goth person with goth friends (black tape for a blue girl and all that) it really makes me sad that people can’t live and let live. Beautiful story. 5 stars! Now on to part 2....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This author could write a novel, best story I have ever read on here, Characters seemed real and a good story line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Good read. More than just wham thank you ma'am. Not just porn but a story

ShyAshleyShyAshleyalmost 8 years ago

This was such a good read. I loved every last part.

OleguyOleguyover 11 years ago
Reluctant (?) suggestion.

Normally I am reluctant to suggest future paths to a damn good story teller like you as I feel it impolite of me to try to get into and steer an inventive mind.

But I can not resist, I was wrapt in this story and would love to know more of our heroes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well Done

This is excellent work. Though I, like a lot of people it would seem, am interested to know how the next few days would pan out for the new lovers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
18 Year olds.

Most of these stories are about 18 year olds. If Erin is just 5' tall and slender she probably has smaller breasts, maybe 34as, No need to make thme too large, that will come after she has some kids.

ExtraTallExtraTallover 11 years ago
Simply Fantastic!

I've read a lot of other entries for this years halloween contest, and I will have to say that this one is the best out of all of them. Keep up the good work, as I look forward to seeing more of your wonderfully-spun words in the future :).

SpotInTheSandSpotInTheSandover 11 years ago
Excellent work

Great character development, great story arc, and of course, great sex at the end. Very good work, man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Perfect literacy

This story was amazing! Very well written and just all around fantastic!! Keep em coming

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 11 years ago
A very good piece of writing.

Thank you, and good luck in the competition.

steve010946steve010946over 11 years ago
Wonderful story

This was one of , if not the best erotic story I've read. Great story line & character development . I enjoyed it so much- thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well Done

I agree with the statements below, good character development, good story line, well done.

More please...

76pinto76pintoover 11 years ago
great story!!!

really good, great charater development, good story line!

Mostera1Mostera1over 11 years ago

You have done very well. I liked this almost as much as Kellie and Brad. You handled young first love perfectly. Two youngsters who grew up into different cultures reunited by love. Would really enjoy a sequel as they grow together. I see a lot of potential here, a lot. Just like with Kellie and Brad. Oh am waiting patiently too. :)

Thank you,


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