Finding You Bk. 02: Paradigm Shift


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"I see her...and him," Marcus snarled the word with deadly venom dripping from his tongue.

"Don't do anything stupid, brother. Save the alpha male routine for when she's naked in your playroom. Right now, you need to embrace your calm or you will scare her off."

"I hear you." Marcus said, trying to rein in his temper. He watched her for a few minutes, waiting for the possessive rage to calm down and was doing okay until the asshole she was dancing with slid behind her and had the gall to put his hands on her stomach.

Marcus saw red. One minute, he was standing beside Cooper, the next; he had launched himself like a ballistic missile, locked onto the dancing pair. Cooper sprung for Marcus but was seconds too late, his grasping hand closing on a fistful of empty air. Marcus' broad back disappeared into the crowd as he stormed through the startled dancers, parting bodies like an icebreaker cutting through sea ice.

Tabby and her partner had their backs to the carnage that Marcus was leaving in his wake, so were blissfully unaware of the approaching menace. He came up right behind the man and tapped him hard on the shoulder to get his attention. What he really wanted to do was sucker punch the idiot to the floor, but didn't want to scare Tabitha...or end up in jail that evening.

The man threw an irritated glance over his shoulder an angry curse freezing on his lips and he blanched when he found a very irate Marcus glaring down at him with murder in his eyes.

"Go. Now." Marcus grated, his blue-green irises having turned almost jet black with barely suppressed rage.

The young man's hands sprung off Tabby as if she had burned him. Tabby, on the other hand, didn't notice the drama happening behind her and continued dancing, lost in the infectious beat of the song that was playing. The minute the man hastily vacated the area, Marcus slid smoothly into his spot; his huge body surrounding Tabby's much smaller frame like an impenetrable castle wall.

Tabby froze, every nerve sparking with electricity as a familiar, spicy, men's cologne invaded her air space a moment before a furnace of heat pressed against her back. Her heart began tripping over its own beats as arousal shifted it into high gear caused by the sudden surge of adrenaline that dumped into her bloodstream. A pair of warm, large hands caressed her midriff and settled low on the front of her hips, snugging her tightly against his front.

Hot, breath ghosted up the back of her neck as he leaned down and dropped featherlike kisses in a shivering trail up to her ear. He nuzzled the side of her face with his bearded cheek before nipping her earlobe, the resulting blast of desire almost made her knees forget which way they were supposed to bend to keep her upright.

"Dance, angel," he breathed, kissing the hollow of her shoulder and pressing his hips into her lower back. This close together, Tabby couldn't mistake the hard length of his cock rubbing into the base of her spine as he began to sway his hips against her.

Tabby forgot how to breathe. She forgot how to think. She didn't know what to do, so she did nothing and just stood rooted to the floor unable to move.


He held her so close, covering her back and towering over her. His sudden proximity causing a conflagration of conflicting emotions to collide with the sensations her nerves were urgently sending into her brain and it quietly short-circuited from the overload.

God, he was so warm and hard.

She shivered; an involuntary response that her frozen muscles couldn't resist. Her body felt like a volcanic mountain had grown up around her and was holding her in its solid, boiling embrace.

The way he was moving, made the ridge of his erection rub against her, tripping switches that she didn't know she possessed, driving her towards a madness that she didn't understand. That telltale bulge left nothing to her imagination. Through the thin silk of her dress, she felt every contour of his cock, but mostly, her mind focused on the shocking size of it.

Were all men that freaking huge?

The logical side of her brain screamed: "Holy shit, that thing is supposed to fit where exactly?" while another part of her subconscious, from down lower, was doing a happy dance and rolling out the red carpet, screaming, "Hallelujah!"

He pressed against her, urging her to dance with him to the music, but her locked muscles wouldn't budge. With his arousal grinding into her back, she just couldn't think past the huge, expanding ball of arousal that was engulfing her as rapidly as fire consumed oxygen. Heat burned low in her belly, turning into dew that soaked through her pretty, silk panties.

Marcus chuckled sexily into her ear, wrapping his long arms around her middle and fitting her ass firmly into the cage his hips made around hers. "Forgot how to dance, sweetness?" Holding her captive with just his godly body acting as restraints, Marcus kept moving to the music, guiding Tabby and giving her no choice but to move with him.


Dancing in this way with Marcus triggered a bittersweet flash of memory - her as a young child, standing on her daddy's feet, holding his hands, dancing and laughing with him. Her happiness gave way to sadness at the years that she had lost with a loving father, taken much too soon. Marcus sensed the change in tension in her body and bent close to her so that he could bury his nose in her sweet smelling hair.

"Shhh, little angel. Whatever that thought was, it has no place here with us right now." He murmured into her ear. "Trust me, Tabitha. Trust me to show you how good we can be."

Every time he spoke, the effect his voice had on her was like splashing gasoline onto a fire. She'd never felt an attraction as strong in her life, as the one raging through her body for Marcus. None of her fears or doubts seemed to matter in that moment; every nerve, every brain cell was tuned in to Marcus' frequency, overwhelming every coping mechanism she had with primal, sensory input that she didn't have the experience to process. Something gave inside her and instead of trying to think through the haze, Tabby chose to surrender and let go of the internal conflict that was keeping her locked in place.

He had asked her to trust him and it shocked Tabby at how badly she wanted to do just that, because fighting him was taking too much energy.

Marcus rejoiced when Tabitha began to move with him, her arms folding over his and her hands clasping around his forearms. He buried his mouth in her hair, humming with pleasure. "That's my angel. Now dance."

They were moving faster now, Marcus' hips guiding and bringing hers with them until they were moving in synch with each other - their two bodies fused together into one unit.

The song that had been playing ended and the DJ cued up another. The irresistible, thumping beat of J.T.'s "Sexy Back" pounded through the club, causing an excited rush as dancers flooded the sunken dance-floor to gyrate to the popular song. Marcus held Tabby, his hands skimming up the front of her dress, enjoying the teasing feel of her soft, warm skin through the lattice-like lace at her midriff. He wanted to slide his hands up her skirt and see for himself if she was as wet as she smelled. Her scent was ambrosia that had his cock aching to find the source of the entrancing aroma.

Freed from the constriction of underwear or pants, he worked his hips against her, sliding the front hem of his kilt up until it gathered between their grinding bodies. With the heavy wool out of the way, he tilted his hips just enough to allow his jutting erection to catch on the underside of Tabby's deliciously, rounded ass and from there, it was an easy slide that put him between her legs.

She gasped and jumped at the heat of his hardness gliding along the silk that protected her sweet spot from the bold invader. Marcus knew that he was taking a hell of a risk. He had no idea how she'd react to him, but it was time for him to find out. She would either allow his actions or he'd get a slap - either way, he'd have an answer.

Marcus shuddered, overcome by the hot, dampness caressing the top of his shaft and it dawned on his lust-addled brain that she hadn't tried to pull away. Instead, she'd shifted and brought her thighs closer together, squeezing him against her and trapping him in place as she moved to the music in such a way that encouraged him to keep sliding his cock back and forth along the soaking wet strip of silk.

For a second, Marcus was unsure of what to do. Of all the reactions he had been expecting, this had not been one of them. Not only was she permitting his brash act, but also seemed to be actually encouraging it.

Holy shit! It seemed that his angel had a little touch of the devil hiding beneath her halo. He grinned wickedly at the revelation - he was definitely prepared to handle her naughty side and to help her explore that side of her nature. The more he found out about his sweet, dirty angel, the more irresistible she became for him.

Swivelling his hips, Marcus began pressing his cock along the crotch of her panties in a slow drag that made her breath hitch and her thighs clamp around his dick, inadvertently providing the friction required to drive him insane. The hot, sodden silk felt so damn good pressing down onto his sensitive skin and he could feel the slip and slide of her moist folds above the thin layer that separated them. He had wanted to tease her a little and she had turned the tables on him. With one small move, Tabitha had dumped him into a hot frying pan and all he could do was try to focus on dancing in order to avoid the scorching flames of his own burning desire pushing him to misbehave.

They swayed in time to the music, blending into the crowd of people, grinding together in another intimate dance, losing themselves to the thumping beat. Both of them were breathing rapidly and it had nothing to do with the exertion of their bodies, it was all due to the exquisite sensations that only they could feel, transporting them away from the packed dance floor. In a pocket of reality where only they existed, their bodies moved together, imitating a primal, biological dance hardwired into their DNA, the truth of their union kept discreetly hidden from sight by the drape of Marcus' handy kilt.

Unable to resist the opportunity to explore her body, he decided to test her boundaries and drifted one hand up her stomach until he reached the soft weight of one of Tabby's breasts. The minute he cupped her and gave the flesh a gentle squeeze, she shuddered and moaned, pressing her back into his chest, unconsciously offering him access. Her subconscious act of submission floored him and he almost came with sheer, unadulterated joy.

His angel was proving to be a natural submissive! Not one of the cardboard cut-out subs that overpopulated the BDSM world, play acting the role for fun but never truly understanding what it meant to submit. Tabitha's type of submission was hardwired into her DNA and couldn't be faked or forced because it and flowed from her soul - all she had needed was the right Dominant to entice it out of hiding. He intended to be that Dominant - and perhaps Cooper too, if she allowed it.

Please God let her accept his partner. The things they could teach her together would seal her to them in a heartbeat, if only she'd give the unorthodox relationship a chance.

She moaned again, lassoing Marcus' wandering mind and hauling him back to the present. She had stretched her arms up, hooking them behind his neck, and was slowly pulling his head down to her mouth. Her lush lips shone like ripe cherries, parted ever so slightly, he could see a sliver of her pink tongue peeking out from under her white teeth and the sight made him suddenly ravenous for a taste.

He crushed his mouth onto those soft, lovely lips, sucked the bottom one into his mouth, gently trapping it between his teeth and nibbled on it before he released it. She closed her mouth and he traced the seam where her lips met with the tip of his tongue; she tasted sweet, like strawberries from her lip-gloss. Using gentle pressure, he encouraged her to open for him, which she did, meeting him halfway with her tongue, twisting it with his like two copulating snakes.

He deepened the kiss, alternating between warring with her tongue and nipping at her lip until she gave him what he was truly after. A shiver ran up her back and her body capitulated, moulding against him and into his arms like a missing piece to a puzzle that had just slotted itself into place. She opened fully to him, allowing him to plunge his tongue deep inside her mouth without any resistance, claiming every inch of the space for his own. Her sweet moans of desire spilled into his mouth, nourishing his soul with joy. The vibrations from the desperate sounds she was making, took the express route straight to his balls, making his cock buck and pulse against the soaking wet strip of silk that separated their two sexes.

It was Marcus' turn to let out a soft groan as he slowly massaged her breasts and pressed his cock harder against her pussy, increasing the friction for both of them. Releasing her swollen lips, he forged a trail of kisses down her neck and over her bare shoulder, while Tabby ground down hard on his length, shifting the angle of her hips so that the fat crown hit her throbbing clit with each thrust.

Marcus was on fire, his desire had become a five-alarm blaze that was rapidly consuming him. He wasn't even inside her and he felt like he was about to spontaneously combust. The breathless gasps that Tabitha made each time the swollen nub of her clit bumped over the head of his erection were only fanning the flames burning like napalm on his skin. The fires of Hell had nothing on the heat currently searing Marcus' body into ash.

It was getting harder and harder for him to think clearly, to act rationally and to keep himself under control with her moist heat, honeyed taste and strong, musky feminine scent invading all of his senses. Every second that he was in contact with her body, another layer of his humanity stripped away, driving him closer to his primal, alter ego - a beast, hell bent on ravishing the angel in his arms.


Another hard thrust against Tabby's sheathed pussy made her shudder and she pushed back against his chest to give her pelvis more leverage to push against him. Marcus' eyes rolled in exquisite agony as she bore down so hard, that his shaft slipped into the embrace of her supple folds, stretching the delicate silk of her panties to their limit.

For the first time, he felt the hot, velvety softness of her bare skin slide wetly along the sides of his cock, gripping and caressing it as he stroked it through her slit. Somewhere, inside his flagging brain, a nuclear bomb detonated and reduced his grey matter to a steaming pile of sludge.

He was so close to where he'd longed to fucking close that every second felt like torture.

The sensation of skin on skin overwhelmed Tabby with a flood of sensations that burnt out what was left of her functioning brain cells. She was helpless to stop the electrical storm that swept through her and if she had still been capable of thinking clearly, she might have realized the dangerous game that she was playing. Realized it, then discarded her qualms because the truth was, she wouldn't have wanted to stop even if she had been able.

Nothing should ever feel this good, she thought. She had never experienced pleasure this intense in her life and knew, from that moment on; nothing was ever going to be the same for her again.

Marcus hung on to her as her whole body convulsed in ecstasy, the fleshy lips of her labia fluttering with tiny muscular contractions, teasing the length of Marcus' erection. The realization that one slight readjustment in the angle of his hips and he could be where he so desperately wanted to go - buried deep inside her - tempted him like the apple presented to Eve.

All he had to do is make one small choice and he could find himself embraced in heaven or the consequences would toss him into the abyss of Hell.

Marcus grappled with the quandary, trying to decide whether to do what was right and resist, or to give in to the demanding need to have her.

His beast was all for taking her right here, blasting his system with a dose of raw lust, in the attempt to goad him into embracing his dark side. When the head of his cock dipped slightly over her opening, where the only barrier to her entrance was a thin slip of silk, he almost threw his morals into the flames to burn.

He managed to catch himself just as he was about to manoeuver himself into position. She'd never forgive him if he gave in and he was certain that he'd never get a second chance to make it up to her. She would be gone from his life and Cooper would lose her before ever getting a chance to be with her. He'd never forgive Marcus and Marcus would stand to lose his best friend as well as the one woman who could possibly be his soul mate.

Sobering rationality and strong moral convictions overrode his more base instincts and prevented him from making an unforgivable mistake. To take her now, without her express consent would be akin to what that fucktard of a boss of hers had tried to do.

Fucking her like this would be tantamount to rape...or at least it would be in Marcus' mind.

He wouldn't disrespect his angel like that. Doing so would kill him. Marcus knew without a shadow of a doubt, that the day his cock finally found its way into her body, it would be with her full knowledge and consent in what was about to happen.

Not this way.

He'd never be able to live with himself if he just took her like a rutting animal.

Tabby was writhing in his arms, incoherent with desire and beyond the ability to give him the consent he needed to take their game to the next level. The maelstrom of sexual stimulation that he had been providing, had essentially strapped her to a runaway train with only one goal in sight...reaching orgasm, regardless of the consequences to pay later.

Thinking about making his angel orgasm, caused his aching balls to tighten and draw up, the unbearable tension acting as a forewarning to Marcus that he was fast approaching his own point of no return.

Fuck no! He was seconds away from coming and needed to put the brakes on that lame shit. There was no way in hell that he would dishonour his angel by spurting his load down her legs in a crowded dance club. She deserved so much better than that.

She deserved a clean, soft bed.

She deserved tenderness and kisses.

She deserved his single-minded attention focused entirely on her pleasure.

He wanted to spend hours stoking her desire, tempting that spark into a blazing bonfire and bringing her to the edge so many times that it reduced her to a quivering mess. He wanted her tears and to hear her beg him to make her cum. Only then, would he grant her wish and send her rocketing into outer space, screaming out his name as she soared.

No. When he came, it would be with his cock buried deep inside his angel where he could feel her come all around him. Their first time would not take place on a grotty dance floor, being dry humped by the adult equivalent of a horny fucking teenager. That wasn't the impression he wanted her to have of him.

What the hell had he been thinking to let the teasing go so far? It had taken him too long to see the danger lurking in his irresponsible actions.

In order to thwart his burgeoning orgasm, Marcus broke contact, spun Tabby abruptly around in his arms and let his kilt drop back into place, hiding his straining cock from sight.
