First Estate Bk. 02: Destiny's Child


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"Well done," Michael told him. "You survived. Do you wish to meet the second challenge now? There will be no stalemate this time. You learned that she couldn't touch you if you choose to remain out of Presence. However, neither can you touch her if she remains there. The seraphim will pry you into Presence."

"I want a break," he said. "Let one of the others go so I can think and analyze how I went wrong."

Benson and Greyson gave him a fist bump and Sloan gave him a nod.

"I'll go," Landreth said. "Can I skip the first challenge? I don't want to hurt Oniah. She's family to me."

"I serve the Reapers," Oniah said. "Michael will heal me."

"I don't want to cause you pain," Landreth said. "Michael, release her. All of the rest of us except Sloan know how to take her. She's too nice to use as a punching bag. Let Sloan and her have a go if you want."

"I admire your kindness, little Reaper. There will be no need for you to participate, Oniah. Sloan, do you wish to make a trial with Oniah?"

"No, I saw what Orion did. Besides, I love her, too. I work for her, for God's sake. She'll give me nasty jobs if I beat her up."

Oniah laughed. "Thanks, but if it helps train you, I'm willing to be beat up so long as Michael heals me afterward."

"No, you may stay and watch if it pleases you," Michael told her.

It did, and she started prepping Landreth for her encounter with the seraphim.

"I know you're tough," she told Landreth. "The seraph is tougher. It will cut you to pieces with beams before you can get close. If you do manage to get through, you can't cut it. You can't crush its brain and it's faster than you."

"Well, hell," Landreth said. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Outsmart it," Oniah said.

"That's not my best trick. I'd have done better against you. I think I could kill anything except maybe Mom in hand to hand. I'm not good at tricky stuff."

"Don't sell yourself short," Benson told her. "You're sharp as a razor, you're just lazy. You can't afford that now."

"Thanks, Ben, I guess. I work twice as hard as you do though. Want to have a bench press max out?"

"I don't mean that. I love you Landry, but you know you don't like to think through things. You'd rather hit problems in the mouth."

She laughed. "I guess you've got me. I can think. I'm not just all muscle."

"No, I know. You're all ribbons and lace on the inside. You're pretty sweet on the outside too," he told her, eying her long, muscular form.

She winked at him and stepped into the circle. The seraph shimmered into visibility. Benson had been terrified of them as a child. They were huge, probably weighing tons. They had multiple heads, all with biting apparatus, were incredibly strong and looked like a mixture of buffalo and big cat. He had never seen one move. They just appeared where they wanted to go. They had eyes on their bodies, in addition to the ones on their heads, and flaming disks surrounded them.

His initial fear had been tempered to a healthy respect through the years. They were really quite kind, and Azaih had allowed him to ride on his back. If he ever needed anything from them, they happily did whatever he told them he needed. They didn't mind speak but they could roar out words. They were simple minded and most of what they had to say was about how great God is.

He had never seen one fight and had no desire to be on the receiving end. It appeared in the ring of sand and the shield went up. It nodded three of its heads toward Landreth and waited.

Michael dropped his hand and it was making a swipe through the air where Landreth had been. It moved instantaneously and Landreth was making a swipe through the air where it had been. They flashed around again and it repeated its tactic. She was a little ahead and she appeared on its back. She dropped a hammer blow and one head went limp. Two more chomped on her arm and she screamed. Benson knew from experience how tough she was. She couldn't be cut with a knife, though she felt soft to the touch. That bite shredded her arm. She appeared across the ring and healed herself.

The limp head rose back up and it flashed over and hit her. There was a tremendous crack, but she didn't flinch. Evidently, she had made herself hard and incredibly heavy because she fell on its back and crushed Azaih to the ground. It struggled briefly and disappeared. She stood back up and it appeared across the ring. Green laser looking things shot out of its eyes and her skin bubbled up where they touched. Lightning struck it and it toppled over. She struck it with a fireball and it seemed to hurt. It was semi-fireproof though and just flashed across and swung at her again. She wasn't there and she covered it in sand.

It shook off the sand and they both stood there for a minute. She was panting and her burnt skin healed. "I can't beat it," she said. "I can keep it from killing me for a while, but it's going to get me eventually. I surrender. I need some help. I can do tactics but I don't have the strategy."

Michael dropped the barrier and Azaih flashed over and licked her face. She hugged a bird head and walked out of the circle.

"Well, anyone have any ideas?"

"I'll give it a shot," Benson said. "I know you could kill me in ten seconds, Landry, but I think I have a better way."

The shield went up and Michael dropped his hand. The seraph was not imaginative. It repeated the attack it had used on Landreth. It seemed surprised when its claws ripped right through Benson. Sand flew and it roared and tore at him. The sand turned to lava beneath its feet and the lava flowed upward, covering its body. It wasn't hurt, but it was slowed considerably. A sigil in the language of Shinar appeared around it in the sand and it became immobile. The lava continued to build around it and snow began falling in the sphere of the shield. The lava solidified into stone and the form of Benson the seraph had been attacking dissolved into sand as Benson appeared behind it. He summoned a black hole and looked at Michael.

"Stop," Michael said. "Do not destroy it. You are the victor."

Benson erased part of the sigil and the stone flaked and broke away as the seraph flexed. He hugged it around its shaggy shoulders and it licked his arm.

"Tell us what you did and what you have learned," Michael said.

"Well, I knew I couldn't fight with it," Benson said. "If Landry couldn't kill it, I didn't stand a chance. I needed something else. I made an image of myself and formed that sigil in the sand. When I got it trapped, I could have destroyed it at my leisure. That wouldn't have worked on Oniah. She's too smart to trap like that. I learned that I need to leave the fighting to Landry, the air tricks to Orion and the rest of you are all better than I am at something. I think that together, we're a mean bunch of badasses. If we fight and argue among ourselves, we can be taken down."

He walked to them and beckoned them together. "Listen guys. Every one of us is special. We're the Reapers. There's nothing in the universe that can touch us together. I know you think I'm the 'Child of Destiny', but it's really Greyson that keeps us all together. Think about it. Every one of us would die for her. She would die for any one of us. Why can't we all be like that for each other? Say something, Greyson."

She blushed prettily. "I do love all of you. I know we all get on one another's nerves sometimes, but we have a bond that no one else in the universe has. We're Reapers, and God planned that each and every one of us should be just the way we are." Her voice sunk to a whisper. "I want a group hug. Then I want to take Michael. We attack him with everything we have. No black holes though. We don't want to destroy him."

The group drew together and embraced. A red lightning bolt twenty feet across dropped on Michael, crushing him to the ground; temporarily paralyzed. The air solidified around him and nuclear heat battered him. The earth opened under his feet and closed on him, burying him to his neck in lava. A sigil appeared in the lava around him and the ground froze. It all dropped away and Landreth appeared before him, driving ten inch claws up through his throat into his brain.

He spasmed once and toppled to the earth. Azaih flashed forward and Michael rose up with a smile on his face. He went into archangel form and embraced them all in his fiery wings.

"Well done, little Reapers. You have learned every lesson I intended to teach you. In only one day, you have managed to defeat Nephilim, Seraphim and the Prince of War. I had expected this to take weeks. I am proud of you. I have been training all of you for at least 21 years. You have found your center. You now realize that the Reaper Greyson is the glue that binds you all together. You have discovered that the Child of Destiny can give you purpose. You have discovered that each unique ability that you possess is irresistible when combined with the others. There are no unessential parts here. Do you understand, Sloan?"

"Yes, I apologize. I was being a brat. I won't make any more fusses."

"Orion, you are on the verge of something you don't want to happen. You have become obnoxious to your brothers and sisters. What will be your course?"

Orion stood with his head down for a moment. When he looked up, there were tears in his eyes. "I've always felt like the odd man out," he said. "I'm not as strong or fast or smart as the rest of you."

"You're mistaken," Greyson said. "I've always loved you, Orion. You consistently sell yourself short. You think a sarcastic wit compensates for your inadequacies. The problem is, you've always been capable. You just feel like the rest of us don't value you. You're wrong. If you would just stop being so nasty, we would love you. Give us a chance."

"I always knew you felt like that, Greyson. I've always loved you, but Sloan hates me. Benson barely tolerates me and the rest of you just don't care."

Lexington stepped up. "I care," she said. "I don't think we'll make it without you. You tried to make me not care. It didn't work. I do love you, little brother. Give me a chance. Give all of us a chance."

"Sloan?" Greyson asked. "Do you have anything to say?"

"Not yet," she said. "I don't like you, Orion. You made it impossible for me to like you. I'll try, though. You've picked on Ben and me our whole lives because we were younger than you were. I'll give you another chance. You made me not like you. Now it's up to you. Make me like you. Be nice to me and I will. Come to Austin and spend a week with me. I'll show you a good time and we'll see if we can fall in love. Will you do that?"

He was silent for a moment. "Yes, I want to apologize to all of you. I know I've been a tool. I'd love to spend a week with you, Sloan."

"Well, done," Michael said. "I'm proud of all of you. I see why you are the elect. I have another lesson for you before you go. It involves the use of the Siren power. The males will not be able to use this power and will practice dominating to minds of others. I have volunteers."

Mariha and Lilith appeared and were instantly deluged by the kids who hadn't seen them for a while. Michael took the girls and Lilith down the beach and the boys tried to control Mariha with their will. They stayed three days and Sloan and Orion left together.

Greyson agreed to go home with Benson for a few days and the others resumed whatever business in which they were engaged.

Chapter Two

Benson was sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching TV when Greyson emerged from the bedroom after a shower. She had pulled on one of his old Celtics jerseys and she looked amazing with her legs bare. He taught chemistry at MIT and he had been gone all day, catching up at school. She had gone shopping. They had met for dinner and gone to a club for a couple of hours. They danced, and she moved like a dream.

She got a beer and settled down next to him, snuggling up and putting his arm around her. "What are we watching?" she asked.

"Crap," he said. "How is it that you can have hundreds of channels and can't find anything interesting?"

"I'd rather just talk to you anyway," she said.

"Greyson, you always know just what to say. You're adorable. How is it that some man, or some angel or demon hasn't snapped you up?"

"I'm too busy to be snapped up," she laughed. "Besides, I've already chosen my man. He doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to make him very happy."

"Really, when did this happen? How come I haven't met him? Who is he? I'm very happy for you, babe."

"Which one of those do you want me to answer?"

"All of them. When did you meet him?"

"Well, I'm not ready to answer that. You have met him though."

"You're being very mysterious."

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to tell that yet."

"Why not? What are you waiting for?"

"I'm hoping he notices me and then I'll tell him."

"He'd be nuts not to notice you. Is he an idiot?"

"Sometimes I think so," she laughed. "I've been trying to get him to notice me for years."

"He is an idiot then. You should just forget about him," he said. "You're incredible, Greyson. How could anyone not notice you? You're the most noticeable girl I've ever met."

"Do you notice me, Ben?"

"Of course I notice you. How could I not. I... I mean, I notice how beautiful you are," he stammered. "I notice how incredibly sweet and kind you are. I notice how you look and how beautiful your voice is when you speak or sing. I notice how talented you are."

He looked down at her and there was an odd look in those violet eyes looking up at him. His voice became uncertain. "I notice those eyes. I nearly drown every time I look in them. I notice your lips and how you brush your hair behind your ear when you're embarrassed. I notice how you do that cute little frown when you're concentrating. I notice those cute little freckles on your nose. I notice how you look at me. I notice what a generous heart you have. I notice that you've been my best friend all my life. I notice how perfect you are. I notice... I notice... oh my God, I'm in love with you, Greyson!"

The realization came to him with a shock and he jumped up. "I'm so sorry I said that. Damn it, Greyson, I didn't mean to say that. I mean, hell, I don't know what I mean." He knelt in front of her.

"Please, forget I said that. I'm sorry. Shit, now you're going to feel all awkward around me. I'm so sorry."

She took his hand and put a finger on his lips, shushing him. "Ben, stop talking. You talk too much. Let me talk to you. I've been waiting to hear that since you were fifteen-years-old." He knelt with his mouth open. "Do you remember when we slipped away from the rest and went to Hawaii to see the volcano?"

"Yes, that's the only time I ever remember you being in trouble with Dad."

"I did it so I could be alone with you. I wanted you to kiss me, but you've never noticed me. I've been here all the time, waiting for you to notice me."

"I did notice you, I just thought, I don't know what the hell I thought. I guess I thought you were way too good for me. I've always adored you, I just never thought... I never dreamed I had a chance with you. I thought you were way out of my league. Jesus, I'm going to kiss you now, Greyson. Wait, do any of the others know?"

"Yes, all the adults know. Do you think I'd even consider this without their advice?"

"No, I guess you wouldn't. How about the kids?"

"Yes, the girls all know. The boys don't. Don't tell them, either."

"No, I won't. They're all ten years old. They'd just say something crude. What the hell; Let them. I love you Greyson and I don't care what they say."

He pulled her up on the edge of the couch and kissed her. It was the most incredible experience of his wildest imagination. He had kissed her hundreds of times before. There had always been an undercurrent of flirting between them, but this was the real thing. He was kissing an angel, or nearly an angel and she wanted him to. He never wanted to stop.

"Will you make love with me, Greyson?"

"Yes, I've been waiting for that too. I've never made love to a man before, but I want to with you."

"My God, babe, I've been an idiot. I had no idea it was me you were talking about. I told you to forget about me. Please don't forget about me. I was talking about me. I am an idiot."

"Yes, but you're going to be my idiot," she giggled.

He picked her little form up and squeezed her against him. She smelled terrific and felt even better. She had on that jersey and he couldn't wait to get it off. He carried her to bed and sat her down. Her hair was drying, and he felt the silken waves of it swirling around him. He looked into her violet eyes and pulled at the hem of the jersey. She raised her arms and he pulled it over her head, leaving her wonderfully and gloriously bare.

He pause, just looking at her. "Greyson, you said you've never made love with a man. Does that mean you've made love with women?"

"Yes, I like that a lot, but I'm only in love with you. There'll never be another man for me."

"Do I know the women?"

"Yes, do you really want to know?"

"Will you tell me?"

"Yes, I'll tell you anything."

"No, I guess I don't. Well, hell, I don't know."

"Aunt Boston, Lilith, Lexi, and Oniah. I was waiting for you, Benson; but I get horny sometimes, too."

She fell back on the bed and the moonlight bathed her in silver. Her hair formed a white halo around her face and she leaked fire, smoldering wings almost in focus as her control slipped. He moved between her thighs, which spread before his advance and her sweet little patch of wispy white framed a secret he explored. First with his fingers and then his tongue as she shuddered under his touch.

He woke up in the morning with a feeling that something was different. There was a little round butt against him and a silky body under his arm. Fine hair was tickling his face and his hand was cupping a generous breast. He smoothed the hair down behind one little ear and remembered that all was right with the world. Greyson loved him and that was all that mattered. He squeezed his fingers into the resilient flesh of the breast in his hand. He could see it from his vantage point. It was pressed by its weight against the other. It was full and perfectly formed; turning upward a little toward the tip. Her nipples rose from additional cones formed by her puffy areolea on the beautiful ends of each mound. They supported their own weight proudly He ran his hand down over an arching rib cage, across a flat, highly toned belly, circling a very cute little belly button. He ran it down farther and encountered a little, neatly trimmed patch of incredibly soft, straight fuzz. He returned to that fascinating breast and rolled its nipple between his thumb and forefinger. It stiffened under his touch and she stirred. He froze and she relaxed again.

He didn't want her to wake up yet. He wanted to enjoy just feeling of her for a while and looking at her. He stroked down her arm to find where the narrow waist flared up into the fascinating curve of a rounded hip. He slid along the hip and cupped her butt. It was incredible. She was very muscular and fit and yet so soft and pliable at the same time. He sank his fingers into that firm flesh and tested it. He traced his fingers into the mysterious cleft and she jerked a little. He remembered that she was very ticklish.

He returned to the breast and ran his fingers back and forth over the rubbery tip. She arched her back in her sleep, unconsciously seeking more contact. He probed below the curls between her thighs and found heat and moisture. Her hips began an unconscious motion and she began to stir. He kissed the fine hairs that curled around her ears and nibbled on her neck. He had never felt anything so silky smooth. She really had incredible skin, he realized.