Fit vs. Fat


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"I took one bite then stopped. It was the first time I ever cheated on the diet, but you probably won't believe me anyway," I said.

"You are damn right I do not believe you! It is no wonder you are packing on the pounds after all of this. I don't know why I'm bothering. You are lucky I am a nice and forgiving person," Alexis said. I had to stop myself from laughing at that.

I started lifting some weights, nothing too heavy, but enough for me to feel it. But Alexis's sour mood kept her talking.

"I do not know why you are trying to build up muscle when you have not lost a single pound of fat yet," she criticized.

We moved on the leg press, and as I struggled to lift a large amount of weight, it was if she had reached her breaking point.

"You know what, I think you should go home. I do not want to see you anymore today. Do not come back here without your husband. I want you to show him the pathetic effort you have been putting on," Alexis said, storming out, throwing over her shoulder, "Maybe you're too weak to do this on your own...maybe you need to be reminded why you want a hot body like mine in the first place."

My eyes started to well up with tears, as the horrible woman I'd paid to help me abandoned me in frustration.

Maybe she was right.



I practically had to lock myself in my office and rub myself off. These past few weeks had been going great. I had taken a new tact with my insults, insinuating that she was not enough of a woman to hold on to a man like Ben. I was quickly breaking this bitch down, tearing apart her fragile self-image and destroying her already low self-esteem, and it started to show. She was an emotional mess after a few sessions, so it was no surprise that I had found her cheating on her diet and chowing down on a big, fat burger, like a hungry dog with a chunk of raw meat.

I was in a great mood the instant I saw this. It excited me to mock her. It thrilled me to point out her inadequacy. It turned me on every time I did. I am surprised she didn't notice my hard nipples, or the growing stain on my tight workout shorts...I'd have to do something about that. But seeing this bitch so broken down that she lost all compulsion to lose weight, seeing the damage I had done, drove me wild. She was an emotional mess, thanks to me. As a trainer, you would think I would be mad that my client was pigging out on fatty foods. But I was not. I was happy. Make yourself tubbier for your man, bitch. Keep chowing down on big, fat burgers, and very soon, I will be chowing down on her husband's big, fat cock.



I hadn't told Ben about cheating on my diet. It was a moment of weakness, and I didn't want him to know about it. I didn't want him to...think less of me. I told him that Alexis really wanted him at the session, and he was able to carve out some time to do so. I left a message with Alexis letting her know we were coming the next day.

Ben and I drove in together, and I was a bit nervous about seeing Alexis again. I had never seen her as angry as she was the last time I saw her. I had let Ben in on the fact that she was really mad, but he didn't know why. I told him I just assumed it was her general attitude. Either way, I told him it might be a good idea if he could make it as often as possible. Luckily, school was finishing up, so he would have more time to attend.

I was cautiously optimistic as we entered the gym. I knew with Ben by my side that Alexis would be on her best behavior. We got changed and met up, walking to the area where I typically worked with Alexis. I spied her in there through the windows, and as we entered, she turned to greet us.

The first thing I noticed was her outfit. Typically, she wore clothes that were typical of most female trainers, something slim and tight, which highlighted her body. But this outfit was near obscene. Her tight, purple top was seemed like merely a thin strip of material which covered her breasts and nothing else. The straps of her top cut into her shoulders seemed overworked with the strain of supporting her heavy breasts. She also wore a tight pair of stretchy, black booty shorts, which just barely went below her ass. The only other things she wore were a pair of sneakers and a bright smile.

"Hey, guys welcome back," Alexis said. "Ben, so nice to see you back here again."

"Good to be back," Ben said, going with the flow, surprised to find her so friendly, as I was.

"Well, I think we should start off with some stretching," Alexis suggested. Me and Ben both nodded in agreement, though I was wary of this.

For the next few minutes, Alexis led us through a series of stretches. As she did this, she stood in front of Ben. She spoke to him and not to me, as if he was the only one in the room and I was just an insignificant fly on the wall. I didn't care; the less I had to deal with her the better. The only time it was an issue was when she told us to bend over at our waists, leaving our upper-halves perpendicular to our lower halves. This put Ben's face within a foot or so from Alexis' perfect, round, ass.

I was frozen to the spot, not knowing what to say. Ben didn't seem to behave any differently, and we moved on to touching our toes before he could. He didn't notice anything when she bent at her waist facing him, exposing that frustratingly deep valley of cleavage to him. He didn't admire her strong, smooth, sexy back when she stretched out in front of him. Finally, she clapped her hands and turned around.

"Okay, I thought we could do some lifting today. Follow me," Alexis punctuated her statement with a small, sharp, clap. She led us over to a pair of weight benches. I laid down on one while Ben got into position on the other. Alexis loaded up the weights on each of our bars; putting more weight on mine then she typically did. She loaded up Ben's bar quite a bit as well.

"Alexis, I think this is a bit too much," I protested, more than a little reticent about trying to lift the imposing amount of weight.

"Oh, c'mon, Shan, why not show off the progress you made in front of your hubby...make him proud!" she chirped, with a sickeningly sweet smile, throwing in, "If you can."

It worried me when she smiled; on the surface, her pretty face seemed to light up with delight, but to me she looked like a shark, all cold logic and cruel intent. To me, it looked like she was planning something. She next walked over to Ben's station, while I hesitantly gripped the weight bar. It was as I inhaled and lifted the bar from its perch that I heard Alexis speak.

"Okay, Ben, it's time to show me what you're made of," she cooed seductively. I had the bar in my hands, arms stretched straight, balancing the weight precariously above me, I turned my head to look over at Ben. Alexis was now straddling my husband's face, spotting him. I watched as he lifted the bar, his muscles straining with the weight, veins popping impressively.

"That's okay, you got it," Alexis encouraged Ben with a honey-like sweetness that I had never heard from her. He lowered the bar with measured control until it was touching his chest. She hovered her hands under it just in case he needed help. As she did this, her crotch lowered until it was within a few inches of his face. This sight caused my arms to quiver as I lost my focus and slowly drop the bar until it was precariously balanced on my chest.

"Uh, help!" I croaked weakly, struggling to keep the bar from crushing my rib cage, lacking the leverage or strength to force it back up. But neither of them heard me. Ben was straining to heft the heavy amount of weight he was holding, and Alexis was right there, cooing encouragements at him, coaxing him to exert himself beyond his usual means. She was right there, waiting to see if he needed any help, and once it became clear he didn't need any and he would be able to lift the bar back into place, she took the opportunity to admire his bulging biceps, rubbing them gently with her hands as he the bar back into place.

"Very impressive, Ben," Alexis complimented Ben admiringly, her voice dripping with uncharacteristic honey.

"Uh, help!" I wheezed again, struggling with the weight I was desperately trying to support, which was now sitting painfully on my upper chest, just above my breasts, my arms shaking as I tried to keep it from crushing my rib cage. Alexis lazily sauntered over and with an arrogant ease, put her hands under my bar and effortlessly lifted it back into place.

"I was kinda struggling there, Alexis," I scolded her, angry at being ignored, "I told you it was too much, and you just left me there!"

"Sorry, I was in another world. I assumed you could handle it; you're a big girl after all," Alexis replied flatly, her eyes betraying that familiar cold, gray, disinterest.

I rolled my eyes. She removed some of the weights on mine, and both me and Ben spent the next few minutes lifting, working up a good sweat. I was more than a little annoyed that Alexis was still focusing more on Ben than me.

The rest of the session went relatively painlessly. We did some endurance work on the exercise bike, some yoga, leg presses, and we did some running, with Alexis and Ben both running far ahead of me again, leaving me behind.

The next day was a day off from our training, and I was happy to get away from Alexis and this training for a bit. I was happy to see Ben didn't seem receptive to Alexis' obvious come-ons and attempts to flaunt her body before him. He again knew that Alexis' attitude was complete bullshit, but he was willing to go along with it to help me lose weight. He was willing to protect me from her abuse.

I had the best husband in the world.



God, I wanted Shannon's husband bad. He seemed like such a good guy. He had a gorgeous body. He had a cute smile. He was perfect.

Perfect for me.

I couldn't wait to corrupt him. I couldn't wait to turn that smile into a sneer as he pounded me. I couldn't wait to turn this good guy into my personal bad boy.

I had used my displeasure with Shannon to convince her to bring Ben back to me. Once I knew he was coming, I adjusted my plans. I had an excuse now to wear my sluttiest work out outfit. I paraded my body's best assets before his eyes. My flat belly. My big titties. My long legs. I bounced around like a preppy gym rat around him; but like a good husband, he pretended not to notice. I practically sat on his face under the guise of spotting him, but he acted like nothing was amiss. I would be shocked if he had not smelled my juices as I did so. But since he was so distracted, I was able to easily take a glimpse at the sizable bulge straining his shorts; taunting me.

I was thoroughly displeased, though, that by the end of the session that he had not at least given some indication that he had noticed my hot body, that tempting bulge failing to stir despite my best efforts.

Then I realized the reason for that. He had to be on his best behavior around 'the wife'. Plus, he was probably hesitant of me because he figured that I was being not quite so genuine; but this only made him more desirable...not just a hunk, but an intelligent, strong willed, and perceptive man. A muscular stud with a big cock is a dime a dozen, but the fact that Ben could see through my charade, that he was going to be a challenge to break and bend to my will, was only further proof that we were perfectly compatible mates. But I would have to get him alone.

I needed to get him away from his wife. That way, he would not have his wife around clouding his judgment or distracting him from what he should be focusing on...namely, me. She had filled his head with a negative perception of me. Without her being around, he could appreciate me for what I was. And maybe once he got to know me, he would start to doubt his original, biased, judgment. Maybe he would start to think that I was what I presented myself as being. Maybe I was a preppy, harmlessly flirty and fun, personal trainer. And once he thought that, maybe he would start to think his wife was telling stories. Maybe he would start to think his wife was the crazy one.

There was nothing quite like thinking your spouse was crazy to drive you into the arms of another woman.



The sun was beginning to slowly break over the horizon as I enjoyed my morning run. My thoughts drifted to Shannon and her issues with Alexis. I had told her that she didn't have to put herself through this. I didn't care if she lost weight. And Alexis' abuse had started to affect Shannon outside of their sessions in the gym. Shannon was not as happy and care-free as she used to before this whole thing had started.

It infuriated me that Alexis could be that evil and abusive to my wife without repercussions. What infuriated more was that she turned it off when I was around. She chose to yell at and humiliate my wife, but I had no solid proof of her abuse; no evidence to support Shannon's claims and complain to the gym's management, and Shannon refused to lodge a complaint of her own, choosing instead to absorb her abuse in the hopes that it would pay off. I wish I could see her at it, simply so I could fight back at her and defend my wife, but she had been nothing but friendly to me. There was no question to me that my wife was telling the truth. My wife was too stubborn to just quit, so I had to be a good husband and go along with this charade...for her sake.

I was so engrossed in my own turbulent thoughts that I didn't notice the familiar voice calling out to me. It was as I turned a corner in the park that I practically ran into her. I staggered back as I realized Alexis was right in front of me.

"Whoa, Ben. Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," she said apologetically, smiling warmly.

"Oh no, sorry, it was my fault; I was in a zone there," I replied, wary of her. What was she doing here?

"I know how that goes," she chirped brightly, flashing those perfect white teeth charmingly, "So, how's your run going?"

"Not too bad. Same old, same old." I replied awkwardly, "Yours?" I asked back, making awkward small talk, still trying to find my balance in this conversation. It felt almost surreal to see her outside the gym; it seemed like her natural habitat, so clean and clinical; a place for building perfect people. Out here in nature, it only seemed to call attention to her almost unnatural beauty, particularly in the warm morning light.

"As good as always," she answered in that honey sweet voice of hers. There was a lull in our conversation, as we stared at each other, until she broke it, "So, I have to ask, how much of what goes on in our sessions does Shannon tell you?"

"Um, well, I..." I started. I didn't trust her, but I'm too honest a guy to outright lie to someone.

"Don't worry, you can be honest. I can take it," she said with a sly smile.

"Well, she says you are pretty tough on her," I said, studying her reaction. I didn't want to make things worse on Shannon, but this might have been my chance to expose Alexis.

"Is that all?" she laughed dismissively, "Like I said, you can be totally honest with me. It won't change anything,"

I paused and considered this, and thought, 'What the hell? May was well go for broke.'

"Honestly, she says you're a complete bitch. She says you're a drill instructor to her...or worse," I accused, bluntly as I could. Her reaction was to smile and laughed.

"I can be pretty demanding, I'm big enough to admit that. But do you want to know why?" she asked, still giggling softly.

"Uh, sure." I replied, caught off guard by her flippant reaction to my accusation.

"I'm tough on the people that need it. I'm not tough on you, because clearly, you don't need any 'tough love' to motivate you. If I could speak candidly with you, your wife is the type of person that is self-sabotaging. She will say one thing and do another; for example, 'I want to lose weight', but then she doesn't follow her diet. You want to know why I was pissed at her a couple days ago? I caught her cheating on her diet. She was scarfing down on a big, fat burger. She needs someone to kick her ass into shape. If I show too much compassion or sympathy, she will take advantage of it, and play towards my good nature whenever things get tough to her. Someone has to treat her this way, because if not, she will end up weighing 400 pounds." Alexis said.

"I don't think that's true at all. She's only a few pounds overweight. She's not a compulsive eater or anything like that," I countered defensively, a little angry that she'd accuse Shannon of loafing and cheating on her diet, when I knew the kind of abuse she was absorbing from Alexis. I knew my wife...didn't I?

"You saw how tough my workouts are, and you know what? She's actually gained weight!" Alexis argued, her voice softening, looking for sympathy.

"Doesn't that just prove that what you are doing isn't working?" I accused, feeling a little ashamed when I saw a pained twinge as her pouty lips fell in a disappointed frown. I may have actually hurt her feelings.

"Fair enough. I have been doing this for years, and my methods have always been proven correct. The harder I ride people, the more they respond. The more weight they lose, the healthier they feel, and the closer they get to achieving their ideal body image. All those girls thank me afterward for riding them. I am starting to think that maybe there is no helping her. If she doesn't have the dedication to lose weight and stay fit, there is nothing I can do," Alexis said.

"She has the dedication. Maybe if she had some positive reinforcement, she could do better," I replied, "Just encourage her; I know it'll make a difference...please."

"Okay. I am agreeable. I tell you what. I will be nice to your wife. I will be positive, and let's just see how that goes. If it works, and she starts to lose weight, I'll give you a full refund, and an apology," Alexis offered. I was happily surprised by this offer.

"And if it doesn't?" I asked, warily, unsure of what other edge of this sword was going to be.

"If I am right, all I want is for you to be my running buddy," she said with a playful giggle, that irresistible smile coming back.

"What?" I blinked, stunned.

"You see, I'm not that bad. All I want is a running buddy. What's so bad about that?" she mused. There was something sly about the way she said this, playful but...with some hidden intent. I tried to think of what the worst that could happen was, but decided that I had faith in Shannon, even though I didn't fully trust Alexis.

"Okay...sure," I reluctantly agreed.

"Great!" Alexis grabbed my hand in both of hers, her soft skin clutching mine warmly, shaking it to seal the agreement, "I can't wait!"

I was a little put off by her confidence that Shannon would fail, especially considering that she stood to lose not only her dignity, but a substantial amount of cash. What was she up to? What was she trying to pull here? There was no way Shannon was going to put on was impossible! What was Alexis' game?

"So, which one is the real you? This, or the one you show my wife?" I asked bluntly, looking for a straight answer.

"You'll have to find out." she teased. Another awkward silence surrounded us.

"Well, I'd better get going." I said.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," Alexis started, "By the way, bring your swimsuit."

"Oh, I can't make it tomorrow; I have to finalize my curriculum for next year. But after that, I should be there for the rest of them," I said, feeling a little more comfortable conversing with Alexis, despite myself. Maybe she was growing on me after all?

"Oh, well, then we'll push back swimming till then. I'll test out your theory tomorrow then," Alexis replied, betraying a little disappointment.

"Okay, sounds good," I called over my shoulder, running toward home.
