Folding Newspapers


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I hurried from the parking lot. Ms. Johnson waited by the class auditorium entrance. "Glad you could join us today, Bruce." She grinned, and patted me on the shoulder.

"Just for you, teach." I chuckled. "Let me know if you want to subscribe to the newspaper." I grinned, and hurried inside. She closed the door. I heard it latch.

I could not believe my eyes. There was a beautiful teaching assistant, and she was missing the left arm. The sleeve seemed empty, or nearly empty. I could not tell.

"I'm am Ms. Carmen. I'll be teaching the next few classes. Now if you turn to one-fifty-four, we'll continue..."

All I could do was look at the empty sleeve. Gloria and now Ms. Carmen - two amputee women - where did the interest come from. Wow.


Bruce's mother did not work. Linda Sullivan had the whole day to herself, and began each day slowly with a large cup of coffee in front of her computer. A year ago she began reading a forum for mothers having sex with adult children. Most were involved with sons, but there were lesbian relationships with daughters as well. She had posted occasionally using fictitious names.

John asked me about sex yesterday. I thought I could resist the temptation. So far, I have. I wanted him badly, then when he took his shirt off and sat next to me on his bed I lost all control. He had asked for help with kissing girls. Our lips touched. My tongue went inside his mouth. I was okay until he touched my breast. Soon, I was on top of him, riding him like a wild animal. I want him now, but he is in class. Thankfully. Maggie.

Linda reread the posting several times and then clicked the button to post it to the forum. Her fingers stroked casually between her thighs. There were days when fingers just did not do enough. She needed a man, and today was like that. Even the pictures of younger adult men did not help. She had thousands, many nude, and plenty that she fantasized about.

A few happened to be amputees. Where that began was not clear, but she knew her feelings for male amputees had always been there. She had seen one at the grocery store a few days ago, and he still filled her thoughts. The way the pants leg was tailored to the legless hip, the way he walked so gracefully on his crutches. She wanted to speak with him, but she could not bring herself to do that. What would she say? Hi, I love that you have one leg, want to fuck me? No. That would not work. Maybe, but probably not. Maybe he is into women my age, and can't attract ones his age.

No one at home knew of her feeling for men that age, especially the ones with one leg. Some weeks she would see several different men walking on crutches. Those were the worst weeks. Usually, they were with women, probably wives, or just lucky ladies. Did they understand just how lucky there were to have a stump to fondle whenever the desire struck, which in Linda's case would be about every five minutes?

She had sucked Frank, Bruce's father, this morning. He never liked when she did, but this morning she did not care what he liked. She loved sucking cock, and his was the closest one now. He filled her mouth with come then pushed her away. She went back down on him, brushing his hands away, taking it all greedily.

Bruce was almost twenty-three, and the last thing Linda wanted was to live a celibate life. Frank loved his golf game more. Sex was becoming so rare she had trouble remembering the last time, or even if she had enjoyed it. She still could turn men's heads. She had seen them stare at her, particularly at her legs. She liked to show them off by wearing short skirts and high-heel shoes.

Her thighs parted even more, several fingers probed deep, and she was close. The picture of a young man, nude, with one leg, still filled her computer screen. What would that be like to have sex with such a man? How would having one leg be like? It was a fantasy she indulged more now than ever before. How would Frank react if she lost a leg?

The climax racked her body. Had it been the thought of being an amputee that sent her over the edge?


Ms. Johnson walked down the hallway. Students all hurried to their next class. Some sent her heart over the moon - both older boys and girls. She wished she had been as lovely as some of these girls. They seemed more so each year. The same for the boys - hunky, walking with assurance and swagger.

Loran Johnson was glad she never had children. She would want to be too close to them. She had read the forum where mothers talked about the things they did with their adult boys, and even girls. Only the fear of being caught kept her from inviting any of the students over to her house. She had overheard two girls talking about her, what they would do if they were alone with her. They were great looking girls, and obviously lesbians. Suzy and Lacy often held hands when they thought no one was looking. Who did they think they were fooling?

Loran had been close to other women, dated, even lived with a few over the years. She loved female flesh, but she also indulged with younger men. They had stamina and could last days like the bunny banging the drum. Bob was one that she would have over when the mood struck. She thought the mood would strike again any minute, but she was ready for a new stud. Bruce had looked at her, and she wanted him. She had to resist, but she also knew those feelings welling up inside her, the ones that were far stronger than her willpower to strike back down.

"How was class?" Loran said to Ms. Carmen, the teaching assistant with one arm. Now there was a woman that could replace all the feelings about Bruce. Loran swiped her tongue slowly over her lips, then sighed softly.

"Once they stopped staring at my sleeve, it was just like a regular day in the classroom." Janice Carmen chuckled.

"If there's anything I can do, let me know." Loran licked her lips again. Yeah, if you'd like to let me eat you alive on my king-sized bed.

"Sure." The woman walked away, and Loren watched the shapely buttocks wiggle against the fabric.


I wondered if the clock was broken. It seemed that the hands would not move. The last class of the day was almost over, and all I wanted was to rush over to Glenda's for another lesson.

Near the front doors of the building Ms. Johnson was talking with Ms. Carmen. I paused long enough to get another glance at the teaching assistant and the empty sleeve. She was quite pretty, younger, and I suspected even nicer looking without clothes. They both said goodbye to me in more words than required then continued their conversation. I did not know what that remark was about, but they seemed unusually interested. Was it my new sense of confidence now that I was having sex? Did I give off signals I was a man now?

Glenda Drake was waiting on the porch. I was encouraged that she was eager for my visits. Would it ever end? I hoped not, but maybe I could find someone to fill her place if it did. I was not ready, and would not be for a long time. What would happen if she ever wanted to go out in public with me, or was she only interested in giving me lessons?

"Hey, darlin'," she cooed, standing to give me a big hug. "I hope you are as ready as I am."

"All I've thought about today is being with you."

We spent another two hours in her bed doing all we had done before. I was sure I would never get bored with her body, or any woman's body. She helped me refine some things, but complemented me on everything.

"What's it like having one leg?" I said as we dressed.

"I never thought much about it, other than I can't run, or put pants on while I stand, and I need to use crutches; nothing much has changed in my life. Why?"

"Just curious. What if I wanted mine amputated?"

"I don't see a problem with wanting that, other than no surgeon would help you." She chuckled. "Is that something you want?"

"No, I was just curious. I overheard someone once talk about a lady putting her leg under a train to lose it."

"That's odd. I suppose people do such things, but I've never heard or known anyone that did."

"Do people find amputees appealing just because they are missing a limb?"

"Aren't you full of questions?" She laughed. "Again, I don't know. Men like women with big breasts, or long legs, or red hair, so I can imagine they might like a lady just because of a missing leg. No one's been knocking on my door because of my leg...except you."

"I didn't really. I was just here with the newspaper, and we got to talking. Glenda, I kind of like that you don't have the leg. Don't hate me for that."

"Bruce, you will make some lady very happy one day. For now, I'm just happy you are with me. Do you really like that part of me?"

"Yes, ma'am, I do. Maybe that lady you think that I'll make happy, will be missing her leg." I chuckled.

"Bruce, be honest with me...have you always been interested in amputees?"

"No, I don't think so. Maybe you've stirred something inside me. I'm not looking to replace you, if that's what you're asking."

"I was just curious how...well, ah, what excites more: the sex, my age, or my stump?"

"I won't deny that the sex is a big part of it, but I really enjoy that you are missing the leg. When we make love, or whatever you want to call it, I love the way that feels. Makes me wonder what it'd be like if you were missing both of them." I grinned.

"Once I went to an amputee support group meeting and there was a woman without legs. I don't think she was very happy about it, but she handled it as best as she could. I wondered what that would be like. We had drinks afterwards. She had a boyfriend, recent, and he had only known her that way. She told me he really enjoyed they were gone, especially in bed. Yes. It made me wonder."

"Maybe the circulation will fail in the other leg." I grinned.

"I think we both might like that." Glenda chuckled.


"Yup, sometimes I wonder what that'd be like. I don't know how to test my curiosity without actually having the amputation though."

"Maybe there's a surgeon out there that would oblige. If there was, would you?"

"I'm doing good with one leg. I'm not sure I should tempt fate by losing the other. If it happened, I guess I wouldn't complain."

"I hope we still will be close when it happens."

"I bet you do, Bruce."


Linda Sullivan pulled her left foot against her hip, stood in front of the mirror looking the image of a woman with one leg. It excited her. It was not the first time she had done that. She had an elastic bandage that she sometimes bound the leg with then shoved the folded leg into a pair of jeans. She would play with the empty pants leg. If only she could have a pair of crutches, but there was nowhere to hide them, and there was no way to talk to Frank about her fantasy.

She changed into a short dress and high-heel shoes, brushed her hair, admired herself in the mirror. She needed groceries, but there was no reason to look like a slob while shopping. Maybe she would find a willing man to help relieve some sexual tensions. Maybe she would see an amputee.

There were only a few of the small shopping carts and Linda grabbed one just before several other shoppers raced for them. How would she push the cart if she was on crutches?

Shoppers consisted mostly of women, but there were men as well. Few men ignored the chance to look at Linda. The other women were plain, maybe frumpy, or uninspiring. She considered each man. It was only fair. None seemed worth the risk. She had standards after all.

One man approached a woman, chatted her up. The woman did not reject the advance although she wore a wedding ring different from his. The two moved along the aisle, talking, adding items to their carts. Maybe they knew each other. They seemed to be strangers. The woman touched his hand, batted eyelashes, flashed a welcoming smile. Linda would have won the bet if wagering what they would do afterwards.

Linda continued up and down the aisles, occasionally dropping something into the cart, mostly watching other shoppers. She had just rounded the end of an aisle when she noticed a lady leaving the checkout line. The woman was missing a leg, pushing her cart, walking with crutches. She was older, but pretty. Linda looked at her own cart and decided she did not really need any of the groceries there. Instead, she hurried after the woman.

"Can I help?" Linda said as the woman unlocked the trunk of her car.

"Thanks, I've got it."

"You do better than I could." Linda introduced herself, unable to find anything else to say then.

Glenda Drake responded while closing the trunk and turning back towards Linda. She appraised the woman, having seen pictures of Bruce's mother. Bruce had let it slip she was doing some of her own tutoring. That was not a problem for Glenda. She was happy to share him.

"You left your basket back there," Glenda said.

"I guess I did. This is a little awkward." Linda smiled.

"It doesn't need to be. I get plenty of questions about my leg all the time. You'd be surprised at the wide range of them, though there have been a bunch of stupid ones. I try to not judge." Glenda turned and pointed to a Starbucks. "We could have some coffee and chat. I'd like that."

The tables were mostly empty. The two women found one away from the few other people and sat. Linda stretched her long legs out, crossed them at the ankle. Glenda placed her crutches neatly along side her chair. Linda glanced at the pants leg of the missing leg. It seemed that the leg might be amputated near the hip. There were no rings, no wedding rings, no other jewelry, no makeup.

"What's the silliest question?" Linda sipped the coffee.

Glenda played with the cup then sipped. "Can you take a shower or do you sleep?" She laughed.

"Yup, that's pretty lame." Linda nervously held her cup just off the table.

"Listen," Glenda said, "I know about devotees and wannabes, if that's what this is about."

"Pretty obvious, I guess."

"Most are too afraid to approach me. I like that you did. Which is it?"

"Wannabe," Linda whispered. "I've never told anyone, especially my husband."

"I didn't tell mine either. We divorced because of other things. We both had issues that drove the other crazy. We went to counseling and that didn't help much. We finally gave up."

"So, so you found a surgeon?"

"Let's just I found a way. I don't regret anything. It was just what I needed."

"Are you seeing anyone?"

It was the one question Glenda knew she could not answer truthfully. Yeah, I'm banging your son would not cut it. There was a slim chance it might. Glenda almost laughed, but kept a straight face.

"Not really. Some nights I get lonely and pick up a willing man at a bar. Usually, devotee guys give themselves away easily. They drool." She laughed. "There aren't as many as they would like to believe."

"And wannabes?"

"Just a handful. Thousands. Surely not millions. Many are over in Europe."

"Whoa." Linda finally sipped more of her coffee. "What's it like?"

"At last, I'm the way I was meant to be. This is as normal as having two legs is for most people."

"Do many people know?"

"No one that I know. You just gave off some vibes that resonated with me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have told you."


"Now what?" Glenda finished her coffee then pushed the empty cup away so she would not play with it.

Linda nervously played with her cup, twisting it between her fingers. "That's the million dollar question, I suppose. I either need to tell Frank or just leave him so I can follow my dream. My son will be going back to college soon. He's at the University. At least he won't be at home. He's growing up so fast. Where have the years gone?"

"He must be a fine young man."

"He's having trouble with girls...socially awkward, you know."

"I was that way with boys."

"With my looks, I had to learn quickly how to reject them." Linda groaned. "I'm not bragging, just saying it was not a blessing. If I could have traded bodies I would have gladly."

"Do you still wish you could trade bodies?"

"Yeah, I do. Maybe I could find one that was already missing a leg." Linda laughed. "Would you trade with me?"

"I'd have to find a surgeon."

"Yeah, right."

"How would your son feel if you lost a leg?"

"I don't know. I don't think he's a devotee." Linda laughed. "He mentioned an instructor with one arm."

"I had an amputee teacher in the third grade. The lady was missing her leg, and walked with crutches. I don't remember her name, but that image is burnt into my brain. Maybe that's why I was a wannabe. It doesn't matter. I gave up trying to understand years ago. There didn't seem much I could do about it."

Linda shook her head, not answering any question, but just thinking. "My desires have waxed and waned over the years, each time coming back more strongly. These days I can hardly stop thinking about it."

"What if you did find a solution, maybe a surgeon?"

"I won't. There isn't a doctor out there that will help. I've asked on so many forums. Hypothetically, if there was one, I guess I would confront Frank and let the chips fall where the may. If I had a way to realistically pretend for a while each day that might tamp down the feelings. That's even less likely than finding a surgeon."

"Probably so."

Glenda said she needed to go home and put groceries into the fridge. They promised to meet again. Linda wondered if they would as she walked back to the grocery store to see if the shopping cart was still there with all of the items. It was.


I was happy to see Glenda waiting for me on the porch as she had the past few days. Eventually, it would be Friday then I could not see her for the whole weekend. Would Mother still be receptive to more lessons while Father was playing golf? I was curious, but not believing she would. It was a little strange kissing my own mother.

Again, Glenda and I spent two hours exploring the others body. I was more relaxed, but I could tell I needed more practice. I would practice as long as Glenda allowed me to spend time in her bed. I doubled many guys I knew were having any kind of sex, and not with a willing partner for several hours a day.

"Wow," I mumbled, sitting up on the edge of the bed, exhausted. Glenda was wetting a washcloth when I entered the bathroom. She washed me. It seemed a ritual for her. Did she do that for other men? I touched her stump. "I love this."

"Thank you. You are sweet to put up with me."

"I don't think of it as putting up with you, far from it. I love all about you and your body. I don't understand why there aren't scads of men wanting to date you."

"How would your father feel if Linda lost her leg? Would he be as willing to be with her?"

"I see your point. I doubt he'd be very interested. Luckily for him, she will not lose the leg."

"How would you feel about that?"

"I wouldn't get to make love to her either way, but at least I could look."

"So, you wouldn't mind her having one leg?"

"Hardly. The only regret would be I won't be living there much longer, so I'd miss spending all that time looking." I laughed.

"Maybe your father would divorce her, then you and Linda could be together."

"She's my mother."

"So? What if she wasn't? Would you make a move for her?"

"She'd find some guy her age. I don't think she's after anyone mine."


"Yeah. If the stars aligned and the forces of the universe granted me several wishes, then I'd be all over Mother. She's beautiful. I've seen plenty of men lusting over her. I think Father isn't as interested anymore, and that's a huge shame."