Food, Rude, Nude & Wooed


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"Anyone in here?" a squeaky male voice asked. Ron kept quiet and the squeaky voice muttered something and turned out the lights before walking out the door. He decided to wait a little longer before exiting just to play it safe.

Another 10 minutes had passed, when he heard the sound of vacuums outside the bathroom.

You got to make a run for it before that crew came in here. I got to wait until the vacuum sound goes away before I can escape, but I still can't go outside without clothes on. If I can find out where they stow away those geeky uniforms, maybe I can find one that fits and leave with that. I can always return it anonymously through the mail. That was my best bet.

Ron moved out of the cramped stall for the first time in what had to be close to 4 hours. He tossed his soiled clothes in the trash and didn't care to ever see them again. It was 3:30am, and there was no better time to escape than now. After he heard the vacuum sound fade, he peeked out the restroom door. It was clear so Ron walked around the maze leading away from the bathroom. Peeking again around the corner, he found an empty lobby. The window and doors to the outside seemed clear as well, but he had to look for a management's office or something that might be what he was looking for. He spotted a room in an alcove on the opposite side of the lobby. He didn't hesitate, and he took off his eyes darted in any which way. There was no sound and no movements on his short jaunt to through the lobby. He made it there without anyone seeing him, but the door was locked. Ron froze. The vacuum was coming back. He ducked behind a cardboard movie cutout of Harry Potter's new movie out in the fall. He couldn't see who it was, but he could judge by the sound that it was going elsewhere. He breathed another sigh of relief.

Trying to get his bearings, Ron took stock of his present surroundings. He realized that if anyone went by the window outside they could get a glimpse of his bare-essentials. He couldn't stay here, so he moved back towards the door, which left him exposed, but not to the outside world. He spotted a door around the corner on the far side again. From his angle it didn't look anything important, but he nothing to lose. He ran bare-assed again across the floor until he got a door with a sign that said, "Employees Only". He turned the handle and it moved. He didn't hesitate for a moment, and went inside. There was a set of doors, one for the men's locker and the other for the women's locker. A spiral staircase was also located to the left of these doors. It was unclear where this led because of the poor lighting. Ron didn't care, he found what he was looking for and went towards the men's locker room. The door wouldn't open, and Ron's heart sank.

All this for nothing.If you were still with Michelle, she would have waited for you in line while you went. For that matter, she never would have ever had Taco Bell. Now what?The women's locker stupid. So now I guess I got to pop on a dress or some panties.

Gripping the women's door, it turned to Ron's surprise. He went in, and found lockers, benches, and a bathroom to the back. Nothing fancy, just an ordinary locker room. He began opening the lockers to find something suitable to wear. Most of them had the standard maroon and black Multiplex uniform. Most of them looked small, but he found Gayle's locker to have a light blue t-shirt with the word "baby-doll" etched in sparkly silver across it and a larger sized uniform. Ron wasn't a big guy anyway, he was pretty thin in the waist and kept in good shape despite his junk food diet, working out in the gym paid dividends. So he tried on the black trousers and light blue t-shirt and found it snug, but a nice fit. Right before he closed the locker, he noticed a bottle of the Damp perfume Michelle used to wear. Ron always thought it to be the perfect scent and it always turned him on anytime he smelled it. It was stupid, but he sprayed a little on his wrists. Just opening the cap sent Ron in a horny-like trance. Now he took the scent from his wrists and inhaled the heavenly fragrance.

You're thinking about Michelle again. I know. This scent brings back so many good memories.You are a sorry shit. You never should have dumped her over that damn finger. No, it wasn't just that.Bullshit and you know it. I guess, but she had a certain way...

The door opened suddenly without warning, and in walked a woman in a security guard uniform. Ron didn't move, didn't speak, he just gulped as noticeably as one could gulp when someone was in trouble and knew it. She smiled at him, and looked at him up and down noticing the t-shirt that said "Baby-doll" and stifling a laugh.

"You know," the guard said, hesitating slightly for effect, "I liked you better before, on camera."

"Well," Ron stammered, not really sure what he was going to say, now that he was caught running naked through the Megaplex, "it was a mistake."

"Now this is going to be good," the brunette security guard said as she sat down on one of the benches nearest to the door. "Please, continue."

"I had an accident, and well, it's really embarrassing to admit, but..." Ron explained before he was cut-off.

"Listen honey," she began, "it looks like you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Matter-of-fact, you should be quite happy with what you got."

Ron couldn't find the words, but for the second time, this security guard hit on him. He was flabbergasted. He spent hours worried about getting caught and now he found a woman actually complimenting him on his nudity as if he was supposed to be walking around the Megaplex lobby at 3:30 in the morning that way.

"I am sure you don't mind, but I would like to have a closer look at the merchandise. The cameras in the back are a little staticky if you know what I mean."

"What?" Ron questioned about her strange request. Did she just ask to see my pecker? This is unreal.

"Pull it down big boy, let's have another look."

"I should just be going, I am sorry this has ever happened," Ron responded. He didn't know what to do. He realized that the perfume was making his cock stand out even more than before, and this woman wanted to see it front and center.Take a look at her, she isn't half bad. Her body is being hidden behind that baggy security guard uniform, but she was far from fat. Nice breasts, hips and ass. Beyond that chin which was a little too square, she had a very sexy face. Let that hair down and she would be a hell of a ride. Ron felt his cock stir even more against the smooth lining of the theatre trousers.

"Listen to me sweetie," the female guard demanded, "you need to settle down a moment. I think you need to see the big picture, no pun intended." She stopped and laughed at her delicious brand of humor. "Here you are, running around the theatre completely nude except for those sandals. I like them by the way, goes with the outfit; brings me back to my toga days at my fraternity. Anyway, here you are running willy-nilly through a closed corporate movie chain's theatre. The nudity might be a felony by itself, I am not really sure. Breaking and entering, well that is a felony. Not to mention the fact it might be a robbery too. That probably won't stick seeing you were nude and all. The corporation might take it to the full extent of the law, as they have been known to do it the past. Who knows for sure? Either way, you, my streaking friend, are looking at some hard jail time boy. I am sure with that sweet ass of yours you will make some friends until your trial even begins. Too bad to waste that because you didn't listen to a bitch like myself. So are you going to take those clothes off or am I going to have to call the cops?"

"I think I can accommodate you on this little request," Ron replied quickly, dropping the new trousers and flipping off his t-shirt in the blink of an eye. He really had nothing to be ashamed of, since he had a nice sized penis and his body was in excellent shape. It stood out in near erect fullness.

"Little? Hon, that ain't little in my world. It seems you are digging me too, that's what I wanted to see."

"Actually," Ron started to say it was the perfume and not her, but he didn't want to make her upset. So he countered with, "it doesn't take much to get me going."

"That's good to know," she acknowledged. "Now sit down on that bench and watch me."

This lady wants you bad. I can't believe this is happening. I hope she doesn't smell that shit on me.She's going to smell the perfume now, so don't worry and enjoy the show.

This security guard started to unbutton her shirt. Ron immediately noticed a black-laced sexy bra holding her c or d cup breasts from what he could figure. She had a nice tan body, and as she revealed her stomach, he was shocked to see that the uniform had obscured her true figure. She had the tightest of stomachs, flat and slightly chiseled as if she spent quality time in the gym. He caught her eye and she smiled at him. She was hot, and he wanted to have her so bad then it wasn't even funny. She was totally teasing him. She turned around and bent over as she took her belt off and slid her pants down her legs. He got a full view of the matching black-laced bikini panties tight against her ass. What an ass it was too, heart-shaped and so damn sexy, Ron thought he was dreaming. Her legs went all the way up and all the way down as she moved each leg out of the pants causing a sexy shift in her butt! . He was fully erect now watching her and she knew it. She removed her work shoes and socks, and she looked even better in her bare feet.

"You like me I think," She teased. She walked over to him and without warning bent her knees in front of his stiff cock, and pushed her panties up and under his cock. She had his hardened penis now resting on top of her panties in between her lips. She leaned into him and forced his penis to go north with her. Then she opened her mouth slightly and went in for a kiss. He felt her hips gyrate slightly as their lips locked for the first time. He felt her move his cock up and down against her moistening pussy. The natural groove from her pussy lips allowed her to work his cock against her. This heightened the sexuality of the kiss. As their tongues swirled together, she moved a little faster, sending satisfying chills throughout Ron's body. She pulled back from him and smiled approvingly.

"I like the way you kiss me," she said, taking another step back from him. "You get points for that. Now follow me."

She stepped out of the locker room and Ron obediently followed. She looked like a model in that incredibly sexy bra and panty. She knew how to carry herself, and had the wiggle guys would spend all day staring at on the street. Now, here, wanting to do something with Ron made him feel like the whole tragedy in the bathroom was a test for this one moment. She walked back out into the corridor, dropping her bra to the floor and sliding out of her panties with the ease of her steps. Ron followed her naked into the whole megaplex lobby. She carried herself with no regret as she walked past the outside windows, not even worrying if anyone saw her. Letting her long lustrous hair down, she walked into the game room area and sat on a motorcycle video game. The game was off, but she still sat on the bike waiting for him to join her. She leaned back against the seat and smiled back at him. Then she scooted forward so he could join her from behind. Ron said nothing, he just climbed the bike behind her and his cock lay firmly against her backside.

"Do you want to fuck me?" she asked.

"You know I do," Ron replied.

"Then say it hon," she countered with a lusty voice.

"I want to fuck you," Ron answered.

"Say, I want to fuck you, Mistress," she ordered.

"I want to fuck you Mistress," Ron complied. He wanted her so bad, he was willing to say about anything at this point just to put it in her.

"Good slave," she giggled. "Now, you may proceed."

"Do you need any foreplay?" Ron asked, trying to show her the courtesy he would show with any woman he was with. Most women needed some kind of foreplay beyond the kissing.

She reached around and grabbed his hand. She thrust his fingers against her moist hole and whispered, "Do you think I need foreplay?" It was a rhetorical question, so Ron didn't respond. He just picked up her ass a little bit and guided himself towards her pussy opening. She helped him, and once he found the spot, she sat down on him and he grunted at the young woman's tightness. He was surprised she was so tight against him but assumed that she'd had a lot of sex partners because of how forward she was. Yet, if that was so, Ron was shocked. It was the tightest pussy he had had since 11th grade high school. Now as he felt himself gripped by her pussy walls and driven down her, he found himself grunting in delight from the pleasure. She allowed him to pierce her all the way down, but quickly took over as soon as he was all the way in her. She used the motorcycle grips to lean on and pushed back at Ron. His cock loved it.

This girl is going to ride you, then, when she wants to stick a finger up your butt, you are going to say no? Ignoring his inner voice, he tried to meet her thrusts with one of his own. He felt her sliding along his shaft, moving with a quickened pace he was not used to. He felt as if she was milking him for all he was worth. Not being in control, he was afraid to orgasm too early. He told her, but his pleas were ignored and she moved even faster against him. He was moaning slightly and so close to orgasm. When she pulled out prior to his release she smiled and waited for him to settle down before turning in the seat and facing him.

"You are going to have to comeback next week babe, your cock makes me want to do cartwheels," she exclaimed. She slipped back into him before he could even think of an adequate answer. As they faced each other, she put her arms around him and leaned into him to kiss. They twirled their tongues as they fucked. Her legs were strong against him and she seemed to take control with her endless energy, and fucked him even faster. They rode their motorcycle like it was a horse, and their approaching orgasms took their need to faster motions. It was animalistic sex, and Ron in all his days never experienced such pure passion from anyone. He felt like he could no longer control his oncoming orgasm, and as if she knew, she fucked him even harder than he could imagine and they came together hard and sweaty, pumping each other for the all they had left before they collapsed on each other.

"God damn!" Ron exclaimed exhausted.

"I will see you next week, same time, same place," she replied to him nonchalantly.

"I can't wait in the bathroom for 4 hours again." Ron gasped.

"I don't care how you get here, just bring that ass back to me next week. You know what will happen to you if you don't."

"Isn't that unreasonable?" Ron asked.

"Hey, just make Mistress happy and you will be all right. I got to go now, but you got to check out the double feature."

"Huh?" Ron said. His eyes caught a woman smiling at them holding a vacuum. She said something with a Spanish accent to the security guard and she giggled as she walked away. The Hispanic lady started to undress, but Ron thought she looked very familiar. Then she spoke to him directly.

"So how did you like your Bellbeefer?" She pulled off her work clothes and out sprang her perfectly shaped breasts. She was as hot as the other woman was.

Holy shit. I think you need to visit Taco Bell more often. Look at those tits on this girl. Yeah. Ron felt something stir again, but this time it wasn't his stomach.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Holy Shit Batman!

That was absolutely disgusting yet I have been there and done that. In fact I almost shit in my pants laughing at your story. I think it was the funniest thing I have ever read on Literotica!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Man that was some great shit!( no pun intended) Good enough for publication... SLAY

wishfulthinkingwishfulthinkingalmost 20 years ago
Oh My!

Very realistic and life like! A true literary to credit to when shit actually happens!

Black TulipBlack Tulipalmost 20 years ago

I'm glad to see you're writing again, even if it is a shitty story. LOL

Totally nuts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
A whole lotta love!!

Bathroom humor and erotic fun all rolled up in a Taco Bell Chalupa. Lots of fun...great story!!

psychocatblahpsychocatblahalmost 20 years ago

Reminds me of my husband... he's always complaining about men's bathrooms and seems to not be able to handle his Taco Bell. *snorts*

neonlyteneonlytealmost 20 years ago
The strain of it all

Great to see you writing again DG. An excrutiatingly humorous yarn, brought back memories for me of getting lost with only figs to eat... I'm still embarrassed!

Rumple ForeskinRumple Foreskinalmost 20 years ago
Veddy In-te-res-ting...

...but very stressful. I was really feeling the poor guy's pain.


sacksackalmost 20 years ago
Very unique.....

There is nothing quite like this will either love it or hate it! I would have liked more sex and less time in the john, reading about bowel movements doesn't do it for me...

doormousedoormousealmost 20 years ago

Great story!!!!

(You described that pee dance pretty good, is it from experience?? ) ;-)

cookiejarcookiejaralmost 20 years ago
What can I say?

Funny, inventive, absolutely wonderful! Good luck!

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