Forced Ch. 09


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I put my head in my hands and pain shot through my head. Ohhh, my left temple was stinging again. I had to breathe deeply to overcome the pain. My heart was racing. I could hear the doctor talking about me, but couldn't focus on the discussion.

"Yes, Mrs. Randall. He is in good hands here. No, I don't advise air travel for at least 48 hours..."

I lay back on the couch and closed my eyes, preparing myself to talk with my wife again. The pain in my head was seeping back in my skull and I felt nauseous again. I focused on my breathing and felt my heart slowing back down. Deep breaths. Calm. I fell asleep.


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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Lost me when he defecated over him. Not willing to continue further

awyldsideawyldsideover 1 year ago

I would write this type of story about a wife who abuses her gentle husband and hurts him.

He gets hurt and abused, but she gets put in jail, and he gets away from her.

awyldsideawyldsideover 1 year ago

Sounds like somebody should be jailed for rape. Those two abused him cost in life and death and hurt him.

RikonaRikonaover 12 years ago

i like this chapter and i am loving this story so far, unlike som people o-o they didnt pay attention enough, makes perfect sense btw :] very gud writing

cascade_nickcascade_nickover 12 years ago
Just bizarre turn

The story literally descends into chaos starting with this chapter. Nothing makes any sense - it's like a surreal French countercultural movie. And it's fairly grotesque. The last two chapters pretty much completely ruin an interesting story.

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