Freddie the Widower ? Oh Man!


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Amanda was terrified. She's seen Frank in a fight once and the guy who'd been staring at Amanda and making suggestive gestures' Frank had pulped the guy's face. She saw Freddie duck under the swing, straighten up and slap Frank's right cheek with an almighty swat and then hook his leg behind Frank's to bring him down with a thump on to the tiled floor of the entrance hall.

"Don't kill him!" Amanda screamed, only half acting.

Amanda opened the front door and Frank climbed to his feet and rushed off without a word. He backed his vehicle at speed down the driveway, raking the side of it against the concrete post of the retaining wall of the raised front lawn.

"I think Frank won't forget this visit," Amanda said, closing the front door. "You were most impressive. Come to bed for fellatio, delivered by a former champion."

Amanda called on Wednesday morning. "Hi. I have a meeting with my attorney and the other side on Friday morning. I said I wanted you to attend as my financial adviser. They are waiting for confirmation because if you attend Frank will bring his financial adviser."

"What for?"

"Who knows? I had to give you a title."

"Yeah okay. Frank could be so busy glaring at me he may not take too much interest in proceedings."

Amanda called fifteen minutes later. "Great news -- I'm clear so we can have sex tonight."

"What's the rush?"

"You jerk, you know I've.... Oh, damn you. You really had me going there you big tease."

* * *

On Wednesday Freddie was just setting out covers before starting to paint a smoke stained lounge wall when his phone went.

"Hi, Freddie speaking."

"Hello Mr Short. Mary-Anne Finch speaking. I received your invoice in today's mail for the work you did on my pool wall. It was late arriving."

"I send out invoices to suit me, not clients Mrs Finch."

"Efficient business people send out invoices on the 20th of the month."

Freddie sighed. "Would a five percent discount compensate you for my tardiness?"

"Certainly not. The point I was making was you were inefficient with paperwork."

"Point taken and ignored Mrs Finch. Is that all?"

"No. Your claim for payment is for two thousand, five hundred, the lowest figure of your estimate and yet as far as I can see your workmanship is perfect."

"You can add ten percent to compensate me for failing to match your billing expectations Mrs Finch."

"Are you attempting to ridicule me young man?"

"No ma'am. I'm anxious to please you. If I leave you with a gripe you might not recommend me to your friends."

"You have a peculiar way of expressing yourself Mr Short. Perhaps I was not making myself clear. I was astonished you billed me lower than I expected and am ecstatic at the apparent quality of your work and the main purpose of my call was to express my appreciation."

"I receive that loud and clear Mrs Short. You think I'm a very good man. Thank you and have a nice day."

"Just a minute. Is there something you wish to say to me?"

"Not that I can think of. I have thanked you for your kind words."

"No, I mean in respect to my daughter Amanda."

"She sure is pretty Mrs Finch."

"No, no. One of my friends saw a much older man with her and from the description I'm almost certain it was you. What are you doing in the company of my daughter?"

"I'm afraid that is restricted information Mrs Finch. You'll have to ask Amanda."

"I can't. I attempted to ask her but she said to mind my own business."

"Oh dear. Look, you appear to be a lovely lady so I tell you this. Call Frank and ask what happened when he called on Amanda last night and bad-mouthed her."

"Oh god. I've checked your background and noted you were an instructor in unarmed combat in the Air Force before you transferred to engineering. She's hired you as a bodyguard."

"Very interesting speculation Mrs Finch. Bye."

* * *

Amanda was playing the grand piano when Freddie arrived home.

"Hi darling, did you have a good day?"

"It was okay. And you?"


"I'll have a shower and..."

"No, I don't mind you hot and sweaty darling. Shed your clothes and fuck me on my piano now; I'm not wearing panties."

"Have you done this on the piano before?"

"Only the once. I had a former college friend visit."

"You must have liked him, committing adultery."

"Who said it was a guy?"

Freddie grinned and stripped while Amanda arrived with a footstool and said the top of the piano was rather high.

They kissed and when Freddie thought she was warmed up enough he lifted her on the piano and the height for pussy licking was great; no strain on the back whatsoever. Amanda began to gurgle and pulled off her top and pushed down her bra. She began to groan as she began tweaking her nipples as Freddie carefully pushed a third finger and generated a healthy squelching sound as he licked around to tease her clit.

"Who liked that?" he chuckled, pulling up the footstool as she lay gasping like a beached whale. -- er, of the slender species. Freddie grabbed one of the towels Amanda had left thoughtfully on the nearby sofa and placed the other on the keyboard at the ready and he played her like a cello for forty minutes before she called, "Slam it Freddie, I'm ready to make the home run."

They rested briefly when the front door bell went.

Freddie grabbled a towel ignoring Amanda who said it would only be someone collecting for a charity. He grinned thinking he knew who it would be and called over his shoulder, "Pull that towel over you?"

Mary-Anne Finch pushed her way in, staring at Freddie holding a towel over his waist and rushed into the lounge and saw her nude daughter attempting to cover up with a towel.

"God, you two know how to live it up," Mary-Anne grinned.


"Hello darling. I suppose this is adultery because your marriage is not yet annulled."

"I-I was experimenting yoga positions."

"Pull the other one dear. If you must lie, lie well."

"My impression is Mr Short was engaged in interior decorating.


"Oh relax Amanda. All of us have sex."

"W-why are you here?"

"I called you today to ask about you being seen in the company of Mr Short but received the brush off."

"I called Mr Short..."

"Mom, you cow. Going behind my back like that is gutter tactics."

"And Mr Short informed me politely that was restricted information."

"Well there's your answer."

"So I came around to check up that you weren't being held hostage?"


"Oh being over-dramatic am I?"

Amanda, looking fiercely at her mother asked Freddie to fetch one of her robes. Freddie walked off.

"Oh, I see Mr Short is familiar with the layout of this house, knows where your bedroom is and doesn't have to be told where your gowns hang?"

"Oh god. Mother, Freddie is my lover and will be living here."

Freddie arrived back just in time to hear Amanda say, "For at least a year mother. My divorce should be through by then."

"There is a period before the decision of the court takes effect fully. It's two months before you can remarry."

"Marriage is not on my mind mother. I just wish to get out of this one and be fucked well and frequently in the meantime."

"Good girl."

"Which one of those two things did that comment relate to mother?"

"That is for your two to decided. Why don't you shower and dress and I'll take you to dinner. I had to take Leave of the House to be here to catch you two out so I must make good use of that time and wine and dine you and talk you out of this unfortunate relationship. Mr Short is older than your father."

"Mother, I really don't think..."

"I smell some disgusting odors darling. Run along and shower."

* * *

Amanda's attorney led her team into the meeting room at the Riverview Hotel and they were seated when the other side entered. Frank took one look at Freddy seated beside Amanda and whispered to his attorney. After the introductions Mr Hall said sternly, "My client objects to Mr Short being involved here because he has no relevance here."

Mrs Bourke, representing Amanda, said Mr Short was a financial consultant to Mrs Blake.

"We are interested to learn what Mr Short's qualifications are?"

"He is a canny investor. That is sufficient expertise for Mrs Blake."

Frank had a whispered conversation with Mr Hall who then said, "My client alleges Mr Short assaulted him on Monday evening and criminal charges could be pending."

Mrs Bourke said, "Could be pending? Goodness me Mr Short was simply protecting his client."

Freddie said, "Frank are you in any clubs and other community groups?"

Frank said several and added proudly, "I am incoming president of the inner city Rotary club."

"Well you might be kissing that goodbye Frank. My pending suggestion to Mrs Blake is to seek a molestation restraining order against you and have it publicized in the media, Mrs Blake being the daughter of a very prominent politician."

Mr Hall conferred with Frank and then announced the objection to Mr Short being involved in proceedings had been withdrawn.

Mr Hall said his client wished to see a far division of property. "My client wishes to see his former home placed on the open market and to receive exactly one half of the net proceeds of that sale. My client wishes to receive exactly one half of the net contents of the frozen joint bank account he operated in conjunction with Mrs Blake. There is no dispute over vehicles because each of them has retained their vehicle jointly purchased by Mr and Mrs Blake. Under undisclosed assets we have found Mrs Blake has a secret bank account containing $27,338 dollars as confirmed an hour ago and my client wishes to receive half of that amount. Agreement on these areas shall see us finish here within the next few minutes, all going well."

"Than you Mr Hall. The claims illustrate the extent of my husband's greed."

"We object to that term Mrs Blake."

"Well then note your objection for the judge Mr Hall and I will confirm my allegation and following my next statements I confidently expect any reasonable judge to consider it a reasonable allegation in the face of these outrageous claims."

"Be careful Mrs Blake. In effect you are calling my client a liar."

"Right, please allow me to comment on all claims but not in the order given. The cars are already split and I agree with my husband as stated by you that that split is equitable. So as far as I'm concerned that split stands unchallenged."

"Claim two: Mr Blake's claim for half of that $27,000-plus in a bank investment account in my name only is rejected outright. Further inquiries by you Mr Hall will disclose that $20,000 of that money was paid into that account by my father when I turned twenty-one years of age, years before I knew the existence of my scum... er my husband-to-be. It was a joint birthday present and compensation to me from my father breaking up our family by divorcing my mother. I have copies of my father's letter, stamped with the date as being received by my attorney and copies of my letter thanking him for his generosity. Here are you copies. Bank records will show the other $7000-plus in that account is earnings from the bank's investment fund in which that original deposit plus earnings is held. No way will I allow Mr Blake to get his greedy hands on one cent of that money."

"Claim three: We note Mr Hall you wrote to Mrs Bourke stating that my pre-nuptial agreement signed by myself and Mr Blake will be found invalid in court because my attorney was present but Mr Blake's attorney was not. Mr Blake will claim, you say in your letter, that he did not understand what he was signing. That is outrageous devious action by Mr Blake to get his hands on my lawful property. I clearly recall my attorney at the time, Mrs Bourke's father-in-law, explaining to Mr Blake in great detail the implications of what he was signing. Mrs Bourke's father-in-law's notes of that meeting were stamped, signed and dated by the recording clerk at that meeting. But not only that, Mr Blake has a poor memory. Either that or he has lost a crucial document and hoped that I would have thrown my copy away. Here for your records are copies of a waiver, as signed by Mr Blake that specifically states he waived his right to an attorney in the signing of that document. Any question's Mr Hall? You have the choice of settling this now, with our two sole concessions being that Mr Blake and I jointly divide the content of our joint bank account after it is closed and we keep our vehicles we now possess. If we fail to reach that agreement then I shall see you and your client in court Mr Hall."

"Mr Bourke. In view of what has been stated here and the documents we have been given I suggest this meeting be adjourned. I shall have discussions with my client and will write to you in due course."

Mr Hall, Frank and his financial adviser who'd not said a word or whispered any comments, left the room.

"We have triumphed, I believe," said Mrs Bourke, "but we shall have to wait."

Freddie said, "I bet Mr Hall will write to you conceding. Game over."

"Well Mr Short as Mrs Blake's counsel I have to remain more cautious than that but your summation seems to me to overflow with truth. Shall we return to my office and toast our success in rocking the opposition to its core?"

Three months out from the divorce being granted, Amanda won a position as an associate professor in her department and at the celebration party at the college met an associate professor from another department. Something flashed between them and two weeks later Amanda advised Freddie it was time to leave her. He left within the hour saying he was so happy for her and kissed her so warmly that Amanda was compelled to believe him. She offered him a gratuity of $30,000 but he refused it, saying he had plenty of money.

Amanda cried him to the door. An hour later a courier arrived with twenty-five red roses with a card that read, 'Thanks, knowing you carnally for so long stands as one of the highlights of my life. You are a lovely woman. Freddie.'

* * *

Freddie was washing his pickup two weeks after returning home permanently when a hire-limo with chauffeur entered his driveway. The driver hit the horn but Freddie went on hosing his vehicle.

"Are you deaf or just a stubborn cuss?"

"I guess it's the latter. Hi Mary-Anne. You appear to be putting on weight."

"And you are just a teasing smart-ass she said coming closer and taking a handgun out of her purse. "You squirt me with that hose and I'll put a bullet through you."

"Oh yeah?"


"I wouldn't hose you Mary-Anne. The water would shrink that awful dress."

"Ha. I want you to come and live with me."

Freddie dropped the hose in shock and it hosed Mary-Anne's shoes and stocking below her knees en-route to rolling up on itself.

Freddie came closer. "This close you shouldn't miss me."

"Shut up you fool. You knew I wouldn't shoot you, that I was just kidding."

"No I didn't. Guys don't take such risks with women because women are so unpredictable."

"I could shoot you for that offensive remark."

"You're kidding."

"And you're lucky to be alive. I'm seeing less and less of Amanda so is becoming lonely. I want you for your company. I'd like sex too but that's over to you. I used to think you were too old but taking in the satisfied look on Amada's face I have to assume you deliver a top performance."

Freddie looked at her carefully. "So how old are you."

"It's a fact of public record, fifty-four."

"Where do you like it?"

"In the pussy. I'm getting a bit old for anywhere else."

"I meant on the floor, in the car, in the shower, on the front lawn?"

"Woops," Mary-Anne grinned. "I get your drift. On the bed, perhaps in the bath."

"That's fine. I'm pretty flexible."

"When I said living with me I meant total living, like being my man and escorting me to functions and going on parliamentary exchange visits. I'll buy you a couple of tuxedos -- in fact I'll fit you out with a wardrobe and maintain it. You'll be tempted by some of the women around me but I won't mind if you do it with some of them but don't let me catch you actually doing it."

"Well that sounds a very accommodating arrangement but my prime loyalty will remain with you for as long as I live with you."

"You will have to scrap your current work. That would not suit my image. You were well educated. Rather than give you an allowance I will hire you, perhaps as a researcher for my speech writer and lo, our apparent romance will spring out of that appointment."

"I think I can go alone with those demands. What say I don't find you to be a good fuck?"

"We'll hire a cute maid to assist the housekeeper. As I said from the outset, I want you principally for companionship and as an escort."

"Well first let's try sex. You might surprise me. Your husband's made have left you before of your sharp tongue rather than lack of excitement and efficiency in bed. I can stand a sharp tongue; I'm used to switching off."

"You arrogant asshole. I should point out I might have to marry you prior to the next election for the good of my reputation."

"That's okay; they are a couple of years away. That gives time to find out about on-going compatibility."

"Indeed. Well I must be off. Move in tomorrow -- come around 10:00."


Mary-Anne smiled. "If your sexual demands are too much for me we'll have to hire a maid at hours that overlap those of the housekeeper who is a loyal, upright, reliable elderly woman."

"That's very practical to think like that but remember age is catching up on me."

"Well, back to regular sex for me tomorrow then, start as soon as you like. Being Sunday I have no appointments. Oh, thinking back on sexual positions, I do have a grand piano."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
One Snappy Pappy Keepin' Bitches Happy

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Very enjoyable. Extremely effective banter. The naughty language and innuendo of the women is somehow hard to believe but somehow this protagonist and his way makes it work.

Approaching his age, this guy gives me hope. But my Sesame Street Spanish just won't do :))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Awesome bit!

Very cheeky and a fun read! Good sex with belly laughter is a very good thing. That coming from a 64 year old. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

The "proofread jerk" still thinks it's his God given duty to castigate you for perceived errors that irritate him. Tell him to lump it! Your stories are great and I look forward to them.

Egmont GrigorEgmont Grigorover 15 years agoAuthor
Reply to Proof Read please

Either learn to read whatever or go off and lecture to another author. Do try to have a happy New Year.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
proof read, please

Loved the plot, the story, the dialogues,BUT the spelling and other basic errors were terrible. Go back and go back again, checking for tense and spelling. Those things make the story flow without sudden stops by the reader coming upon a word out of context.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
done it yet again

what a really good read and the comedy between the characters excellent keep up the good work oh and by the way really liked it ......James..........

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Another good

sory from Egmont,as well as being well written, it is also very humorous.

oddonexoddonexover 15 years ago
Envious Man

Being a 63 yr old man, I can relate to Freddie. Wonderful story. Hope that some day I can be as lucky. Well written and thoroughly plausible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Very Humorous!

I laughed at the "repartee" between the characters. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. Excellent humor. BOB

PositiveThinkerPositiveThinkerover 15 years ago
Excellent story

For someone who hasn't written their first story, yet, I'm learning from reading the stories of others. This was an excellent story and you are a very talented writer. Thank you.

Happy New Year

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