Free Country - Infiltrating Freedom


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"It does fill you up!" Rachael replied with a laugh.

"Oh, that reminds me," said David. "Don't forget - don't ask for sex from anyone wearing clothes. They can't agree. Even a simple handjob. It's the law. You can only wear clothes in public on Sundays, but if you do, you are basically considered a black ribbon."

"Is everyone wearing clothes today going to visit school-children?" Bogdan asked between mouthfuls of food.

"Many, but not all. Most religions are OK with the whole naked thing (god gave us naked bodies after all!) but a couple of the religious groups still insist on being clothed to worship and meet, so they have services on Sundays. And some people (especially the older generation) just miss the days of clothing, so choose to go out and enjoy the nostalgia."

"What do you three think you'll do with the day?" asked Rachael. "You don't have to stay here if you don't want to. But of course you can if you want."

"Marina and I were thinking of going for a walk, to learn the city" Bodgan replied for the both of us. Since we hadn't discussed this at all, I knew it was 'Junior Officer Bodgan Tullov' making that decision for the both of us.

"I am tired." Aimee's voice called out. "I will stay 'ere and rest. Maybe I will call my family on the internet."

A twitch on Bogdan's face revealed how happy he was to hear that. We could go forward with our mission without having to hide it from our roommate.

Rachael and David left for their niece's school, and about thirty minutes later Bodgan and I got ready to leave.

"Where will you go?" Aimee asked. She was casually sitting in the living room watching pornography (Two black women surounded by about fifteen guys with their cocks in almost every orriface) with her left hand lazily circling her open pussy.

"Just walking," I replied. "We don't have any money here."

"Yez, you do. 'Ave you forgotten you 'ave the money chip in your 'and?" she waved the back of her hand at us.

I hadn't truly forgotten they'd given us the chip in our hands to pay with, but I wanted to play dumb.

"Oh yeah, thanks."

"If you need, I can go vith you."

I quickly shook my head. "That's alright Aimee. You enjoy your...TV."

"It is not TV, '' she replied. "It is pornography. OK. 'ave a good walk. It would be good if you come back before dinner. If you return before our 'osts, Bodgan you can fuck my puzzy. Or my Azhole. And if you vant Marina, I can lick your puzzy."

And with that, she went back to playing with herself openly in the living room to porn.

We walked out the door without another word to her, and started walking round the streets. We kept our voices low and didn't speak when near people, but we could finally talk openly with each other.

"OK." Bogdan said in a formal tone, taking us back to being a private and an officer. "We need to find a public phone to make contact with our informant here. They are waiting for us. They should help us get the..." Bodgan looked around quickly "...weapon to finish our mission."

"This mission is not at all like I expected....Sir."

I added the last 'sir' part to help myself remember why we were really here. It was so easy to think of him as my friend and equal, or even in some ways my brother. And we hadn't even been here a week!

"Yes. And we have both done things we never expected. Umm.." He hesitated before continuing. "Um... do you want Aimee to, um.. lick you? I mean, it is not normal for a woman of Volgoslavonia."

I thought about my next words carefully as we turned a corner and spotted a public phone in the distance.

"Sir, it's true it's not normal for a woman of the motherland. It is something I never even considered in the homeland. But it is normal here. And it does feel good. What about you sir? If you do not mind the question. There is so much sex here outside of the bonds of marriage. And men have sexual contact with other men. Do you feel it is wrong?"

Almost as if the universe was joining in our conversation, we passed by four people casually standing together. All in their fifties or sixties. A man and woman were naked and fucking (the woman leaning against a wall and the man pushing into her carefully from behind) while next to them were a clothed couple. The four of them were continuing a conversation even as the woman's body shook and she explained "oh god Henry, I'm cumming."

Once we were past the four and almost at the phone desk, Bodgan finally could answer. What he told me was a big surprise.

"I fucked a woman for the first time on our first night in the country. Since then I've lost track of how many women, and even men, my cock has been inside. And it has not been a week. And I think I have enjoyed every moment. We do what we must for the mission."

I nodded at him. "We do what we must for the mission."

The phone booth was empty, and we went inside. There was a small notice inside. THIS BOOTH IS FOR PHONE CALLS ONLY. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM SEXUAL ACTS INSIDE THIS PHONE BOOTH.

Bogdan's photographic memory allowed him to remember the spy's contact number. We didn't know his name. His codename was 'crow'. He didn't know ours either. It was safest that way. A raspy man's voice answered.

"Yes? What do you want?"

Bogdan used the secret code words. "We are from your carpet cleaning company. The rug you wanted washed is ready."

"Finally!" the voice rasped. "I've been waiting four years for you 'carpet cleaners'. Meet me at the Blue Ocean shopping centre. Take the nearby bus. I'll be wearing a red jumper and holding an umbrella."

The bus arrived three minutes later, and I was shocked by what I saw. Almost every person on the bus was naked person and having sex! I saw about twelve naked people compared to three clothed.

A smiling naked man in his mid-twenties (blue ribbon) got on at the same time as us. He sat on one of the nearby chairs, already sporting an erection. It was a little shorter than the average (though not as short as Praveen's back in the refugee training) but it was much wider than the average, even wider than Bogdan's well-sized cock.

"Hi!" He said, waving at me then pointing at his crotch.

"I think he wants you to sit on it." Bodgan whispered to me after I waved back but didn't move.

Wanting to obey the 'free-use' laws of the country, I walked over to him with a smile. I wasn't wet, so I spat a little onto my hand and moved it to my pussy. Then, copying a nearby woman (who was also fucking), I sat down on his lap, allowing his cock to slide inside me as I did so. I began slowly riding up and down on his cock. The bus bounced up and down as it moved along the road, giving extra stimulation to both of us. Bogdan just stood nearby as I fucked the complete stranger.

At the next stop a chubby man with a pink ribbon got on. He whispered something to Bogdan, and then knelt in front of him, putting 'brother' Bogdan's cock into his mouth. Another woman (fully clothed this time) got on at the same time as the pink-ribboned man. Saw the man I was riding, and started a conversation.

"Fabio! I haven't seen you since Dominica and Emma's wedding!"


"Oh, I forgot I changed my hair since we last saw each other! Yeah, it's me. I'm back in the city. The bank had me working in Australia most of last year."

"You missed Jack's party this year. He said you were abroad." the man said to her, before adding to me "That feels really good. Your pussy is so tight."

The clothed woman laughed. "Didn't you notice her refugee band on her arm? She probably hasn't been here a week. That's so you. Remember school? You had to fuck every girl before we graduated!"

"Umm..." I said, not wanting to interrupt. "I need to get off. We are almost at my stop." I could see the shopping centre sign coming closer and closer.

"No problem!" The man said, helping me to move off his cock and back my feet. The two of them continued their conversation, the man's excited cock just waving in the air, like some sort of fishing line looking for a fish.

I moved over to Bogdan. The pink ribbon man still sucking at his cock.

"Um..we need to get off now" I said to both of them.

The pink ribboned man took the cock out for a moment to speak. "If it's Blue Ocean, I'm getting out too. We can finish off the bus."

He stood up, and the three of us got off the bus. Sure enough, the chubby man knelt back down when we were off the bus and went back to giving Bogdan a blowjob. I waited nearby for about four more minutes until finally my commanding officer finished inside the man's mouth. The chubby guy stood up, made a strange joke about getting his daily protein, then walked away into the shopping centre.

We walked around the shopping complex, looking at all the stores. There were shops for furniture and electricals. There were shops for bags and backpacks. There was a huge shop full of sex toys called "Barbie and Keith's".

Once again I was struck by the differences between our country of birth and this country. All the shops here were well stocked. Everything looked good quality (especially the sex toys!) but also fairly priced. Nobody (clothed or naked) looked malnourished or badly treated. None of the naked women seemed to have the odd, 'unexplained' bruises that so often happened in Volgoslavonia. It amazed me as I walked and stared.

We saw the man we were looking for on the fourth floor, in the food court. He was sitting at a table with a single small coffee, with a red jumper and a folded umbrella next to him. (this made him stand out a little, as it was a wonderful sunny day). He looked in his late forties, with a balding head and a sharp, pointed nose. He looked almost angry at the world as he sipped his lonely cup of coffee. He reminded me somehow of a jackdaw or a crow. Was his codename connected to his looks?

When we approached he hissed quietly "Buy some food and sit on the next table."

Two minutes later and we were sitting near him with bowls of pasta salad. On the other side of us was a lesbian couple who had decided to stop eating their sushi to eat each other, laying 69 on the foodcourt bench. They looked very much in love.

"Filthy degenerates" the crow man said quietly (so only we could hear) as he looked at the lesbian couple. "don't they have any shame?"

When we didn't answer, he continued. "Took the home country long enough. I've been waiting for you lot for years."

Bogdan bristled at the man's attitude. "Do you know how hard it was for us to get here? What we've had to do for the motherland? Can you get the things we need or not?"

"Things for the motherland, huh boy? You've had to eat good food and stick your cock into pretty girls, how difficult for you! Though you're wearing the white. So you're fucking the boys too. And you girl, you forgot your ribbon entirely. Maybe you've both gone 'native' already!"

"To better blend in" I quickly told the man, keeping my voice down. "We didn't want them to be suspicious."

"Fair enough. But you should copy me. Get work in the hospital. That way you get away from this 'free-use' rubbish as much as possible."

He looked over his shoulder to check for observers, before continuing.

"Sure, I can get you what you need. That's why I'm here. It'll take me a few days though. I'll meet you...let's say Thursday. This same shopping centre, third floor. 2pm. Should be just in time. There is a big conference on Saturday. Lots of opportune targets, including the prime minister."

And with that the pointy faced crow man walked away.

We stayed sitting in the dining area for a while longer. It would be suspicious if we both left at the same time.

I looked at the smiling, happy faces. Many looked like they could be from our own country. Refugees - real refugees - from the motherland. Others looked like they had come from all over the world. I even saw a woman who looked really similar to Aimee. She could have been her twin. But then she was gone.

As I looked at the happy faces, I looked over to Bogdan's serious face. How could I tell him I was doubting our mission? How could I explain that I'd rather just forget the mission and never return home, instead living in this paradise forever?

And if I did tell him, what then? Would he let me stay? Would he kill me, to protect the mission? Would he join me, making this new world his home too?

My self-reflection was stopped by Bodgan's gentle touch, snapping me out of my daydream. "Come-on. We need to return home."



The ride back to the house was almost a mirror image of our trip to the shopping centre. The bus took a circular route, meaning our return ride took about twice as long as the journey there. We got on an almost empty bus, so this time both Marina and I could sit down.

Two stops later, and a red-haired woman in her late twenties got on the bus and sat on a seat on the other side of the bus aisle. She caught my eye, but I noticed the blue ribbon around her arm. She only slept with other women. I looked over to Marina. She too had noticed the redhead.

I waved over at the red haired lady. She was puzzled for a moment, and pointed at her blue armband. But I countered by pointing to my left. At Marina. The redhead smiled and nodded. She got up from her own chair and moved towards us. Without even a 'hi', she squeezed into the small gap between Marina's naked legs and knelt down.

"I'm getting off at Lodge Square'' she said. And then she lowered her head down, and began to lick Marina's pussy. My friend's face went from surprise to joy to ecstasy in seconds.

I won't lie. Seeing Marina getting eaten out by the gorgeous redhead right next to me got my cock excited, and soon my cock was fully engorged and pointing angrily upwards.

"Let me help you with that" a voice said, and I realised it was a woman who'd just got on the bus. I'd been so busy watching Marina I hadn't seen her. She looked in her late thirties with tattoos all over. Her hair was short, like it had been shaved a few months ago and was only growing back now. She spat on her hand, moved the spit to her pussy, and then slowly sat down on my lap, my cock sliding inside her.

She turned her head to get a better look at me as we fucked on the bus. She put her hands onto my legs to help her bounce up and down on my cock better.

"Oh, I just saw you're a refugee!" She said, "My boyfriend was a refugee. How are you finding it?"

"Um..." I said, trying to get words out. I wasn't used to making conversation while fucking. "...good. to....the homeland..."

"Where abouts are you from?" she asked. Nearby, Marina was now loudly moaning at something the redhead was doing with her tongue.


"Oh, those poor people, '' she said. "You know our government keeps offering food and medical aid but their military government keeps refusing. Oh, by the way, try to keep going as long as you can. I'm part of the four, ten, forty movement."

She pointed to a tattoo on her leg with the numbers - 4, 10, 40.

"What does that mean?" I said, while keeping focused now not to cum.

"I'm part of a group of women (well, mainly women) campaining for longer, better sex. It's getting so short these days." I realised as she explained to me, she had raised her voice, so other people on the bus could hear too. "Men are just cumming as soon as they want, but that stops women getting a good orgasm. So we are campaining for general prefered standards for sex."

"What do you mean?" asked Marina, who had come out of her daze to look at us, though the red haired woman was still happily lapping between her legs.

"OK, so on buses, and for other things like deliveries, the time has to be short. We know. So the guy should try to last about four minutes. (You're at about three now already). In public places like a bookshop or in the park, you want to enjoy yourselves, but you've probably got other things to do with your day. So 10 minutes should be enough time for the woman to really enjoy it, even if she doesn't orgasm. That's 10 minutes total, so maybe there's some fingering, or pussy licking too, if you can't penetrate for the whole ten minutes. We know not all men can.

Then finally, if you're somewhere more private, for example I invite you into my home, well forty minutes is lots of time for us both to cum at least once hopefully, a blowjob, some pussy-eating etc. A good time for everyone."

Someone on the bus said loudly "Lodge Square next." The red haired woman stood up, wiping her mouth with her hand. She planted a kiss on Marina's cheek then squeezed past me and the tattoo'd woman.

I lasted two more minutes before finally cumming inside the activist woman.

"Oh, that felt so good," she said. "especially with a cock like that. Thank you."

She climbed off me, letting my cum drip onto the floor of the bus. One minute later and she was in the same position for another man (a slightly chubby man in his late forties), telling him the same thing about 4/10/40 as she rode up and down.

If that was how political activism worked in this country (lets fuck while I tell you about my political cause) I'd get a lot more interested in politics!

We got off the bus and returned to David and Rachael's home. Aimee was waiting for us, as were David and Rachael. We all made smalltalk about the day while eating dinner together (a Ukrainian soup dish followed by steak and chips).

Rachael told us all about how they celebrated the birthday, with cake for all the children and her family. The children in this world have no idea about sex until they turn 18. Extremely serious punishments are put onto anyone who tries to break this rule.

I told about the trip to the shopping centre. I included our encounters on the bus. I didn't include our meeting with 'crow'.

Aimee told us about the porn she watched and then the long conversation she had with her family back home using the internet.

"I'm glad you all had fun!" David said after we put the plates away in the dishwasher. "We've got a few hours before bed. What would you like to do?"

"Oh, I've got an idea!" said Rachael loudly, before we could say anything. "Why don't we all go to the cinema?"


Cinemas in this free-use world were NOT like in Volgoslavonia.

In Volgoslavonia, you sit down on seats and watch the one screen. There are maybe a hundred seats per screen-room.

Here, we were led into a room with a sign saying 'max 20'. We were counted in, and when it got to 20, the door was shut.

There were some soft benches, and even a few sofas. But no chairs. Instead the floor was soft and comfortable to sit on.

And there wasn't one screen. There were three. One on each wall (except the side we entered from.)

And there wasn't music. Not out loud. Before we entered the room, we were given little earbuds. I put them in, and it blocked out all other noises. David had to tap my shoulder and point to get my attention!

So there we were. Twenty naked people in the room. David, Rachael, Aimee, Marina, myself and fifteen complete strangers Most were between the ages of twenty to forty. I spotted one older woman (late 60s) and a couple of older men (50s or early 60s). There was a young couple who looked both 18, sitting on a bench holding hands. Oh, no, that's wrong. My mistake. They weren't holding hands. She was holding his excited cock while he was fingering her pussy.

The film started. Rachael had chosen it. Some romantic comedy. The soundtrack started playing in my earbuds. And everyone in the room started playing.

Playing with themselves.

Playing with each other.

This wasn't a film showing. It was an orgy with a film in the background.

The 2 older men made a beeline for Aimee. Soon enough, she was on her knees, with one cock in her mouth and another in pussy. The young couple had moved towards Rachael. She was lying on the soft floor, looking up at the film, gently rubbing her pregnant belly. The young woman had her head between Rachael's legs, licking while the young man was on top of his girlfriend, his cock already inside her asshole.