From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City Ch. 05


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And as much as she tried, she could not regain control. Her body and mind surrendered, succumbing to the man's advances, readily allowing the man to do what he wished. Perhaps it was the frightful possibility that she did not want to again completely miss out on explosive sexual experience.

While Edward marveled at the eroticism of the moment, somewhere inside he wondered if this had gone far enough. He saw the look of surrender, a white flag moment, in his wife's body language. He felt helpless. He thought they would be in this together; communicating and setting boundaries...together.

Then it dawned on him...this was no longer just a fantasy. This was really happening. He felt suddenly panicked at the thought that his wife was about to become a sexual plaything for another man. A man who was bigger and stronger, a more well hung and sexually powerful man that makes women cry out in ecstasy. A man who can do things to her he could not.

He thought this was what he wanted. But how could he compete with that? How would his wife ever be satisfied with him again?

His cock went from iron-hard to semi-hard in an instant as reality hit, every manner of self-doubt flashing across his mind.

Edward started feeling queasy. His wife hadn't looked his way in minutes, keeping her attention on him. This was supposed to be a sexual exploration done together, as a couple. Doesn't she realize the man's ultimate intent? It would have been nice to have her look his way, giving some indication, any indication at all, that they were in this together. It may have calmed the ever-growing nervousness and anxiety now overtaking him. He tensed; convinced he needed to go there to rescue her from this insanity.

His cock deflated even more.

Fortunately, after what seemed like an eternity, the song ended.

Finally common sense made its way through Susan's lust-clouded mind, and it was with reluctance Susan pulled herself free and casually straightened her dress into an appropriate position. Yet her legs continued to quiver as if she still had acceded control over her body. As she straightened, her face flushed, she nervously looked up at Derrick.

Edward swallowed hard as he watched the man lean into Susan and whisper something in her ear. Susan's eyes went wide and she brought her hand up to her mouth to cover a dramatic gasp, but she stayed to talk with the man for a while. Edward couldn't hear what they were saying, but they seemed quite focused and at times animated in their conversation.

And then the man pulled his wife in close to him and again whispered in her ear. Edward could make out the wicked smile that flashed across his wife's face. After a moment's hesitation, she shook her head as if to say 'no' and looked over and smiled. She looked radiant, excited, but a little embarrassed.

Then after more discussion, Susan shook her head, lifted her left hand, and pointed to her wedding ring. Pausing for a moment, she pointed towards Edward.

The man shrugged and looked in Edward's direction as well. He smiled and nodded at Edward, but didn't look guilty in the least. It appeared he was not at all concerned that Susan was married -- that her husband was right there no more than five meters away. Instead, he leaned in and again whispered something to Susan, still smiling widely and put his arms again around her waist.

Susan nervously played with her hair while they continued a dialogue. "What are they talking about?" Edward wondered anxiously. He wished he could eavesdrop on every word. "What did he ask? What did she say 'no' to?"

The man again whispered into Susan's ear and she slowly and almost tentatively reached into her purse. As she pulled out her cell phone, the man pulled his out of his pocket and tapped into his phone. Another exchange resulted in a shared laugh as they both smiled and looked to Edward. Susan's smile looked distinctively guilty.

All of a sudden, Edward felt like he had been cucked. He did not prevent his wife from dancing with another man. He did nothing as he watched a man take liberties with her. And clearly, something was just said that brought their attention to him.

It was not that he was meek or a wimp, and certainly at 6'-1" and 200 pounds, not a weakling by any means. Edward was, in fact, an extremely strong-willed man and a successful business executive. But he was not into being humiliated. His quest was merely for his wife to enjoy herself.

The man leaned in and gave Susan a kiss, on the lips - and not a quick peck either.

She hadn't had another man kiss her like that in 25 years. Susan could still feel his strong arms around her and she melted as she enveloped in them. Her lips tingled with the passion of their kiss. It made her feel young, attractive, sexy, and alive.

And Edward watched as his wife kissed him back, and a bit more passionately than he expected. The kiss lasted about fifteen seconds before the man let her go. It felt like a dagger had been plunged through his heart. His jealousy flared up. He stood up. This was enough! He needed to put an end to this and rescue his wife.

But before Edward could take a step, the man stepped back and turned to Edward, nodded, before walking away.

Susan turned and began the slow walk to return to her husband, feelings guilty and shame, of exhilaration and excitement, battling for prominence within her. She was totally confused; unable to understand what had just taken place and more importantly, why she allowed it, or why her husband did not stop it.

Susan looked at Edward. Suddenly, seeing the concern on her husband's face, her moral and social boundaries regained a foothold over her thoughts. Although her mind was completely overwhelmed just seconds ago by the mental images flashing through her of lying naked before that black man about to succumb her sex to that massive cock, she now felt guilt, shame, and regret. It had started innocently enough. But she went too far.

As she nervously continued to make her way back to the table, Edward could see his wife's blush deepening, with mild worry in her eyes. A multitude of emotions flowed through him. On one hand, what he witnessed was incredibly arousing. On the other, it was incredibly nerve-wracking. He wanted his wife to enjoy the process, but he never wished to be humiliated. He was not a cuckold.

Susan's eyes met Edward's as she finally returned to the table, fear and guilt still painted on her face. She sat on the stool next to Edward, not saying anything, and downed half the glass of her wine in one gulp. Her hair was tussled and her make-up smudged. He could see her tits rise and fall in the low-cut dress, her breathing heavy.

"It looks like you had fun. Who's your friend?" Edward asked after an uncomfortable minute of no words, trying desperately to pretend not to be flustered.

Susan continued to blush, and nervously took another sip of wine. After another awkwardly long pause, she finally responded, "His name is Derrick."

Seeing Susan so nervous was actually comforting to Edward. Perhaps she did care for his feelings. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Look honey, this... this is...I mean, I thought that...I did it for you!" Susan said defensively.

"Umm...o...kayyy. But I hope you enjoyed yourself. Did you?"

Susan looked at Edward for a long time, trying to determine how to respond.

"Susan, are you okay?" Edward inquired trying to break the silence. "Did he say or do something that hurt you?"

"No!! Not at all! He was really nice," Susan objected. "He actually said I was a very sexy woman!"

"Well you ARE! So you had fun?"

"Well...I had, uh, okay yes, it was... fun," she chided. "I mean, at first, it was... strange. But he was so nice, and I...well the music starting taking over and..." she paused, "but I did it for you..."

It became clearer to Edward that her steady defense would be to blame him - and she was only did it because he asked, knowing he would enjoy it. This wasn't something new. Susan rarely actually took responsibility for her actions when it came to sex. It was strange. By all indications she did have a great time. She could not camouflage the wicked look he saw in her eyes when Derrick was feeling her up. Why can't she just admit it?

"Look, sweetheart, it's okay. I'm not angry with you - not at all," Edward finally spoke.

Susan smirked, not believing him, and took a long gulp of her drink, finishing the remaining glass of wine instantly. When Edward first admitted his fantasy of seeing her with another man, she questioned his ultimate intentions, not to mention his morals. They were happily married, after all, and society's expectations were to live a monogamous life.

"Really? You were actually okay with that?"

"Well, you guys were certainly getting close!" Immediately Edward wanted to retract his words. Although he wanted to talk about it, he did not want to push it too soon.

" liked that, didn't you?" Susan countered, almost in a mocking tone. "That's what you wanted, right?"

A picture of Derrick's hands on his wife's tits flashed through his mind. "I mean, yeah, it was very erotic! I liked it!!" Edward lied trying to save face.

"I'm...glad...glad you liked it," Susan paused looking down at her empty wine glass. "I still don't understand, but well...I guess I had fun," she finally admitted, trying to sound indifferent but failing. "Was it... was it everything you hoped for?"

His mind wandered to the stranger fingering his wife. While he was nervous and anxious and, even angry, watching that man do those things to his wife, she did come back to him. Perhaps he was over-analyzing this. Perhaps he should just enjoy and appreciate the fact that his wife acted just as he hoped she would.

And he knew, although Susan was trying to turn the tables on him, that her fuse had been lit and she only needed some reassurance. Otherwise this would most certainly be the end of any further Hotwife fantasies.

"Actually, I thought it was really hot, sweetheart" Edward exclaimed, while taking a deep breath and looking directly into her eyes, trying to dismiss his resentment. "You were... you were...I mean, the way you guys were dancing, it was so sensual, and so erotic! And you, my darling, you became the center of attention for everyone in the bar! Everyone was watching my sexy wife!"

Susan smiled nervously. Clearly she still could not understand how what she just did with another man could be such a turn on for him. But one thing she was certain, she had become incredibly aroused, and in no uncertain terms, she needed relief!

Susan stood up and grabbed her purse, giving indication she wanted to leave.

Edward swallowed nervously and grabbed her arm to stop her, "Before we go, I need to know. What were you guys talking about?"

"He wanted me to let you know you are a lucky man."

Edward smiled proudly. "I agree, I am...but what..."

"Can we just go back to the Hotel, please?" Susan pleaded interrupting any further discussion on the subject.

"Well...sure, okay. We can go."


The walk back to the hotel was mostly silent, as Susan confronted her emotions, and preferred not to speak further about what just happened. She was always more reserved, preferring to refrain from the adventurous and keeping her intimate thoughts to herself. Perhaps it was her upbringing or perhaps it was her view of society's expectations; she preferred to remain the 'good girl' unwilling to allow herself to explore her most intimate desires. She was still convinced she could not truly reveal them to her husband.

And Edward sensed the need for silence. It took years to convince his wife and to assure her that this is what he wanted. It took years for her walls to come down, to allow herself to be free to explore her sexuality, to assure her that this was not only acceptable to him, but also acceptable behavior for a liberated woman. So he gave her time to process everything.

But feeling wanted, no, feeling desired and receiving the appreciative attention from such a young stud left Susan with a series of conflicting emotions -- lust and empowerment for sure, but also embarrassment and fear of the unknown. What happened at the Club was very out of character for her. But there was one consequence that was most prominent. The whole episode left her horny and needful. In fact, she was so wet she felt her juices of desire running down her thighs as she walked from the club to the hotel. She needed to be fucked.

Edward closed the hotel room door behind him and looked over at his wife as she lay on the bed. Susan looked at him with a combination of desire and lust that he had seldom seen in recent memory. It was a look reminiscent of their 'pre-child' years when the passion within their relationship was highest.

Now here she was, his sexy wife lying before him, legs spread wide, her feet resting on the bedding below, breathing deeply with longing in her eyes. Edward paused to appreciate the image before him. His gaze started at her sexy red heels, wandered up her stocking-clad legs to the lacy tops of her thigh highs, and hovered over her pussy, her pearl thong visible, wet and inviting. Then he moved his lingering inspection of her body up to her breasts rising and falling on her chest, then finally to her face and eyes, where he locked his gaze onto hers. His wife looked so alluring, so sexy, and so seductive. And he could not wait to have her.

Edward didn't bother closing the blinds. Should anyone passing by happen to look, he WANTED to make sure the curtains were wide open so that everyone could have a clear view of what he was about to do to reclaim his sexy wife.

He knelt down on the bed and took her face into his hands and kissed her. It was a deep, lingering kiss to remind his wife that she was his, no matter what another man may have attempted earlier.

Then he kissed his way down until he reached his wife's pussy. Feeling the heat and the wetness oozing off her lips, she could not deny how excited Derrick got her. His cock strained to full hardness simultaneously aroused and horrified by that revelation.

Edward began kissing the smooth inside of his wife's thighs, teasingly making his way up closer and closer to her pussy. Susan spread her legs wider, pleading to feel her husband's tongue on her pussy. But Edward stopped just before reaching the target.

Susan could feel his warm breath on her hot box, but as Edward moved to her other thigh and kissed his way down, and away from her pussy, the fire inside her simply grew more intense. Avoiding further frustration, Susan reached for her husband's head and pulled it tight against her needy pussy.

And finally, Edward mercifully ran his tongue in between her smooth folds, triggering an explosion of pleasure inside her core. Knowing that her husband was tasting her wetness born from her indiscretion with Derrick drove her wild.

She turned her head to the patio door and noticed the silhouettes of two people. She had nearly forgotten about the open blinds. She didn't care, and maybe even amplified the eroticism of the moment. Her escalating climax came quickly and she moaned deeply and loudly while holding her husband's head feeding her clit deeper into her husband's mouth.

Edward gently licked his wife through her climatic aftershocks. He knelt upright, relishing her beauty as she breathed heavily, her face and chest flush, and her smile of satisfaction unmistakable. He also noticed the voyeurs just outside the patio door. He couldn't quite believe it --his once conservative wife writhing quietly in the aftermath of an orgasm, an orgasm different and certainly deeper than any he had witnessed in the past. And knowing that they were being watched made everything that much hotter.

His cock was beyond hard, threatening to burst the zipper on his trousers. He needed to fuck his incredibly sexy wife, and he needed to officially re-claim her right there, in front of the window, with the lights on, and in front of all of cared to watch, to prove to everyone she was his.

But Susan had other ideas -- she felt a need to repay her husband in a special way. She reached out and wordlessly started undoing her husband's pants, pulling them down to his knees. She was greeted by a hard, almost angry-looking erection, only inches from her face.

"Wow! You're huge! Something turn you on tonight?"

Perhaps understating the mental bombardment of the past couple hours, Edward proudly exclaimed, "Well, I enjoyed watching you and...that man..."

"Derrick?" Susan interrupted.

"Yes. I enjoyed watching him slowly try to seduce you all night!"

"And you were okay with that? I...was waiting... Why didn't you try to stop him?"

"I know it doesn't make sense, but there's your answer," Edward declared nodding to his erection. "I can't stop thinking about how hot you acted!" He leaned in and locked lips with his wife in a deep passionate kiss.

"And it was so sexy to watch! You were such a naughty girl! And I loved it!" With his heart racing, Edward admitted the unthinkable. "And honestly, a part of me wanted him to take it further. And I think you wanted him as well!"

Susan blushed in embarrassment as he hit on the truth. She was more than tempted. And now, her husband's words inspired Susan to thank her husband for the incredible experience.

She pulled and slowly and softly licked and sucked her husband, using her tongue to bath the entirety of the shaft. Susan enjoyed the velvety sensation of her husband's cock against her tongue. As she bobbed her head up and down, the reality of what she was doing dawned on her. She was sucking off her husband while being watched by at least three other people. The lewdness of it all just spurred her lust, and she sucked Edward's cock in abandonment.

Edward groaned at the feeling of his wife's soft mouth, loving the feel of her lips travelling up and down his manhood, her tongue determined to taste every rigid inch.

Unexpectedly, Susan swiftly pulled her husband's cock into her mouth in an attempt to swallow as much as she could. She had tried this in the past, and always failed, choking when its tip hit the back of her throat.

But this time was different. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined doing something like this in front of an audience. And as she heard her husband's moans of satisfaction, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing her mouth could give such pleasure to a man's cock.

Edward watched in amazement as his wife pulled his cock so far into her mouth, he could actually feel his penis moving beyond the back of her throat. She did not gag or choke. Instead, she expertly closed her lips tightly around his shaft and moved her head up and down, her lips sucking harder and harder.

Edward lay motionless as he looked down on his loving wife, amazed at the sight and the feeling of his cock disappearing into her mouth time and again. Oral sex was never her 'thing.' But he could not remember her being more enthusiastic. Feeling her lips and tongue work on his cock felt exquisite. Then when her tongue did a 'whirlpool' around the head, he thought he was going to lose it. He wondered where this 'move' had been. And after his wife's shameless teasing in the Club, he was in desperate need of relief and welcomed the attention on his throbbing member.

He turned and noticed what looked like at least two and maybe three people still watching from just beyond their patio. After having the emotional foreplay of watching his wife act so naughty with Derrick, he was now close to a reality that was just as wonderfully erotic -- about to fuck his wife in front of others.

Suddenly Susan stopped, her lust spiraling further out of control as she wondered what she looked like to the onlookers. Her dress had been tussled and a nipple was visible. She knew what she looked like. She felt like a slut, but in a sexy way. But strangely, it simply aroused her more.