From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City Ch. 10


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Susan sat circling her glass with her finger. She could be telling a similar story, but for now, she just listened to every word.

"So," Miles added. "After talking about it, we thought, you know this really gets our juices flowing, so why not continue?"

"Right!" Linda exclaimed. "So now, Miles picks my clothes out for me, and he takes me out on the town to show me off. That's how we started at least. Then went on vacation recently to The Bahamas and I flirted a little bit more there."

Miles continued. "So now, Linda dresses provocatively when we go out. And when we go to a bar, she gets the attention of men. I love watching the interaction. I encourage her to, you know, tease and flirt a little - like a hotwife. And sometimes things get a little touchy-feely! It is so hot to watch it all go down!"

"And it was great for me! I mean, what woman doesn't love the feeling of men paying attention to her, and desiring her??" Linda asked looking directly at Susan.

Susan nodded in agreement.

"Then we decided to go to a party," Linda said.


"A lifestyle party," Miles added seeing the perplexed look on Susan's face.

"You mean a swinger's party. So, you are swingers?" Susan asked incredulously.

"Well...first let me explain. 'Swingers' has a connotation of two couples swapping partners to have sex. You do not have to swap partners at a lifestyle party. Some go to get dressed up in a sexy outfit and just re-connect, you know, but in a sexually charged atmosphere that really turns up the heat. Or you can be voyeuristic and watch others; or exhibitionistic and put on a little show for others to watch."

"In fact, most people at those parties do not do a full swap," added Linda.

"Full swap, soft swap, voyeur, exhibitionist, hotwife - so many new labels," Susan chimed.

Edward sat back, surprised that Susan was so into this conversation. He looked at his wife and she was watching her fingers circle her now empty glass, avoiding eye contact with him. He waved to a server to bring another round of drinks.

"I must admit that I was tentative and quite shy in the beginning. But, within the first thirty minutes we found it to be incredibly exciting," Linda said gleefully. "And more than a year afterwards, we both will confirm that it has made our marriage better; we communicate more openly, and our sex life is hotter than ever!"

"Roger that!" Miles jumped in. "Another thing - we will only go to a party or a club together, not alone. And I cannot stress enough the importance of our rule to tell the other everything. Communicate, communicate, communicate! In this lifestyle, you cannot have secrets!"

With those words, Edward turned to meet Susan's eyes, raising his eyebrow in a see-I-told-you-so kinda way.

Susan looked down, embarrassed. She did not intend to hide anything from Edward; she simply was taken aback by Derrick's attention, and also his words, no, his direct demand he wanted to fuck her. She did not know how to deal with it and just needed some time to digest everything. But her husband was right...they were on this journey together and she should have been more forthcoming.

"What about you guys?"

"Well, we would never...," Susan stammered.

Edward raised his hand. "Hold it, honey! I will answer. I think we would be in the stag/vixen category - not there fully, just dabbling on the perimeter."

"That's cool," said Miles. "So, you are not a cuckold I assume?"


"I don't understand the difference," Susan interjected.

"Well, cuckold involves humiliation, and may even involve the wife 'cheating' by going behind her husband's back," explained Miles.

"But aren't you humiliated when you let another man, you know...touch Linda?" asked Susan.

"Not really," answered Miles. "It's hard to explain, but seeing my wife owning her sexuality, enjoying sex and seeing her become a sexually satisfied woman, a Vixen, and seeing other men desire her sends bolts of electric energy straight to my cock!"

"Yup, I know what you mean!" chimed Edward.

"So, I am supposed to be what you call a 'Vixen?'" Susan asked Edward.

"Well...I mean, I want us to talk about things first, you know, I enjoy watching or hearing about you teasing and flirting with other men, so yes!" Edward confessed.

Susan blushed. "All these different terms, I don't understand," she said trying to hide her embarrassment.

"It's cool, it's cool," assured Miles. "Look, Linda and I cherish each other, and our relationship will always come first. We would not want to hurt the other. This lifestyle simply enhances that relationship - makes it hotter. And because it is so hot, we do not even consider cheating. Life is short, so enjoy it while you can I say!"

"So, you don't consider it cheating when Linda plays with another man?"

"No, because we talk about it first. We agree and we set boundaries," Linda explained.

"To our beautiful and sexy wives!" Miles declared raising his glass.

The group nodded and clinked glasses.

"So do you think you will you know...take it further that is," Susan unexpectedly blurted, asking Miles directly but apprehensively. "So would that, full swap that is?"

"I am not sure. We've never done anything close," Linda said, her eyes nervously looking at her husband. "We do like to experiment, though, and like Miles said, it's exciting to think about, so maybe someday, with the right couple!"

"We're pretty normal people," Miles added. "We really hadn't thought of taking it further, and we are pretty satisfied with how it ignited our sex life so far. But now that we have experienced Cap d'Agde, we, uh...have you ever had one of those ideas that won't go away?"

"I know what you are talking about! I can relate," Edward confessed.

Linda added, "Well, of course when you're dealing with sex and intimacy, there's always going to be those feelings that crop up from time to time. Not everyone can handle being in The Lifestyle. Your relationship has to be strong to begin with, and you have to be accepting of what your partner wants and have to communicate. You need to be able to separate love and sex, or it simply won't work."

"Right! But we're considering it! Sort of stuck on it, in a good way that is," Miles added. "What about you?"

"Well...I will admit. There are times I get very turned on by the thought of Susan being with other men sexually. But I am still in the processing stage of if I can accept it, however," Edward explained, his eyes looking towards his wife.

Susan nudged her husband, embarrassed yet fascinated by this conversation. Then her thoughts went to the night before, and the incredibly arousing affect Derrick had on her. Surprisingly, she felt her body heating up hearing Edward's admission. And it was both enlightening and validating hearing from another woman, sanctioning the acceptance of shedding the constraints of societal norms, and submitting to a strong, young alpha-male for one thing - pure, unadulterated pleasure.

There was a minute of silence as each couple cautiously considered their thoughts.

"We had sex with each other while another couple was in the same room! At the Club that is...that was unexpectedly hot!" Miles blurted, breaking the silence.

Loud cheering focused their attention, and that of the entire bar, on the two women on the little stage. With encouragement from the audience, the ladies began a strip tease, helping each other out of their short dresses. Soon the two ladies were dancing seductively topless only in their thongs and heels.

Susan watched as the two women allowed guys to stroke their calves and ankles while they danced. One guy even reached higher, disappearing into the woman's thong. Did he slide his fingers up into the woman's pussy? It appeared so because the woman paused her dance, allowing him a few seconds of enjoyment while holding onto the pole for support, before turning and continuing her sultry moves.

Susan looked over at her husband. His attention was laser focused on both women. It riled her seeing the attention he was paying to those women.

Susan felt her pulse rising. But between the conversation and the action on the bar, she didn't know how to react. Her conservative upbringing should certainly have made her feel offended by the conversation about infidelity and non-monogamy. But instead, Susan became obsessed with the confidence those women displayed to get on that bar and dance, freely displaying and showing off their tits in front of an appreciative crowd. And were those pangs of jealousness as well?

Susan stared trance-like at the erotic sight before her. She could not deny the unmistakable flush of heat rushing through her body as she imagined having the attention of the entire bar, even from her husband.

Without thinking, Susan reached her hand over to grasp her husband's thigh while subconsciously crossing and uncrossing her legs, pressing them together in involuntary response to each exciting tingle that shot through her body. With her heart pounding inside her chest, fueled by the talk with Miles and Linda, she found herself having trouble catching her breath.

When the song was over, she watched as the men helped their women off the stage, still wearing nothing but their thongs. As the crowd applauded, the women hugged the men while several shouts of disappointment from the audience could be heard for the women to continue.

It was becoming clearer - the men who had stroked the women's calves and ankles were the significant others of the women dancing. She now understood this 'performance' was merely just another sexy exploit of women fulfilling either their own or their man's fantasy!

But how could those men allow their women to strip on a little stage before a crowded bar! How could they revel in and be entertained by such a humiliating act? Strippers were loose, lascivious sluts!

Linda noticed that Susan appeared to be mesmerized by the action at the bar. She leaned into Susan, "You had better watch out," she said, "or we will be the stars of the next show!"


"Why don't we go next?"

"What? No! You're...not thinking of it...are you?" Susan snapped quickly out of her trance.

"You and me, up on the bar! Come on, let's give this crowd some real entertainment!"

"You can't be serious! I really can't dance very well. Plus...I'm older," Susan blushed. She was challenged, but curiously, she was not completely dismissing the offer either.

"That would be so hot, babe!" Edward jumped in, hearing the ladies' conversation.

"What?" She had never gone this far. It was one thing to be wearing a skimpy outfit to a bar, but to get up on a bar and act like a stripper in front of a crowd.

Yet strangely, in an awkward and unexpected peculiarity, she was beginning to feel dampness between her legs. She realized...that thought was causing her to become highly aroused once again.

Susan took another sip of her drink and looked over the bar. She noticed the two ladies who had danced earlier still wearing nothing but high heels and thongs. Their popularity had not waned, and they were hugging several of the admiring men that had formed a circle surrounding them.

She tried to convince herself to just say no. But what stirred her emotions were her own thoughts, so intrusive and so completely atypical and out-of-character for her, that she actually was considering going forward with this.

Edward remained silent. Her face had reddened again, and he was pretty sure he could see the beat of her pulse on her neck; evidence that her heart was really pounding. But he could tell that his wife's fuse had been lit and although he considered some artful persuasion to fulfill another of his recurrent and deviant fantasies, this had to be her decision.

Linda interrupted her rambling thoughts, "I am going to do it!" she declared defiantly. "Come join me. Let's show this bar a real woman! I'm sure you have had a fantasy of acting like a stripper entertaining a bunch of guys. Plus, where else would you be able to do this?"

"I agree ladies," Miles jumped in. "It would be so hot to see you both together on that bar!"

Seeing the nervousness in his wife's eyes, Edward leaned to her and added to her thoughts; "It is totally up to you. You can do whatever you want," he added smiling, his glimmering eyes told her what he wanted. "Babe, you look fantastic, and I would love to show you off one last time. It would be so very hot and sexy to see you try it! And as you know, what happens here, stays here!"

Susan saw her husband nod slightly, and yet he might as well have yelled out his affirmation.

"Come on, it's your last night!" Linda slid off her stool and offered her hand to Susan. "Would you do this with me?" Linda asked.

Susan paused for a moment to consider all of this and to gather her courage. She felt tightness and realized her breathing was suddenly erratic and her heart was about to jump out of her chest. It was as if she was having a panic attack. How could she possibly be considering this? Although no doubt still dealing with her inexplicable arousal, this was something so completely out of character for her.

She looked across at her husband, his eyes clearly and silently urging her. He desired to watch her flaunt herself, to once again satisfy one of his unconscionable fantasies. What a pervert! She couldn't help smirking at the anticipation in his expression.

But strangely, that notion once so abhorrent now collided with her newfound exhibitionistic tendencies.

And thinking back over the last two days, Susan began to realize the decisions she made up to this point were all her own - with probably the biggest when she allowed another man to feel her up. It had seemed monumental when it happened, but now it just seemed like a step along the way - a nice step for sure, and possibly a step in the right direction to finding herself. And here, once again, she could either continue to explore or to suppress her sexuality. Could she free herself of her issues and hang-ups and release her inhibitions again?

While her mind was a frenzy of calculations to decide if she could, or should, Susan felt an electric shock through her body when Linda took her hand. Could she really do this? Wasn't it best to just say 'no?'

She was having a great time, and Linda was correct - when would she ever have the opportunity to do anything close to this again? It seemed crazy, and she found herself sliding off the stool.

Susan's legs felt shaky when she stood up. She attempted to hide her nervousness as her friend smiled mischievously. And defiantly, Linda turned and headed toward the bar, her ass swinging beautifully as she made her way thru the crowded club.

"Fuck it! I mean, I'm scared as shit, but...yeah, I'm going to do it!" Susan blurted out. She slammed the rest of her drink, finishing it in two chugs, hoping the liquid courage would calm her nerves.

Challenge offered - challenge accepted. Susan hustled to catch up, wanting to stick close to her new friend. Although she felt like her heart was lodged into her throat, something inside her seemed to be guiding her.

Edward looked at Miles shocked. "I take it Linda has done this before?"

"Never!" Miles responded as they both watched their wives make their way through the crowded bar. "I'm loving it though! God Damn it must be the sexual energy in this place! Has Susan?"

"Nope! I mean, I had this time long ago...I told her I had a fantasy of her stripping naked on a stage in front of a bunch of guys. I even suggested we go to an amateur night at one of the strip clubs in the city. But, as usual, she quickly shut me down, and told me it was never, ever going to happen. My fantasy died a quick death!"

"Well, let's see what happens," Miles said as he lifted his glass. "Here's to hoping both our fantasies come true!" They clinked glasses.

Susan followed behind and immediately realized it was more crowded than she thought, enough that she had to squeeze herself past singles and couples in order to catch up to Linda. "I thought maybe you got lost or abandoned me!" Linda said, with a coy look in her curious eyes.

As they reached the bar, they found a narrow set of steps. Evidently audience participation was common. A friendly man smiled and helped them both up the steps onto the bar. Looking back over her shoulder as she paused at the last step, Susan saw her husband raise his glass at her with anticipation. With one gesture, he could have stopped her from embarrassing herself. She was ashamed to admit her heart sped up as much from fear as from anticipation.

Susan walked across the bar 'stage' and was greeted by loud cheers and catcalls from the audience. Clearly, the crowd anticipated another show. Susan nervously bit her lip. She was not a young and tight twenty-something! Why did she agree to do this?

Over the last two days, she experienced and participated in situations she never thought she would. Every time she swore she had reached her limit, another situation tested her boundaries and her morals. And she could not blame her husband. While he may have encouraged her, he never demanded she do anything she was uncomfortable doing. A realization now hit her - everything she did, SHE wanted to do. While each new situation started small and innocently, SHE was the one that allowed it to go further.

Feeling awkward and unsure and shaking with nervousness, Susan couldn't believe she was in the middle of another dilemma - following someone she literally just met less than thirty minutes ago to this stage to 'entertain' a room full of perverts! She turned to face the crowd. Although the lights were brighter than she had expected, thankfully making the crowd mostly anonymous, she still felt completely uncomfortable standing on this bar being judged. She was not prepared for this: mentally, physically, or emotionally, always preferring to avoid the spotlight. Plus, how could she compete with those young women that preceded her?

Before she could back out, the music started playing again and Linda grabbed her hand and spun her around. And the crowd cheered. Then just as quickly, Linda moved away and made her way to the pole at the end of the bar. Susan felt her chest tightening and she was having trouble breathing. Nervousness and anxiety again enveloped her completely.

She watched as Linda took a few spins while sliding lower on the pole and leaning back. Linda's moves drew wolf whistles and encouragement from the audience for more.

The pressure of competition was on. Something inside Susan forced her to say, "What the hell!" and she decided to just do it! Perhaps it was the spontaneity and impulsive nature of the moment. Or perhaps it was the camaraderie, sisterhood, and support she felt with Linda. Whatever it was, Susan nervously started moving to the beat of an electronic disco song, determined, somehow to complete her challenge. "I can do this," Susan repeated silently to herself.

Glancing back at Edward to gauge his reaction, she found him clapping and cheering. She felt reassured that he was okay with this. But could SHE go through with it?

Then she remembered the two young women who stripped and danced naked on this very bar just minutes before. She recalled the wild applause and complements thrown at those women when they removed their tops.

Susan felt her skin turning several shades of crimson as she felt the eyes of everyone in the club focused upon her, and she felt her heart pounding out of her chest, as they clearly anticipated her doing the same.

She heard one voice over all others in the crowd encouraging her. She looked down. It was one of the young ladies that just finished. "Yah!! You go Girl!" she heard the woman yelling from just below her.

Susan was surprised that her initial instinct to get this over with as soon as possible was being overridden by a previously unknown desire to continue. Feeling slightly more at ease, she closed her eyes and let the music stir within her. Soon, she too began to move her body, swaying to the seductive beat with the cheers of the men and women in the crowd surrounding her. Although compared to Linda, she only had a limited repertoire of sexy moves.