From Jenny to Mei Ch. 16


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'God what a body!' he thought, 'She's perfect. Young, tight and lithe.'

She seemed to be squeezing him in quick cycles, which he'd never felt before. As each inch withdrew she clutched at his penis until it's point was at her entrance again then she relaxed and moaned as he fed it back into her.

He kept this position for a while, basking in her reaction and her tightness. Thinking how remarkable Ai was and how the pressure to please her and Mei was going to tax his masculinity. Yet the more he pleasured her the more his confidence grew and his desire to know her and love her did as well.

They kept like this, an unhurried and heartfelt rhythmic joining, for minutes, until she sensed he was reaching his conclusion.

"Uh yes... You're close... so... ugh... Philip?"


"I love how you fuck me."

"Uhhgn," he groaned at how sexy it sounded. Her emphasis on 'Fuck' echoed in his head. For some reason he didn't expect the 'F' word from her. It was incongruous but in a sexy way, like a goddess in blue jeans.

"You know?..." she said.


"You are so totally trapped right now."

He knew exactly what she meant.

"But I'll be good to you. I'll never, ever use this against you. I will always be there for you, whenever you want and even when you don't. Just look at me, like, the way you do... ugh."

She went quiet for a moment.



"I'm never going to have another man. You know that right?"


She said it like she knew something he didn't. Like she were an old woman, her live had already been lived, and was speaking through her younger self.


"Quiet. Don't speak. I don't want to hear it. I just want you to know how I feel. I'm not some kid, ok. I know what I want, I always have... uuuhhhuuh," she exhaled as he pushed deep, "And this is what I want. It's perfect and you..." She leaned back into him and looked down at the floor as the droplets of water fell one by one from her hair. "You are what I need, Philip. I'll never have another man... I won't ever need another... ugh... ggoddd."

He didn't know what to say. No woman had ever spoken to him this way, had never risked her self this way. 'How did she know I want her like that? How can she commit to me, so fast, so completely?' Then he wondered, 'Why doesn't that freak me out?' He searched within himself for feelings of entrapment. The sensation of being clung to wasn't new, his money made him a big target, but, search as he might, there was nothing.

Still he had to say something so he started with, "Ai..."

She cut him off. "You're going to come inside of me now. When I feel you coming I'm going to come too. You throbbing inside me is going to do it. Just tell me how you are unloading into me and kiss me."

He grunted his assent and tried to figure out how he was supposed to say, 'My cum is splashing inside of you,' without either laughing or sounding like a cheap porn flick.

"Call me, Mei, Philip, do me harder and call me her name when you come."

Hearing her say it dropped the hammer and he gushed into her. He squeezed her breasts and said, "Oh, Ai. I'm coming!"


"My cum is squirting into your... sweet... tight... goddamn perfect little pussy!"

"OH... Oh... fffff... Gauwd... ah. PHILIP!"

With a minuscule part of his mind he wondered if it were him coming or his words that seemed to make her shiver and scream. His mouth found her ear, "Coming into you... coming, deep, Ai, so deep inside of you, my semen..."

"Oh fuck, Philip, your cum!"

"... my warm, white cum inside of you."

'That must be it,' he thought as she screamed again and dug her fingers into his forearm. 'She loves the idea of my cum in her body. Go figure.'

She continued her orgasm, squeezing his cock just like a ring clamp, her muscles incredibly powerful. She didn't scream more but just closed her eyes, hummed contentedly and let herself glide back to earth.

It was a great first time, just love in motion. No awkward fumbling, not an unnecessary word.

When she was sated she turned off the water and let him slide from her. Turning, embracing and kissing him sweetly she let her hands and lips demonstrate to him how much she enjoyed their inaugural joining.

When it was precisely the right moment she got out to get a towel. Smiling but silent, she dried him carefully.


"So when did you know you were bi?" Mei asked as they loaded plates in the dishwasher.

"Mmmm, I kinda figured it out in high school. I had an inkling then at least. I started seeing other girls on the field hockey team looking at me and after a few weeks I decided that I kinda liked how it felt."

Mei prompted for more with her eyebrows.

"I didn't follow through until my suitemate joined me in the shower sophomore year. It was, like, what the fuck, but she started kissing me before I knew it and my knees nearly let go. She'd been giving me the look all semester and got kinda tired of waiting."


"Nah. Kinda dumpy and dyke looking."

"Ugh, know the kind."

"Well," she said defensively, "she was a great person, even with the nose ring and the tattoos. She had a magic mouth."

It made Mei feel bad to have judged the girl and remembered that it was something Jenny would have said.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"Oh don't worry. It was true. She got all pissed I kept dating guys. Got all jealous and made a scene." She looked at the ceiling where it met the far wall. "Miss that mouth though."

Karla put the last wine glass in and reached down to shut the door. "Did you ever think about girls?" she asked.

"You know," Mei said, moving toward the couch, "not really. I can't believe it, given how much I love sex. I mean, like, you would have thought I would have been curious but it just never occurred to me... before you." She gave Karla a suggestive look and a smile.

Karla joined her on the couch and tossed her legs over Mei's lap. Then she thought she should probably serve her instead and made to remove her legs.

"No, keep your legs on mine. I like you, Karla. I want you to be comfortable. I need to learn to give and enjoy it."

"Part of your training?"

"Yep," she gently stroked her naked calves, "and I've found I really like it. Like anal sex. You think, like, it's gonna hurt but then you realize it's so worth it."

"Tried that. Didn't work?"

"Tim too big?"

"Too impatient. I wanted him to have something new, y'know, a little sexy gift but it was a disaster."

"Philip just bent me over and started sticking his fingers in my ass."

"Ugh!" Karla sighed, mistaking Mei's fond recollection for a complaint.

"What?" she asked, genuinely quizzical.


"Oh no. No, you've got it all wrong. By the way, that's what I'm talking about. Can't do that here, or anywhere. No rolling your eyes and sighing, 'men.' Ok? Not about Philip."

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Anyway, first one finger, nice and slow. Then two. Then stuffing me like I was a turkey and next thing you know I'm howling like a house cat getting rogered by a jaguar. Never came like that, ever. Totally blew my mind."


"Fucking straight wow. Now I love it. Like fireworks and the room starts spinning love it."

Karla looked up at the blackness of the ceiling and said, "He's amazing."

Mei looked at; then studied and finally started laughing at Karla.

"What?" Karla was smiling at Mei's mirth. "What? What are you laughing at?"

"You are so fucking going to worship him."

"What!?" She said, still smiling, enjoying Mei even more for the teasing.

"That look in your eye like I was describing Prince Charming."

Karla didn't feel like she'd said anything extraordinary and not seeing her eyes sparkle like Mei did thought her friend was simply goading her. "Well you were, right?"

"Yeah, Prince Philip all right."

They let their joy subside and Karla put her feet on the floor and leant in to snuggle with Mei.

"We're gonna love him together, Karla. Gonna make a great team."

Karla sighed and laid more of her weight on the smaller girl. "Tim. Why can't you be ..."

"Now honey," Mei said in a sweet consoling voice, "don't blame him. I'm sure he's good. And who knows, maybe he'll learn something from knowing Philip."

"Are you kidding. They can never meet. Think of the disaster that would be."

"Leave it to Philip, lover. Leave every care to Philip."


'Goddamn if I'm not the luckiest man in the State of California,' Philip thought. What was it with these two? Never having met they insisted on playing out this unusual fantasy together. 'Call me Mei for god's sake.' It just blew his mind - and twice in twenty four hours. They were mentally preparing he supposed but didn't want to over analyze at the moment. It wasn't the words so much, 'come in my mouth' were his personal favorite, but the idea that a woman would allow herself, encourage him for fuck's sake, to be substituted at the moment of most intimate vulnerability was inconceivably bold and selfless. It genuinely touched his heart and he felt a need to reciprocate somehow, to show them how much the gesture meant to him.

They cuddled on the hotel bed and he ran his fingers along her skin. She was impossibly soft and delicate with bird like bones. Yet her spirit and personality were anything but yielding and reticent. She wasn't yet twenty but seemed thirty-five, she had that confidence.

"When's lunch?" she said languidly.

"We're going to meet them tomorrow at about eleven downstairs."

She looked up, "Oh... the other girl coming too?"

"Karla, yes, if things go right tonight. I thought it would be good to get everyone together."

"I'm nervous." The fingers on her left hand toyed with the hair on his chest.

"She'll like you, honey."

"I mean, you know, it's like getting married to someone you've never met."

"I know."

"I mean, for all I know I'm going to be licking her pussy twenty-four hours from now."

"If I know Mei, honey, it'll be right after lunch. I'm keeping the room just in case."

"She that horny?"

"Hornier than you."


"Wait and see." He brought a bunch of her hair to his nose and smelled. How was it that each woman smelled different yet always wonderful? "What do we do about your manager. What was his name?"

"Hector Guzman."

"What gang? Do you know?"

"The Untouchables, I think."

"How did you get involved with the likes of him?"

"It was an expedient really. A girl in my biology class was telling me how she was making a lot of money for med-school escorting and introduced us."

"Well, what do you want me to do with him?"

"I just don't ever want to see him again."

"Was there a contract or anything. Did you sign anything?"

"Worried about me getting sued?"

"No, but if they think you owe them than maybe all they want is money."

"I don't think it was a gang thing. I think it was just his job. His business, you know?"

"So you never met any other gang members?"

"No, thank god. I would have quit if he tried to make me his pass around whore. I really think he did it because, somewhere in his twisted mind he thought I was his property and that's just what you do to whores that disobey."

For an instant, he wondered if he was guilty of doing the same thing with Mei.

"I just want him to go away and never see him again."

"Right. Tomorrow I want you to give me every detail on him you have. His full name, address, phone numbers... anything you have." Seeing her vulnerable and a bit unsettled back on campus just made him hate the little gangster that much more.

"Sure. What are you going to do?"

"You'd better leave it to me. You may still have to press charges but hold off for a week. You'll be safe with me. Does he have any idea you are with me now?"

She really, really liked the way he said, 'with me now.' "No, I don't see how he could. I didn't give him any explanation but he did ask if I were leaving for someone else. He really was more jealous than angry at loosing the income."

"Let's stop talking about it. I'm starting to get angry and I don't want to right now."

"Ok. Tell me why you went to prison."

He told her of his crime, conviction and time inside. He wasn't lucky enough to go to a federal prison camp, more like college than a penitentiary. He told her of his cell mates and she understood what he meant by 'leave it to me.' She interrupted him.

"Philip, please don't do anything to Hector that could get you in trouble. Really, he's such a little nothing turd that if you violated parole or something..."

"I'm not on parole..."

"... yeah, I meant the 'or something' as a kind of catch all. If you had to go back inside, I... it would really suck for me."

"I won't."

"Are you rich?" she flat out asked and he chuckled.


"Wow... super!" she said and didn't raise the issue again, ever.

They talked about the company, about living together and favorite foods. She talked about her folks and brother and again how her dad would love the shop. He told her again about Mei and how they met, how he wooed her and failed and how he blackmailed her. She thought it was the most romantic story ever, should be made into a book or a movie, with Christian Bale and Zhang Ziyi, "That girl in that kung fu movie."

"She kinda looks like her."

"She's our size. You said she was about 5' 5" right? Like me."

"Yeah, quite close."

"You love asian girls - right? I mean, I asked before but for you it's something special."

"I don't know how I fell into it but yeah, something special I think. I just think you all have the most beautiful faces of any race."

"Hmmm," she hummed and laid her head on his chest, petting his stomach with the flat of her palm. "Glad I'm Asian." She moved her palm lower and rested it over his pubic bone.

"Can I give you head, Philip?"

"You know, Ai, it's going to be a problem."

She scooted her head down his chest to his abdomen. She played her fingers through the hair below his belly button and plowed his pubic hair with her nails. "What's that?" she asked, completely happy, warmly contented, riding the swells of his breathing.

"I'm not a stud horse. I'm not going to be able to satisfy three women every day. It's just not possible. I can't keep up that kind of pace. I mean, my dick is more sore than it has ever been in my life."

Just before she put it in her mouth she said, "It's a good thing we're bi I guess."

After fifteen minutes of warm and enjoyable fellatio she swallowed his tasty little squirt of semen.

She didn't want to make a big deal about it, that is she didn't want Philip to know, not yet anyway, but she had been dying to get some. For a reason unknown to her, she had been waiting for it for days. Each time she fantasized about making love to him she came while imagining his semen spurt into her mouth. They had been powerful sessions, ending in real toe curling climaxes and it was, she figured, all tied to his semen somehow. She'd never had a thing for it before. It was just what guys did, a convenient marker indicating the conclusion of a job well done. Now it had, like, this special significance.

She had always enjoyed giving and took a guys spunk as a kind of thank you token but now, as it gently warmed her throat, she knew his was something entirely different and not just because its sweeter than normal taste.

As she savored the flavor of his semen, she returned to cuddle under his arm. She didn't need to vow her undying love and faithful tenderness to honor whatever god had shown its kindness at delivering Philip. A quite thank you was adequate, and she had great confidence in being just the woman that Philip needed.

He reached to turn out the light, the muscles of his chest flexing under her cheek. Darkness swallowed them and she shivered. Philip held her closer, mistaking her shudder for a chill. He couldn't know that it was fluttering in her heart that had broken free and enveloped her body.

'God - he is so the one.'

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You have a talent...

A sweet story, very romantic. Thank you.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago
sorry so wordy

Not that she won't be working on getting Philip for herself just as much as Karla wants Mei... hmm. lol. I'm probably making things more complicated than you want, but then again ;)

All I can think of is how is this going to blow up lol. OK, not all. I'm truly stoked for the wonderment and joy of these developing relationships as it's happening. Dread of future only creeps in when one of the characters visits that fear in the story - then it roosts like a vulture overlooking my shoulder.

I also keep wondering about Sarah. I think she's the one for Philip long term, perhaps with some or all of the rest in an orbit of visits or some such arrangement? *laughs* What it comes down to is the 'too good to be true' aspect of this whole wonderfully entertaining Fantasy - perhaps I should just shut up and remind myself of that word (*mumbles 44*) and enjoy it? ;)

Anyhow, off to freelance a bit, then back for Ch 17.

Once again, thanks for the treat of sharing your work :)


JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago
Another 'Wow' chapter

So very much going on here! So many details, great expansion of the various plot lines and characters... I'm entranced :)

Here's a statement that blew me away:


"Are you rich?" she flat out asked and he chuckled.


"Wow... super!" she said and didn't raise the issue again, ever.


Ever.<--- Period!

That's so outside-looking-in-naughty of you as an author to shut the door on any potential troubles (in that area), but at the same time it's like this declaration of who Ai is, a solid testament... Period.

Oh, sure, many times you make comments about how pure she (or Mei) is and whatnot, but it's always in context of thoughts, outlook or the like - concepts not unmutable truths.

Not this, this is a statement of fact and it really seals the deal on what is important to Ai, at least for me. I'm genuinely breathing a little easier with regards to a possible future for Ai and Philip - at least for the short term.


dan_kildalldan_kildallabout 9 years ago
The One for Ai

It's pretty astounding to see how much fortune has come Philip's way since starting his transformation of Jenny into Mei Chun.

It's good to see that details of the (currently) minor characters like Tim and Ai's manager are being explored, once again giving Philip the opportunity to step in and save the day.

lavatrainlavatrainover 9 years ago
nice little touches

The extra info regarding taxi drivers, Tim, the gang, etc, comprise the little touches which a good writer adds, in my opinion, to bring a story to the next level. Nicely done.

That being said, I'm taking you over my knee for using "loosing" where "losing" belongs, you bad girl. ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
loving it

As above comment , getting into the characters . Next chapter soon please xx

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
the machine shop in an aged area or the glamour of Paris?

The story is great, thank you. My own interests are broad, but the story is getting beyond the scope of what I can relate to as worthwhile. Is it a global chain of interests or the from bottom to top resolution? I find myself most attracted to the character of Ai and the finality of her view of the relationship, in many ways, made this an ending point, done, well done! Not so sure that I care about Tim or the gang or the taxi drivers or even the gym staff. Are you compelled to write their stories or unsure which characters readers returned to learn about?

ballznall60ballznall60over 9 years ago
Another superb chapter

Eagerly awaiting to learn how the three women settle their relationships with Philip if, indeed, they do reach resolution. All told, an above-average Literotica submission and a delight to read.

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50over 9 years ago
Good so far

Phillip does seem to have a problem brewing here. two women would be difficult enough and three is definitely a problem. Yes I know this is fantasy, but your characters are very real to me and this concerns me. Thank you and keep writting

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