From Virgin to Vixen


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"She just wants to make me jealous. She's a frigid cow anyway."

Ian looked at Melissa, but he overlooked the 'sorry it's true' look in her eyes when he saw the red mark on her arm again and put two and two together. He put an arm around her shoulder and responded to Mike, the microphone still on and the pub sitting in silence at the unfolding drama.

"Nice try mate," Ian said. "But I know you're just suffering from sour grapes. As far as your sex life, she's told me why she broke up with you and let's just say viagra sales have gone up around here recently."

The crowd roared with laughter and Mike reddened fast, desperately wanting to punch Ian but not with so many witnesses. Instead he stormed out the pub with his tail between his legs. Everyone else turned back to their drinks, knowing the excitement was over. Ian and Melissa walked back to their table to sit with a stunned Amanda.

"I didn't think you had it in ya to do that!" she exclaimed to Ian.

"Give me a microphone and I'm a different person," Ian admitted. "And I did spontaneous improvisation in drama at school as well!"

"Thanks Ian," Melissa said, putting her hands on his.

"It was true what he said about tonight, wasn't it?" Ian asked, his tone turning serious.

"Yes," Melissa confessed. "But..."

"It's okay, I understand," Ian assured her.

"Let me finish," Melissa demanded softly but assertively. "When I said 'yes' it was because of Mike coming in the shop but tonight has been nice, you're a great guy. I just don't know if I'm ready for another relationship. I don't blame you if you want to walk out and never see me again, but I'd like to be friends."

"Melissa, it's an honour to even know you," Ian complimented. "I can care for you as a friend just as easily as a lover."

"Aww, isn't that sweet," Amanda piped.

Melissa smiled at Ian and said, "I'm glad that's sorted but I'm not going to be great company. Mike ruined my mood. I think I'd better go home."

"I'll walk you back. Just in case that idiot's still hanging around," Ian offered.

"Thanks. I'd like that," said Melissa, turning to Amanda. "Do you want me to call a taxi for you?"

"Umm… No thanks, " replied Amanda, her gaze returning from the tall dark stranger who had just entered the pub. "Business has just picked up."

Melissa saw the man and laughed. "See you tomorrow then, and if you can't be good, be careful!"

Ian also bid her farewell and he and Melissa left the pub. "Hasn't she got a boyfriend?" he queried, surprised she was single.

"Yeah, but he's an army man, and she's a real flirt!" Melissa told him, her mood lightening slightly.

Although she felt safe with Ian, Melissa decided to walk with him along a longer route than the alley, one that was fully lit along the way. The fresh breeze made her hair sway in the wind and her cheeks redden. Ian looked at her adoringly as she stared vacantly into space. He could handle being friends but this did not stop his heart missing a beat every time he saw her infectious smile. Melissa was in deep thought. Ian was a really nice guy. Maybe she wasn't quite ready for another boyfriend but she didn't want to lose her chance. She tried to convince herself that friendship was best for the moment. As they got to her house, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Melissa snapped out of her trance and jerked her head around, petrified that it was Mike, only to see a cat running down the road.

"Damn him," Melissa sobbed, bursting into tears. "Why do I let him get to me?"

Ian wrapped one arm around her waist and held her head against his chest with the other, his fingers brushing lightly through her hair. "Shh. Come on, everything's going to be alright. He obviously meant a lot to you at some stage so whatever happened between you hit you hard, and you can't just erase that straight away. But it'll get easier."

Melissa felt Ian's heart beating, his fingers playing with her hair and his arm firmly but gently wrapped around her. Her emotions were boiling over when she stared into his eyes.

"You're right. I've just got to give it time. Or find someone to help me get through it..."

Melissa lent her head towards Ian, motioning to kiss him, but he put two fingers over her lips and broke their embrace.

"Not like this," he said, his hormones cursing his heart. "You're upset and I made you feel better. If this is going to happen, I don't want it to be a knee-jerk reaction. I'll call you tomorrow."

Tracing along her palm, his fingers met hers and he lifted her hand to kiss it before disappearing into the night...

Amanda walked into the shop twenty minutes late, looking tired and completely devoid of the superficial sexiness she emitted the night before.

"You're lucky the boss is on holiday," Melissa joked. "No need to ask if you had a good night."

"Ooo, don't shout Mel," complained the hung-over Amanda. "We... I mean I didn't get to sleep until 3 o'clock."

She hoped Melissa didn't notice her slip as she knew her friend frowned upon her cheating, but she was unlucky.

"You really shouldn't string David along," Melissa chastised her quietly, feeling sorry for Amanda's forces boyfriend.

"I'm not," Amanda replied defensively. "He's the only guy I love. I just can't go without sex for so long. I'm not like you."

She realised her error when Melissa's smile shrank and said in a quieter voice, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean... How was the rest of your night anyway?"

Melissa decided to forgive her friend for her tactless comment about her choice to be a virgin and started to talk about the bubbling chemistry that had occurred between her and Ian.

"He was so sweet. Mike would have had no hesitation taking advantage of my state of mind."

"Sounds like you're falling for him," Amanda remarked.

"I really want to," Melissa confessed. "But I don't know how much of that is just him, and how much is Mike pushing me towards someone else and me hating being single."

"Just take your time," Amanda suggested. "It's obvious his feelings for you are stronger than friendship but he's happy to wait and hope you change your mind, so why push things until you're sure?"

"You're right, " Melissa agreed. "But I think the more time I spend with him, the quicker I'll know how I really feel. I'm going to call him."

Leaving Amanda to man the shop, Melissa went into the small office and took out her mobile phone to make the call.

Ian had booked the morning off from work. He had plenty of overtime owing to him, and his optimistic imagination had made him take it, just in case the activities of the night before had made him tired. Indeed, when the phone rang he was just getting out of bed, but it was due to sheer laziness than his hoped-for physical exhaustion!

"Hello," he answered, a yawn escaping from his mouth.

"Hi, it's Melissa. Did I wake you?"

"Not literally, but your sweet tones are very refreshing," he replied, expressing his suave romantic nature out of habit. "How are you this morning?"

"You really know how to make a girl smile," Melissa grinned, pleasantly amazed that Ian had made her feel better in two days than Mike had in two months.

"It helps having such a wonderful subject," Ian said. "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come to my place to watch a film or something tonight?" Melissa asked.

"Sure, I'd love to," he said. "Is there anything on TV or do you want to hire one?"

"Well I'm a member of the video store next to the shop. We've got to stock-take tonight, so I thought you could pick me up from work around six o'clock and then we could choose a movie and get some takeaway."

"Sounds good to me," Ian agreed. "See you then."

Ian put the phone down and smiled broadly. He had a feeling that although something was holding her back, Melissa wanted him as much as he wanted her. But he wasn't going to rely on instincts. He had to continue making a good impression, and first thing was to finally clean his car which had been dyed a dark shade of dirt! Paying more attention to it than he had ever done before, he cleaned and polished his vehicle until he could literally see his face in it. Then he went indoors and had a bite to eat before setting off for work.


"Do you want to count or write?" Melissa asked Amanda as they closed the shop ready for the monthly stock-take.

"Ooh, I don't think I can move another muscle today, so I better sit here and write," Amanda responded, picking up the clipboard and collapsing into a chair.

"Rhetorical question", Melissa thought, remembering that she had been lumbered with the unenviable task of counting every item in the shop for the past three months. With her mind on her evening with Ian however, the time flew past and she finished just before six o'clock as anticipated.

Ian pulled up and got out of his car just as Amanda had left and Melissa was locking up the shop.

"Perfect timing," she said. "Lets's go next door."

They entered the video store and browsed the new releases, settling on a comedy. They returned to the car and got in, but Melissa had trouble shutting her door firmly.

"It's temperamental like that," Ian informed her. "Let me do it for you."

With that he lent over Melissa to reach the handle, his arm brushing her breasts. It was an innocent mistake which Ian thought nothing about, but Melissa's nipples stirred at the feeling. Totally oblivious to the sensation he had been responsible for, Ian drove off towards the local fast food chain. Neither of them saw Mike trailing them in the car behind...

Arriving at Melissa's house, Ian had become aware of the vehicle that had parked up behind them. Unable to see the driver because of the darkening evening, he asked Melissa if it was her neighbour. Melissa looked behind and her smile faded.

"Oh God, it's Mike. What does he want?"

"It's okay," Ian assured her. "Let me deal with this."

Melissa was worried when Ian got out the car. Mike was a lot better built than Ian, which was what attracted her to him in the first place. His physique was unfortunately his only good point and she knew he had a bad temper. Mike saw Ian shut his door and leapt out of his car, trying to surprise Ian by running and lunging at him with his right fist. Melissa was taken aback when Ian caught Mikes arm and twisted it behind his back, forcing him against the car.

"Now I will say this once and once only," he growled, his soft voice turning quite firm. "You had your chance and you blew it. I don't like fighting, but I know a hundred and one ways to cause you extreme pain without leaving a mark, and if I see you or hear about you being near Melissa again I'll show you every single one of them. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes!" Mike yelled, expressing the pain of his stretched muscles.

Mike thought he had just been caught off-guard, so when Ian let him go, he took another swing. This time Ian ducked, then barged into Mike, pushing him all the way back to his car and almost impaling him on the bonnet. Ian walked back to the car and glared at Mike until he drove off stunned at his comeuppance.

Melissa got out the car and Ian locked it. She was silent as she opened the door to her house, not sure what to think about his actions. Her first impressions of him being a sweet and gentle guy had seemingly been dashed. Sensing her concern, Ian tried to allay her fears.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm not a violent man normally but it's the only language guys like that understand," his voice still quivering with adrenaline. Calming down he continued, "But let me assure you Melissa, I will never, ever lay a finger on you in anger. I don't even think there's anything you could do which would make me unhappy."

Melissa could feel the sincerity in his voice and gave Ian a trusting look, but the emotion of events had gotten to her and her frown remained. They entered her living room and sat down on the sofa.

"Don't let him get to you. He's not worth it," Ian told Melissa

"I know. I'm sorry," Melissa replied, still despondent.

"Look, either you cheer up or I'm gonna make you cheer up," Ian demanded playfully.

Melissa looked inquisitively at Ian, who promptly dug his fingers into her ribs and started tickling her.

"No...haha...stop...haha...please...okay I give you up win," Melissa conceded, her broad smile returning.

As Ian stopped, his eyes met Melissa's and they stared at each other silently. Ian leaned down and planted a soft raindrop like kiss on her lips. Getting no negative response, he kissed her again, his lower lip brushing her top as he coaxed her mouth into opening. His tongue crept towards and hooked under hers, tempting it into his own mouth. He suckled very gently, holding her tongue while he circled it with his, then following it when it retreated back into her mouth. His tongue traced around her lips before it darted in, gently brushing the roof of her mouth. Their lips were battling to be on top, and Melissa started to worry that Ian was getting too amorous. But his hands were not roaming around her body, and his kissing although passionate, was soft and delicate. No sooner had she put her mind to rest, however, Ian broke away, taking a deep breath of air.

"I thought you were never going to stop," Melissa admitted.

"Neither did I. I wanted to make sure that I had something to remember in case you changed your mind," Ian joked.

"Why would I want to do that?" Melissa asked, before revealing exactly how she felt. "I've always thought you were a nice guy, but I didn't want to jump into another relationship for the sake of having one. Mike hurt me and I didn't want to risk that happening again. Now I have absolutely no doubts that you can make me happy."

"You'd better believe it. From now on, every spare moment I have will be spent dreaming about ways to make you smile," Ian declared, his hand brushing Melissa's hair as they engaged in another kiss before sitting up to watch the movie.

Ian was wary of driving to work the next morning, knowing his mind would be on Melissa. Indeed it was, so much so that he almost missed her in the town as she walked to the shop. He broke sharply but quietly and pressed his horn.

"D'ya wanna lift," he offered as Melissa turned.

Melissa got in the car and Ian drove her to the shop. She got out and Ian quickly continued his journey, but Amanda had already spotted him as she walked up behind Melissa.

"That was quick work!" Amanda exclaimed, startling Melissa.

"I know what you're insinuating and you're wrong," corrected Melissa jovially. "But you know what? I think he's the one."

"You didn't consider it in two months with Mike and now after two days you think you're ready?" Amanda asked, astonished.

"I didn't say I'm ready, I just said he's the one. We kissed last night and he was so gentle. He was lying on top of me but all he did was kiss, didn't try anything else. I can tell he has respect for me. Mike didn't know the meaning of the word."

"Respect? A bloke lying on you and not doing anything? I call that naivety!"

"Think what you like," retorted Melissa, annoyed at her judgement being doubted. With that, she unlocked the shop door and they entered, ready to start another day.

Time flew quite quickly as the shop was unusually busy, mainly with men who had forgotten Valentine's Day! Amanda had gone to lunch and Melissa had just sat down to take a breath when a man came in the shop with a delivery of flowers.

"Flowers for a Melissa," announced the man, reading from his schedule.

"That's me. Thanks," Melissa said, accepting the gift and looking for a card.

She found a whole piece of paper with a poem written on it:

"When I stare into your eyes, so hypnotizing Nothings stops my emotion from rising With skin so soft and delicate You're as close to perfection as you can get.

Love Ian."

A tear of elation rolled down Melissa's cheek, and was met with concern by the returning Amanda.

"Hey, what's the matter?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just read this," Melissa replied, handing her the poem.

"Wow. I take it back. You really have found a nice guy. Not much to look at, but a nice guy."

"He's not bad looking," defended Melissa. "But I must admit, his attractive qualities are on the inside so without wanting to sound nasty, at least he's less likely to have other women chasing him."

"Well how long before you shag 'im," Amanda asked coarsely.

"Well this has rid me of any reservations I had so not long, not long at all," Melissa said dreamily, reflecting on the night before. If Ian had made her feel so special with just a kiss...

Melissa had just finished dinner and was about to call Ian to thank him for the flowers when there was a knock at the door. Through the blurred safety glass she could tell it was Ian and she quickly opened the door, surprising him with a quick hard kiss.

"I take it you liked the surprise then?" Ian grinned.

"It was so romantic, Ian. Come in," Melissa replied, leading Ian into the house and closing the door behind him. "How was your day at work?"

"It's a lot easier to get through now I have you to think about, but it's still quite stressful at the moment." Ian explained.

"Well sit down and let me give you a massage," Melissa ordered politely.

Ian took his jacket off and sat on the sofa, fondly remembering it being the location of his first tender moment with Melissa and relaxing even before her hands touched him. Sensations ran through his spine as her she pressed into his shoulders, her thumbs and first two fingers touching the bare skin under his loosened shirt collar as her hands moved closer to his chest.

"Mmm. That feels good," Ian said, his excitement growing as she licked her lips and leaned forward, planting a soft wet kiss on his neck. She blew gently on the moist spot, the coolness sending Ian wild. He leant back and turned his head towards her, darting his tongue out and teasing her mouth open. Their position restricted the increasing passion, so Melissa stopped the massage and walked around to Ian and straddled him, forcing his head against the back of the sofa as she kissed him strongly. Ian stroked her back with his hands, slowly and subtly working his fingers underneath her t-shirt so he could feel her warm flesh.

The light touch of Ian's fingers drifting up and down her spine drove Melissa crazy, and she was as surprised as Ian when she suddenly broke the kiss and shouted "I want you, Ian. I want you to make mad passionate love to me!"

Ian stared at her with a look of amazement and elation. Melissa blushed and said, "I'm sorry. It's just you've made me feel so good in so short a time, I know you're the one. It's okay if you're not ready."

"Melissa, I would like nothing more than to pleasure every inch of your beautiful body," Ian assured her. "But I want it to be a lot more romantic and, without meaning to sound big-headed, when I'm through with you you'll need plenty of rest, so it would be best to wait until the weekend..."

Melissa smiled at Ian, slightly frustrated that her sexual satisfaction was in his complete control but knowing good things were to come...

"Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly," a strange voice whispered down the phone to Melissa.

She looked puzzled until Ian continued in his normal voice, "Hi Princess, it's me. My little surprise is ready when you are."

Melissa knew he was referring to his promised romantic setting for the first time they made love and electricity ran through her body at the thought of her impending ecstasy.

"I'll be right over," she eagerly confirmed, running out of the door as soon as she hung up the phone. Suddenly she realised she didn't know where Ian lived, and went back to call him in embarrassment!