Fulfillment 05


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He finds her in their room, twisted before the mirror, looking at the long scratch down her side.

He sits on the couch, "Come here, Lyssa."

The tone is calm, quiet, gentle, and she turns and gives him a dirty look but slowly wanders over to stand nearby.

Emmett looks up at his lovely, maddening, and seemingly troubled mate, grabs her hand and pulls her into his lap. She pushes at him as he wraps his arms around her, preventing her escape. "Em."

"No. Sit. We've got about half an hour before petitions."

"Suppose Madeline'll be there performing 'Beta duties?'"

"Lyssa, what is this? You're jealous of Madeline, jealous of Jo. You're not eating, not sleeping. You're picking fights. You're being rude and hurtful and this isn't like you. What's going on?"

"Maybe I'm just being all the werewolf I can be."


As Lyssa and Emmett continue their rather acrimonious discussion, Ariel summons Stephanie.

Stephanie enters the Alpha's sitting room, an anteroom to their suite. "Stephanie, please, sit." Stephanie obediently sits. "How is your wound?"

"I'm fine, Madam Alpha."

"Did Lyssa ask you to spar?"

"No, ma'am."

"May I ask why you were fighting?"

"That is a matter between us, Madam Alpha."

Ariel sighs. "Of course. However, on that subject I will have you answer my next question." Stephanie stares fixedly ahead. "Did Lyssa's behavior prior to your time in the circle seem unusual?"

Stephanie's eyes flick to Ariel, then away. "Yes, ma'am. She was touchy. Her reaction was beyond what I expected."

"I thank you for refraining from doing her great harm." Stephanie nods in acknowledgement. "Now, earlier in the week I asked you to tell me what you see in the mated pairs. Tell me what you've discovered."

Stephanie swallows and feels the Madam Alpha watching her closely. "It is... difficult to describe."

"Simply describe your thoughts as best you can."

"I saw," a pause, "touching, kissing, looks between mates."

"Certainly, as well as activity beyond that." Stephanie nods. "But, you understand my intention was to have you look deeper."

Stephanie licks her lips. "Yes, Madam Alpha."

"Well, then, continue."

"I saw a female willing, and eager, to leave her pack and stay in a strange and unfamiliar place. For a male. Another female spending a lot of time away from the den and her family. I've heard of a male staying with his ill mate although he certainly could have done otherwise."

Ariel ticks the individuals off in her mind. Madeline. Joanna. Calvin.

"Another male who was sought after by many females choosing as mate a female without status.

Emmett. Ariel asks, "And why would they do such a thing?"

"I'm not sure."

"Come now, Stephanie. You have an idea. I want you to tell me what their reasons might be."

"They get something out if it."

"Both the males and the females?"

"I, yes, I suppose so."

"And what would that be?"

"Sex," comes out quickly. "Security. Pups."

"Reasonable answers, but superficial. Did you speak to any of them? Did they say why?"

"Yes, ma'am. Madeline, the new Madam Beta, said that the new Beta treated her well, wonderfully and she also told me she hoped I would find a male to make me happy." Ariel bows her head so Stephanie wouldn't see the small smile on her lips.

Stephanie inhales, exhales. "But it was Lyssa, the Madam Beta, who I asked to tell me more."

And that, Ariel thought, given Lyssa's current mood, was the reason for the fight. "I asked her why she demanded to kill the Ross wolf when she didn't want to, when the Beta already said he'd do it. She said she did it for him, so he wouldn't lose status." Stephanie stops, looking expectantly at her Alpha.

"You know there's more than that, Stephanie. It's not just status."

"I suppose it's love."

"Don't say the word as if it might poison you. I can't understand what you endured before Wallace found you." Stephanie inhales sharply and stiffens. No one ever mentioned it around her, what had happened to her. "Your experiences have, of course, colored your views but you have lived among us for decades and you've seen nothing like that in our pack. And, if you don't already know it, believe that if you were to be kidnapped we would search for you as fervently. We would bring you back to us."

Ariel rises and walks to the door. Stephanie, sensing she's being dismissed, also rises and turns to make her way from the Alpha suite. "It's about time for me to go down for petitions, but Stephanie, you've seen it but do not allow yourself to believe. Not all males are evil or have bad intent toward females. Calvin is a good man."

"I have no need of a male."

"You're a wolf, Stephanie. Each and every one of us feels a pull to mate. Even you."

Stephanie stops and takes a breath. Ariel pauses, recognizing that something important may be going on in the mind of her packmate. Stephanie asks a quiet question of her Alpha. "Why would he want me?"

"The wolf sees a strong female. As for the man? Well, I can't say all the reasons but something calls to him, perhaps your loyalty, your dignity, certainly other things. You should ask him."

Stephanie feels something tighten in her chest, feels something clutch her heart, at her Alpha's words. Her next words are almost a whimper. "Madam Alpha?"

Ariel smiles at her and heads downstairs to hear the pack's petitions with her mate.

Stephanie stands in the doorway, one hand on the doorjamb, dumbfounded.

She'd endured, and lived, only by closing herself off. Loyalty. Yes. She owed her life to Wallace Wyeth and his pack and she had vowed to do anything for Wallace and his blood kin. Fight and, yes, die for them. And so she had trained and learned to fight. To help the pack. To contribute.

Dignity. Dignity? She didn't understand why the Madam Alpha had used that word to describe her. She was just an Omega and that seemed a word to describe Alphas, or perhaps Betas.

And she thought of the Wyeth wolves, male and female, and her time with them, and how she had been treated since arriving, all those years ago.


And she remembers what the Madam Beta had said. As much as she may have feared doing it and had opposed it on human moral grounds, Lyssa had entered the circle to face the Ross wolf. For her mate's sake.

That was a type of loyalty, wasn't it? To her mate. To her pack. To the way of werewolves.

But Stephanie couldn't figure out, for the life of her, where dignity entered into it.


Petitions were held in the dining hall, the only room that could hold the entire pack, although it was rarely filled for this occasion.

And it was not, on this day. Erich's sister, his older sister, Naomi, was there. Emmett was slightly surprised to see Cameron there.

Emmett sat at the head table beside Randall and Ariel. Lyssa sat beside him, quiet and grumpy, her eyes beginning to bruise after the smack on the snout that Stephanie had given her.

Petitions were not a particularly formal affair, but Randall, with input from Ariel and Emmett primarily, made the decisions. So, Randall begins this month with, "So, who will go first?"

Some of them look at each other before Cameron stands. "Alpha Wyeth. The roof on our house needs to be replaced. I would like to ask for the help of three of the pack in tearing off the old roof, and putting on the new."

"Of course, Cameron, we can spare three members for a day or two. When do you anticipate the work?"

"Next week, if we can. I'd like it done before winter hits."

Randall nods. "Thank you, Alpha."

Ariel smiles. "How is Theresa?"

Cameron breaks into a wide smile. "We're having another pup."

"Wonderful, Cameron. Make sure she comes in to see Natalie."

"Of course, Ma'am." He sits back down, grinning.

Randall looks at the faces of his pack, smiling, happy to hear of another pup coming. "Who's next?"

Simon stands. "My Alpha, the cold storage room is 22 years old. Therefore, beyond its expected lifespan. It's time to put a replacement in."

"What is your plan for the replacement?"

"There are new pumps, better equipment, improved insulation."

"Your plan is a total rebuild?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"What is the cost of a simple refrigeration unit replacement?"

"Pump, condenser, refrigerant charge, scavenge of the old refrigerant. About $3500."

"And the retrofit?"

"Tear down, replacement unit, rebuild, permitting and inspection, as well as a temporary storage locker. Estimated cost and time, $17,000 and five days."

"And the payback period?"

"Estimated 42 months."

Randall sits a moment, thinking. "Unless something substantial arises, start the retrofit in spring."

"Thank you, Alpha." Simon sits and starts making notes.

Naomi stands now. "My Alphas. We have the happy circumstance of a growing pack but with the increase in the number of pups we need more space and others to teach them."

"Thank you, Naomi. As the need is not immediate, I want you to work with Erich and Anton with regard to space. It sounds like we need to consider expanding the house or building another structure."

"El?" Ariel looks at her mate. "Please work with Naomi to determine and fill the gaps in teachers." Ariel nods.

"Thank you, My Alphas." Naomi sits.

Randall looks around. "Anyone else?"

Erich clears his throat. "Um, Alpha Wyeth, we've gotten another call this morning from a couple from the Ross pack. They're expecting their first pup and don't want to raise it there."

Randall sighs, scrubbing his hands over his face. "How many does that make now?"

Emmett answers. "Eight."

Randall responds. "Nine."

Emmett glances at his Alpha. Who was the ninth? Was he counting the pup? Calvin?

The Wyeth Alpha looks out over the pack members assembled there. Naomi had the adolescents here for a pack civics lesson. "I would like to do nothing more than help other werewolves," everyone waited, understanding that a 'but' was coming. "However, we can't take that many without compromising our own living situation or raising the ire of the new Ross Alpha."

One of the youngsters shoots to her feet. "Alpha Wyeth?"

Randall looks at the young female, light brown hair, pale skin, hazel eyes. She was a little slower than the others. "Yes, Hannah?"

"Ire, that's mad, right?" Randall nods. "So, you're saying he'd be mad if some of his pack came here?"

"Every time someone in his pack leaves, the pack gets smaller. If more than half a dozen or so leave, he'll notice his pack disintegrating and things could get very bad. For the wolves who stay in the Ross pack and for us."

She cocks her head and thinks for a moment. "Huh. OK. Thanks, Alpha."

Randall makes the pronouncement, "Unless they have specific allegations of abuse, we can't take them in." He sends to Ariel. [As much as we might want to help.]

Ariel covers his hand with her own. [You know we can't pick and choose, Ran. And we can't take them all.]

"Alright, everyone, thank you."

Emmett turns to his Alpha and clears his throat. "Actually, Randall, Alpha, there's one more thing."

Randall looks a bit confused, then regains his composure. "Emmett, what do you have?"

Emmett turns to Erich briefly. [Sorry to do this to you so soon after you've mated.] "We have a problem and I want to," he exhales, "I need to take my mate out of the den for a few days to stop the disruption. I think some time away would be best for all."

Lyssa goes still and quiet beside him. He takes that as a bad sign. Of course, he hadn't told her what he had planned.

Randall looks at Lyssa, then Emmett, then his own mate. Lyssa appears to be seething. Emmett is resolute, waiting. And Ariel's look was encouraging.

The rest of his pack, those in the room, were now suddenly very interested in this interaction.

"Lyssa, do you have anything to say regarding your mate's request?"

Lyssa is staring at the table in front of her without seeing it. The whole room hears her grind her teeth together. "No."

"For the good of the pack, I agree. You have a week, sooner if possible, to return to us. When do you intend to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

Randall nods, "Agreed," and raises his head to look once more around the room. "Anyone else?"

No one speaks up. "Alright, then. Thank you all. I'll see you later in the front hall."


Petitions were held in the late afternoon of the full moon, shortly before the evening festivities, as they normally didn't take very long. With business out of the way, they could enjoy the announcements, the birth of pups, or just a run or hunt under the full moon. Tonight was a special occasion.

Emmett sits beside his mate as the others disperse and he knows she's not at all happy with his request.

[So, taking me away. Is that going to make it all better?]

[No. But you staying here is not an option. So, pack a bag, we leave early tomorrow.]

[And if I don't?]

[I will carry you bodily from this house. One way or the other, we're going away.]

[Why do you think ordering me around is going to help?]

[Because the other way hasn't.]

She sits there, grumpy, arms crossed. [And you had to bring it up in front of the whole pack.]

[It affects all of them.] She doesn't respond to that and they sit there, quiet. He knows she's not happy about it, but she hasn't been happy about much of anything for days. This was the only thing he could think of, get her away from the pack, away from distractions, so that all she had to deal with was him and whatever was causing her to act this way.

Joanna skids to a stop inside the dining hall. The body language of her friends keeps her from closing the distance. Her brother had told her they were leaving in the morning and she wanted to talk to them before they left. But now didn't seem to be a good time. So, she sighs, turns around, and walks away. Maybe she should talk to Natalie.

She throws back a quick send. [Em, can I talk to you?]

[Not now, Jo.]


As is typical for a full moon, the entire pack begins to assemble. Members who lived outside the walls of the house begin to arrive. They visit with relatives or friends. When Cameron returns with his mate, they are congratulated and the females begin to gather, attracted to a pregnant Theresa.

Emmett and Lyssa exit the dining hall and climb the back stairs to avoid the press of the crowd.

The front doors and a couple of the windows have been opened, to release some of the heat given off by the assembled bodies. Snowflakes drift in, melting on bodies or the tile floor. Randall and Ariel stand back from the balcony, waiting for the others to arrive.

Erich and Madeline come to stand near the Alpha pair. And, as has become usual, Erich has his mate tucked under his arm. Madeline's arm is around his waist.

Emmett and Lyssa approach with Cassie and Samuel close behind. The baby is quiet in her mother's arms.

With all the pertinent parties present, the Alphas move forward to the railing. As they come into view, the murmuring of the pack below begins to wane. When everyone goes quiet, Randall speaks. "Wolves of the Wyeth pack, another momentous day has arrived. First, tonight we welcome a new Beta. [Erich.] Erich steps forward to the railing. Randall takes his hand and clasps his arm, then turns him to Emmett. Emmett repeats the gesture.

Erich is then turned to face the crowd. Several howls go up as well as cries of 'Beta.'

"In addition, our new Beta has already added to the pack. For those of you who have not met her, Erich has mated Madeline. Come to us from Tucker, and now a Wyeth wolf and Beta.

More howls as Erich pulls his mate forward and Madeline turns, hiding her face against his chest.

Matings were generally not so celebrated, but Madeline was both and addition to the pack and a new Beta.

The baby begins to cry.

Randall again addresses his pack. "We also today celebrate another happy circumstance. Samuel's mate, Cassie, has given us a new pack member. Their first is a female and, today, we learn her name."

Randall holds out his hands and Cassie places the crying, naked, infant girl into them. Randall looks her over as the crying increases to a wail. She is then passed over to Emmett, who looks at her and smiles down. The baby's breath hitches as she looks up at him and the crying eases. Emmett hands her over to Erich, who is unsure of how to handle her. He gives her a quick once over, then hesitates, trying to figure out the look on her face. He exclaims, "Selene," as a stream of urine runs down his arm and side.

Erich, Cassie, and Samuel look horrified. Emmett, Ariel, and Randall laugh. Madeline and Lyssa smile. Cassie quickly takes her daughter back into the towel she's holding and she and Samuel step to the railing as Erich steps back and strips out of his soiled clothes.

"We welcome and accept...," he is supplied with the name, "Emmaline as the newest Wyeth wolf." The assembled wolves fairly roar at the new addition. "Males! With me, for the hunt!"

The males strip and shift to wolf. About 20 streak out the front door to bring back fresh meat for the celebration. A small knot of males remain behind to guard.

Cassie descends the stairs with Emmaline, followed by Ariel, Lyssa and Madeline. She ducks into the bathroom at the bottom of the stairs and quickly cleans her daughter up. When she comes back out, the females gather around to admire the baby.

Emmaline whimpers a bit at all the different scents swirling about her, wrinkling up her little nose.

The snow falls down on the hunting wolves and the celebration continues on into the night.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Ariel is a giant bitch. I was really hoping Lyssa would just rip her throat out. You would think that after all the drama in the werewolf culture, these people would have a better idea of how to deal with trauma and would stop inflicting even more of it on her. They're all a bunch of assholes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What happened

I got whiplash when it went from getting ready for the fight then the fight was already done and it doesn't sound like it went well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Response to Anonymous on 04/22/2012

Why would Lyssa be jealous of Madeline? Lyssa is Madam Beta, just asking. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

My prediction is that it seems as if the combination of being abducted, not completing the fight, having Madeline promoted to Beta over her and not having any pups yet is making Lysea question whether or not she is meant to be a wolf. I really hope she figures this out soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Lyssa is in a transformation maybe

I'd love to see lyssa work on her fighting skills and then take over the Ross pack, she needs her own thing and I'm so sick of everyone hoping she has pups, not everyone wants kids or can have them, kids don't need to be the ultimate in happy endings. It feels like Lyssa has a lot of growth to go through, not just with her emotions and fighting but also her place and her need for something that is hers, her own independence and direction. It's getting tiring when she has to take orders but is then expected to have all of her issues sorted out, seems like her crappy ex and Thomas and the abduction have a lot in common and even the way her life is structured now. I'm excited to see how she develops.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I do feel bad for Lyssa and hope that she can find closure after her abduction. If I'm reading this story correctly not much time has passed from the abduction. You may want to break apart chapter by saying day 1...etc. so we know how time is actually passing because if she has only been back in the pack for a little under a month I don't expect her to be herself again for a few months.

good chapter!



willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago

Frankly I am so sick and tired of the constant melodrama with Lyssa.

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Our girl is so lost...........

Feeling for sweet Lyssa. She is having difficulty dealing with the cultural and

social mores of the Weres. Guess there was no way to prep her thoroughly for

every aspect of Were life. Hopefully, some distance and time away will help her comes to grips. She would not do well leaving the pack and Emmett will never let her go.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Poor Lyssa!

She seems so confused! I hope Emmett can help her.

MagikalmonkeeMagikalmonkeeover 12 years ago

Omg! Thanks for the update! I think she needs the one on one time with emmet but he also needs to be more considerate. How you had her acting regarding the infant and sending to Michael ross he'll regret means she hasnt had any closure and needs it. She needs the in wavering care from her mate but not really receiving it. I think she might be alpha material and Emmett should bring something up about her lack of proper fighting skills considering she made the same mistake with Stephanie and the other Ross wolf! But keep up the work! Can't wait for the next one... Hope it's soon...

oneoflifesjewelsoneoflifesjewelsover 12 years ago
Thanks for the new chapter!

I really think Lissa's problems are stemming from her not wanting to fail Emmett, and she feels a failure not getting pregnant. I'm hoping that the quick little romp Emmett took from Lissa in the woods as wolfs, will see her pregnant. I think this will help her a great deal. Both her human and wolf side.

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

this is defiantly a different Lyssa than the one who was being abuse by Ronnie in "Animal Lover". Is that why she lacks self confidence when it comes to her relationship w/Emm ? Or does it go deeper? And what of her dreams? Could it have something to do w/her mentally yelling at the Ross Alpha? So much going on w/this 4 page chapter. I haven't even mentioned 1/4 of what going on. Maybe that's because you seamlessly have so much going on with between matings, fighting, and pups.

Will all that's going on it will be hard to wait for the next chapter. But I gladly will knowing that as always it's worth the wait!!!

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 12 years ago

Hoping that Lyssa gets the help she needs.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
Good move bringing Stephanie and Lyssa up against one another.

Both of them are somehow hurt, blocked and depressed. For the moment they share a lot of common ground. Lyssa's admission that the only reason she agreed to fight the Ross male makes me think that she fears failing Emmet above all else. That suggests that her inability to conceive is at the heart of her troubles. Maybe falling in love again will help?

As always, I admire the author's ability to keep all the different stories spinning in the air. I enjoy the way the Wyeth Pack members interrelate. It's fun to fantasize about living in a community like that. Makes the individual chapters fascinating.

Canis_CrazyCanis_Crazyover 12 years ago
Freakin' Brilliant!!!

I love your story, and I loved this chapter. The whole thing with Lys is so entrancing to read, and when she challenged Ariel I was like "Oh SHIT!!!!!" And I had to open another page and do something else to combat my excitement. I'm a little sad that they haven't tried for psychological help yet, but then again, they really can't understand it(?) as wolves don't really go through what she's going through. I can't wait to get to the bottom of it.

As for Nathan and Joanne, I loved the seen of his family, and I responded the same why Jo did with the names. lol

I hope that Stephine's eyes are slowly being opened and I'm happy with her development. I had no idea she was an Omega until it was said though. Surprised the hell out me.

The only thing I critique though is that though it wasn't a sex scene, when Em had sex with Lys, it felt out of place, wolf or not. How she is at the moment, it didn't feel right as she isn't in her right mind nor stable. But that's my only complaint.

Keep up the good work!


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