Fulfillment 13


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Her mouth opens. "Look deep, Stephanie." She closes her mouth, swallows.

He stands, slowly, his confidence and power wrapped around him. She involuntarily took a step back. "You have known my intent for some time, Stephanie, yet you continue to interact with me. Something in you wants this." He steps to the side of the table.

She shakes her head, her mouth dry.

"I know you were abused, Stephanie. And I can't imagine, and don't claim to understand, the horrors you endured. You've survived. And no male has touched you gently since you healed."

"Except me." He takes another step.

"You trust the males, at least a little. You trust me, a little more."

The silence stretches between them.

"Stephanie, are you afraid you might enjoy it?"

She steps back again and begins pulling at her clothing. She disrobes, standing completely naked in front of him. She gestures to herself. "This. This is what I am. This is what they've done to me. Why would you want to touch me?"

He had, of course, seen her before, but this time he took the time to more closely examine her body. She was relatively slim, as most female wolves were, muscles corded in her arms and legs. Her breasts were a little larger than most and it looked as though one of her nipples had been almost bitten off. There were multiple marks on her neck from the mating bites her keepers had delivered. Additional marks from clawed hands that has apparently held her by the throat. Marks on her shoulders from both claws and teeth. An old semicircle of claw marks at the edge of her pelvic bones, probably from being held during her rapes. Other scars from her fighting.

Her buttocks were nicely rounded and held both scars and bitemarks. Her back muscles twitched as he circled her.

He stood in front of her again and looked down. Starting at her feet, he scanned upward. More claw marks where her thighs met her body. Her pubic hair was not one color, mostly brown, with lighter brown coloration near her vaginal lips. There was a scar which left a hairless line across her mound. Strong abdominals, breasts again, collarbone, chin, lips, nose, and those green eyes framed with her short brown hair.

Defiant. Angry. Anticipatory.

He reaches for her hand and she steps away. He follows and grabs her hand.

She swings with the other and he deflects it, while bringing the captured hand to his lips.

"Did you sleep well during our nap? Were you comfortable?"

She stops and blinks. "I don't understand."

He holds her hands. "Did you feel comfortable during the time we napped?"


"Would you sleep beside me, in my bed, tonight?"

She swallows, examining his face.

He waits, letting her decide. He had always let her decide, even if he had made the first move by kissing her. But, she would not take these steps on her own. He had to ask.

Sleep. He had said sleep. Not sex. He was looking at her, waiting for an answer.


He smiled at her, obviously pleased with himself. It pissed her off and she growled at him. And then she yelled as he picked her up, "Hey! Put me down!"

He stops and sets her gently on her feet. "I can walk. And I will not be carried, naked, through your den."

"Of course."

Stephanie dressed and they walked up to the Alpha suite. "Would you like me to reiterate my order to take you home if you call for help?"

She shook her head then stopped dead as they reached the doors. "The Alphas will wonder why I haven't returned."

He takes her hand. "No. They won't."

"The pack. Both of them. Will think I've had sex with you."

"Do you care what they think?"

"No," she growls. "They'll think I'm weak, that I've gone soft."

Calvin thinks to himself, Yes, you do care. How to answer her? Ah, yes. "Do they consider Ariel soft?"


"Your Alpha female, does anyone consider her weak?"


Calvin pushes the door open and turns slightly to her. "Are there any rituals you perform before going to sleep?"

A dark-haired wolf watched them, following their progress.

"Excuse me?"

"Bathing, brushing teeth, taking a beverage?"

"I sometimes read, sometimes run."

"I sit and watch the news."

"You're interested in human news?"

"I interact with humans, Stephanie. We have to be aware of their rules, anything that may affect us."

"Come, sit with me while I find out what is happening around us."

She takes some deep breaths and walks in, then carefully sits beside him.

The television screen powers up and, after a few commercials, ends up in the middle of the sports. Basketball. Next comes financials, weather, local news.

A fire. Abduction of a child. Burglaries. A local protest.

"Why do they keep interrupting?"

"It's how they make money to provide the service. The advertisers hope it will persuade people to buy what they sell."

She had been completely sheltered. She obviously had had little contact, if any, with humans and had no idea of the workings of the human world.

Stephanie had kept to the Wyeth den, she did not drive, and had isolated herself there. From what he had found, she interacted with the others only to the barest minimum.

She had denied everything she was for 5 or 6 decades. And both Wallace and Randall had allowed it. It made him both sad and angry.

Though she would vehemently deny it was the case, he was drawing her back, making her a werewolf again.

Calvin yawns. "Well, I'm tired. If you wish to watch for a while, please feel free. If you wish other clothing to sleep in, we will get you something."

"No. I'm fine."

And, at that point, he wondered what discomforts she had put up with in the intervening years so as not to ask anything of anyone. So as to appear to need nothing from anyone.

He rose. "Well, then. Goodnight." He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to the top of her head which she tried, and failed, to avoid.

He walks to his closet and changes into a pair of cutoff sweatpants. He glanced at her, sighed, turned off the lights, and climbed into his bed. Alone.

She looked at the television. What was she supposed to do? She normally just stripped and climbed in bed.

She flipped through the stations and found a show on rabbits. But she barely paid attention. She heard him roll in the bed and thought, What was she doing here? Why was she doing this?

She didn't know what had gotten into her, why she would agree to such things.

What in the world was wrong with her?

But, she had agreed to it. She would do it.

She flicked off the television, throwing the room into darkness. She heard his breathing, smelled his scent. The room smelled of others, faintly, both males and females. Of course, he was Alpha and would interact with other members of his pack here.

He was not asleep, but resting there, waiting for her.

She rose and looked at the bed. It seemed smaller somehow but was still large enough that she wouldn't have to touch him to sleep in it.

He held still, quiet, waiting for her. Waiting for her to decide.

She could do any of several things, including going to wolf and sleeping on the floor.

She took one step. Another. He waited. She approached the foot of the bed.

Her chest felt tight, her stomach clenched.

She stopped, and took a few deep breaths. She waited for her heart to stop pounding. What was wrong with her?

Time passed.

She took another step. And another. She was at the corner and it was hard to breathe. What was this?

Another wait. Another step. It was getting harder.

She growled, low, and noticed his movement. He was watching her.

She took three more steps to just beyond the center of the bed. She whirled, sat, then lay down on the other side of the bed.

Her breathing was labored and she was tense. She tried to relax.

He made no comment, made no move to touch her.


As they cuddle together in their bed, Madeline asks her mate a question. "They left pretty late. Do you think she'll stay overnight?"

Half asleep, Erich says, "What?"

"Stephanie. Do you think she's spending the night?"

"I find it hard to believe she would."

"I've only heard bits and pieces. She was kidnapped by rogues, right?"

"Mm, hm. Had her for years. Wallace found them, rescued her."

"Wallace was the Alpha's father?"

"Yeah. Before my time."

"Was she born to Wyeth?"

He yawns. "Nope. Somewhere else."

Madeline thinks for a minute. His eyes start to close. "How many were there?"


"The rogues. How many?"

"Five, I think."

"What about the other females?"

"Never heard of any others. Emmett might know."

Madeline shivers and Erich tightens his arms around her. She whispers, "How horrible."

He mumbles, sleepily, "We got her out, saved her."

Madeline cuddles closer to her mate as he falls asleep. "No," she murmurs, "I'm not sure you did."


Calvin was old enough that he no longer slept particularly well, especially when it was cold out. But he was surprised when he woke and saw the time. They still had some time before breakfast.

Stephanie had her back up against him, sharing warmth as the bedroom was cool. He smiled to himself then realized what had woken him. She was twitching, whimpering.

He had an arm around her, though they weren't quite spooning, and he tightened his grip slightly, trying to comfort her. He whispers, "It's OK, Stephanie."

A male's voice. A male's scent. Oh, Luna, she was still a captive. It had all been a dream.

She was 19 again and being held by 5 sadistic males.

His hand went to her shoulder. Luna, it was happening again. She froze, but her heart pounded. His hand moved again and she involuntarily voided her bladder.

He sat up now and shook her shoulder. "Stephanie. Wake up, little one."

She was breathing quickly, eyes closed. "It's Calvin. You're having a nightmare."

Her eyes flew open and her jade green eyes stared up at him. She swallowed and her eyes roamed, taking in his face, and the room.

Her nose wrinkles and she raises the sheet. Stephanie sits up, sliding away from the wetness. "I'm sorry. I'll go." She gets out of the bed and starts pulling at the bedcovers.

Calvin threw off the covers and came to her. "I'm sorry."

"Stephanie, look at me. Look at me!" Her eyes snap up to his.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up? I'll get some clothes and have this taken care of." She looks at him, frozen in place. He gestures to the bathroom. "Go on."

Stephanie, walking a little funny, heads for the bathroom. As the water starts, he opens a window. As snow drifts in he chucks the bedclothes out. Next, he folds up the king-sized mattress, which fights him, and shoves it out the window, too.

Clothing. The couple of things he had kept of Sabine's would not fit her.

A knock at the door is followed by [Alpha, do you require anything?]. They'd noticed him throwing things out the window.

[Everything is fine, Malcolm. I need clothing for our guest. Please have someone bring a large t-shirt and sweatpants from our stores.]

[I will return shortly, my Alpha.]

[Stephanie, I will have clothing for you shortly. I can give you one of my shirts.]

She walks out of the bathroom, dry and naked. She looks at the dissembled bed. "I will pay you for the damage. I am sorry."

He walks so stand in front of her. "Stephanie." She refuses to look at him. He takes her face and forces her to look at him. "There is no need for payment. No reason to be sorry."

"I soiled the bed like a pup!"

"You were having a nightmare. You were afraid."


There is a knock on the door. "Leave them outside the door."

"Alpha? Is there anything you need? Anything else?"

"No, Sampson. Thank you."

A pause, he hasn't left. "Are you alright, Cal?"

"I am fine. Return to your bed."

His attention returns to her. "You were back with them, weren't you?" She looks at him, doesn't answer. "It was a nightmare. And I made it worse by trying to comfort you. You are not at fault." Her face is a mask, showing no emotion. "You were transported back, a young woman, and afraid of the next abuse you would suffer. Then, I'm sure, my scent and my touch increased the fear. I am sorry I caused you.. discomfort."

She swallows. He was correct, what reason did she have to deny it? "You're right. I was back with the rogues. One or two of them would sleep with me. That way I couldn't get away. That way they could keep me."

He looks at her; she looks at him. "Do you feel comfortable enough to stay the rest of the night? Or would you go home now?"

She looks at the bed or, more correctly, at the boxspring. "We could sleep as wolves." Another pause. "We may have an empty room, I'd have to check."

He watches as she shifts, turning into the brown wolf with light forelegs. She walks over to the rug, an area rug in front of the couch, and curls up, tail over her nose.

He cranks the window closed and shifts, sliding easily from the shorts, then goes over to lie beside her.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I Like This Story

I like your story but I agree with some of the other comments. You need to split up the different parts of your story so it will read a bit better instead of a mixed shopping list moving from one character to the next. Cannot wait for the next chapter though.

willieonewillieonealmost 12 years ago
I agree with Poisonlove's comment.

I would liked to have seen either a chapter for each couple or a page each and a bit more emotion in the characters instead of cutting from one couple to the next with little and at times no break between and leaving us to try and keep up with the manic pace.

PoisonlovePoisonlovealmost 12 years ago
I love this story but...

sorry but as a writer you want to know how the reader feels @ I always comment how I really felt while reading. The good part: I'm in love with this story, it's among my "keepers" the bad part: at times it felt as (this i read it on an anonymous from another story) "it felt like reading a shopping list: get this, that, that.... Felt like lots of sentences cut short no feelings from the characters told; like notes.

Anyway, I loved it. The main theme was greatly explained and I really hope Stephanie opens up to Cal!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago
Poor Stephanie

At least Calvin realizes that she never really recovered from her ordeal. He has been coaxing her back to living her life, not merely existing. The Wyeth pack has not really helped her by leaving her alone to deal with the trauma.

MizTMizTalmost 12 years ago

this is still a part of your first ever series to Lit and most of your readers know that. We don't expect you to put out chapters on any certain timeline. When you are ready we will be here waiting. So relax and give yourself a break.

This has been such an enjoyable series to read. What started out as a wolf finding his mate in a human has turned into a wonderful series about just how complicated being a wolf can be. So whether it's Lyssa and Emmit, Jo and Nate or yes Stef and Calvin you have opened up a wonder were world and I look forward to more. Thanks for sharing.

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenalmost 12 years ago

Stephanie and Calvin are my favorite pair in all of the still-active stories that I'm reading, right now. They're very real. Real problems, and no easy solutions.

I will not complain about this chapter being so short. I won't do it, you can't make me.

Must... resist... whining...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Great chapter. I know when you write Steph's story that it will be a tear jerker. I get misty every time I read about her past abduction.

NightpleasureNightpleasurealmost 12 years ago

It's seems to be too much too deal with right now but hopefully stephanie will heal with calvins help

wotmewotmealmost 12 years ago

Poor Steph, what did those bastards do to her, please let her have a happy ending.

Iread2relaxIread2relaxalmost 12 years ago
I agree with the last commenter

This story is definitely worth waiting for. I'll wait.

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxalmost 12 years ago
be at peace

there are things your devout readers will understand..

Life happens and good stories take time. This is still one of my favs and i always look for updates. Good job and good luck in all you do!

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