Game Set and Match Pt. 03


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I began to pull back from her, and she stopped, smiled lovingly and kissed me again; just a quick peck on the lips, nothing more. She was searching my eyes for approval and she must have found it. I know I wanted her but I was scared; so excited but so very scared. It was all so new. She kissed me again, this time her hand finding my breast as she pressed herself against me. I felt her tongue find its way between my lips and I jumped back in surprise.

She gave me a quizzical look. "You've never kissed a woman before have you." I shook my head. "Have you kissed anyone before?" she asked softly. I shook my head slowly, dropping my head in shame at my childish naivety. "Oh my beautiful little darling," she breathed. "You must have been so nervous."

She hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I remember my first time," she told me as she held my head gently with her hand, hugging my face against her bosom. Those beautiful firm, full breasts pressing against my face. "I was so scared," she went on, "just as you must be now."

"When was that?" I asked.

"Oh... a long time ago. A long, long time," she said, distantly.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you another day sweetie," she smiled, lovingly. "You just sit on the bench and I'll have my shower, then I'll take you home."

She sat me down beside her clothes and I watched as she leaned forward to wriggle out of her panties, her full breasts jiggling excitingly as they hung down in front like ripe, heavy fruit just waiting to be plucked from a tree. I wanted to reach out and touch them, and I wondered afterwards if that might have been exactly what she was tempting me to do.

As she stood again my eyes were drawn to the neatly shaved area that was the 'vee' of her crotch and I marvelled at the smooth bald camel-toe. Somehow it surprised me to see it, but I don't know why it should have. Julie was, after all, a modern liberated woman and I knew that women often shaved there. I'd just never seen one in real life. Not on an adult woman anyway. I'd seen plenty of younger girls looking like that, while I was growing up, in the showers at school after gym, but never on a grown woman.

She dropped her panties on top of the small pile of her other clothes beside me, and smiled alluringly as she picked up a small bottle of shower gel, did a half pirouette on one toe, and I watched, fascinated as that beautiful shapely ass with the slightest of wiggles, disappeared along with the rest of her enticing body, into the shower cubicle.

I sat and thought for a moment. She was in there and I was out here. No one would know if I just had a quick... I was almost ashamed for even thinking it. I could see her with her back to me, washing herself. I looked at the pile of clothing. She would never know. I picked up the panties and held them to my face, inhaling deeply. 'Oh my God' I thought. 'She smells heavenly'.

I think that was the moment that decided it for me. There might never be another chance like this. She still had her back to me. If I was quick she wouldn't see me undress. It had always been the undressing that embarrassed me more than the others actually seeing me naked. I slipped my shoes and socks off; I didn't even undo the laces, then my skirt and the top. I never wear a bra; there simply isn't any need; nothing up there to have to keep in check. Lastly the panties.

I looked down to see the light fluffy bush of fine pubic muff adorning my groin. I shaved under my arms of course, but I had never shaved down there; never had any reason to. I thought back to a couple of minutes earlier when Julie had smiled at me as she removed her lovely frilly panties. She was shaved, completely bald, and I remember thinking how beautiful and fresh it looked. Her pale, clean shaven camel-toe, seemed so inviting, I wanted to stroke it, and I imagine Julie might have wanted that too?

I took a deep breath and walked up to the cubicle door. It was a swing door, the top was about five feet from the floor, and the bottom about a foot up from the floor. When I got up close I couldn't see over the top so I knocked on the door. I felt so foolish as soon as I had done it, but at the time it seemed the sensible thing to do.

Julie turned around and peered over the top, a surprised smile on her face as she looked down at me, a naked young girl with pigtails. "Hello, she said. Who are you?" she teased.

I quickly caught on. "Hello miss," I said. "I was out walking and I think I'm lost," I told her, in a babyish voice.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

"Do you know the way to get me home?" I asked.

"Well I'm not sure sweetie. Why don't you come in and we can have a talk about it. I was just having a quick wash. You could to join me if you like?"

"OK," I said, "if you're sure you're not too busy?"

"Oh no sweetie," she said kindly. "I'm never too busy for a sweet little thing like you," she said opening the door. She took my hand and led me into the cubicle with her.

I was surprised to see handrails all around the three fixed walls of the cubicle, but I assumed that if there were older women in the club, perhaps they needed them? It didn't occur to me at the time, that if the rails were there for the safety of old and infirm people, they probably wouldn't be playing tennis in the first place. I guess when you're mind is elsewhere, you don't always catch on to the obvious.

I will never forget how good it felt as the warm spray began to wet my body, and I looked up and smiled at her. "How come you got lost sweetie?" she asked, continuing the game.

"I don't know. I was just walking and I didn't recognise where I was. I came in here to ask someone the way but there wasn't anyone here. Then I heard the water running."

"Why did you get undressed?"

"Well I didn't want to get my clothes all wet now did I," I looked up at her with an exasperated expression.

"Oh. No. I suppose you didn't," she replied, looking surprised at my sudden, unprompted vexation. "Well, would you like me to give you a wash while you're here?" she asked.

"Oh, would you?" I replied, "That would be so kind," I said, smiling wide eyed and excitedly.

"No problem at all," she said, her manner changing to one of comely amour.

"What's that?" I asked as she squeezed a large blob of green shower gel into her hand.

"This sweetie? This is 'Original Source' Mint and Tea Tree shower gel. Have a niff," she said, holding her open palm to my face as she turned me around. "Do you like it?" she asked, as I leaned forward to sniff the handful of gel.

"Mmmm... Smells lovely," I said.

She bent down, pressing her lips close to my ear as she said in a low, sensual voice, "It feels lovely too baby. Just you wait and see."

I moaned softly as her lips gripped the back of my ear again, the way she had done out on court, but this time there were no cameras to be wary of, and this time we were naked together in the shower. She turned us around until her back was to the spray, and held me in front of her, as she began to spread the gel over the tops of my shoulders and down over my body. It was so smooth and sensual, her fingertips spreading the silky smooth gel over my body, up and down my arms, raising my arms to allow her hands to smooth the soapy gel all down the sides of my body then sweeping around the front and up again, slowing as her fingers reached a point just below my breasts, slowly lifting, carefully moving upward, pressing into the small swollen mounds of flesh until at last the tips of her fingers found my hardened little nipples.

"Oh. Oh." I let out a series of soft little moans as her fingertips teased me.

Her left hand reached up to grip my chin, turning my face to the right as her lips reached down to kiss me, her tongue probing my mouth, and this time I didn't resist. I sucked on her tongue and her fingers returned to teasing the nipple as she turned me slightly to the right. Now she was kissing me more fervently as her right hand slid slowly down over my tummy, caressing and soaping my fluffy bush before reaching down between my thighs.

I let out a gasp and pulled away slightly. "Please don't hurt me?" I whimpered.

She smiled, a warm loving smile. "I would never hurt you baby," she breathed, her lips still touching mine, then the thirsty kiss again as her middle finger wriggled it's way between my thighs.

"I'm scared Julie," I said, trembling.

"I know baby." She was gentle and understanding. "Just relax," she breathed as the tip of her finger began to work its way between the puffy, fleshy lips and gently into the slit. She kissed me and stroked me gently like that for what seemed like an eternity as the tip of her finger gradually teased my tiny, stiff little clitty out from its warm, dark hidey hole, and my thighs parted slightly as I leaned back against her arm.

Before I realised it, my hips were moving in time with her fingers and I was giving her my tongue as she took me higher and higher, toward that ultimate sensation that I had only ever experienced before in the privacy of my own little room, late at night when everyone else was asleep. But this was different. This was so much more exciting; so much more intense. This was like nothing I had ever experienced nor even imagined.

I began to moan and cry out. "Shush baby. Shush pretty baby," she soothed, but she wasn't letting me shush. How could I possibly 'shush' when her arm was over my shoulder and wrapped almost completely around my naked body, the hand under my other arm and the fingers were squeezing my nipple that way, and she was teasing my clitty that way with the other hand, and she was kissing me so deep.

I let out a guttural cry as I felt the pressure of my first ever lesbian orgasm rush through me, the pleasure flooding over me like a tidal wave in my innocent little mind. I lurched and jerked involuntarily, twitching and shuddering as the impact of the orgasm hit me, and I gushed uncontrollably.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry," I almost wept, humiliated by what my body had caused me to do.

"Why my darling?" Julie asked. "It's perfectly natural baby," she said as she kissed me and cradled my naked body in her arms. She held me like that for a few minutes until I had calmed, then said, softly. "Come on baby. Let's finish getting you washed."

She squeezed another blob of the gel into her open palm and proceeded to smear it all over my lower body, then down over my thighs and up the insides. "Hold on to the rails," she told me as her hands worked up between my legs. I did as she said, pressing my head back against the wall as her fingers began to work the soap all around my pussy lips. It was only then that I realised precisely what the rails were for. Julie told me later that Sarah had had them fitted for Daphne to use when she took 'a friend' in, but Sarah was just as inclined to use them, so it worked for both of them.

"Oh my God" I cried again as Julie's fingers began to soap me more thoroughly. "What is that stuff. It tingles like anything."

"Lovely isn't it," she smiled up at me, drawing her hands up my thigh as she slowly raised herself to stand in front of me. She took me in her arms, pressing her wet naked body against mine and she kissed me again. Her beautiful full breasts felt so sensual as the stiff nipples moved against my wet, naked body, tickling and teasing me, her hands caressing and stroking me all over as she washed the soapy gel from my body and her tongue explored my open mouth.

I didn't know what to do with my hands, so I did the only thing that felt natural. I placed them on her hips as hers in turn stroked my arms and shoulders, rinsing the soapy gel away as her kisses followed on, proceeding ever downward.

Her lips moved across my cheek, then down over my ear, nibbling and licking in my ear as she progressed slowly downward, her hands lovingly stroking the soap from my body as her kisses followed close behind.

I flinched a few times, pulling back from her. "What's wrong..." she asked, as she reached up and nibbled my ear lobe gently, still kissing and caressing. "Don't you like it baby?"

"Of course I like it. I love it," I moaned, "but I don't know what to do."

"You don't have to do anything baby," she whispered softly. "I'll do everything. Let me teach you."

Now she was kissing my neck, turning my head to the side as one arm slid behind me, and her other hand found my tiny, hard little nipples.

"Oh my God Julie, what are you doing to me?" I moaned as she began to kiss my face, the tongue finding my lips again.

"I'm washing you, baby," she said softly. "Why? What did you think I was doing?"

My hand slid upward, gradually, tentatively, as I reached at last for one beautiful ripe breast. She seemed not to notice as my tiny hand lifted it from below, then began to knead it gently in my fingers. The nipple stood out, firm and erect as I squeezed it gently and at last I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I leaned forward and kissed it, and at once Julie's hand was behind my head, holding me there as I began to suckle on it gently.

"Oh baby," she whispered. "Oh you naughty little baby," she sighed, her hand reaching down between my thighs as she hugged my head against her. "Suck it baby. Suck it hard." I did as I was told, making her cry out as I slid my arms around her waist and sucked hard, pinching and pulling at the nipple with my lips as I parted my legs for her.

Suddenly she gripped one of my braids, pulling my head back as her mouth closed urgently over mine. Her kisses became more fervent as her arm gathered me up, crushing me against her body and her fingers began to probe me deeply. I felt a stinging sensation deep in my groin and I let out a cry, muffled by her mouth over mine. Her lips began to smother me now, then down over my neck and shoulders, hurriedly searching my body for something, anything to make me respond, and everything she found excited me.

Soon her mouth was over one pert little breast, then the other, seemingly unable to decide as to which she needed to taste more urgently, and still her fingers thrust into me. The stinging had all but gone now as her lips moved downward, ever downward, over my tummy, my hips, my thighs, until she was lapping at the very tops of my legs. Her tongue wriggled into one tiny crevice then another, delighting in the squeals I made, then she stopped.

"Oh baby," she said, sounding rueful. "Did I do that?" I looked down to see a tiny trickle of blood on my leg and at once I felt embarrassed.

"I... I don't know," I replied.

"Let me kiss it better," she smiled. She knelt before me and raised her face to the spray that fell like sweet summer rain on us both, and she began to kiss the light golden muff of fur, now darkened by the water flooding over it.

Then she surprised me by coming out with something that took me completely aback.

"Oh Katie!" she said, sounding suddenly disappointed; almost critical. "Don't you remember 'anything' I've taught you?"

"What?" I asked, totally confused.

"I've told you before," she said softly, smiling up at me, "Your feet are far too close together." I couldn't help but laugh.

She pushed my right leg up and away from her, bringing my heel to rest on the handrail, and she began to lap at my open pussy. I closed my eyes and leaned back again, happy that she would even want to do this for me, especially after - well - you know.

Very soon I found myself squeezing my own tiny breasts and pinching the nipples gently, as her tongue reached up and into me.

"Do something for me would you baby?" She asked.

"Of course."

"Turn the tap off would you? I'm getting far too much water. It's diluting you, she giggled." The spray was almost all directly on me and it was running down my chest, over my tummy, and straight into her mouth. "That's better," she said softly, as I pushed the lever to the 'off' position and she returned to her libidinous task.

Her thirsty kisses around my groin were the most amazing sensation I had ever felt. She pressed her open mouth over my thighs and my pussy, sucking at me, while wriggling her tongue into me again and again. I couldn't help but play with my breasts, teasing the nipples as her greedy tongue worked away all around and inside me. It wasn't long before I felt the tension rising again and this time it was her tongue doing the work. I was so concerned that I might gush again, but I needn't have worried. Julie hugged my thigh and lapped and sucked until I felt another blinding orgasm hit me, and I let out a cry that literally rang in my ears.

When I'd had time to calm again, Julie stood and hugged me. "Are you getting cold baby?" I hadn't noticed until she said, but without the shower running, it was becoming quite cool in there. She kissed me again and this time her mouth tasted very different; sort of sweet and tangy at the same time. "Let's get dry and go somewhere warm," she said, cuddling me close. I just smiled and nodded.

She rubbed me down with my towel and spent some time making sure that my littleinjury wasn't going to be a problem. Then we spent a few minutes having fun, kissing while helping each other to dress. It seemed weird, but all of my previous qualms about her watching me undress had vanished, and although we had only been together the once, I felt I would be able to do it all again without any concern or embarrassment.

As we finally vacated the changing room, Daphne and Sarah were sitting at a table, talking together.

"Oh... there you are at last," Daphne said, teasing sarcastically. "We thought you'd gone out the back way."

"What back way?" I asked.

"There isn't one sweetie. She's making fun."

"Where did Lynne go?" I asked.

"You want her too?" Sarah laughed.

"You can't have her," Daphne said. "She's mine now and I'm not letting her go."

"She left almost twenty minutes ago," Sarah told us.

"How long were we in there?"

"Well we gave up counting after half an hour," Sarah joked. I felt myself going red.

"Can I have her after you?" Daphne asked.

"Please tell me you're joking, Julie responded," virulently.

"Of course I was," she replied, getting up in a huff to pack her things.

"No she wasn't," Sarah said quietly as she left.

"Well... we have to be going anyway," Julie told her. "Can't stay here chatting all day, can we Katie?"

"I suppose not," Sarah sighed. "Things to be doing I suppose?" she added, with a discreet cursory wink to Julie.


We dropped our kit into the back of Julie's car and climbed in. "Do you really have to go home already?" she asked.

"Well... no-one else is likely to be home for almost another two hours or more yet. Why?"

"Come home with me," she said. "I want to help you find religion."

"What on earth do you mean by that?"

"I want to turn your face to the heavens and make you call 'God'," she smiled wickedly.

... To be continued...

Thank you for reading my story. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed it.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Its like honey, slowly so slowly moves to the edge and dropping down, one drop after another, so sweet so clear so desired ...... Fabulous honey sweet romance and your finery with the details, brillant ...... A wonderful innocent lovestory


kaleonanikaleonaniover 2 years ago

Well, it sure is wonderful to finally see Katie relinquish all her inhibitions and allow Julie to finally explore the regions unexplored by any other researcher and developer. The build up is what makes this story so pleasurable and enticing to read on. Furthermore Sarah is unequivocally a very enticing woman who's hunger for women is insatiable and very sexy but sadly there haven't been any events in regards to their episodes in the shower indicating what may have been going on in there as Sarah, Daphne and Lynne were exiting the shower but only giving the reader a glimpse and voluntarily leaving our imagination to fantasize as to what these three were precariously doing together, but I guess that's what makes it more exciting and sensual.

Wkd_MaceyWkd_Maceyalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you all :)

Hi and thank you for your generous comments on my story.

You've probably noticed that Part 4 is now online (not much happening there), but Part 5 is near completion, and Part 6 in progress. Lots of fun in both of those episodes.

I hope you won't be put off by the happenings on Part 7 (a bit violent and dominating in places), but Part 8 sees it all come right (after a good deal of drama).

The question is... Can you wait?

CliterateDykeCliterateDykealmost 6 years ago

Brilliantly written series. Your characters are so beautifully realistic, even the Cruellas. I'd love to see their relationship blossom as Julie helps Katie find her sexual expression but mentoring Katie as she finds her way with other lovers too. Yeah, happy endings are cute, but you've got an interesting opportunity here to write about a young lesbian 'sowing her oats' as she grows into her own.

Your story is really quite excellent & incredibly arousing. Great sex, extraordinarily written.

RubyRedLipsRubyRedLipsabout 6 years ago
Love Match?

I don't know about love. Seems to me that Julie is just another of the shower room predators waiting for another fresh girl. That being said, the story is well plotted and written, with just the right amount of sexual tension and involvement.

Wkd_MaceyWkd_Maceyover 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you all...

What can I say - It's so inspiring to hear your praise for my work, and really helpful too to read the comments. I'll answer a couple if I may:

* ladyvengeance - the 'confusion' over the age, was to ensure the mediators didn't kick it out because Katie is very petite and 'looks' very young (I've had stories rejected for this in the past).

* Bob150Bob - All of my work begins quite slowly, to define the characters and give a little background. Also (for me) I feel it 'builds' the story to a crescendo rather than leaping straight in. This is stated quite clearly in the story preamble.

Finally - several people have said how they would like to see the story progress. Most would seem to prefer Katie and Julie's relationship to develop and see Katie eventually enjoy a win over Lynne. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts (both for and against). It's entirely possible I could take it both ways ('scuse the pun ;)) - with an 'A' or 'B' scenario.

Please feel free to PM me with your thoughts :)


HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 6 years ago
I'm really liking this story

It is quite erotic, and fun to read. Thank you for sharing it with us!

LilyVonSchtuppLilyVonSchtuppover 6 years ago

I would like to see a continuation of this story. I too would like to see Katie grow under Julie's loving guidance. It would be nice to see what kind of person Katie could become with that kind of supportive, nurturing relationship.

ladyvengeanceladyvengeanceover 6 years ago
Age issue

I really like the story, but I was really thrown off by the misunderstanding about age. So she was obviously flirting with a girl she thought was underage??? I don't think that part is necessary. Maybe you could have her think she was 18, but still too young for her?

Maddie624Maddie624over 6 years ago

Please don't go down the dom/sub route. I'd personally like to see Katie grow a bit. Julie could make a positive impact on Katie's self-esteem and that transition into a confident, assertive, and/or "self-aware" young woman would make for an awesome continuation of a hot story.

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