Genie Chronicles Ch. 11


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Now it was Jack's turn to watch, and he felt he should definitely be at his most horny to enjoy his first ever live girl-on-girl encounter.Recharge me, please. His softened cock engorged again, and he was immediately almost excited enough by the show before him to spontaneously explode.

Like many guys, Jack had always found the idea of one girl making love to another incredibly and inexplicably arousing, and scenes depicting such were usually some of his favorites in any adult movie. Now, though, he found watching a video versus the real thing roughly comparable to a silent black and white movie versus an Imax with state of the art surround sound. In spite of everything that had happened over the past several days, he thought this might be one of the hottest things he had ever experienced. The rather unique vision of long-haired redhead on redhead certainly did nothing to lessen this.

Jack decided that there was only thing that could possibly make this hotter. He leaned over and said softly into the woman's ear. "Do you mind if I ..?" he indicated her currently neglected nether region.

She took the time to remove one hand from a breast and move it to Jennifer's pussy, slowly inserting her long middle finger while using her thumb to take over the stimulation of Jennifer's clit. Jennifer moaned loudly. "Wow, she's nice and tight." Confident that Jennifer would not cool off while she talked to Jack, the woman smiled up at him and said, "Help yourself, normal entrance only, though, please." Then she looked down at his cock and her eyes widened, "but take it easy with that monster. It looks like it might split me in two!"

Jack looked down to discover that while his cock had shorted by a couple of inches, it was also thicker, the better to give her a more pleasurable screw, although she didn't know it yet. He grinned. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

He stood and moved behind her. She obligingly rose up on her knees at the bottom edge of the bed while at the same time replacing her thumb with her eager mouth back on Jennifer's clitoris. When her index finger joined her middle in thrusting aggressively into Jennifer's pussy, she moaned and shuddered through another intense orgasm.

Lining up with the lovely star's spread opening, Jack slowly inserted his cock. She was not nearly as tight as Jennifer, no doubt from delivering a baby if nothing else, but with the increased circumference of Jack's cock she was still a nice, snug fit. It was her turn to moan as he gently but inexorably sunk his cock to its root, and as her mouth was currently adhered to her clit, Jennifer found out first hand just why Jack liked her humming around his shaft. She gave an echoing moan.

Jack gradually built up to a pleasant thrusting pace, eliciting a series of grunts and moans from the woman he was thrusting into, and then more echoing moans from Jennifer, as the woman allowed Jack's thrusts to assist her in rubbing the flat of her tongue repeatedly through Jennifer's lips and over her clit. She also timed her finger's thrusts to match Jack's.

Jack wanted to reach around to finger the actress's clit, but couldn't without affecting his thrusting, so he cheated.Feel free to retaliate with a ghost hand on her clit, if you like, but make it feel like it's coming from my direction.

The woman twitched, and the volume of her moaning increased markedly. When Jack increased the force of his thrusts a bit more, it was enough to send the woman and then Jennifer into nearly simultaneous orgasms, and the music of their orgasmic duet was finally too much for him. He continued to thrust deeply into the woman as he rode his own explosion, then they both collapsed on the bed with Jennifer. The scarlet-haired star panted for a moment, sat up and said. "Wow, you guys are a trip. That was an awesome fuck. Thanks again!" and disappeared once more.

Jack looked over at Jennifer. "Are you planning to wake me up in such interesting ways every morning?" he panted.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yup, unless you tell me not to."

Jack sighed, and then grinned. "Well, it certainly beats the alarm clock. Just allow me to wake up before you once in awhile, ok?"

"Ok, Jack."

They got up, cleaned up, had some cereal and fruit for breakfast, and got back to work on Forbidden Indulgence's demo site. Today Jack planned to add the photos of the sample products. He began by setting up his 'photo booth', a couple of boxes covered and surrounded by black fabric to match the black background of the website. He had his 'assistant' arrange the items one by one on the fabric while he took digital photos of each. Once he had the shots he wanted, he had an idea. "Want to try a little modeling?" Jennifer raised an eyebrow at him.

After they took a break for sandwiches and chips for lunch, Jack replaced the boxes under the black fabric with pillows and had Jennifer strip, collect the first toy, and lay down. The first item happened to be the Buzzy Buggie, a cute little insect-shaped vibrator that was held against the clit with elastic straps around the legs, meant to leave the vagina open for other activity.

Jennifer donned the toy and adjusted it to fit correctly. Then, just to be perverse, Jack cranked the bug up to high, eliciting a squeak from Jennifer, before taking his time framing up the shot on her crotch and telling her to remain absolutely still while he took the pictures.

He continued this game over what turned out to be most of the afternoon. Jennifer would complain frequently and completely insincerely as her sensitive body 'suffered' several orgasms at the hands of the little toys, while Jack equally insincerely berated her for not holding still enough and ruining all his shots.

It did take quite a bit longer than expected for Jack to get some useable photos, but as both of them were in truth having a lot of fun, he certainly wasn't complaining. Confirming that he was going to have enough photos to complete the demo site, he took a quick break before five o'clock to call Forbidden Indulgences.



"Hey, this is Jack Phillips."


"I'm doing great, I hope you are. I just wanted to let you know that I will have your demo site ready by tomorrow morning, and to ask if you wanted to schedule a meeting to review it.


"Friday morning? That should be fine. I'll see you at ten. Oh! Do you have any projection equipment or a presentation setup I can use with my laptop?"


"Don't worry about it. I have a small projector I can bring. I'll see you then!"



Jennifer was standing by his side, and he was about to turn to her when his cell phone rang. He traded the cordless for it. "Hello?" This time it was a throaty contralto at the other end.

"Oh, yes ma'am!"


Tomorrow afternoon? That should be fine. What time?"


"Very well, I'll be there."

He hung up and turned to Jennifer. "That was..." he trailed off, noticing she looked a bit distressed. "You ok?" She pointed to her breasts, whose nipples were still hosting a pair of vibrating nipple clamps from the interrupted 'photo shoot', firmly attached and buzzing at full speed. He grinned. "Sorry. Had a nippular orgasm yet?"

In answer, her body shivered for several seconds as, if cold. "That was the second since you have been on the phone," she said reproachfully, although Jack saw that she was holding the clamps' wired control in her hand.

"Well, would you like to hear about the phone calls or finish the photos, first? That's the last toy."

She sighed as if in resignation. "Oh, go ahead, tell me about the calls."

Jack grinned again. "Well, I, we, have a meeting at FI on Friday at ten in the morning to discuss their website."

"Ok," she said a bit shakily.

"And the second call was from Marsha Jacobs, Mr. Brown's secretary at Smith & Brown. They want me to attend a meeting tomorrow afternoon at two."

"Ok," she said again.

"You know, I don't think I've met Ms. Jacobs yet. She sounded pretty hot over the phone. Is she?"

The question distracted Jennifer from her mild distress for a moment, as her eyes got a far away look and flashed. She shrugged and nodded, then gave a small wince as the motion got the weighted nipple clamps swinging. "Fairly. She's..."

Jack held up his hand. "Stop! Don't spoil the rest. I'll find out tomorrow. Shall we finish the photos then have some dinner?" She nodded, and then winced, again. Jack got a speculative look. "You know, since we have until Friday, maybe I'll break out the digital video camera after dinner."

Jennifer raised both eyebrows.


Jack requested that Jennifer let him sleep in the next morning. After dinner they had indeed broken out the video camera, and had stayed up very late having fun 'working'. At one point Jennifer lamented the fact that they didn't get any toys for guys, and suggested that they rectify the situation. However, when they looked at Forbidden Indulgences' current website to see what might be fun, they found the selection of toys for men to be quite lacking. A set of lips and 'throat' molded from the mouth of an actual porn star just didn't do much for either of them, no matter how 'lifelike' the rubber might feel.

They finally rose in the late morning, enjoyed the now-customary fooling around in the shower, and got dressed. Not wanting to worry about fixing anything to eat, they decided to eat lunch on the way to S&B. They stopped at a casual Mexican restaurant, and lunch was fairly uneventful other than Jennifer making a big production of trying to figure out what her first Mexican dish should be. She received excellent service; all the staff at the restaurant were men with whom she flirted shamelessly.

Arriving at Smith & Brown a few minutes early, Jack and a once-again-invisible Genie were ushered into the conference room to await the other attendees. They started trickling in almost immediately, including Margaret, who looked like a new woman, and a statuesque middle-aged blond woman who had to be Marsha Jacobs, Mr. Brown's secretary. Mr. Brown was the last to enter. Conspicuous in their absence were Ms. Krieger and her crew.

As soon as everyone was seated, Mr. Brown spoke. "Thank you, everyone, for coming. As you know, due to the removal of Ms. Krieger as Operations Manager," Jack's eyebrows rose at this, "things are a bit disorganized as we scramble to reassign her and her associates' duties temporarily to other employees until replacement personnel can be promoted or hired." He turned to address Jack. "Mr. Phillips, while I do not wish to air our dirty laundry in public, and therefore ask you to keep what is discussed here to yourself, I will tell you that, after your little altercation with Ms. Krieger a few days ago, I took a broader look at her management, and found that your prognosis was correct; had she remained in her position and been allowed to continue 'managing' as she had been, this company would not have stayed in business much longer. The damage is severe, and it is my fault. I gave Ms. Krieger too much authority and not enough accountability. It will not happen again. Mr. Phillips, we all owe you a debt of gratitude for assisting to pull the wool from our eyes or," he gave a quick glare at Ms. Jacobs, who just grinned smugly back, "MY eyes, over what Ms. Krieger was up to."

Jack was embarrassed at the praise, then shocked speechless when the group broke into a round of applause, along with big smiles directed his way from Margaret and Ms. Jacobs. "I...uh..." he stammered.

Mr. Brown, smiling a bit himself at Jack's discomfort, came to his rescue. "We have a lot to cover this afternoon, and as most of it does not directly concern Mr. Phillips, we will cover what does concern him, first, so he can be excused afterward." He paused to consult his notes for a moment. "Jack, it has been made clear to me in no uncertain terms," this time the glare was directed at Margaret, who nodded, "just how much we rely on our web site to do business these days, and therefore how important it is to keep it running smoothly and uninterrupted. It has also been stressed to me that it was doing just that until our recent change of staff. On the other hand, I am not quite ready to entirely let go of our requirement that subcontractors work from our facility." He paused.

"So, I suggest a compromise. Would you be willing to come in to this office one day a week, say Wednesdays or Thursdays, and work with my folks on whatever needs to be done for the site that week? Plus perhaps half a day the second Friday of the month to post the new pricing files? This way you could get all of your work done for us here, in one day, with much better access to our personnel and information. We can give you access to whatever other recourses you need; a cubicle, network access, a PC if you need one."

All heads swiveled to Jack, but he remained silent a moment, thinking. Finally he replied, "The time I spend supporting your website each week is not constant. Some weeks I might spend an hour on it performing small maintenance tasks. Other weeks I may spend two business days or more on it if you have major changes for me to make. For the weeks where I do little, spending a whole day here would waste my time, and I would only be in your way. For the weeks where I do a lot, one day would not be enough. And, while the offer of a PC to use is generous, my workstation at home has all of the software and tools I need, some of which is fairly expensive. If I were to work from here, copies of all of that software would have to be purchased again."

"Therefore, let me make a counter proposal. What if I were to come in for half a day each week to meet with your folks, review any issues, obtain any data to be updated to the website, etcetera. Otherwise we would work as before; I would work from my location, still be available via phone or in person for meetings, all of that stuff. Nothing would need to change with the contract for now. We could consider this a handshake addendum for a couple of months while we determine if it works or not. After that, well, the contract is up for renewal or renegotiation in four months or so, anyway."

It was Mr. Brown's turn to mull things over, but he didn't do so for very long. "That sounds fine, Jack. For now your primary contact will be Margaret, so please coordinate with her as to the best time for you to come in each week. Thanks for being patient with us, Mr. Phillips, and thank you for coming in today."

That was unmistakably a dismissal, so Jack said, "You are quite welcome." He rose and headed for the door. Margaret also stood and met him there, then indicated they should step outside.

"I wanted to say a personal thank you, too. You are a bit of a hero around here Jack. Did you know that?"

Jack blushed and shrugged. "I was just covering my ass." He changed the subject. "You are looking like a new woman since last I saw you."

It was her turn to shrug a bit self consciously. "Well, let's just say lots of things have changed for the better since the last meeting we both attended?"

Jack grinned. "Really?" He gave her tote board a quick scan, and was not surprised to see that her sexual experience had widened a bit in the past few days.

She blushed, although she figured there was no way he could know ofall the ways things had improved. "Listen, I've got to get back in here. I'll call you later to set a time for your weekly visits, ok?"


"Oh!" she whispered as she started to slip back into the conference room, "and you're looking pretty damn hot, yourself!"

Jack smiled as he headed for the elevators. He didn't make it a dozen steps, though, before he was stopped by another woman's voice, this one rich and throaty.

"Mr. Phillips?"

He turned to find Ms. Jacobs approaching. "Yes. Ma'am?"

She smiled. "Call me Marsha. I, too, wanted to add my personal gratitude for your assistance in removing that... woman and her associates." It was quite obvious which word, or words, were substituted for 'woman' in her head. She stepped closer. "I also wanted say how glad I am that you will be working with us in person. If there is anything I can do to make your time in the office more... pleasant, just say the word."

"Thank you Marsha, I look forward to being around, and I am sure I will be coming to you for all the assistance you can give. And please call me Jack."

"Very well. See you soon, Jack." She turned and headed back toward the conference room.

Did she mean what it sounded like she meant?Jack asked Genie, as he still thought of her when she was moving around as her ghost-self.

Yes. She is VERY grateful for your part in getting rid of 'that raging bitch.' It would seem that they were having a bit of a power struggle. It isn't that Ms. Jacobs wants the position that Ms. Krieger had. Ms. Jacobs, as Mr. Brown's secretary, knows about everything that goes on in this company. She could see what Ms. Krieger was doing, but couldn't get through to Mr. Brown what was happening until you broke the ice, so to speak.

Beyond that, she is single, sexually adventurous, and quite attracted to you over and above her gratitude, as you would have known if you had consulted the tote board.

Damn! Why hadn't he looked at her tote board? On the other hand, perhaps it might be more fun on occasion to fly without the tote board, as long as he had Genie as his safety net.

S&B most likely thought they had won a small victory by his agreeing to come in to work half a day per week, plus keeping to the rest of the contract. Come to think of it, it wasn't much of a thank you, but that was ok. There was something to be said about working in an office; beyond the unexpected but very promising opportunity just presented by Ms. Jacobs, Jack figured in an office the size of S&B's there had to be quite a few attractive women to have a bit of fun with during the spare time he was going to have most weeks, even being there for only half a day. He was actually pretty happy with how things had turned out.

Jack and Jennifer headed home to some pasta for dinner and then a few of hours putting the finishing touches on Forbidden Indulgences' demo site. As Jack lay in bed later that night spooned with Jennifer, a perfect breast cupped in one hand, he felt pretty confident about the presentation the next morning. If all went well, he had the beginnings of an idea on how to use Jennifer's/Genie's powers to start down the road to fortune, if not necessarily fame.

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sviedsviedover 7 years ago
I like the magnamity

I really enjoy that he takes every chance he has to try and improve others' lives.

very cool


talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowabout 11 years ago
Illiterate poster

Liked the chapter, but good lord, that anonymous poster from 7/26/12 (who has apparently posted comments on a number of Brolly's submissions) is mind-bogglingly inarticulate. I sincerely hope English is not his first language.

Or his fifth, for that matter.

cylinderlitcylinderlitover 11 years ago
I got the feeling.

I got the feeling that with the red headed TV star the actual actress was not connected to the "fantasy" in any way. I would love to know that the real actress was dreaming exactly what was going on at the same time though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

She is made for porn & I think she wood realy love it !!!!!!!!!! On a nuther knote the way she describes what she ded wheth the T.V. star it sonded like the real one that is dreaming is conected to the one she made,which mite mene the real one is literely deaming what happined, if so I think it mite be enteresting if one of the girls that experins this axtuley met hem afterword.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Holy Hell!

Your awesomeness is unmatched!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Mass-Market fantasy quality

Great story, even without the erotica. This is the first story I've left feedback for, despite visiting the site a few times a month for the past 6 years or so. Probably the best story I've read on here; I can't wait to see more. With a little editing, a little more of a plot line, and enough material, I would pay for this story as a novel - and only be disappointed if the series didn't continue. Add a good vs evil plot and maybe some time travel, and mass-market fantasy readers would really eat this up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Only author I've bookmarked

This has a great story and the sex is actually weaved into the story as opposed to being an interruption to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Keep up the great work

Please continue the story. I read part 1 and I couldn't stop until I read the whole series. I can't wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
On the right track

The story was very enjoyable, with the clear potential for getting even better. I look forwards to future installments.

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