Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 09


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Elizabeth froze. Ellen laughed. I politely looked away.

"Oh. My. God." Elizabeth slowly returned to her seat. "Okay, this was a mistake." She croaked. "Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed."

Ellen, still laughing, put a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder, supportively.

"Okay, hold on." Elizabeth scootched her chair in as far as it would go, pulling herself tight with the table. "We can fix this. Elles, let's -- "

"I'm not using the remote to get you new pants."

"Oh come on!" she cried. "Why not?"

"No." Ellen smiled. "Look, you have your uniform here, right? You'll have to wear that."

"Uhg. That short skimpy little skirt? But its so short and skimpy! I'll..." she went red. "I'll be all..." she dropped to a low whisper, "hanging out."

"Yeah, that's kind of the point, isn't it?" Ellen smirked. "When has that ever bothered you before?"

"I... yeah, okay." Elizabeth's eyes scanned the horizon as she rock back and forth in her seat. "Your right, it's the best option. But um... could you..." Elizabeth squirmed some more. "Could you go get it for me? I'm totally flopping out all over the place here."

"You don't have it with you?"

"No, I don't have it with me." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "It's in my bag in my locker in the changeroom!"

Ellen sighed "Can't we ask one of the other employees or whatever? Don't they have like, spare clothes here anyway?"

"Uhg! No! Everyone who works here is a total catty bitch." Elizabeth looked around to make sure no one was listening. "They'd never let me live it down."

"Oh my god," Ellen sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you Elles!" Elizabeth gave a desperate little smile. "It's right near the bathrooms -- you go through that door in the back over there and then turn left instead of right. There's like, a little electronic lock. The combo is *6969* because our boss is a perverted man-child. I'm locker number 12. Its um... it's the same combo lock I used on my locker back in high school, do you remember it?"

"Yeah, I've had it burned into my memory since that time with all the condoms."

"Oh, right. I forgot about that. Sorry again for that, by the way."

"It's fine." Ellen shuddered. "I don't even want to think about it. Just promise this isn't going to be a repeat of that."

"I promise! Thank you Elles! I don't know what I'd do without you!"

"You'd be putting on quite the show," she laughed, "that's what."

"Please hurry!"

"Right." Ellen stood up. "Evan, you come with me. If we get caught it'll be less weird if there's two of us."

"Will it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'd rather have someone think I'm just ducking out to make out with my boyfriend than I'm there to steal all the waitress's panties or whatever like last time."

"Last time?" I asked. I knew Ellen and Elizabeth had gotten into some misadventures before, but it was usually the last thing Ellen ever wanted to talk about, so I wasn't really too caught up on the details.

"This isn't the first time this has happened." She laughed. "I'm just glad Elizabeth actually has her own clothes this time."

Elizabeth gave an apologetic shrug.

"Okay," Ellen sighed. "we'll be right back."

"If we don't come back," I added, "avenge our deaths."

We all laughed.

"Oh, Elizabeth." Ellen said, holding out her hand.


"The device."

"What?" Elizabeth looked down at the device in her hand, like she'd been caught fondling the one ring. "Oh. Sorry. Here." She smiled guiltily and handed it over to Ellen, who slid it into her bag.

Luckily getting to the locker room wasn't all that difficult. It was just opposite the bathrooms, so no one really batted an eye as we made our way across the floor of the club.

Now, I want you to take a moment and imagine what you'd expect the women's locker room of a strip club to look like. It's okay. Go on, I'll wait.

Are you picturing half-naked beauties lounging about sexilly in between make-out sessions and sweaty pillow fights? Alright, so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but that's more or less what I was expecting. I could see that same glimmer of hope in Ellen's beautiful eyes as she squeezed my hand tight.

As it turns out, this was not that kind of changing room. This was more like a locker room, like you'd see at a gym or any place of business where people need to change into their uniforms. It kind of reminded me of the change rooms back in high school actually, except, well, cleaner. I don't know if that's just because it was the women's locker room or because that's the way they like to keep it. I'll admit the fact that it was no boys allowed made me a little nervous, but at least I had Ellen if anyone walked in.

That was the other thing. The place was empty. I was expecting that we'd have to stealthily navigate through a horde of semi-naked girls. Turns out this was not the changeroom where the strippers all changed into their sexy nothings in preparation for their sets. No, this was for the employees, not the talent. I'd get to see where all the talent got to changed up close and in person soon enough, of course, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

Lockers lined the walls and there were a few nooks and crannies populated by benches. A door in the back seemed to lead off to the employee bathroom, which I was surprised to find was also immaculate. It smelt kind of like chlorine, maybe they had just cleaned?

Number 12 was, appropriately enough, the bottom of a pair of half-lockers. As I bent over to get a better look I could feel one of Ellen's hands gliding sensuously along my hip. I smiled. I guess I had given her a pretty good view of my ass, huh? I stood up straight and leaned back, pressing my back into her bare torso. I could feel her hot breath on the back of my neck and the hot skin of her chest against my back. God, she felt so good.

I melted into her.

That was all it took, really. A quiet room, a moment's privacy, and one lingering touch. There was this unspoken energy between us. We both knew what the other wanted.

I gave a coy grin as I rolled my hips back and forth for her. Gently, side to side, like I was dancing to a music just for us, letting her follow along with one hand and then -- there it is -- the other. I arced my back and stuck out my hips, wiggling them gently as I swayed back and forth. I could tell that she was watching. I could tell she was enjoying the show.

"Baby," she sighed softly into my ear. I shivered. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I said, turning my head and glancing over my shoulder. I gave her an inviting little wink and a come hither smile. "what brought this on?" It was unusual for her to say those three little words first. She was still a little self conscious about it I guess. I told her I loved her all the time, but when she said it, it meant something.

She bit her lip as her hands sunk lower. "All of this... swapping stuff..." she blew gently against the nape of my neck and my knees went weak. "it's really made realize just how lucky I am to have you." I gasped softly as she flipped up my skirt. I could feel her skin heating up as my heart pounded in anticipation. I was glad I had worn a side-tie thong today, and that, ah, just like that, it was gone.

"Elizabeth is, well, she's a bit of pain in the ass." She gave my butt a playful slap. "But you... you just rolled with it. I can trust you with this." Her hands lingered as she gently fondled. "When Elizabeth holds the device I feel like it's a gun about to go off, but when you have it..." she squeezed. "I feel safe."

"Aw, baby." I laughed, brushing a hot strand of hair out of my face. I was breathing heavily. "You shouldn't. You saw what happened at the mall." I leaned my weight back, pushing into her hands. I wanted more.

She laughed too. "I'm serious though." She spun me around. Face to face, I was looking up at her. We were so close. Hot breath on hot breath. Her scent was intoxicating. "There's no one else I'd rather have with me through all this." She kissed me gently once. "I can't even imagine not having you here." Twice. "If it wasn't for you I'm sure I'd have done something... stupid. By now." And a third time. She smiled at me warmly. Then pulled me in close. "I don't ever want you to not be in my life." We lingered there a moment, with her holding me tight. I loved how safe I felt in her arms. Warm, content, like nothing else in the world mattered.

Eventually I looked up at her, staring deeply into her eyes as we parted. I gave her a long lingering kiss.

"You're not giving yourself enough credit." I said, sliding my chest out from under my top as I grinded my tits into her soft, petite breasts and kissed gently into the side of her neck. I could barely suppress a gasp as our stiffening nipples rubbed together.

"See?" She grinned contently as I kissed and rubbed my way down the valley of her torso. "You're so supportive. "What- " She let out a sharp little gasp as I got to the edge of her jeans. "What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?"

But my answer would have to wait. My skillful tongue had made short work of her button but I was having the hardest time getting her zipper down with my teeth. But if that's the price I have to pay to see my baby in a pair of sexy jeans, well, I was just glad she hadn't worn a belt.

She gasped as I finally got her great big dick free.

I slid myself along the length of her body and gave her a long hard kiss, then, again, I looked her deeply in the eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes shone in adoration. "Baby," I said, softly "I've loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. You're like an angel who also happens to be my best and only friend. I'm the one who is lucky to deserve you." I softly kissed her lower lip before continuing. "So don't you ever think you're not good enough or that you don't deserve me, okay? Because you mean everything to me too, and you'll never have to worry about being without me, because we're going to spend the rest of our lives together, alright?"

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled back.

After that, well, one thing led to another, and neither of us were in much of a position to do any talking.

Now, um. Look, as I've said, I don't like to kiss and tell. We'd both been drinking, and we both had a lot of pent up sexual energy that we just really needed to work out. I guess seeing all those girls on stage had really gotten to her.

So, long story short, and I don't mean to brag here, but I think I can cross getting fucked doggy-style in a strip-club locker room off my bucket-list. I know, I know, it's not the most romantic thing in the world, but, well... I mentioned how horny this body was, right? How frustratingly insatiable it could get? I've been trying not to harp on about it, but I've been no less horny.

The worst part, of course, was that we got interrupted. A couple of girls who must have been just starting their shift walked in right as we were approaching the good part. Luckily we were a row over from them and despite all the noises I was sure I was making, I don't think they heard us. Or maybe they're used to people having sex in there, I don't know. While I found the whole experience terrifying, I think maybe it must have triggered something in Ellen because no sooner had they left than she picked back up with gusto, slamming into me again and again and again like some sort of wild --

Er, right. Anyway...

Eventually, we made it back to Elizabeth. She was staring nervously at the girl on stage, her hands tucked under the table and folded over her lap. She was still beat red. She must have been really nervous indeed because she was breathing kind of heavily. There was a smell in the air that I couldn't quite identify.

"Finally!" She said, flushed and embarrassed.

Ellen handed Elizabeth the bag, which she down on the table. She dug around in it until she finally pulled out the skimpy little toga themed skirt I'd seen her in earlier.

"Wait." She said, holding the skirt taunt to its full length. "Fuck."


"Oh my god, I didn't think this through." She clutched the skirt to her crotch under the table. "I can't..." her eyes darted around the room. "I can't get changed out here in front of everybody like this!"

"Really?" I frowned. "After all that?"

"Okay," Ellen sighed. "So... what? Do we let someone know what happened? Do you want to make a bolt for the locker room?"

"No!" Elizabeth whined. "Someone would see me!"

"I mean," I said, looking at the girl on stage. "I think they're pretty thoroughly distracted."

"Uhg. Your right." She sighed. "Running would draw too much attention to myself. I'll have to do it under the table. Why'd I have to wear such a tight skir--" she stopped abruptly as her eyes focused on the tile marks on my elbows.

My chest bounced as I self-consciously tried to hide my arms behind my back.

"Wait a minute, were you guys having sex just now?"

Ellen and I shared a look of feigned innocence, but we were unable to suppress our smiles.

"I can't believe you guys!" Elizabeth half-shouted, as, under the table, she started to surreptitiously shimmy into her short skirt. "Here I am in real trouble and you two are off fucking the first moment you get. Betrayal! That's what this is!"

"Oh come on," said Ellen, her voice rising. "You ditch me for sex all the time! Is this any different from that time at that Saint Patrick's Day party?"

"That was different!"


"I- I hadn't gotten any all week." She blushed. "And he was french. J'adore, Elles. J'adore!"

"I had to walk home alone because of you, Elizabeth." Ellen put her hands on her hips. "And that's not even including that time you completely bailed on our history project to go stay the whole weekend with the wrestling team during that big competition, or, or, that time I thought you got nabbed by that sex-cult!"

"That was false advertising!" Elizabeth sighed. "But, okay, okay, point taken."

After a lot of wiggling and bouncing up and down in her seat, Elizabeth finally managed to get her skirt on. She sighed heavily.

"You okay?" asked Ellen.

"Yeah, I just..." she winced. "Those shorts were way too small"

"Oh, girl," said Ellen, finishing her beer. "I could have told you that. I don't know how you squeezed into them in the first place." Her dainty breasts wobbled as she set her empty mug down.

I looked down at the beer in front of me. Somehow, I'd only gotten half way through mine. I may have had the body of a quarterback, but that quarterback must have been a total lightweight because I felt like I'd gone through three drinks already.

Elizabeth took a long drink from hers as well, leaning back awkwardly in her seat as she finished it off. She completely failed to hide the fact that she was also drinking in the view of Ellen's tight little body as she did so. There was a soft thump from under the table.

"Oh my god." Elizabeth sighed in exasperation as she put down her mug "I really have made a huge mistake."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This skirt isn't doing anything! Its so short that it's just going to... Its going to... you know..."

"It's going to what?" Ellen asked, innocently.

"Y-you've got a dick, Elles, you know what it's like!"

"What what's like?" Ellen laughed. "I don't know what your talking about."

"Its... it's hard, okay? And my skirt is doing nothing to hide it, but I guess you wouldn't know what that's like." She let out a frustrated groan. "I'm just... I'm just so horny right now for some reason."

"I'm not surprised." Ellen laughed again. "You've been drinking. When are you not horny when you've been drinking?"

"Yeah", Elizabeth sighed, "this was definitely a mistake." she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Okay, I can think of two solutions to this problem. First: Ellen, can I see that device for a second?"

Carefully, Ellen fished the device out of her bag. "Wait." she paused. "Hold on. Why? What do you want to do with it?" she clutched it to her chest "I'm not letting you steal some poor girl's clothes."

"It's nothing like that, Elles, I swear." Elizabeth glanced around and laughed. "Besides, none of the other girls in here are exactly wearing much better."

"So what do you have planned?" Ellen asked.

"I um..." Elizabeth forced an innocent smile "I can't tell you?"

"Seriously?" Ellen stopped smiling. "After that moment we shared earlier?"

"I- I don't want to disappoint you!" Elizabeth cried.

"Why would I be disappointed, Elizabeth?" Ellen asked sternly.

"N-no reason. Everything's fine."

"Elizabeth, what did you do?"

"No, you know what, it's fine." she laughed nervously. "Don't even worry about it, I don't even need the device after all. I can think of a better solution."

"A better solution?"

"Yes. Clearly, in a situation like this, the correct answer is more drinks!"

Before Ellen could finish saying "I don't think that's such a good idea," Elizabeth had given Mike some kind of weird hand signal and before we knew it he was on his way over with another tray of shots and some more wings. He had to mince a little to keep his tight uniform from bursting off of his muscular frame, but he was surprisingly quick.

"That was... fast." Ellen said.

"I um" Elizabeth said "I may have ordered more drinks for us while you were away."

"Of course." Ellen rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to keep a beauty like you waiting, honey." Said Mike, batting his eyes at Ellen as he bounced his back-breaking busom for her. Though restrained by his skimpy little toga top, he was clearly breaking out all the tricks to attract Ellen's gaze. It was working. Ellen's eyes kept getting dragged down to Mike's bare breasts. I'd have been jealous if I didn't know that the reason she was turning red was because she was struggling not to laugh.

My baby let him down gently, but that didn't seem to stop him from swaying his ass at us as he went back to the bar.

Looking around, I could see that the place had started to fill out a bit, I guess it was starting to get a little later in the evening. Not only had the crowd of guys grown considerably, but I could even see a couple more waitresses on the floor now. My guess was that those were the ones that had interrupted Ellen and I in the changeroom. Oh my god, I hadn't gotten a look at them earlier, but they were like, sexy Latino twins. They even had their hair styled as mirrors of each other. How great is that?

"I still find it funny," Elizabeth laughed, her eyes glued to Mike's butt. "That you don't like other dudes."

"What?" Ellen said, turning her gaze away from the crowd. She bit her lip. I guess she'd just noticed the twins as well.

"I mean, it's weird watching you go all ga-ga over Evan here -- er, no offense, Evan, -- and then meanwhile you're completely uninterested when a total stud-muffin like Mark is shamelessly hitting on you."

Ellen laughed and shrugged. "I love Evan for who he is." She said, giving me a bright smile before eyeing me up lecherously "The fact that he's got an amazing body is just a nice little bonus."

"Yeah, but like, I don't know what you see in Evan's big man tits. I mean, I know what I see in them, he's hot as hell in like, a rugged athletic kind of way, goddamn." She shook her head. "but its still so weird seeing you go crazy over that sort of thing."

"Is it really that weird?" Ellen looked at me self consciously.

"Well, you were always a total dyke, right?" Elizabeth was leaning into the table. The alcohol was clearly starting to get to her. "I... I shouldn't use that term, I'm sorry. But like, I mean, no offense Elles, but you had all the subtlety of a teenage boy when you were younger.