Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 09


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I thought back to our recent encounter in the locker room and smiled. That was a very good way of putting it. I hadn't known Ellen when she was a teenager, but even now, she had about as much discretion as a fratboy.

"Hey, what can I say?" I ran my hands down my body suggestively, it was a practiced move meticulously constructed to drive men wild. "Teenage boys love me."

I grinned and looked over at Ellen's beautiful eyes, which had unabashedly decide to go for a wander in the valley of my cleavage. "Besides," I continued "I have that effect on a lot of gay girls. It's a curse. The only girls who have ever really been into me have been lesbians, and, well, lets just say it's never really worked out. Honestly, I'm lucky to have found someone so perfect as Ellen."

"Aww, baby." Ellen gave me a tender expression. I gave her a sexy little smile back.

"See I don't believe that in the slightest!" Interrupted Elizabeth. "Look at you, you're super hot. There's not a woman in this club who wouldn't bone you sidewise. I mean, hell, I've been wanting to bone you since I first met you. How could I not? Have you seen the way you wiggle your ass around when you walk? You're like if Jessica Rabbit was a dude" She groaned in frustration. "I've gone to bed thinking about you more times than I have any right to, and, and, I can't have you! You... you... infuriatingly sexy, sexy man, you." She suddenly grew self conscious as she glanced over at Ellen guiltily.

Ellen raised an eyebrow in surprise, but Elizabeth just laughed a bit, trying to play it off as a joke.

"Anyway." she continued, taking a long, introspective look into her glass. "The point is that it's weird that you go so crazy over his chest."

"Oh, it's not just his chest." Ellen smiled, glancing down at my lithe, manly body. "I can't think of a single part of him that I don't love."

"Right," Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "And I get it, you're in love so you find him attractive, but like, Ellen I've known you my whole life and you've never been the sort who could turn down boobs. So it's like, okay, honestly, seriously, no joking around... if you could only ever have one chest that you'd get to look at for the rest of your life, who's chest would it be. Evan's big manly man-tits or my um... my delightfully feminine girl-boobs?" She leaned in to give Ellen a better look of her jutting cleavage. "Come on, you know you'd rather--"

"Evan's." Ellen laughed. "Hands down. 100 percent. Every time."

"Aw", I said, jiggling my chest. "Thank you, baby."

"Okay. Okay." Elizabeth blinked, then frowned. "Time to drink. That calls for another drink." I couldn't quite tell, but I think she was more hurt by that then she let on.

"Another toast!" said Elizabeth, holding her glass up.

I gave a trepidatious glance to the half-finished beer in front of me and the tumbler in my hand. This time my cherry was crushed rather than skewered. I could do this. It was just the one more drink. I scanned my brain for something appropriate but I was feeling a little fuzzy.

"To trusted friends!" Ellen said.

"Yes!" I held up my glass. "Friendship!"

"To big, jiggly boobs!" Elizabeth cried, bouncing her breasts for emphasis. They wobbled around in the confinement of her shirt.

We laughed and clinked glasses again, then drank.

"Uhg." It was worse the second time. Kind of slimy? Still, for some reason I kind of wanted more. I held the empty glass up to my eye. It had left behind an oily residue. "What's in these things again?"

"Hard to say," shrugged Elizabeth, putting her glass down and picking up the device. "The recipe's a little loose, so our bartenders usually kind of make them up on the spot." She inspected some of the dials on the device. "Personally, I like 'em when they're nice and tarty."

I sighed as I plopped the cherry into my mouth thoughtfully and bounced it around with my tongue-stud. It hadn't had a stem, sadly, so I couldn't do that trick where I tied it up into a little heart with my tongue for Ellen.

"Oh my god!" Elizabeth cried out suddenly, gesturing towards stage. Ellen and I turned to look, but the naked girl was just leaving. It looked like she had been doing some sort of Hawaiian theme? She still had her little aloha flower necklace. And she had been brandishing torches? How did we miss that?

"What?" Ellen asked. "What is it?"


"Oh, you missed it." Elizabeth laughed, setting the device down. "Nevermind."

I groaned as I adjusted my top. I was having the worst time keeping the damn thing in place. I knew it was optimistic when I'd bought it, but I just didn't have what it took to keep it up. Now the damn thing had somehow fallen off my chest entirely, leaving my pert little breasts completely exposed. Luckily, I don't think anyone noticed, except Ellen, of course. She was drinking in the sight. I gave her a coy wink and tried to play it off as intentional.

She must have been getting horny again, because as we dug into the second plate of wings I could see time and time again the way Ellen's eyes were drawn down to the low cut of my loose top. From the way it practically hung off of me, I wouldn't be surprised if she was waiting to catch another glimpse of my naked chest.

I leaned in to give her a better look, but I was pretty sure she had a direct view of my nipples regardless. I was starting to regret not wearing a bra today. Not that I needed one, and not that one would have worked with this top, but it could have given Ellen a little something sexy to peek at when she caught a glimpse beneath.

I glanced down at Ellen's enormous boobs and grinned. They swayed gently as she reached over to grab a wing from the platter. I could still feel the warm softness of those heavenly mounds pressed against my back as she held pounded into me with her enormous...

I shook my head and brushed the hair from my eyes. I blew Ellen a little kiss. There would be plenty of time for that later.

Ellen and I turned to look as Elizabeth cleared her throat. Evidently still trying to prove some point, Elizabeth was now jutting her boobs out comically, swaying them back and forth in her hands. She grinned, then gave me a cocksure glance as Ellen looked down at her swaying knockers appreciatively.

Oh, I hadn't even realized we were competing.

Sure enough though, there Elizabeth was, shaking and bouncing her great big tits around like a mad woman. I frowned. For someone who had made it her mission in life to draw the male gaze, she really wasn't all that good at showing off her boobs.

I let out a little yawn and stretched my arms, arching my back seductively as I swayed lasciviously, sending the loose material of my top drooping downwards, threatening to expose my stiff little nipples. Ellen's head turned slowly, and once her eyes locked on my delicate little cups, her breathing notably intensified.

Despite Elizabeth's best efforts, no amount of jiggling, bouncing or knocking her tits around like she was throwing a tantrum could divert Ellen's gaze.

"Okay," Elizabeth pouted. "I see how it is. I don't even know why I even expected that to work."

"Huh?" Ellen perked up, her own enormous breasts seductively bouncing with an elegance I don't think Elizabeth could ever understand. From the way her nipples were stiffening, I could tell she was already thinking about ducking away and finding some other nice quiet corner to relieve some of this sexual energy in.

I grinned. Elizabeth sighed. I don't really know why we were competing, but it felt good to win.

"Wait, What?" Ellen looked back and forth between us, evidently oblivious to our little competition just now.

Suddenly a big grin snuck across Elizabeth's face. "Alright Elles," she said, "you love him, I get it. And you think he's super hot. But think about poor little teenage you. What would poor little teenage you say if she knew you were giving up boobs for the rest of your life so that you could date some gross icky boy?"

"What?" laughed Ellen. "Elizabeth, you don't even know what you're talking about! I'm not giving up on boobs." She gestured to my chest. "In fact, I've only recently come to realize just how much I truly appreciate them."

"Alright then," Elizabeth's grin took on a sinister tone. "How'd you like to have the best of both worlds? Here, touch the thing, I'm going to do a swap."

Elizabeth grabbed the device and spun the dials a few times before placing it in the center of the table.

"Wait, hold on," Ellen groaned, her bare breasts swaying as she reluctantly turned her gaze back to Elizabeth. "What have you got planned?"

"Trust me, Elles." Elizabeth smirked. "You'll love it."

With a fair degree of trepidation, Ellen and I reached down to touch the device. It felt strangely warm. I guess it had been getting a lot of use. Elizabeth grinned wildly as she pushed the button.


I was suddenly immediately aware of my chest. It was that now-familiar feeling of having new sensations and nerves. It wasn't all over my body this time, at least. It was more localized. How do you even describe something so new getting added to your body? It's like trying to describe how a tail felt. There was flesh - warm sensitive flesh - in places that there should not have been flesh. I leaned forward. My new additions were heavy.

"Holy crap." I exclaimed. I had tits. I had great big giant girly tits.

And oh god, my top had slipped down underneath them. Not only did I have enormous breasts but they were freely bouncing around for everyone to see. Maybe it was a good thing I hadn't worn a bra after all. I tried to discreetly pull it back up, but that got a little difficult when I realized I was going to have to stuff the damned things in there.

Ellen's eyes were practically bulging out of her sockets. From the way her face was going red, I'm sure they weren't the only part of her that was bulging.

Elizabeth just laughed.

I finally managed to get the damn things in, but then I felt like I was having a hard time breathing. My top was just completely failing to contain the mountains of flesh that now occupied the lower field of my vision. I had boob spilling out wherever it could find an outlet.

Elizabeth was laughing. Ellen's jaw had dropped so far I was surprised it hadn't broken through the table.

I looked around, but Ellen and Elizabeth's breasts were unchanged. I turned around to look on stage, but was completely thrown off by the way the pendulous weights swayed back and forth as they stuck out in front of me lie torpedoes. I looked around for my manly chest, expecting to see it on stage, but to my surprise it wasn't attached to the busty asian stripper in what could charitably be described as a chinese dress, no, it was, in fact, on that lawyer girl that had gotten that lapdance earlier. Naked as she was, it was plain to see. I kind of felt sorry for the poor girl, to go from so incredibly busty to boyish like that, but feeling the weight of these damned things I think maybe it was doing her a favor.

I reached down and grabbed a handful. Oh my god, they were so sensitive. Is that what girl boobs were like? How did girls handle these things? I held back a low moan as I fondled one of my achingly erect nipples through my top. Ellen and I had tried this last night, of course, but these tits were like a whole other monster.

"Wow um." Elizabeth had stopped laughing and was now also just staring. "You look really good like that, Evan." They were both looking at me like I was a piece of meat, though of course only Elizabeth was actually trying to hide how hungry she was.

I put my hands on my hips. They bounced. Oh wow did they ever bounce.

"Very funny." I said. Jostling them around in my hands. They were so warm. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. I hadn't picked out these clothes with this sort of thing in mind. Granted, they probably showed it off pretty well, and I was surprised at just how comfortably they fit, given that they were obviously way too large for what I was wearing, but I had to admit, actually, that with the amount of flesh I was showing I probably looked pretty damn good, even if it was a little showy even for me, and even if what I was showing was just wrong wrong wrong.

Ellen swallowed loudly.

"As much as Ellen is enjoying the view, Elizabeth," I forced a grin as I adjusted my top for like, the third time. "I don't really think this sort of thing is really my style." I chuckled. "I mean, I'm a guy, right? These boobs just aren't me."

"Okay okay," laughed Elizabeth. "I can fix that. I just wanted to see Ellen's reaction."

"I think we short circuited her," I laughed. My baby was struggling to process what she was seeing. She was acting like she'd never seen boobs this big before.

Elizabeth picked up the device and began adjusting the dials again, pointing it at the poor lawyer girl with my chest. I could have sworn I heard that faint Zzzztttt as she did so, but I'm sure I must have been imagining it because a moment later she had it set back down on the table like nothing had happened.

"Okay, it's all set." she said. "Touch the device and we'll swap back."

I looked down at my boobs. My big beautiful girly boobs. Did I really want to give them up? I mean, sure, they weren't exactly very manly, but being manly all the time was just so... so exhausting. I put up a good front of it, sure, but it wasn't me, you know? And besides, they were... nice. I mean, really really nice. They made me feel so... feminine? Sexy. I blushed a little at the thought.

Why was I trying to get rid of them again? Wasn't this one of the things I'd secretly always wanted my whole life? Hadn't I dreamed about having boobs since the disappointment that was puberty?

I mean, granted, they looked super out of place on the lithe, sensual curves of my quarterback body, but they felt so damn correct, like this was a part of me that I'd just been missing my whole life. Uhg. If only I had had the courage to ask Ellen to swap me into a woman's body, to let me be one of those cheerleaders that night like she had originally done. I was still kicking myself for chickening out like that. What had I been thinking, that maybe being a guy wouldn't be so bad if I was an attractive guy? Uhg. I've never felt as dysphoric about my body in my life.

But... these boobs... damn, they felt so right. I thought back to all the times in my life I'd wished and prayed for boobs, or for a pretty face, to not be stuck in my ugly male body. I'd never told anyone of course, except for Ellen. Somehow she'd always been able to see the real me. I'd always kept it locked away.

Even last night when I had Ellen's boobs, when she offered me her dick... if only she had known how much I really had wanted it. But no, if I'd experienced that I'd probably have never gone back and that's not something I'd want to do to her. But now... here I was. With boobs. Fantastic looking boobs. Maybe it couldn't hurt to have them for just a little while longer...'

"Um, actually..." I coughed softly, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear. "You know what? Maybe we'd better leave them for now."

"Oh, yeah?" Elizabeth raised her eyebrow knowingly.

"Yeah, I mean... They're kinda nice?" I tried not to break out into a huge grin as I bounced them gently. "Plus they fill out my shirt really well and, hey, Ellen seems to be enjoying them." I laughed as I hoisted them up to wave them in Ellen's face. I don't think she realized how closely she had leaned in.

"God. Baby." She bit her lip as she ran her hand along my thigh possessively. She was panting. "Seeing you with tits this big is really..."

"I know, I know." I put my finger over her lips. I could feel the heat coming off of her. We had had sex - wild crazy semi-public sex - not 15 minutes ago and here she was already ready to throw me down and have her way with me right there and then. Mmm... maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

"You know what?" I said with a heavy breath. "I can think of some fun things to do with these." I gave Ellen a smouldering wink.

She bit her lip so hard she almost drew blood.

I laughed, loving the attention. I raised my half-full glass of beer in the air. "To boobs!"

Though they didn't have anything left to toast with, Ellen and Elizabeth echoed my cry. And as I did my best to finish off the glass, I could feel my new tits jiggling and bouncing and swaying and I loved every moment of it.

As I set down my beer, still a quarter full, a cheer came up from the growing crowd near the stage. Another girl had come out, and this one seemed a little bit more enthusiastic, a little bit more skilled.

I had to admit I was kind of jealous of her, she was very pretty. Why couldn't I look like that.

Wait, I could look like that. A grin broke across my face.

"Alright!" said Elizabeth, signaling for another round of drinks. "Now that we're good and drunk, it's time for the real fun to begin! Let's get swapping!"

To be continued in Chapter 10: The breast of all worlds.

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darkrage6darkrage6over 4 years ago
don't listen to that moron's review

that guy clearly needs to get a life. This story is great.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Desperate Plea

Clearly this kink isn't for me and I'm really putting a damper on this thing for you, but for the love of God, please punish them! Not not in the sexual way, but legitimate psychological punishment of some kind where they have a profound realization they have completely shat all over people's lives and privacy. That they have stolen key features that have made people who they are. That they have broken reality and obliterated any sense of consistent history. Their minds should break at the ethical ramifications of their actions and they should pay dearly for playing as a god. Torture them, and let them never escape the horror of guilt and destruction.

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