Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 14


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The girls in the crowd let up a triumphant cheer as the boys took off their bras. The boobs that were once again theirs spilled out.

Blushing, the two proved themselves surprisingly graceful losers by bowing and waving to the crowd. The younger one, hands on his hips, stood there proudly while the older one was still desperately trying to cover himself up with his hands.

I decided in for a penny in for a pound. To complete their now total feminine nudity, I traded their heads around too. Now they were all girl on the outside, even if they'd continue to act like guys.

Was it wrong of me to then rush by and grab all their clothes while they were distracted?

Okay, yes it was. But in my defense, this was pretty typical as far as party pranks went, and I had left enough between them to cover themselves up if they shared. Besides, I had a more pressing need for it.

Clutching the bundle of clothes in one hand, I worked my way back inside through the dancefloor. The night was starting to wax on and things were starting to get more and more intense. The heady smell of pheromones and close grinding sweat cloyed in my nose as what had begun as a wild party took a turn into crazy.

Near the front of the crowd, like an endless well of energy, little Becca continued to dance, the jiggling of her naked breasts miming the bouncing dildo that was still tracing arcane motions in the air as she kept smacking it carelessly into one companion after another. I was half tempted to dance with her myself but right now I had more important things to do.

A good bit of squeezing later and I managed to find myself back in the kitchen. Surprisingly, it was occupied. A pair of girls must have decided to duck away here in order to make out away from all the crowds. No, wait. Not girls. I recognized them. These were the two swimmers from the orgy earlier.

They were a little more clothed, but they looked bashful as I entered. One of them had the other up on the counter. They were holding hands. Oh my god that was so sweet. I must have interrupted something tender.

I couldn't help but feel like I had had a part in this. Earlier, when they were making out for the crowd it had been performative, they wanted to get the girls riled up, but now... now there was no one watching. These two were together because they wanted to be, not because they were trying to impress.

See, they never would have gotten together if it weren't for me. Guys were always so macho and afraid to show even the faintest hint of gayness. It's such a bullshit social convention and a total double standard. Guys should be allowed to express and explore themselves sexually just as much as girls. Heck, both sides should be allowed to do it more. I've always thought that if everyone was more sexually open, the world would be a much better place. And I'm not just saying that because it would make it easier to get into everyone's pants either, or because I really like watching cute boys make out. I swear.

It was like, free of that toxic aspect of their masculinity, these two had really been allowed to connect without that fear. Oh my god, it was so cute. I could feel my heart going out to them. I don't know what ended up happening to them at the end of the night, but I like to imagine that they made it out of there in one piece.

Not wanting to intrude further, I smiled apologetically as I worked my way over to the basement door.

"Sam!" I called out. "You still here?"

"Don't come down!" he yelled.

I came down anyway.

"Sam, it's okay, I found some- what the shit?"

I don't quite know who in the frat had apparently decided that they were going to turn the basement into some kind of crazy sex dungeon, but I gotta say I really admired their taste. This was a beautiful workshop of sex toys and bondage gear. Cuffs, leather, lace, weird machines and surfaces... the dildo collection alone must have cost a fortune. You could tell a guy built it too, because everything was arranged on the walls like they were tools in a garage. It was the perfect addition to any home.

Why the hell weren't they holding the party down here?

And there, lying naked in the corner, was Sam. His clothes lay discarded on the opposite end of the room. It looked like he'd thrown them away in disgust.

He was trying to cover his crotch up with his hands, but I could still see damn near everything. I felt kind of bad ogling him in his current situation, but damned if he didn't have a nice body.


"I'm sorry." He looked up. "You must think I'm some kind of crazy pervert."

"Um." I looked around. He wasn't far off.

"I just... I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know why I wore that thing to this party of all places. And then I run away down here and there's all... this" he blushed as he gestured around the room. "I didn't know any of this stuff was down here, I swear."

"I guess it explains why they didn't want people in the basement, at least." I shrugged. Poor Sam. I knew exactly how he was feeling. After my little foyer into the closet this evening, this stuck way too close to home. That had been my own fault though... this, Sam had no part in this. It was all my doing. Sam didn't deserve any of this.

"Here, I brought you some clothes."

Sam's eyes lit up as I presented the scrunched up little bundle of fabric.

"Oh my god." he said, snatching it. "Where on earth did you find these?"

"It's a long story." I laughed. Do you want me to like... put them down on the floor and turn around while you change or something?"

"Are you kidding?" Sam kept one hand over his crotch as he used the other to stand up. He was smiling now, at least. A weak little half-grin. "You've already seen me in way worse."

I handed him the clothes. He clutched them to his body like a drowning man clutching a life raft. He looked down at the skimpy, fetishy little schoolgirl outfit now in his hands. "Oh hey," he raised an eyebrow, "they're my size and everything!" I glanced around innocently, trying not to smile too hard. I felt bad for Sam, I really did, but this was still totally worth it.

I probably should have turned around anyway. That would be the polite thing to do. But I didn't. Before my eyes, Sam slid the lacy black underwear up his long elegant legs, stopping briefly to adjust it in the back so that it lined up properly. I tried not to make it too obvious that I was looking, but damn, how can you not when a hunk like that is adjusting his thong right in front of you?

The skirt fit him like a glove. A tight, bulging glove. It was the right size at the hip alright, but Sam's ass had a few sizes up on those beer-pong girls and it was determined to make an appearance.

Maybe the bra didn't quite fit him as well as I'd expected. Honestly, I was a little worried he'd rip it as he put it on. His chest was practically spilling out of it as he failed time and time again to get it to hook. Eventually he gave up and just went straight for the top. That wasn't much better. It was a struggle for him to get the buttons done up and his chest was pressed tightly against the fabric. By the end his boobs were practically spilling out, and I could see his hard nipples cutting holes in the material.

"How do I look?" He asked, tugging his skirt back down over his ass.

How did he look? How did he look? How do you tell a guy that he looks so good that you just want to throw him to the ground and rut with him until your dick falls off?

"My eyes are up here, Emma."

"Sorry." I laughed. "You look... good." It was true. It was a little ridiculous seeing his football body in those kinds of clothes but... hell, my dick was practically bursting out of my skirt. I couldn't believe how hard this was getting me. This had been worth all the trouble. Boys in miniskirts. Woof.

"I want to apologize again, about all this." He began.

"Sam, hey, don't worry about it. I understand. You found yourself in a weird spot, these things happen. Sometimes stuff just happens and next thing you know your huddled up in a closet wearing nothing but a dildo. I don't think any less of you because of it."

"You don't?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No. I mean, come on. Who hasn't had things get out of hand at a party once or twice in their life, right?"

"Yeah, but i've always been the sober one, you know? The careful one, the responsible one." He sighed. "I'm not the kind of guy who does... well, this." he gestured with his arm, then let out an adorable little eek sound as the motion set his tits jiggling so fiercely that one of the buttons popped off his shirt.

"Oh my god, I'm so Sorry!" I said, "I guess that doesn't quite fit after all, huh?"

"No, no. It's fine." Sam bent down to pick up the errant button, bending at the waist to do so. His pleated little skirt rose up, giving a perfect, unobstructed view of his thong-clad ass. "I can't even tell you how grateful I am." I bit my lip. My dick was already hard as a rock. I didn't know if I could put up with much more of this.

"Wait." I shook my head in a desperate attempt to get the blood flowing back there and away from my dick. "You've never cut loose at a party?"

"Never." He stood back up. "And especially not like... that." He looked over in embarrassment at the pile of his old clothes still sitting in a heap on the opposite end of the room.

"Sam," I put my hand on his bare shoulder. "That's what parties are for. What fun is life if you're not going to enjoy it while it lasts?"

"I just..." He glanced down, avoiding my gaze. "I just hate the idea of people thinking less of me."

"Who's going to think less of you?"

"Well," he sighed "I don't know. You, for starters?"

"Me?" I laughed. "Sam, have you met me? If anything, this has made me want to see more of you."

"I think you've seen all of me there is to see." he blushed.

"And I'd still like to see more." I raised my eyebrow flirtatiously.

He sighed and took a step back.

"See? That's part of the problem right there. This sort of stuff is all... casual. It's a bunch of meaningless flirting and mindless sex at a party and then you never see the person ever again. What's the point in that? If I'm going to sleep with someone I want to care about that person. I want to be in a committed relationship."

"I..." I balked. "I didn't know you were such a romantic."

"What can I say?" his chest bounced as he shrugged. "Not all us jocks are into just fucking every cute girl we see. I know we have a reputation, but for some of us that's all it is."

"So what, you've never had casual sex?"

"No, never."

"Do... do you want to?" I offered.


"I mean," I raised an eyebrow flirtatiously, "how do you know what you're missing if you don't try it?"

"I... No. Look, Emma no offense. You're a great person and I totally admire the way you're always helping everybody to have a good time, and I'm super grateful about the clothes. I don't know what I'd be doing right now if not for you. And don't get me wrong, you're hot. You know your hot. I'd have sex with you in a heartbeat if we were dating. But... but that's the thing. We're not dating. If I'm going to let a girl fuck me, I want to know she's going to be around in the morning to eat breakfast with, you know?"

"Okay." I said, completely surprising myself "So, lets date."


"Not all casual acts of sex are meaningless, Sam." I smiled as I brushed his cheek. "People connect. Lots of people I know who are very happy together ended up starting as one-night stands. Hell, that's probably why half of them do it. Everyone's looking for companionship. You're not alone in that. Some just find it in a more transitory manner."

I took a deep breath. I was bad at this. Seduction, fine, I'm a pro. But romance? Whole other ballgame.

"So, look." I continued "Let's give it a try. Let's have sex, right here and now - god knows I'm horny. Then we'll spend the rest of the night together and see where things go. In the morning, I'll make you eggs and we'll see about making plans to see each other again after class. You can take me out to dinner and a movie or whatever. It'll be really special. And maybe things don't work out. That's fine, we'll go our separate ways. But maybe hey, maybe things do work out. Maybe this could be something good."

"So... what?" he smiled, "This would be our first date?"

"You gotta admit," I grinned, "it would make for a hell of a story for the kids."

Sam laughed. He was certainly more at ease now. Gears were turning over in his head.

Finally he met my gaze and smiled. "Okay." He laughed again. "This isn't how I imagined getting a girlfriend, but there are worse people I could think of dating. And eggs and a movie does sound really nice. Besides," he shifted his weight from one leg to the other nervously "I've got to admit, all this... um... excitement and er, ambience does kinda have me worked up too."

"Great," I said. "Let's fuck."

"What, just like that?"

"Sorry." I said, correcting myself. "Let's make love."

The dress I was wearing hit the floor so fast that you'd be forgiven for thinking I used the box to trade myself out of it.

I have a lot of experience fucking guys. It's something of a hobby of mine. Most guys, when they're having sex, act like they're in a race. Everything is fast and hard and energetic and powerful, and that's all wonderful, that's what fucking guys is all about.

Sam though... well, he was a romantic. And when you fuck a romantic you have to do it slow. You have to be sweet, you have to let them know that you appreciate them. Right then all I felt in my heart was appreciation for Sam. Was it love? No. Probably not. I was thinking with my dick, and it was willing to say anything to get into that boy's tight little snatch. Stupid uncontrollable female hormones.

Still, it was... nice. Sam was nice, and it was nice to just kind of make love. Honestly I couldn't even remember the last time I'd done something like that. It seems like most of my conquests of late have been just that, flirtatious sexy flings that ended up with me waking up in some strange girl's bed.

Again, not that there was anything wrong with that. I enjoyed that. Oh sweet lord in heaven did I ever enjoy that, and I had no intention of giving it up long term. But sometimes after months of eating out, a nice home cooked dinner was exactly what the doctor ordered.

I know a lot of girls who don't kiss and tell. They like to keep the details of their sexual activities to themselves, and I can respect that. Sex can be a very intimate thing, and sometimes when you're telling a story, getting caught up on every little detail can really slow things down. I'm not one of those girls. I'm like a teenager in the locker room: I gush. Just stop me if I'm going into too much detail, okay?

Sam started out a little awkward. I could tell he didn't have a ton of experience, but that was okay. I took his hesitation as an invitation to lead as I threw him back down upon the... well, it wasn't quite a bed so much as it was a weird sex couch. It was soft though, and comfortable, and roomy. Let's just say I've done a lot more with a lot less.

I whispered sweet affections into his ear as I drew my warmth up against him in an embrace. His neck was quite sensitive and I could hear him breathing softly as I nuzzled up against him.

It felt almost criminal to take the clothes back off, but it was so nice to be able to see his boobs again. A part of me wished I could just bend him over, rip his panties off and fuck him from behind while he kept the uniform on, but that wasn't what Sam was looking for, and right now it was all about making him feel good.

Briefly, I considered using some of the tools in the room. It seemed almost a shame not to, but again, I didn't want to spook Sam. I did use a condom though. That's just common sense.

I kissed my way down the length of his naked body, relishing and worshipping at his masculinity as I pressed my lips down along the virile peaks of his heaving chest. Experimentally I ran my tongue along his nipple, pinching and sucking. He let out a little gasp. I brought my hand up to play with the other one, groping at his fleshy mounds. He had such a sensitive chest. That was such a rare pleasure.

Gradually I worked my way lower, past his thin waist and taut abs, and lingered placing delicate kisses above his exposed manhood. I don't know if it was just me or if all this really did have him that horny, but I could smell his arousal.

He groaned out in pleasure as I descended further. Playing along his delicate folds with my tongue, building up pleasure. Teasing, probing, alternating strokes. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty damn good when it comes to eating guys out. God, Sam was so juicy. He was practically gushing.

Slowly, I eased my way off of him. I leaned up and looked down at him. The poor thing was flustered and shy and his face was completely red. I crawled across his slender body, rubbing our smooth skin together.

"Are you ready?" I asked, cutely.

A blush and a nod were all he could muster.

Gently, I thrust my dick inside him. He gasped and moaned as I slid my hard length into his hot oven. It's a good thing he was so wet because fuck, was he ever tight. He groaned as I bottomed out inside him. He was panting with need as I pulled back out and began to thrust in and out. All his little sounds just made my dick harder. God, boys could be so delicious.

Before long he started to get into the spirit of things, returning each of my thrusts with a needy buck of his own. Damn, I can't remember the last time I'd fucked a boy with hips as strong as his. It felt like he was trying to throw me.

Soon I could see the pleasure beginning to overwhelm him. He gripped the couch as his body writhed around on its own and he cried out so loud I was sure someone else would hear. I was starting to get close myself, but I did my best to hold myself back. After all, what kind of a girlfriend would I be if I let myself come first?

I sped up as his body tensed up, riding his wave. When he didn't come down, I increased the pace again and moments later I brought him to a second screaming orgasm, and then a third. With that, I could hold back no longer, and I let loose with a series of powerful thrusts as I cried out in unison. Pleasure flooded forth from my dick as I felt myself cut loose, spurt after spurt after spurt, thrust after thrust after thrust.

I slowed down the bucking of my hips and fell down upon his hot sweaty form. Fuck. I'd forgotten how tiring it could be to fuck an athlete. Damned if that wasn't exactly what I needed though.

We lay there for a moment, just clinging to each other exhausted before finally I rolled off of him. Sam lay gasping for breath as I snuggled up next to him. It wasn't the most comfortable of positions, but nothing is more romantic than post coital cuddling. Besides, I got to rest my head on his ample tits, and that's not nothing. God, they were so perfect.

"See what you're missing?" I laughed.

"Huh?" He said, his brain still rebooting. He looked down at me and smiled a half-lidded smile, holding me just a bit tighter.

It was nice. We lay there for a while, just letting the hormones kinda play out. But sadly, we couldn't stay there all night. We should have, in retrospect. With everything that was about to go wrong, well... it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. But of course, we hardly knew that at the time, did we?

Eventually we had to make our way back up to the party. It was my fault really. I still wanted to have some fun with the box, and besides, I had just hooked up with a football player. I wanted to show off my new fling.