Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 14


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When we got upstairs though there was some kind of commotion going on. The crowds had thinned out and a lot of people were making themselves scarce. Even the little orgy that had been going on had dissipated.

A crowd of the braver or more curious souls seemed to be gathering around the front door and the windows. The music had gone low, but was still overwhelming. I pulled Sam out the door to get a look.

There, standing in the crowd out front was a pair of police officers. One a redhead, the other blonde. I didn't know they made cops so painstakingly attractive. I couldn't get the best view from where I was but from the glimpses I got they must have had killer bodies under those uniforms, and they looked like they were taking shit from no one.

People were giving them a wide berth. Party survival 101 - stay clear of the police. No matter how sizzlingly hot they may be.

They were making their way over to the makeshift stage on the front lawn. One of the frat boys was directing them up to where the DJ was located. Shit, were we about to get shut down? I mean, I was pretty sure we weren't doing anything illegal, but all it took was one idiot high-schooler sneaking in and swiping a beer or one important enough noise complaint and this whole party could be over just like that.

I looked down at the box. Could I do something to stop this? Should I do something to stop this? Could I even use this against a cop? That had to be some kind of crime, didn't it? Shit shit shit.

The DJ lowered the music as one of them came up and grabbed the microphone. There was a dramatic build in the air, a thick tension as the entire party looked at these women with confusion and rapt trepidation.

"Your attention please..." the red-head began. "We've been getting reports that this party... is Insufficiently sexy! I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you all to crank that shit up!"

And with that both her and her partner ripped their tops clean off and swung them above their heads, their hips gyrating to the music. The cheer and relief from the crowd - as well as my own heart - was palpable.

Marci and Tanya. They were exotic dancers from the Hen House. I was surprised I didn't recognize them earlier. I think it was the uniform that was throwing me. Now that they were free for all the world to see, I'd recognize those tits anywhere.

Relieved, I grabbed Sam's hand and turned back inside. As much as I'd like to stick around and see the show it was just way too crowded out here. I like my dancing - and stripping for that matter - to be a little more intimate.

That's when I slammed tits-first into the real police officers.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I blurted out. These ones were significantly larger than the two on stage. Larger and more male. And much less attractive. Plus, their guns and badges looked top notch. In fact, they didn't look like strippers at all. Okay, I'll admit, it took me longer than I'd care to admit to clue into it.

"Shit." I said to Sam.

The two seemed to ignore us as they pushed past towards the stage. I stumbled back. They didn't seem to appreciate the irony of the situation at all. Half the people who saw them cleared out of the way, but they still had force themselves through all the people who probably thought they were just part of the show.

One of them shoved Tanya out of the way as they grabbed the microphone from the DJ booth.

Okay, that was it. It was one thing to try to shut down the party, but these guys were just rude. I looked back down at the box in my hands. Maybe I could do something about this after all.

"Your attention please." he began, authority dripping from his voice. "We've received complaints about noise and underage drinking. This party -"


" -is closed. Please disperse in an orderly fashion, and go home."

A big jeer went up from the crowd. Booing and laughter in equal measure.

"I said." he tried again, "Please disperse in an orderly fashion. Go home. Please?" A twinge of desperation caught in his throat. This time the audience didn't even stop to listen.

Tanya walked up to him and held out her hand. Demurely, he acquiesced and handed her the microphone. Suddenly the crowd was quite again as they hung on her every word.

"Sounds like you need to get into the spirit of things," she said with a flirty little smile. The crowd cheered. "Why don't you take that jacket off and start dancing?"

He looked over at his partner. They both blushed.

"We're waiting." said Marci, tapping her foot theatrically.

"Y-yes ma'am." said one of the officers. Just loud enough for it to reach the microphone.

The two began to dance awkwardly. The crowd continued to cheer and laugh. I'll be honest, it was a little painful to watch. These were not guys for whom dancing came naturally.

"Okay!" began Tanya. "I want everybody in the crowd to have a good time!"

"And that's an order!" finished Marci.

The crowd cheered again, and I swear, started to party all the harder for their instruction.

Okay. Good. Crisis averted. I don't know what the strippers were going to do with all that authority after the party ended, but they were nice girls, and I'm sure they'd use it responsibly.

Right now I just wanted to dance with my new boy toy. I dragged Sam over to the dance floor. His tits bounced along with each step as they desperately tried to escape his too-tight top. Fuck was I ever glad I had gotten him into that.

So we danced, and it was fun. Sam danced like a football player, all big motions and brute force that sent him jiggling around everywhere. Absolutely no finesse, but it was cute, almost manly in that awkward guy kind of way. Honestly, I'm a little surprised he moved so well in women's clothing at all.

Dancing with Sam was fun. I'll be honest, I can get a little pent up on sex sometimes. My dick's just got a mind of its own, you know? And there's nothing wrong with that. I guess part of why it had been causing so many problems was just that I'd been so stupid horny all night. The build up was worth it, but damn am I ever glad that I got some release. And now I could just enjoy the rest of the party without worrying about every little butt or thigh sending my skirt flipping up

I don't know how long we were out on the dance floor, but I remember Tanya coming by at one point, still topless. She seemed to be doing her due diligence to make sure everyone was having a good time. It was weird seeing so many people give a girl in her position that kind of respect, but hey, I think I could get used to it.

"So, I've been meaning to ask..." Sam said, leaning in and whispering it closely in my ear so I could hear him over the music. "What's with that thing you've been carrying around all night?"

Time froze.

I don't know why I'd assumed no one else would notice me carrying the thing. I'd hardly been discrete in my use of it or my carrying. But like... I don't know, the whole at of trading people around and then observing them, it seemed so personal, so secret. The very notion of someone else noticing I was using it seemed almost foreign.

I held it up and looked Sam in the eyes. Fuck, he had pretty eyes.

Should I tell him? No. we hardly knew each other and the more people who knew about this thing the more complicated it was going to be. Plus, he would probably ask if I've ever used the thing on him and how am I supposed to answer that? Sharing this with Sam was a terrible idea.

On the other hand, there was all the amazing sex we could have if we were both in on it.


"Sam, there's something I need to tell you."

As I held the box up, I took a shoulder check from a drunken reveler behind me, sending me reeling forward. Thankfully I crashed face first into Sam's pillowy chest, but I could feel the box slipping out of my hands. It was simply too heavy and awkward for me to grip. I desperately tried to hold on, but it was no use.


I made a desperate lunge for it on the ground, but I couldn't get around Sam in time. A foot knocked into it, sending it rocketing into the crowd. I tried to chase after it, tried to push my way through the crowd, but it was already gone.







Oh my god. Oh my god. I looked over at Sam. Her long hair fell over her pretty face as she tilted her head in confusion. What could I say to her? How was I supposed to explain the urgency of what was happening?

I couldn't. I needed to get that box back. I turned my back and started pushing my way through the crowd. I darted around the floor. Desperately scanning for any sign of it. It had to be here somewhere.? What was it doing? What kind of chaos was it creating?

"Oh my god, I love your sex toy" came a voice from behind me.

I shot around to look. There was a couple dancing at the periphery. Justin, I think the girls name was? She was always doing all this ridiculously complicated stuff with her short messy hair. She was a bit of a diva, which put her in stark contrast to her boyfriend, a biker looking guy in a flowy white dress whose name I could never remember. His flowing blonde hair was tied up in an intricate braid. He could probably learn a thing or two from her.

"Uh, thanks?" I said. I didn't have time to deal with them right now. I needed to find the box. Everything seemed normal so far, but it was only a matter of time before something crazy happened.

I pushed on. I was in the center of the dancefloor now. I could still faintly hear it. I tried to get low to get a better view, but that was a bad move. I ended up getting bounced around by a group of these petite girls, their muscular forms way more massive than me. I crashed face first into some skinny girl, her taut athletic beer belly on full display in her midriff baring halter top.

Stumbling out an apology, I broke away into a corner where a fat girl with a hardon was flirting with a trio of guys who were giggling at the attention. The boys suddenly seemed to stand at attention as they all seemed to realize that they needed to adjust their bras. Was that the box at work? What was it doing?

Shit, shit shit. The thing could be anywhere. 'In the back of my mind I could hear it going off, again and again and again. Or maybe that was just my imagination? I did my best to close my eyes and follow the sound of it, but everything was so damn noisy.

Suddenly, as if by sheer miracle. The music shifted, the song ended, and something low and slow took its place. There, in the brief moment between songs I could hear it. The sound of confusion... panic... and...




I banged my way past a couple now slow dancing on the floor. I almost did a double take. The guy was blushing furiously. Had he hit the box as it traded him? Did he know? But no, his dance partner had just been so bold as to pull his panties off on the dance floor.

I was back on the periphery again. Aha! There was a dude who must have just had something traded. A portly guy was squeezing at his chest, so completely enamored with the silk-clad bosom he had on display that he was completely missing the enormous hairy mounds of the girl that was trying to dance with him.

I started to rush over, but that's when the screaming started. I whipped my head around. Some guy wearing a crop top and a strap on was looking down at himself and screaming in a high shrill voice. Shit shit shit. Everyone was turning to look at him in confusion. What was wrong with him?

There! Scuttling away from the guy towards the back wall. I bolted past the screaming dude and made a dive. The floor rushed up to meet me as I crashed down hard, my hands wrapping around the precious thing as I slid to a halt.

There was a tug. It was stuck. No, not stuck. Someone else had their hand on it. A girl. I recognized her. Wait, was that the girl who owned The Forum? Shit, what was her name again? Elizabeth?

"Hey that's mine!" I yelled, trying to wrest it free.

"Like hell it is!" she cried. "Where did you get this?"

With a sudden pain, I could feel the wind forced from my lungs. I let go of the box as I clutched my stomach. Did she just fucking kick me?

I snarled as I looked up at her. White hot anger flowed through me. That bitch. If it was a fight she wanted it was a fight she was going to get.

Like a tiger, I curled up and lunged at her with all my strength, flinging the full weight of my body at her, nails first, ready to dig myself into her and tear her to pieces.

Only then did I realize my mistake, my folly, to assume that I was somehow the only person who could use that box.

The last thing to cross my vision was the image of her pointing it at me. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl. A cold dread washed over me as I flew towards her. I could still take her. I just needed to knock her down before she could fire it off. I just needed to -


Everything went dark.

To be continued in part 15: Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Dear lord this is a roller coaster. I barely can tell what's happening anymore, this is amazing.

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