Gnomish Orgasm Inducer 4000


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After a few more quick adjustments Armyra stood up and hopped back down off the table. "All done." She pronounced with a chipper little voice filled with pride. "You can let her go now, Zee." With that the presence in her mind withdrew and Ela was once more in control of her body. She groaned loudly as she finally realized what had just happened.

"Ah-hahahaha. Forgot that priests can mind control, didn't ye?" Ela snarled in reply. The nasty little dwarf just snickered to himself and then walked over to peer at the gnome's handiwork. "What did ye call this thing again?"

"The Orgasm Inducer 4000." Replied the gnome. "It should work much better than the 3000 series model did. The 3000 series had a bad habit of shorting out which tended to cause a high degree of pain to the genitals, but I'm pretty sure I fixed that problem." Ela gasped as the nature of the device finally sunk into her. This twisted duo had hooked her up with some type of experimental sex machine. As if on cue Armyra held up a little box with a couple of buttons on it and short antennae sticking out of it.

"Now please let me know if you experience any discomfort or any intense heat. Those would be signs that the device is not operating within normal parameters and we will need to turn it off." She then pressed the first button near the top of the box. Ela tightened up her body in preparation for whatever was about to happen to her, but after several seconds of nothing she opened her eyes once more. Armyra was smacking the box with a look of frustration on her face. Zee glanced over and then began to laugh.

"Ah-hahahaha, guess there's your 10% chance coming back to bite ye in the arse." The dwarf was doubled over holding his gut with one hand and slapping his thigh with the other.

"It was a 9.9% chance!" The frustrated little gnome was staring intently at the box in her hand as if by sheer will alone she could get it to work. Suddenly her eyes opened wide. "Ah-ha! I forgot to put the power supply into the remote control." Armyra reached into one of the pouches on her belt and brought out a gold cylinder. She flipped the box over in her hands and inserted the gold cylinder into a slot on the back of the box. "That should do it."

She flipped the box back over and quickly jammed her finger onto the button again. There was a muted buzzing sound from in between Ela's legs as the device came alive and started vibrating. Ela gasped out loudly in response. Once again she began to thrash around on the table as much as she could, but the gnome had strapped the device in place all too well and she could not dislodge it. To make matters worse the device was doing its job splendidly. Within a matter of a few seconds Ela began to feel her pussy become very warm and very wet. She gasped again, but this time it was not from surprise.

Zee moved in closer as he noticed that Ela's breathing was already becoming deeper. The night elf's dark purple nipples began to harden atop her breasts once again, but this time for a very different reason. So fascinated was Zee by this that he reached up and pinched the one closest to him between his finger and thumb.

"No, don't." Ela cried out and then gasped as Zee looked her right in the eyes and slowly twisted her nipple. Ela moaned in response, and then gasped even harder as the machine seemed to speed up its vibrations. She hated the machine already, but it felt so good. No longer was she thrashing around in an attempt to get away. Now her body was simply moving, writhing really, as she began to lose herself in the feelings that were shooting through her body.

Suddenly there was something warm and moist attached to her left nipple. Her eyes popped open and she saw Zee had latched his mouth onto the nipple that he had been pinching and twisting a moment ago with his fingers. Ela began to shake her head back and forth. She wanted to tell him no, but Armyra choose at that point to push another button on the remote.

The little knob on the device suddenly started to spin. It wasn't fast, but when combined with the vibrations from the infernal contraption, it almost immediately sent Ela off the deep in. She moaned even louder, her cries of pleasure seeming to echo back to her from the invisible cave walls. Somewhere deep in Ela's mind she realized she was in probably the worst predicament of her entire life. She was chained to a table in some dark cave with no idea where she was. She was cut off from her magic, unable to get away. A diabolical dwarf and his delusional gnome wife were conducting an experiment on her with a newly invented sex machine. Still, the worst part about it all was that Ela absolutely loved the feelings that were coursing through her body. She hated to admit it to herself, but not only was she very close to an orgasm, but it was shaping up to be one of the strongest she had ever had.

Zee suddenly chomped down on Ela's nipple very hard. Ela screamed out in shock and a bit of pain, but as she did this Armyra once again hit another button on the remote. The knob began to push up into Ela's very wet pussy, elongating and spinning, and vibrating inside of her. Ela cried out in pleasure as the device slipped further and further into her, penetrating her deeply. Again Zee bit down on her nipple, but all Ela did in response was arch her back as if to thrust her nipple deeper into his mouth. The twisted dwarf just chuckled to himself as he alternated now between flicking the hard nipple with his tongue and savaging it with his teeth. Either way Ela just moaned harder. Her whole body was squirming about on the table now and the scent of her over-heated pussy was becoming a heavy perfume in the air.

"Hey now, you are getting to have all the fun up there while I'm stuck with the remote." Armyra glared up at her husband. Zee sighed and stepped back away from the table and Ela almost whimpered as his mouth left her nipple exposed to the cool air of the cave. Ela watched as Zee took the box away from his wife and Armyra quickly shed her robes and kicked off her shoes. The little gnome was very much naked in the span of a few heartbeats. Zee growled in appreciation and then spanked the gnome right on her bare ass.

"Hey now, don't get me all worked up yet. I have an experiment to conduct. Hehe." With that Armyra once again went to the end of the table and hopped up the steps until she was once again standing between Ela's legs. This time the trussed up night elf could care less as she was too focused on the device doing its work between her legs. Armyra didn't stop there though. Slowly she worked her way up the table being very careful not to step on Ela in the process.

Ela opened her eyes as Armyra finally stopped and sat down right on Ela's chest. The little gnome weighed almost nothing and even with all her weight one Ela's chest there was no danger of being unable to breathe. Still Ela's startled gasp kept her from doing just that for a few moments as Armyra swung one leg over Ela's face so that the little gnome's bald pussy was aimed right at Ela's chin.

"Sorry, no fur on mine. Gnomes don't grow hair there. Now for this experiment to be proper I need to have an orgasm of my own so that I can compare it to what you do during yours. So why don't you stick that nice wet tongue of yours on my little pussy and make me cum." Without waiting for a reply, Armyra was up and sitting on Ela's face so fast that the poor druid didn't have time to even think about it. Armyra went one step further and grabbed ahold of Ela's long elf ears and literally pulled her face up and into her pussy.

Ela was shocked to say the least. She had never in her life imagined her face being buried in between the legs of a female gnome. The device though seemed to make Ela lose all sense of reason. Somewhere in her mind Ela was seriously wondering what the hell was going on, but the more immediate thought was that Armyra smelled like honey. It was with that thought that she stuck her tongue out and began to eagerly run it all over the Armyra's tiny but tasty little pussy. Armyra responded by grinding down onto Ela's tongue. Both of them groaned as Ela complied and stiffened up her tongue to shove it up inside the little gnome's pussy. It was actually a very tight fit. Just how the hell did Zee get his dick in this woman? Maybe Zee had a real skin dick. Maybe that's why Zee was such a twisted individual.

As if he was reading her mind, Zee pushed a button on the remote again. Suddenly the device was no longer just penetrating her, but actually began to thrust in and out of her. It was still rotating, still vibrating. Most of all it was still causing Ela's orgasm to build, and build. Her juices were now flowing out of her, trickling down her thighs, down her ass. Her body was hot, hotter than Molten Core hot. Ela was quite certain that at this point even Ragnaros would be nervous of the heat that was being generated between Ela's thighs.

"Yeah, eat my pussy you prissy little night elf bitch." Gone was the little cutesy voice that Armyra usually had. It was replaced by something that was still very high pitched, but also very aggressive and animalistic. Armyra was pulling hard on Ela's ears as she continued to grind her very wet little pussy onto Ela's tongue. "Fuck my tight little snatch with your tongue." Ela did just that, but her concentration was slipping as the machine continued to fuck in and out of her faster and faster as Zee increased the speed with the remote. Ela's moans were loud and deep now as her body began to rush headlong over the cliff. It was there, so bright. Just a bit more.

"Yes." Armyra screamed out loudly as a flood of honey erupted out of her tight little pussy. "Eat that pussy, YES!!!" Her little body went stiff and Ela could barely breathe at all for a second as the gnome pulled her even harder by her ears up into her amazingly tasty little cunt. Then the machine went into overdrive as it rocketed in and out of her own wet, hot pussy. Ela lost it and screamed her release into Armyra's cunt. This just seemed to set the little gnome woman off yet again. Like some magic loop that had no ending the two of them continued to erupt over and over again. Ela's face was literally drenched with the sticky sweet juices flowing out of Armyra, and the machine just continued to thrust and twist and vibrate away inside Ela's own molten pussy, her own juices having long since soaked her thighs and ass, as well as a good portion of the table that she was chained to.

Finally Armyra groaned loudly one last time and then fell over and off the table. Zee dropped the box and rushed over to the table and caught his wife in his arms just before she crashed into the hard cave floor. The box hit the ground with a loud Ka-thunk and the power supply popped out of the back of the remote. This in turn caused the device between Ela's legs to immediately shut down. Even the knob retracted all the way back out of Ela which immediately left her feeling empty. She groaned, partly in relief, partly in disappointment.

"Hehe, wow, that was amazing." Armyra's little cutesy voice announced.

"Are ye alright me love?" Zee sounded very concerned. Ela just laid there as her body slowly began to come back down from the high that she was on. She still couldn't seem to control herself completely. Is this what some people meant when they said they were fucked silly?

"Yeah, I'm fine, but Ela has one hell of a tongue on her. Still, I would have to say that as good as my orgasm was that her's was still much stronger. I could actually feel her muscles convulse as her orgasm hit her. I would say that the Orgasm Inducer 4000 is a big success."

Zee bent over and picked up the box as Ela finally opened her eyes all the way. She smiled a bit wondering if she could get Armyra to actually give her the box. She was still trying to get her brain to remember how to send the signal to her mouth to talk when the dwarf noticed that the power supply had fallen out of the back of the remote. He quickly bent back down and retrieved the missing part and slapped it once more back into the remote. Ela had a split second to cry out in complete surprise as the device went back into full overdrive mode.

Within a matter of mere seconds Ela was once again thrust back into a full on orgasmic state. The machine was vibrating, twirling around, and thrusting deeply in and out of her at a phenomenal pace. She cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Sure, it felt good. It felt absolutely fucking amazing to be honest, but the abruptness of it suddenly shooting back inside her pussy like that was less than pleasant.

She vaguely heard the dwarf laughing. "Well, I guess the experiment isn't over yet." Ela groaned as she somehow controlled her head long enough to look over at Zee as he propped Armyra up and handed the box to her. Armyra smiled a dreamy little smile and then giggled a little as Zee stood up and removed his robes. Ela could only stare in shock as the well-muscled physique of the dwarf appeared. Every square inch of Zee was defined, from his legs to his chest, his arms, his shoulders. Then there was his cock.

Much like the rest of the dwarf, Zee's hard dick was very short in stature, but also very wide. He was at most five inches in length, but his circumference was a good three inches around. Ela shivered in fear just at the thought of trying to fit that thing into her. Once again she really wondered how Armyra could even begin to fit Zee's dick inside that amazingly tight little cunt of hers. Of course at the moment she was a bit more worried about herself as Zee locked his dark eyes one her very aroused night elf body.

"I think it is time to change positions." Zee quickly worked his way around the table as Ela continued to shake and groan with pleasure. She had no idea what he was doing at first, but there was some rattling and clanking and then suddenly her left arm was free. Ela continued to lay there. Part of her was too far gone in bliss to even try to move as her body experienced what seemed like hundreds of mini-orgasms in a row. Still, another part of her realized that now might be the chance she was looking for. If she could force her body to move once Zee had released the chains from the table then she could easily outdistance his short little dwarf legs and get away. Of course she would first have to rip off the devilish device they had on her or she would just continue to jerk in orgasmic bliss, but she was pretty sure she could manage that.

Her left leg was free now, followed a moment later by the right one. Just her right arm now. She tensed her body ready to spring into action. Zee bent down and started fiddling with the chain. Any second now ... No!! He was back in her mind, locking her in place. She couldn't move at all.

Zee stood back up and looked at her. "Ye think I was going to give ye a chance at escape. Ah-hahahaha. Now roll over and get on yer knees." Ela could do nothing at all but comply. As soon as Zee told her to do it, her body automatically responded. Soon her body was in the required position with her knees directly in the huge puddle she had made from her overheated pussy. Zee quickly reversed course and went back around the table reattaching the chains.

The only thing good at this point was that Armyra had finally come out of her almost comatose posture and actually used the remote control to lower the device back down to a more relaxed setting. Oh it was still doing its job to be sure, but it wasn't vibrating quite as hard, thrusting quite as deep, or spinning quite so fast anymore. Any relief that Ela felt though was quickly washed away as Zee finally finished with the chains and then suddenly appeared at the front of the table with a little step-stool. Ela gasped out as Zee's presence finally withdrew from her mind again and she was free to act. Well, at least free to talk since it was obvious that she could not get away.

"Zee, you bastard, what do you think you are doing?" Ela screamed into his face as he set the step-stool down right in front of Ela. She had a very sneaking suspicion of what he thought he was going to do, but there was no way she was going to allow him to do that. She moaned again as the device kept up its work on her pussy. Her juices continued to flow down the inside of her thighs making the puddle her knees were in even bigger.

"Why I'm going to test out that pretty little elf mouth of yours. My wife sure seemed to enjoy it, so I figured I should make sure. It's in the name of science after all." With that Zee mounted the step-stool and quickly brought his manhood right in line with Ela's mouth. "Now be a good little guild leader and suck my dick." Zee thrust forward with his pelvis but Ela simply turned her head to the side and his hard cock grazed her ear instead.

"Hmmm, ye sure that ye won't willingly suck my cock? It's not like it's very long." Zee shook his cock in front of Ela's face.

"Are you insane, that thing is bigger around than a two-handed mace handle. There's no way you are putting that thing in my mouth. It would dislocate my jaw." Ela jerked her head back the other direction as Zee once again pushed forward with his pelvis to try and get his hard dick in her mouth while she was talking.

"Have it your way then. Armyra, love of me life, please crank that device back up again."

"No problem." The device kicked once more back into overdrive sending Ela right back up to orgasmic bliss. Her body began to shake uncontrollably as she let loose with moan after moan. Somewhere in her mind she realized her dilemma, but there was nothing she could do about it as Zee calmly grabbed ahold of her ears and lifted her face up slightly and then buried his very hard cock into her now very open mouth. Her moans were effectively shut off as his cock completely filled her dainty elf mouth to the brim.

"Mmm, well that does feel good. Now suck that hard cock you prissy little night elf slut." Ela tried, but the reality was far from possible. How can you suck on something that so completely fills your mouth? The answer is you don't. Zee instead just began to piston himself in and out of Ela's mouth as deep and as fast as he possibly could. Ela's teeth actually scrapped along Zee's cock, but the twisted dwarf didn't even seem to be phased by that in the slightest.

Ela continued to moan and shake. Once again it was like a hundred mini-orgasms continued to shoot through her body over and over and over without stopping and pausing. The device was truly a blessing and a curse. Never before had Ela experience such pleasure, never before had she wished that such pleasure would end. Her body was drained and yet it still continued to respond.

Zee's hard cock already had Ela's jaw hurting. It was not enough to simply have her mouth open. No, she had to stretch it wide to the point where it felt like her mouth was going to unhinge itself at the jaw. She was drooling something fierce as she couldn't suck any of the excess moisture off of his cock. Adding to the drool was the fact that although Zee's cock was not very long, it was so big around that it was causing her to gag almost constantly and therefore making her cry.

"Yes, ye nasty little tramp. Look at ye gagging away on me cock as you orgasm over and over again. I bet your husband would flat drop dead if he were to see you right now." Ela whimpered at the mention of Doth. Would she ever see her husband again? Part of her wasn't sure she wanted to. She was being very unfaithful to him even if it was against her will.

Zee suddenly sped up his thrusting. "Yes, that's it. Oh, I'm going to cum. Yes. " Ela was gagging nonstop now as Zee began to ram himself in and out of her mouth forcefully. Suddenly the device between her legs started thrusting even deeper up inside her making her moan even deeper and longer. Zee took advantage of that and really drove his cock deep into Ela's mouth.