Goalposts Pt. 02


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"I'd have to get Sarina's approval anyway," Leah continued with a laugh. "My opinion is a little biased given that I was screaming your name mid orgasm just an hour ago."

Leah saw the tear on Vicki's cheek and brushed it away with her thumb. Vicki looked up with a shrug of resignation.

"I'll think about. I promise. I will think about it," Vicki replied, nodding.

"So that's a yes?" Leah pressed.

"It's a definite maybe. You're dead pushy, Leah. No wonder they made you boss," Vicki grumbled. She secretly hoped that Leah would forget the idea.

* * * * *

"Sure. Yes - I think it's a great idea," Sarina looked at the two girls in front of her.

"It was Vicki's idea, Sarina," Leah lied, giving Vicki a firm look.

"I thought it might be. Vicki, there's no need to go into a lot of painful details. Just keep it to ten minutes. A brief outline of the facts and if you're up to it, take some questions at the end." Sarina smiled, placing a hand of concern on Vicki's arm.

"Ten minutes? Okay, I can manage that. It'll just be the facts though, like I was making a physio presentation, yeah?" Vicki replied.

"Absolutely. We can fit it in after one of the tactic talks, when everyone is in a conference room. Send me a summary first and we can look over it together if you like." Sarina glanced at her watch. "You must excuse me, I have to go to make a call home. I'll see you at the indoor pitch later, Leah."

"You complete cow, Leah. You are just this close," Vicki turned angrily to Leah, pinching her fingers in a gesture.

"Vicki. If you don't come away from the talk feeling ten feet tall, I will eat my proverbial hat," Leah replied, not backing down.

"Okay, okay," Vicki breathed out in a long sigh. "I'll have to figure this out. I never expected to have to recount all that history. When you shut the door on something like that, you mean to keep it closed for good."

"I'll help you with it. You never know, maybe talking about again will help you bury those ghosts for good? I didn't do it to be unkind, Vicki. I want to understand because I care about you and I think the other girls will too. Think about the young transgender kids out there you might be able to help with some inspirational words."

Leah pulled Vicki into a hug and let Vicki rest her head on her shoulder.

"Maybe you're right? I should warn you though, there might be tears. I'd better go. Will I see you later?" Vicki mumbled.

"Can you stand another round of my cooking?" Leah asked with a smile.

"That would be lovely. Text me, yeah? I'd better go," Vicki replied, giving Leah's hand a squeeze.

* * * * *

It was an official rest day and normally Vicki would have travelled home until the next set of training days at St George's. Leah too would have gone back to St Alban's because she had up-coming fixtures at her club. Instead they'd decided to reward themselves with a lazy evening at Leah's house.

Vicki looked up from her laptop to Leah, who was studying coursework.

"I'm thinking of breaking into three parts. Firstly the timeline of the FIFA decision and how the physiological side of things led to the ruling. Second 'Why people are transgender?' and finally 'Where we go from here?'"

"So it's When, Why and Where," Leah replied, marking the break by stretching her arms high.

"Oh yeah. That's an idea. I could write those as bullets on the board," Vicki typed the idea as she spoke.

"But the second part. It's not focused on sport is it?" Leah pointed out.

"But it's the elephant in the room isn't it? Do the team know why people are transgender? Do you? I think it's the core of the issue because without it, the problem vanishes." Vicki countered.

"I think the girls understand the concept of being transgender. I mean they look at you and see another woman. Just because your junk is different shouldn't be a reason for discrimination."

"My appearance is one of the problems, Leah. Just because I pass, I don't have big shoulders or an anvil chin shouldn't influence how people decide if I'm a woman or not."

"You've got nice tits, though. They're almost as big as mine," Leah teased, crawling across the floor to Vicki.

"You're a fat lot of use!" Vicki laughed, realising Leah wanted to play. She pushed her laptop away to let Leah take its place.

"Is the blue pill working yet?" Leah purred, settling her bottom onto Vicki's thighs.

Vicki made a play of checking her wristwatch. She had taken a Viagra pill over an hour ago.

"I'd say it was T-minus five minutes to lift off. Place your trays in the upright position and fasten your seat belt. We could be in for a bumpy ride." Vicki joked.

"Should we dim the cabin lights and loosen our clothing?" Leah teased back. She leaned over Vicki, who lifted her lips to hers.

"Definitely," Vicki whispered, her lips brushing Leah's.

Leah combed her hands through Vicki's hair as they kissed languidly.

Leah sat back and in one move, pulled her fleece top over her head, her hair cascading on her bare shoulders.

Vicki reached to cup Leah's soft shapes with her hands, the contact making the nipples hard. Vicki gently stroked her fingertips up Leah's neck, across her shoulders, outlining the contour of her arms, returning to paint circles around her breasts. Leah closed her eyes with a cat-like contentment.

Vicki watched the peace she saw settling in Leah's face, thinking that if she were a cat she would purr. Perhaps if she placed butterfly kisses to her skin she might?

Vicki placed her lips to the pulse of Leah's neck, along the collarbone, kissed down the arms as her hands continued to draw patterns on soft shapes.

Vicki copied Leah to pull off her top. Leah opened her dreamy eyes and smiled, then pushed Vicki back onto the cushion. Leah's hair fell in a veil of blond hair around Vicki's face, their kissing pagoda. Their breasts drifted together in warm caresses.

Leah shifted her hips, still clothed, to rock onto Vicki's pubis.

"Are you getting hard?" she breathed into Vicki's ear.

Vicki answered by pushing up at Leah, wriggling her joggers down her bottom. Leah stood to help her pull them off her feet and slipped hers down so that they were both naked.

Leah couldn't contain her curiosity, resting her elbows on the floor as she crouched beside Vicki to gaze at her erection.

"Well hello you," Leah chirped, looking up to Vicki who watched in amusement.

"Play nicely," Vicki play-acted the voice. "Be kind to each other."

"I think we could take the kindergarten talk a bit far. It might turn creepy," Leah cautioned.

"Well sit yourself down and lets play grown-ups," Vicki laughed back.

Leah swung her knee over Vicki, a golden arch of smoothness punctuated by a blond keystone. A bridge, it seemed to Vicki, between modesty and intimacy, the surrender of self and meeting of souls.

Vicki's heart leapt as her sense of the moment caught her breath in a gasp. She put the flat of her hand to Leah's tummy, who looked down puzzled, unaware of the shift in Vicki's emotions.

"Wait. Can I?" Vicki's words were thick with rapture.

She stroked her palm under Leah's blond pubis, drawing gently forward, slipping between the plump lips where she found Leah was already slick. A silver pool formed in the cup of her hand and a glistening thread, clear silk, slipped through her fingers.

"I don't have the words, Leah. That is so hot. Do you know how wet you are? You know, without actually putting a hand there?" Vicki was spell bound.

"Uhuh. I get the feeling. In my head first, then I just know. Everything gets to be melty too. Let me show you," Leah had been watching Vicki explore.

"So beautiful," Vicki whispered, looking into Leah's darkening eyes.

She took Vicki's hand, with its two extended fingers and like a painter, dipped the brushes to paint rich strokes through her labia, making circles outside, dragging them slowly forward through her colours.

Vicki eyes became huge as Leah's mysteries became known to her, with eyes fixed on the slow movement of her fingers.

Leah pressed harder, liquid folds of pink slipped under the pads of the fingers she guided. She rolled them in a circle round her inner labia, then forward again, the slick flesh curling over the little fingers as they glided along their path.

"Lets try this," Leah murmured.

Releasing Vicki's hand, she lowered herself over the stiffness of Vicki erection that lay flat on her tummy. Leah painted her labia along the length of the captive shaft, catching the hood of her clitoris on its head. When she drew back, Vicki's penis was glossed.

"Actually I'm not sure how I feel about penetration, Vicki. I'm sorry, not this time. Can we try something else?"

Leah rolled alongside Vicki, turning her back and wriggling her bottom into Vicki's lap. She reached between her thighs, finding Vicki's erection and pressing it tight into the folds of her labia.

"Could you...?" Leah asked.

"I get it. Sure," Vicki interrupted.

Vicki pushed into the comfort of Leah's bottom, the ache in her penis already hungry in her loins. She coiled an arm round Leah's shoulders, the other hand reached into the cave of their sex where she felt the stiffness of her erection slick in the soft furrow of Leah's labia.

"Yes, yes, fuck me there. Fuck me, Vicki. That's so good," Leah groaned, her voice cracked with emotion.

Vicki pushed her hips forward creating a rhythm in their bodies. Her fingers trapped her shaft with delicious friction against the shrinking pearl of Leah's sex. As she drew back she felt the dip of Leah's sex opening to her. She wriggled lower, her rhythm was gentle and never more than a tease but insistent. Leah had no time to think, she could only leap from one high to the next.

Leah's voice rose in a cry, sobbing and frantic.

Vicki tried to hang on but Leah was too forceful, jerking her hips to roll away onto her front, her limbs shaking, her hands making white knuckled fists.

Vicki glided her hand over the smooth globes of Leah's bottom to reach between her thighs. She slipped two fingers into the heat, past the plump flesh that needed her slow fingers, curling in Leah's velvet oils.

She pressed her lips to Leah's ear for comfort and love. Leah's chest rose and fell underneath her as she gasped, her orgasm still washing her limbs.

They lay hot and still, listening to their breathing.

Leah pushed her hips back, raising her bottom in the air, resting her forehead on her folded arms, blond hair in a straggle of threads on the carpet. Vicki ran a finger down the bumps of Leah's bowed neck, delighted to find wisps in spun gold spirals where her hair fell forward. She must kiss there too.

Vicki leaned over the coiled flower of Leah's folded form. In symmetry she drew patterns down her body and bones and golden skin. Suddenly tender, her eyes filled with tears. It seemed Leah was at once sister, mother, lover and child. She was all things and everything.

Vicki clung in desperation to Leah's waist, pressing her face to her warm skin.

"Honey, you're squeezing me."

"Leah, Leah! Kiss me, love me," Vicki cried, overcome by a rush of emotions.

Leah rolled onto her back, concerned to see Vicki's doleful face and pulled her close.

"Sweetheart. What's the matter?" Leah cooed, stroking the face nuzzling her neck.

"I dunno. Sorry, I'm so happy. Too many feels, Leah. Hold me, just hold me. I'll be alright," Vicki sobbed.

Leah held her tight, pressing kisses, rocking Vicki in her arms.

Vicki finally drew back onto her knees, flanneling her face dry with her palms and giving Leah a sheepish smile. She took a deep breath, exhaling with a shaky sigh.

"I'm okay now."

"You're a funny one, Vicki Hadley. There's a lot going on in there, huh? Is there space for me too?"

Vicki sniffed with a nod, then nodded emphatically again 'Yes'.

"I think you might be overtired, darling," Leah teased her gently. "Maybe a bath and bed for you? Come on, pull that top on before you get cold. Why don't you crash on the sofa and I'll run a bath."

Vicki smiled, suddenly aware of her own silliness.

"You look after me, don't you?" Vicki looked up as Leah rose.

"I could say the same. Stay here and be looked after. I'll add some extra bubbles for you."

As Leah reached the door, Vicki called her name to make her look back.

Vicki mouthed three words. Leah caught them in her cupped hands and pressed them to her heart.

* * * * *

At the next training camp, Sarina included a discussion with the players about public relations and press conferences. It was a good humoured meeting with jokes and anecdotes from the players.

Sarina stood to end the discussion with her customary hand-clap.

"I've left the last ten minutes of the session for a presentation by Vicki Hadley. Many of you already know Vicki as one of our physios and that she used to play football professionally." Sarina waved a hand to where Vicki was sitting and motioned her to come to the front of the group.

"The press asks us about our apparent lack of diversity, particularly in terms of ethnic and cultural diversity. It's something already so close to our hearts that we find it odd to be questioned. It reminds us there are very different values out there in society, even among the people who watch our games.

"If racial diversity is the fire to which the media hold our feet, why do they never ask about gender diversity? If the press now accepts that many players are gay, why is gender ignored?

"So, let me hand over to Vicki to say a few words on the topic. I believe she will take questions at the end."

Vicki thanked Sarina as she turned to face the players. She'd already decided to present her talk in third person as if she were giving a formal physiotherapy lecture. It also meant she could keep her emotions in check. She still felt anxious, but the faces in front of her were familiar and attentive.

She concluded her talk with evidence that more research was needed to ensure sport remained fair towards both transgender and cis gender athletes and that funding was needed for that to happen. She urged the players to take that message back to their clubs and managers.

Everyone rose to applaud as she finished. Leah watched as players crowded around to offer their thanks and support.

Vicki made time to speak to everyone who had questions and her phone was busy pairing up contacts with the players. As the last players left, Vicki turned to Leah with a happy shrug.

"That went okay, didn't it?" Vicki smiled.

"It was perfect. My clever girlfriend!" Leah leaned to give a Vicki a squishy kiss.

"Can I ask you something, Vicks?" Leah spoke as Vicki turned to gather her notes into her bag.


"It's about you staying over tonight," Leah dead-panned to Vicki, who looked up, puzzled by the tone of her voice.

"Err... sure. I can stay at Alice's, it's no problem," Vicki replied casually.

"That is the problem, Vicki. I don't like you staying at Alice's. Would you... would you like to move in with me, like all the time?" Leah looked down bashfully, uncertain of Vicki's response.

Vicki paused for a moment, realising this was the first time she'd seen Leah nervous.

"Are your intentions honourable?" Vicki straightened and asked with a smile.

Vicki held up three fingers.

"I promise that I will do my best to think about my beliefs and to be kind and helpful. I love you as well." Leah recited the Girl Guide's pledge.

"In that case, yes," Vicki pulled Leah close to kiss her, their tongues sealing the deal.

At the open doorway, Lotte appeared with her girlfriend, Beth. They stopped when they saw the two kissing.

"I told you they were," Lotte whispered to Beth. They smiled to each other, quietly pulling the door closed behind them.

Thanks for reading. See my profile for links if you're interested in improving LGBTQ+ access to soccer and sport


@stickygirl 2022

My thanks to @electricblue66 for his generous help in spotting typos and sparrows.

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stickygirlstickygirlover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks redbow and I'm flattered that you took the time to make these valid points. I agree with most but felt the need to balance a hot story for Lit with something that gave time for the story to develop more fully.

Vicki's return to football took six years and her insightful comment ‘You get weary of anger’ tells us how we all must come to terms with unfairness in our lives. Support staff compete for places on major sports events and she’s right to shrug off losing to a more qualified doctor.

She accepts the invite to St George’s unaware of the surprise offer from Sarina and it is an amazing opportunity for her. She’s building a career in physio, so though she’s been treated badly in the past, Sarina extends the olive branch.

I gave a lot of thought to Leah. The real person is uncomfortable in front of the camera and is sensibly guarded with the media. That feeds into her characterisation, which makes her seem cold initially but her respect for Vicki as a player helps bridge the gap. IRL their relationship would have taken weeks to develop, not the couple of weeks the story suggests. I feel guilty for not giving them more time, but in the context of a story for Lit, I felt I had to compromise.

Feedback like this is great and is something I'll reflect on. Thanks

redbow_kimeeredbow_kimeeover 1 year ago

I absolutely loved goalposts 1, really interesting to read about team sports as a trans person who's always preferred solitary sports. This one was good too, but the passage of time was either not entirely clear, or a bit too compressed. Did it take place over a couple of weeks or a couple of months? I know it's lit and all, but I think the quick uptake of romance hindered expressions of emotion about returning to football. It is more or less stated she was passed over for promotion, but I was still surprised that Vicki jumped so quickly to go back to soccer. Also surprised how apparently quickly she and Leah got together romantically.

I think a non-erotic story could have been more interesting, to explore the emotions involved in returning to football after being scorned so harshly.

OmenainenOmenainenover 1 year ago

Right! Thank you so much for posting in my event! Now what to say, except that I despise the anonymous there…

I don’t know if you’re collecting categories, but this might have been in celebrities and fanfic too, when it features an actual person 😁 (personally I know zip about football so I had to check…)

Lovely story, a brief look into the world of these women. I hope them all the good when they pursue their relationship. I’m wondering what I missed not having read the first part, and also this reads like there could (should?) be part three. So well done in making me be curious about their lives :-)

stickygirlstickygirlover 1 year agoAuthor

Dear Anon. Please don't be bitter that you can't have everything your way and that women have minds of their own, and choices.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another group of females who can't carry on a relationship with a man because of their own failures as women.

Rob_RoyaleRob_Royaleover 1 year ago

Very well done. Great writing and the story was sweet and romantic. A 5 from me.

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