Goetic Justice 2


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"I am bound to him by choice," Nahash replied, "and no harm will come to him as long as I am present." The Satyr turned her attention to Ryan, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I will assist if it pleases you."

Vapula bared her sharp teeth, the bridge of her flat nose furrowing as she snarled her protest.

"No! His contract is with me, and me alone. Let him learn from his folly, I have more than one way of teaching mortals respect."

"As the exorcist, it is up to Ryan to determine the terms of the contract," Nahash shot back. "Once he has made his proposition you have the right to refuse, but you may not dictate the terms."

"Silence," Vapula replied angrily. "If I am to take my fill of energy from the mortal, I will not share him."

"You needn't share him with me, the energy is yours. I wish only to assist and advise."

Ryan looked between the two demons as they faced off, Vapula looked like she wanted to tear off Nahash's head by the horns. A part of him wanted to let Vapula have her way, to diffuse the tension and get this over with as quickly as possible, but he knew that the demon would try to betray him the first chance that she got. He had to be assertive, he was the exorcist, he had control over this entity as long as she was under contract.

"Nahash will assist," Ryan said, Vapula glaring at him with her glowing eyes. "In exchange for any knowledge concerning the use of weapons and self-defense, I offer you your fill of energy, to be extracted through...sexual means. But you may not injure me, I must be safe and intact by the end of it. You mustn't hurt Nahash either, nor any of her sisters, and it has to be done immediately."

The demon pondered for a moment, clearly unhappy with Nahash's involvement and with her reminder to include terms that would save Ryan from being subjected to tortures that only barely qualified as sex. It seemed that her thirst of energy was stronger than her displeasure, however.

"You are fortunate indeed to have such a loyal servant," she spat. "Fine, I accept your terms. Let us begin."

She raised her clawed hand, the dark scales of her avian forearm reflecting the candlelight. Before Ryan's eyes, a white tube materialized. It was a long, ivory container about the size and shape of a tennis ball saver, with a golden band around one end that matched the adornment on her upper arm. A silver chain hung from it, obviously designed for carrying.

The demon reached out and handed it to him, Ryan taking a tentative step forward to grab it. It should be safe to leave the triangle now that the contract had been agreed upon by both parties, but he was still wary. Her intent was clear, if she could act on it or not was another matter.

It was heavy, and he turned it over in his hands, examining it. It was ivory alright, it looked like a chunk of elephant tusk perhaps, and there was a flat lid on the end with the golden band.

"Open it and read from the scrolls," Vapula explained.

So it was a container designed for carrying scrolls? That made sense. Was this how the demon imparted knowledge? He had expected her to psychically implant the information into his brain or something, or that she would convey it through magickal means. If he actually had to study, then this might take longer than he had anticipated...

He popped the cap, turning the container upside down. A piece of rolled-up paper slid out, and he caught it, placing the container on the grass and then opening up the document. It wasn't paper, it was something older, yellowed parchment that was faded and cracked in places. It was covered in undecipherable runes that seemed to have been drawn haphazardly across the page. It was a jumbled mess, he couldn't make out a single Latin character, never mind anything that he could actually read.

"Whatever language this is, I can't read it," he complained.

"Do not read with your eyes, fool."

He gave it another look, concentrating on the strange runes. There was an odd iridescence to them, as if they had been drawn with pearlescent paint, like the finish on a tricked-out sports car. The longer he focused on them, the more they seemed to shine, reflecting a light that had no obvious source. The shine became a glow, the ghostly light emanating from the characters themselves, Ryan finding himself transfixed. He couldn't look away, he couldn't blink, the stained page was consuming all of his focus.

His head began to throb, his eyes stinging like he had been staring at a computer monitor for hours without a break. Images flashed in his mind, intrusive sensations that seemed to be projected from somewhere else, memories that were not his own taking root in his brain. It came so thick and fast that he could scarcely differentiate them, dazing him, an aura of pain spreading through his skull like a migraine. He tried to shut his eyes but found that he was unable, a mild panic gripping him as his hands refused to let go of the parchment.

As quickly as it had come, the sensation abated, leaving him gasping for breath as he doubled over. He had control of his body again, blinking stinging tears out of his eyes and cradling his head. The painful throbbing became a dull ache, then faded, Ryan shaking his head in an attempt to dispel the lingering dizziness.

He looked to Nahash, but she seemed unconcerned.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"No different," he replied. "Was that...is it done?"

"It is done," Vapula confirmed, gesturing to the rucksack that was lying on the grass a few feet behind him. "See for yourself."

Ryan hesitated for a moment, keeping his eye on the demon as he walked over to the bag. He reached inside and retrieved the Glock, holding the pistol in his hand. Wait, he knew that it was a Glock 22, a .40 caliber polymer handgun manufactured in Austria. How did he know that? He struggled to recall where he had learned the information, but the memories weren't associated with any events, they were just...there.

He hit the thumb catch on the grip, and the magazine fell into his hand. He counted the rounds, there were thirteen left. He pulled back the slide and locked it, ensuring that there was no round chambered, then dropped it back into position with a loud click.

He knew how to use the gun, he knew how to field strip it, he had a mental blueprint of every moving part from the hammer to the recoil spring. More than simple knowledge, he handled the weapon like it was second nature, as if he had developed muscle memory from thousands of hours of practice. Could it really be this simple?

"It worked, I know how to handle the gun, and I feel...confident. Like I'll know what to do in a crisis."

"I have fulfilled my end of the bargain," Vapula said, "now it is your turn."

He briefly considered trying to banish her without payment, but a contract with a demon was no trivial matter. If he tried to stiff her or weasel out of the agreement, she would make it her mission to extract the resources that she had been promised through other means. He already had one demon gunning for him, he didn't need two.

He clutched at the pendant that hung around his neck, the ward would soon be his only protection against the demon. He had stipulated that he was not to be harmed, but who knew what was about to happen. Did demons make love in the same way that humans did? Would this take ten minutes, an hour, all night? At least he had Nahash to support him, that was some small comfort.

"What should I do?" he asked apprehensively, the demon looking him up and down like he was a juicy steak about to be devoured.

"I want you on the grass," she said, gesturing to the greenery beneath her feet.

"On the grass? I could have the Seirim conjure a pile of cushions for us, a bed...something."

"Oh no," she replied, exposing her sharp teeth in a sardonic grin. "This will not be comfortable for you, you will not enjoy this. I'm going to take you in the dirt and teach you some respect. You deserve no less for summoning me under such irreverent conditions."

"Hang on," he protested, a spark of fear running through him. "You agreed not to hurt me."

"The contract stipulated that I was not to injure you or your familiars," she replied, taking a step towards him. "Injury, stupid boy, does not equate to hurt. I can do a great many things that will hurt' you without leaving lasting damage that would constitute an injury."

Ryan took a step back, the expression on her face turning wild and predatory, those red eyes piercing him as if they could see into his soul.

"When I'm through with you, you'll be groveling and begging for a moment of respite. I'll have you on a leash like the lowly dog that you are, and your loyal familiar will have to watch you kiss my feet. I am as a God to you, mortal, and you will be punished for your blasphemy."

He tripped as he backed away from her, falling on his ass, and in a second the demon had pounced on him like a hungry lioness. Her black wings blotted out the stars, her warm breath washing over him as she leaned down, a rumbling snarl emanating from her throat as she opened her jaws to drag her rough tongue across his jugular.

She took his wrists in her clawed hands, driving her long talons deep into the earth and pinning him down, keeping him from wriggling loose as she sniffed him intently.

"A beating heart, warm blood coursing through living veins, the stink of fear oozing from your pores. Yes, this will do nicely. Did you know that energy has a flavor to it, boy? It satisfies us in the way that food, drink or sex would. You have an aura about you, radiating naivety and youth, as sweet as honey..."

She dragged her warm tongue across his cheek, leaving a trail of thick saliva, its surface as rough as sandpaper. He felt like she could have licked the skin from his flesh if she had been so inclined. He felt her thrust her thigh between his legs, and she glanced down, noticing that he wasn't hard.

"Poor dear," she whispered with mock concern in her raspy voice. "Do I not please you? Perhaps you like your partners more...servile," she said, looking pointedly at Nahash who was standing nearby. Would the Seirim not help him? Surely she wasn't going to just stand there and let this happen to him, she must have some kind of plan?

"I'll have to warm you up a little," Vapula hissed, "get you in a more favorable mood."

He gasped as she straddled him with her steely thighs, gripping tightly enough that it almost hurt, and she sat upright as she loomed over him. She closed her massive wings around them, trapping him in a dark cocoon, the only light coming from the red glow of her eyes. He felt like they were in a darkroom used for developing photographs.

She brought her frightening claws towards his chest, and for a moment he feared that she was about to tear into him. Instead, she ripped his jacket open and sent the buttons flying, then did the same with his shirt to expose his naked chest. Vapula wet her lips with her tongue in anticipation as she gazed down at him. They too were jet black, it looked like she was wearing shiny lipstick the color of charcoal.

The demon ran her pointed claws across his skin, applying enough pressure that they left red welts, but not enough to draw blood.

"So sensitive," she chuckled, "has nobody ever touched you in this way before? Would you prefer the soft and gentle attentions of your Seirim consort instead?"

He declined to answer, glaring up at her defiantly. She laughed again, and he saw a flash of genuine arousal in her eyes, almost adoration. Somehow that was more frightening than all of the claws and teeth that she could bring to bear.

"Yes...hate me. I can feel it, I can taste it, as bitter as a dry wine. If only I could chase it with a taste of your warm, sweet blood. Alas, I must adhere to the terms of our contract."

Vapula reached up and plucked a large feather from her wing. It was long, bigger than that of any living bird, as if it had come from a raven of monumental proportions. She brought it down to his chest, holding it between two of her fingers and brushing it ever so lightly against his nipple.

Ryan flinched, a jolt of unwelcome pleasure coursing through him. She did it again, circling gently with the fluffy feather, incredibly soft. It tickled, but he tried to endure it, this new tenderness contrasting sharply with her earlier threats. She traced his clavicle, brushing his neck, then roamed down towards his waistline. She paused at his hip and teased him with the feather, smirking at him as he bucked, his spine arching off the hard ground.

"Your defiance is merely a front," she said, very matter-of-factly. "Like all mortals your will is weak, and you are a slave to your animal impulses. By the end of our little encounter, not only will you admit it, but you will embrace it. I want to ruin you, Ryan Cutter. I want to sting you and leave you with an itch that you can never scratch."

She traced the feather across his belly, making him jump and wriggle, but her thighs were like a vice. She held him steady, ensuring that he could not escape.

"You wouldn't be the first to fall victim to your own hubris, but mortals usually beg for mercy when they realize that their wards were improperly reproduced or that their contract lacked protective clauses. You on the other hand..."

She reached down and parted his lips with her claw, pushing her finger into his mouth. It was razor sharp, but she was careful with it, seeming to enjoy the way that he tried to dodge her with his tongue.

"...are very tight-lipped. Maybe we can get you singing before the night is through. I wonder if you're a soprano or a contralto?"

She shuffled down a little so that she had better access to his pants, unzipping them deftly and pulling his underwear aside. He was still flaccid, and she shot him an exaggerated pout.

"Still not feeling romantic? Let me see what I can do."

The demon dropped to all-fours and crawled slowly downwards, using her full, dark lips to plant lingering kisses as she went. She began at his neck, mouthing and licking, then moved down his chest. Her soft lips crawled across his stomach, her tongue flicking into his belly button, then he felt her warm breath on his loins.

"Shall I wrap my lips around your manhood? No, that's too good for the likes of you..."

Ryan flinched as he felt the feather on his balls, gasping as Vapula dragged it back and forth, teasing him ruthlessly. Electric pleasure coursed up his spine and his member began to swell involuntarily, the demon chuckling at the sight.

"There we go, I was starting to think that you were too shy to perform."

She planted a kiss on the underside of his glans and Ryan dug his fingers into the dirt, grimacing as he tried to endure. He had never felt such pleasure dispensed against his will before. She knew exactly how to push his buttons, she could play a man like a musical instrument, she must have been with thousands of them over the centuries. Yet despite his unwillingness, his body was dancing to her tune like a puppet on a string. It was such an odd combination of ecstasy and reluctance.

Vapula crawled higher again, leaving him to throb in the air now that she had succeeded in arousing him. She cast the feather aside, her powerful thighs clamping down around his face. They were so muscular, what felt like steel cables bulging from beneath her skin as she squeezed and smirked at him. The texture of the thin layer of fur that coated her sinewy body was like black velvet, so thin that it almost felt like smooth skin, a few small veins visible here and there even in the low light.

The red glow from her eyes reflected off her hide, making her shine, accentuating the toned six-pack that protruded from beneath her belly. She reached down and tore the sweatband from his head along with the Ring of Solomon that protected him from demonic odors, and he couldn't help but take in a lungful of air. She smelled like soot or coal, as if she had recently rolled in ash from a bonfire. The scent stung his nose, but it was soon replaced with a feminine musk that made his erection bob in the air with renewed vigor.

"Oh, do you like that, dog?" She flicked his member with her tail, the soft tuft of fur on its tip tickling his exposed glans. "Now be a good boy, and lick me..."

She reached between her firm thighs and parted her labia. They had been concealed by her fur, he hadn't even noticed until she had pointed them out to him. Her fingers exposed pink, glistening flesh, already dripping with clear strands of fluid. He tried to pull away, but she was too strong. If she applied enough force, she could have popped his head like a ripe cherry.

She took a fistful of his hair, stinging his scalp as she dragged him closer, his lips meeting hers. She tasted sour and metallic, her juices leaking down his chin as he began to lap reluctantly. Her hips rolled, gyrating against his face as he painted her vulva with his tongue, the demon so hot that it was almost enough to burn him.

"You've done this before," she muttered, reaching a hand up and sinking it into the meat of her breast as he continued his licking. "Are you beginning to understand what it means to worship your God?"

Vapula seemed to take pleasure in rubbing his face in her superiority, quite literally, the demon biting her lower lip with her sharp teeth as she ground her loins against him. Ryan shivered as he felt her fluffy tail slide up his shaft again, intent on keeping him hard. This was likely only the first course, he didn't imagine that she would finish on his face and then just let him go.

She was so wet, a sheen of her viscous juices clinging to his lips, gelatinous strands of it hanging from his chin as he traced the creases and folds of her burning sex. The silky fur on her inner thighs was sodden, globs of her excitement clinging to it, making it stick to his red cheeks. He circled her opening, feeling her muscles tighten around his head, the demon reveling in his lurid attentions. He mouthed and kissed, doing his utmost to please her in the hopes that she might relent, the sordid sounds of his licking seeming to entertain her.

A sudden dizziness overcame him, and gradually the sour taste of her fluids began to change. Soon it had been replaced with the wonderful aroma of fruits and berries, as if the thick juice that dripped from her loins was comprised of the sweetest nectar. It was ambrosial, irresistible, the most wonderful thing that had ever graced his tongue. His pace became greedy and, he pushed his organ inside her, feeling her tight passage clench around it as he sought out more of that divine flavor.

"What's come over you?" Vapula gasped, grinning down at him over the twin mounds of her pert breasts. "Don't tell me that you're enjoying this despite all of my efforts? How depraved..."

As the flavors of all of the fruits of paradise set his taste buds alight, a memory boiled up through the haze that had fallen over his mind. He recognized this taste, he associated it with love and passion, a burning desire to please...

Nahash! Was she interfering with the encounter, using her mind-bending powers to aid him? Of course, that was why she had been so passive when Vapula had taken him, she had been planning this all along. With full control over his senses, the Seirim could make him see, feel and taste whatever she wished. She could turn pain to pleasure, discomfort to opulence, and she seemed to be able to do it without Vapula noticing...

Invigorated by the wonderful taste, he pressed on, pausing to mouthe and kiss her inner thighs affectionately. He felt the demon shiver as his lips roamed across her velvet fur, apparently enjoying the encounter more than she was letting on. He sought out her juices wherever they might be, dragging his tongue across her most sensitive anatomy as he lapped it up, every drop bringing with it a new and succulent flavor. Strawberries, passion fruit, apple and raspberry.
