Grease Monkey Business Pt. 02


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"Yes, Ma'am," I whispered, kissing her neck, and fondling her a little more. She was right about it being distracting. Just holding those big jugs was giving me a hard-on. "Be fast, but be careful. Understand?"

"Yes, my love," she smiled, kissing me softly.

We both stepped out of the bus into the sunshine. My ride was sitting right there... a golf cart with the Chip Ganassi Racing logo on it, to transport me through the tunnel to the grandstand... while hers was screaming around the track, under the right foot of Nick, at the moment.

By the time I made my way up to the spotter stand, that same red and blue rocket was in the pits, for fuel, tires, and a much more attractive pilot. Through my binoculars, I watched the team practice driver changes, over, and over again. Finally, Julie settled into the seat for good, the door was closed and latched, and the engine fired up again.

Julie drove slowly down pit road, and followed the lane to the left, joining the track just before the International Horseshoe.

"You are clear," I told her, tracking her with the binoculars. "No one else within the infield section."

As she streaked across the finish line of her first lap, I heard a voice chirp in my ear. It was the crew chief.

"Thirtieth," was all he said, meaning that lap was far from outstanding, and Julie was the thirtieth fastest driver, or second slowest in class, on the track today.

"Fuck off," she replied, tersely. "Just getting warm."

My job was pretty easy at this point. Every once, in a while, I had to warn her about a faster car, in the Prototype class, approaching from the rear. For the most part, however, she was doing the passing, and after five laps, I heard the crew chief telling her much better news.

"Seventh," he said, his voice much happier than before.

"Fifth," he observed two laps later.

From my viewpoint, I could see how neatly she linked her turns through the infield section. She smoothly rolled into each corner, arcing in from the wide side, and accelerating out gently. It appeared she was very fast through the road course.

"Second," he said, three laps further in. "Nice lap, Julie. That ought to do it for today. Bring the car in. Let's save it for the race. Red? You too. Bring the gear with you."


I woke up the next morning, and rolled over to find nothing but bed beside me. I knew I hadn't imagined the wonderful roll in the sack we had given each other last night, because my morning woody was sticky with Julie's pussy juice. It had been a great time for both of us, energetic enough that Julie's necklace, hanging above us from a cabinet door pull, had taken a few seconds to stop swinging when we finished. The bus had literally been rocking.

I know I had slept straight through, but Julie's absence made me wonder if she could say the same. I rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of shorts, and opened the door that separated the bedroom from the rest of the bus.

I was expecting a tall blonde, but found a petite brunette instead.

"Hello! You must be Red," the brunette smiled, standing and extending her hand.

"Yes, I am," I laughed, looking around for Julie. "And you, of course, are Danica. Danica Patrick. I've always wanted to meet you," I nodded, shaking her hand, "although I imagined I'd be wearing more clothes at the time. You didn't see a tall blonde anywhere around here, did you?"

"Yo!" Julie giggled, coming out of the bathroom behind me. "I see you've met Danica. She just dropped in to say Hi, and offer some moral support."

"That's right. There may be a few more women driving now, but it's still a pretty small club, so us girls need to stick together," Danica grinned. "When I heard Chip had put a woman in one of his cars for the Rolex 24, I wanted to meet her."

Julie squeezed past me, taking the opportunity to rub her big tits across my back with a quiet giggle. She wasn't much more dressed than I was, wearing only a t-shirt and shorts, but at least she had run a brush through her hair, and looked presentable.

"I think I'll leave you two to talk, and hit the shower," I smiled, as Julie sat across from our guest. "We should all go to breakfast when I get out."

"Good idea. I'm starving," Julie growled, patting her flat tummy.

I wasted no time in the shower, for several reasons. First, there was limited water in the tank, and I had to save some for Julie. Second, the shower was much less comfortable than ours at home, and third, if I stayed too long, I'd think. Thinking inevitably led to thinking of Julie, and thinking of Julie inevitably led to remembering how good her body felt. All of which would inevitably lead to an erection I'd be hard pressed not to take care of.

After I dressed, I rejoined the ladies in the main living area of the bus. Julie had dressed as well, and now wore jeans and a tight white t-shirt, a package I always enjoyed unwrapping. Seeing the two of them sitting together brought up a thought.

"Let me get a picture of you together," I suggested.

"Okay," Danica smiled, "but not standing. You make me feel short, Julie."

It was true. At five foot-two, Danica was a solid six inches shorter than Julie. Several cup sizes smaller, too.

"Alright, how's this?" Danica said, leaning over Julie's shoulder as my girl sat in the soft chair. It put their heads side by side.

"Looks good," I replied, fumbling with my phone. "Tell me when you're ready."

"Julie, I just want you to know, I'm not a lesbian," Danica grinned, speaking softly into Julie's ear.

"Of course. Who said you were?" Julie asked, slightly befuddled.

"No one. I'm just telling you," Danica replied, placing her hands, on Julie's shoulders, and arranging herself carefully. "Red, on the count of three?"

"I'm ready," I smiled, pointing the camera at them.

"Who said anything about being a lesbian?" Julie repeated, still confused.

"Just explaining, in advance," Danica answered. "One... Two... Three!"

My finger hit the button, capturing the moment for posterity, as Danica's hands came up, grabbing Julie's big boobs in a full, two-handed grope. Julie's eyes opened wide, as did her mouth, as the move surprised her. It was a classic photo.

"Got it!" I laughed, as they both howled in delight.

"Okay, I'm ready for breakfast," Danica giggled, releasing her grip on Julie's tits. "I just had to do that. Just for fun."

We were all still laughing as we headed for the food area. I guess we had made a new friend, which was fine with me.

We might have to talk about keeping her hands off my girl, though. Groping her was my job.


The final day before the race went smoothly. After breakfast with Danica, during which she shared her experience about being an attractive woman in a pit full of men, Julie turned a few more laps of practice. Again, rising quickly near the top of the speed charts, she showed she was ready, and Chip parked the car for the duration.

Mechanics tore the car apart, and made sure everything was perfect for the start, tomorrow afternoon. It was an impressive sight, and assuaged my fears somewhat.

While the crew had the car in intensive care, we went for a walk. Through the tunnel, we ended up going up to the spotter stand, where we watched some of the Prototype cars running practice.

"Damn, those things are fast," she giggled, waving her hand in front of her face. "I'm glad to know there's someone like you up here, being my eyes, so they don't sneak up on me." We talked a little more about when she wanted silence, and when she wanted info, then headed back down to track level.

Along the way, she pulled me out to take a seat in the vast grandstand. Tomorrow, this structure would be full, but now it was very sparsely populated, and we sat cuddled together in silence.

I knew there were a million things going through her mind. Some were rational fears, excitement, anxiety... and others were totally irrational. I had learned enough about women to know to keep my mouth shut. She needed to sort through the mess herself. Unless she asked for my opinion, I wasn't going to offer to fix it. That's why we got along so well.

We sat in that spot for a long time... Watching cars on the track, watching nothing on the track, and finally watching the sun dip toward the horizon. The sky was red, a sailor's delight, as the saying goes, but there was a possibility of rain late tomorrow.

Rain was Julie's specialty. Chip had said that the order of drivers in the car might be altered if rain showed up, and we both took that as a supreme compliment to her skills.

At last, Julie stood up, and straddled me, pressing her body against mine. Those big boobs squashed softly against my chest, and her lips found mine in a gently passionate kiss.

"I think we should have a bite to eat," she smiled, pecking me again. "Then, I need you to take me to bed, and fuck my brains out. Make me cum until I pass out. I think it's the only way I'm going to get some sleep tonight. Too much going on up here," she tapped her head. "Will you do that for me?"

Big sigh. Well, if you insist...

"I'm certainly willing to try," I grinned, grabbing her ass with both hands. "It's a tall order, but I think I can fill it."

"Mmmmmm, yes," she purred. "You do fill it well. Shall we?"

I took her hand, and together we strolled back through the tunnel to our bus. There were still cars on track, turning practice laps, and perhaps making enough noise to drown out Julie's screams.



I gave it the old college try, and I believe I was moderately successful. Julie had specifically asked to be fucked unconscious, and I think I managed to pull it off. One thing was certain; I was unconscious, so I had at least accomplished that much.

Unlike yesterday, Julie was still sleeping quietly next to me when I woke up. I watched her sleep for a few minutes, before she yawned and stretched like a cat. Since she was so fast, I suppose that cat would be a cheetah.

"Hi, baby," I smiled at her. "Sleep okay?"

"Yes, thank you," she nodded, rolling to face me. "You did a great job. Just like a sleeping pill, but with no after-effects. Other than the buzz in my pussy, of course."

"Good. I don't have a lot to do in this situation," I laughed, "so I want to be good at my small role."

"Red, my darling," she smiled, caressing my face, "your role is not small, and neither is your schvanshtuker. Roll! Roll! Roll in the hay!"

Quoting 'Young Frankenstein' was a sign she was feeling good, and playful, much like last night. She had asked me to make her cum until she passed out, and I got a good start by getting her off three times with my tongue and fingers. Her pussy was awash by the time I plugged my hard shaft into her, first on top, then in the doggy position, which brought the total to six. I just kept drilling her in whatever position presented itself, gritting my teeth to keep from cumming myself. I couldn't hold out forever.

Finally, I shot my load inside her, and collapsed, exhausted. We were both wrung out, breathing heavily, and I fell asleep before I could ask if she was done. Getting the answer in the morning was good enough.


There was one more official matter to attend to; the driver's meeting, where all the parties involved were gathered so the organizers could reinforce the ground rules. With four classes of car on the track at once, there was a fair spread in top speed. There had to be an expectation of order when it came to passing, and the spotters were key in this respect, so I was paying close attention.

The pomp and circumstance of the start began at around two in the afternoon, about half an hour before the race was to begin. All the drivers were in their suits, grouped together with their teams, for the anthems and introductions. I was there, holding Julie's hand, and sharing the experience with her. Now that we were mere minutes away from going racing, she seemed much calmer. Her mind was focused sharper, pushing out the extraneous worries, even though it would likely be hours before she took her place behind the wheel.

The weather wasn't looking that great, which was a concern for everyone. With only a couple of hours before sunset, driving in the dark was a test for all the drivers, but if rain came as well, it would really complicate things. Chip looked over at us and gave a thumbs-up, then held his palms to the sky. He seemed to think it was sure to rain, and was ready to unleash his secret weapon early, if need be.

Julie was so smooth, both on the brakes and throttle, that rain meant little to her. It would force the others to tiptoe, and change their style, narrowing the gap between their times and hers, if not reversing them. The only problem was that she couldn't do more than four hours in a row, otherwise I'm sure she'd do more.

With an ear-splitting roar, the event began, as the Prototype class took the green, followed by the Challenge cars, Julie's GTLM class, and finally the largest and slowest GT Daytona group. Kenny, who had moved up from number two in another car, to number one in this one, had qualified the car, and took the first shift. We started fourth among the twelve GTLM cars, twenty-fourth overall, and Kenny began to work his way forward slowly.

By the first pit stop, about fifty minutes later, he had moved up to second in class. The Prototypes and Challenge cars were faster, but harder on fuel, so their stops had already happened, and they were picking their way back to the front when Kenny brought the car in. At this point, the goal was just to keep the car clean, and not lose the race before it truly began, so everyone was behaving themselves. Patience while passing was clearly being exercised, and so was conservative strategy, as fuel range was being calculated carefully.

Kenny did a triple stint, pitting twice before vacating the seat on the third stop, which coincided with the need for tires. It was still light out, but as Nick circulated during his first stint, the sky grew darker with clouds than time alone would suggest.

I was up on my perch, giving my spotter teammate a chance to relieve his bladder, and looking up at the dark clouds anxiously. There was little doubt rain was coming, and soon, but Nick remained behind the wheel for a second stint, even as night fell. Julie was ready, and if the rains came hard, I had no doubt that she'd be inserted early, along with the appropriate tires.

Unlike LeMans, Daytona has lights, so nighttime racing is less of a change than it need be, but artificial light has its own challenges, like glare and funky, ever changing shadows. Add rain, and it gets really interesting.

Sure enough, as Nick neared the end of his second stint, the skies began to open up, catching several drivers by surprise. There were no major incidents, just a few slides and slow spins, as everyone made their way to the pits. We were fortunate, as Nick was on the back straight, and had less than half a lap to navigate the slippery conditions toward a set of rain tires.

I could hear Nick lobbying to stay in the car, but Chip put his foot down. With my binoculars, I could see the flurry of activity in our pit area, as Julie made her final preparations to get in, and the crew checked their equipment for the stop. Nick pulled to a halt in our stall, and the door popped open even as the car was lifted by the built-in jacks.

Julie was in as soon as Nick was out, and once she was secured inside the car, the car was lowered on its fresh tires, and fuelling began. A few seconds later, the fuel man stepped back, allowing Julie to fire up the engine and pull back out into the race. She neared the end of pit lane.

"Clear out," I told her. "Lots of room behind you. Go get 'em, baby."

"Hey! Wondered where you were, honey," she giggled.

"Just up here, giving Bobby a bathroom break," I replied, watching her carve through the infield section. "Here he comes, now. Good luck!"

"Roger that," she said, clearly focused on her task. As she entered the banking at turn six, I handed the headset back to Bobby. My job was done for a couple of hours, but hers was just beginning.

My stomach was suddenly very queasy. Worry was unavoidable, but I tried to remember how good she was as a driver. It wasn't that I didn't trust her to drive at two-hundred miles an hour.

It's just that she wasn't out there alone.


For a little while, I was actually wrong about that. Other than the occasional Prototype car chasing her down, she was out front all by herself. The rain allowed her to separate herself from the rest of the GTLM class, and even a few Challenge class cars were slowly disappearing in her mirror. Her skills in wet conditions were paying off.

Additionally, the rain was causing problems for some others. Minor collisions resulted in extra time in the pits for some, moving us up in the overall standings. Damage and attrition slowed the times of others, causing lengthy repairs, or put them out of the race. It was all just part of endurance racing; in order to finish first, you must first finish.

The rain began to abate, and on her next stop, Julie switched to the intermediate tires. Still wet but drying, the track would have melted full rain tires, yet it was still too early for slicks. Later in the stint, a few cars tried to get the jump on everyone, switching back to slick tires, a strategy that might have worked, had another shower not sent them spinning into the grass like it was ice.

I was in the pits just before Julie was due in for more fuel, and could see the crew checking the weather radar. I could hear the conversation between the crew chief and Julie, discussing current conditions on track and the latest weather. They decided it was time to switch.

It may seem counterintuitive to think you can win a race by going slower, but that's what was happening. Truthfully, there was no way we were beating any of the Prototypes on speed alone, and even the Challenge class cars were just fast enough to stay ahead, but we made better fuel mileage, resulting in less time sitting still in the pits. Part of that was related to the more efficient engine under the hood, but Julie was able to stretch the advantage, going an extra few laps each fuel run. Eventually, those laps added up to a couple less pit stops made, and miles of ground made up on those in front.

All of which had us circulating in twelfth place overall, first in class. Everyone was on slicks now, and despite only being ten hours into the twenty-four hour event, some were driving hard, desperate to regain ground lost during the rain.

I had just left the spotter's stand, with a handful of radios that needed charging, and was going through the tunnel on my way to the pits. As I came out under the night sky, I heard the collective gasp from the crowd that was still in place in the grandstand. Something had happened on track.

My heart skipped a beat, immediately assuming the worst. Before my logical mind could assuage those fears, reminding me that there were lots of cars out there, I heard the crackle of the radio, and my heart stopped altogether.

"Julie, are you alright?" the voice asked, repeating the question when there was no immediate answer.

Oh, no.


Yes, there is more to come, and I'm already working on it.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote. Julie and Red will continue soon.

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ehppmsehppmsabout 2 months ago

You can't leave us hanging like this hurry up and write the next installment,

NitpicNitpic10 months ago

Makings of a good story,if the author would cut back on the sex scenes,which just drag the story out.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
Nice job of building on and moving into a new direction

Not fair to stop mid race with an unknown situation.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good story

Just one thing, everyone giggles too much. Couldn't Red at least 'chuckle'?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
FYI: Red didn't buy her a frame...

He bought her a chassis. A frame would have been just the frame rails and crossmembers connecting the two rails; a frame would be ready for the suspension, but not include it.

A chassis from Art WOULD be an expensive gift. I was surprised Julie was initially opposed to Red buying her a frame, (the suspension is the expense part of a chassis), but later learning it was really a chassis, her reluctance made sense.

It probably set Red back more than the motor she ordered.

Anyway, you have done so well with the other 'car' aspects of the story, I thought you might want to know about the frame/chassis issue.

Good tale, (but you are a total shit for the cliffhanger), thanks for sharing your creativity, and also for all the work it takes to put together a finished submission.



General_OGeneral_Oover 6 years ago
Where is the rest of the story

Love the story line and story waiting for next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great characters!!!!

This was the first one of your stories that I read. I loved it. I have now read several of your stories. I love how you develop your characters and how easy it to bond with them

Please keep it up and don't make us wait for the continuation of GMB.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Good story with lots of interest holding racing info. being a race fan and former racer stories like this are few and far between. Having the background and the story line you are working is truly enjoyable. Looking forward to more, and soon!!! Thanks for the reality in your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
you motherf... She'd better be okay. *glares*

*still glaring suspiciously*

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 7 years ago
A very good second chapter!

Almost a very yum.. chapter; but the ending was to abrupt... thank you though!

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