Guardian Angel Ch. 04


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Then he started to think about Galen, Galen surely wouldn't stand for him being beaten up at school. But what could Galen do? He certainly did comfort Quinn, he really did, Quinn would never want Galen to leave, he has been the only person Quinn was able to talk to since forever! But Quinn was sure Galen would want him to tell his father about what would be going on, Galen for whatever reason thought that his father could do something, but Quinn knew the truth - nothing could be done.

Galen watched Quinn as he slowly ate his cereal, he watched all the thoughts going through the boys head and just wished Quinn could see that people truly wanted to help him, he just needed to say something! He wished he could protect him from everything, but the truth was he couldn't, all he could truly do was watch it happen and then provide as much comfort as possible. He started to wonder why it was the title that was given to his kind was "Guardian Angel", they didn't GUARD anyone from anything, they just watched and comforted in some way, he thought to himself that the name should be changed to "Comfort Angel". If he truly was a GUARDIAN angel then he'd be able to stand in the way of anything that threatened to hurt Quinn. He truly wished he could, really, he did.

Galen thought back to the day that Quinn was in the car accident, boy was that a horrible day. He remembered when Quinn's Amy's(Quinn's mother) spirit left her body, she was killed almost instantly upon impact. He replayed exactly how the crash went, if it weren't for Amy, Quinn would've had the brunt of the impact and died instead, but Amy seen it coming and turned her car so that it was her side that got hit, not a whole lot of people do that, he thought. It's reflex for a driver to turn away in order to protect themselves, but Amy defied that instict and turned herself towards in order to protect her child.

A few days after the accident while Quinn was in his coma Galen was in the hospital room watching him when he felt a presence. He turned to see Amy only this time as a spirit, her spirit name was Falynn. She was watching him, she looked at him and made him promise to protect her son, to watch over him. He remembered her exact words, he didn't think he'd ever forget them.

"He's a good boy, he really is, promise me something. Promise to protect, love, and watch over him like I no longer can, promise me this."

After Galen had promised her she left to go be at peace, he didn't hear from her again until the day the arch angels declared that he was able to be with Quinn. She had come up to him and said that she knew he would keep his promise, and then left again.

As Galen thought about his promise to Falynn he refused to break it, he was going to do anything possible to ensure Quinn was not harmed.

Quinn finished eating and said he was going to go have a shower and brush his teeth, Galen decided to clean up the kitchen while Quinn was doing that. He wanted to join Quinn but realized Quinn wanted and needed a little bit of alone time to sort out his thoughts.

Twenty minutes later Quinn walked out of the shower fully dressed and ready for school, at least he looked ready, emotionally he wasn't, emotionally he wanted to stay home and NEVER go to school again, but he couldn't do that. Galen was finished with the kitchen and waiting for Quinn so he could send him off to school, Quinn walked over to him as he put his bus tickets in his pocket. Galen looked down into Quinn's eyes and could see a ton of different emotions within them, love, fear, sadness and more. Galen leant down and grabbed Quinn from underneath his armpits and brought him up for a passionate kiss and then hugged him close to his body.

"It's all going to be okay Quinn." Galen whispered.

"I-I-I kn-kn-know, i-i-it's a-a-always ok w-w-when y-you're a-a-around" Quinn whispered back.

"And I'll always, always be around."

Galen put Quinn down and watched as he walked out the door heading towards the bus stop. He didn't feel like he was sending Quinn to school, but rather to the wolves. Galen shut and locked the door and then went up to Quinn's room so that he could put his physical body to sleep while his soul left it to be with Quinn throughout the day. Within seconds of his body hitting the matress his body was asleep and his soul was watching Quinn as the boy boarded the bus.

'This is it' Quinn thought, 'I'm going to school, I'm gonna face them, everyone, and I'm going to take everything that those assholes throw at me, hell, I might even stand up for myself! Yeah, that's what I'll do! The first person to call me a fag I'm gonna tell them to fuck off!' Quinn kept thinking thoughts like this, mentally preparing himself for whatever happend at school. He was able to convince himself that he'd be able to stand up for himself, maybe even fight if the other boys tried it. He slowly gained confidence the whole way to the school. He even walked confidently as he walked towards the school. He kept telling himself these things as he walked through the halls, he refused to look at anyone, didn't want to see any of their faces, just kept on walking.

Then he saw his locker.

On his locker was the one word he'd dreaded ever since he realized he was gay, 'Fag'. Whatever confidence he had built on the bus ride there quickly disappeared as he stared at that word on his locker. His mind quickly flashed to that first dream he had of him seeing his locker full of words like fag and cocksucker. 'At least it's only written once, surely if everyone knew it'd be written a hundred times.' Even that thought didn't make him feel any better about the situation. He was about to open his locker to get his bag and books when he remembered none of his things were in there, they were in his last period class, he had left them there Friday when he ran off. He felt his heart begin to beat as he realized he would have to face Mrs. Walsh a lot sooner than he had originally thought. There was no way possible that he could face her yet, he barely thought that he would be able to face her at the end of the day in class let alone right NOW!

'Maybe I don't need to face her, maybe I can just sneak into her class, find my stuff and then get the hell out of there.' Quinn thought. He figured most teachers would be in the staff room right now and they usually left the rooms open so that students could go in early if they liked. Quinn started walking to room 234 praying that Mrs. Walsh wasn't there, it would certainly be awful to see her, he just knew she would chastise him for having an erection in class, she'd probably get him suspended or something! Then Quinn thought about the fact that she was a world religions teacher, that must mean she's religious, Quinn thought to himself. If she believes that he's gay than she is going to be real angry he thought. Being gay is supposed to be extremely bad according to the bible, isn't it? Quinn felt as thought he were going to start hyperventilating as all these thoughts ran through his mind and just then he felt something on his back, it felt like a hand. He jumped thinking someone was going to beat the crap out of him but when he turned around no one was there.

Quinn still felt whatever it was on his back, it started to move, rubbing his back as if to comfort him. That's when it hit him, it was Galen's hand! Quinn remembered Galen was with him, and realized Galen must have sensed that he was scared and wanted to comfort him. He no longer felt as though he were going to hyperventilate, he was still scared, but a hell of a lot calmer than he had been just a few seconds ago, knowing that he wasn't alone in this made him fell a whole lot better. Quinn could still feel Galen's hand on his back as he came up to Mrs. Walsh's room, he silently prayed some more that she would not be in her room. As he opened the door he saw that his prayers went unanswered. Mrs. Walsh was sitting right at her desk, she looked up when the door opened and Quinn immediately looked down at the floor in shame.

"I-I-I j-j-j-just n-n-n-nee-eed m-m-m-m-my s-stuff" Quinn said, he noticed he was stuttering a lot more than usual.

Mrs. Walsh got up from her chair without saying a word, she walked over behind Quinn and shut the door gently so as not to startle Quinn with any noise. She could tell he was extremely nervous, the poor boy looked like he was about to wet himself, she didn't want him to be this way though, she really liked Quinn as a student, and happend to know all of his teachers did, they all had very high opinions of him. After talking to one of her male colleagues who also taught Quinn about the incident that had happend on Friday she learned that it is actually quite common for an adolescent boy to get an erection in class, those things are hard to control. With regards to the accusation of Quinn being gay he didn't have anything to say as an erection in class can't be a basis for someone's sexuality. She walked up to Quinn and put her hand on his shoulder, he flinched under her touch.

"What happend yesterday was perfectly natural Quinn, it happens to a lot of boys." She said in the most gentle voice she could.

"I-it d-d-does?"

"Yes Quinn. they do, Ryan had no right saying those things he said and will be punished accordingly."

"Y-y-you m-m-mean a-a-about m-m-me b-b-being g-g-g-gay?"

"Yes, he didn't have a right to say such a thing based on what happend, he doesn't know whether or not that is true and he not only embarassed you infront of the class but made you a potential target to others for bullying. He will be suspended, it is just being decided how long, however long it is, his suspension will be effective tomorrow."

"Y-y-you d-d-don't th-th-th-think I-I'm g-g-gay?"

"Quinn, whether you're gay or not doesn't matter, what people don't understand about that whole thing is that being gay or straight doesn't make up who you are. All it determines is who you are attracted to, it doesn't determine whether you are a good or bad person. People don't see how small a part sexual orientation actually plays in who a person is, I'm sure there are some extremely horrible gay people out there as well as some amazing gay people, just the same way there are some horrible straight people I've met and some truly amazing straight people. My point is, whether you are gay or straight does not matter to me, and if you are in fact gay and need someone to talk to, I am always here, because I know how hard it is for someone to go through that same situation and not have anyone to talk to."

Quinn's eyes widened when he heard the last part of what she said, he looked up to see her smiling down at him. "Y-y-you kn-kn-know?" He asked.

Mrs. Walsh leaned in close so that she was whispering into Quinn's ear, "My brother is gay." She pulled back to look down at Quinn with a smile and than winked.

Quinn couldn't help but smile back and nod, he felt like he would cry tears of joy that someone else knew, all his life he wanted to be able to talk to someone about how he was feeling. And then Galen came and he was able to talk about it, but now he had Mrs. Walsh too and he really felt like he could trust her.

Mrs. Walsh made her way to her desk and picked up Quinn's bag to give to him as the bell would be ringing soon. She handed it over to him and told him he needed to head to first period and that whenever he needed to talk she would be there. Quinn nodded and then left, making his way to his history class.

Galen felt joy at the fact that Quinn's teacher had accepted Quinn and didn't say anything bad about the fact that Quinn was gay. He followed Quinn to his history class to continue watching over him. He knew Quinn liked this class, especially now that they were learning about world war two and what happened with the Holocaust. It certainly was horrible what happend to all of those people, those from the spiritworld looked on it as a time when humanity showed their dark nature. As that class ended and everybody left Galen continued watching over Quinn.

The day went by without any trouble, Quinn had just finished his psychology class and it was time for lunch. Galen was happy to see that no one was bothering Quinn and that Quinn seemed to be happy and pretty confident that no one was gonna hurt him. Galen figured that everyone that saw what happend Friday either forgot about it or just didn't really care. Quinn finished off his lunch in the cafeteria and made his way towards the bathroom with Galen close behind him. Quinn entered the washroom and Galen was just about to do the same when he suddenly stiffened and let out a silent scream as he watched Ryan Miller walk into the bathroom close behind Quinn with an angry and determined look on his face.

To Be Continued ...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Go bully people elsewhere. Also, try concentrating when you read. It clearly states in the first chapter that Dad is gone for the week due to work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Fallen in love with chemicals freind?

I am beginning to notice a wide array of spelling errors in your work that I did not encounter in your first entries for this story which leaves to wonder a few things.

A. Your not getting enough sleep.

B. Your rushing to appease the few fans you have.

C. Your doing some serious drugs.

The reason I bring up drugs is because of the one thing you failed to address in your story and that was the relationship between Quinn's father and the angel.

Think about this from a rational point of view. A father who has a gay son still in high school would probably overhear and even notice his kid fucking a complete stranger in his own house. Any responsible parent would not even allow their child to experiment with someone their own age regardless of sexual identity. They would have to be the stupidest parent on the face of the earth considering other people saw this stranger with Quinn in their own community. Someone living next door or at the father's job would eventually say "Hey Dave saw your boy Frenching a guy who was easily in his late twenties at the movies last night. Did not know Quinn was eighteen or that he was gay!" then any real father would reply "Say what? You saw him making out with some older guy? Write everything you saw on paper and sign your name I'm going to file a complaint with the police because this is bull shit and I'm going to put a stop to it."

You clearly lack insight into reality and have a serious drug problem.

Here is a number to a national crisis management team 1-844-202-0917

You need to get help before you do or say something very stupid. You have to admit you write like your a total pervert or something suffering from a mental breakdown.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I wish people were like that... You know,understanding what being gay means. Good story by the way. :D Inspirational.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Don't keep us waiting

I have enjoyed the story so far. I like a good love story. But I hate that you haven't continued after such a good cliffhanger. You need to let Galen handle up on the bully.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I need more

This is such an awesome story. You have to keep going!!! I need more of Quinn.

PS_LopezPS_Lopezabout 16 years ago
Well . . .

I was certainly afriad that, with the beginning, Quinn was going to be coddled and overprotected by Galen. I'm very pleased to see that Galen is pushing Quinn to do and face things as Quinn should. Aside from some techie things (like spelling), your story gets better with every chapter. I like the depth of character Quinn has, and I'm glad to see you're not letting him lean too much on Galen's support (for instance, making sure Quinn has to go to school in order to keep Galen in his life). I look forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Love the story, pls continue! *puppy dog eyes*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

omgosh please keep going!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Please keep going!

This is an absolutely beautiful story, please please please keep writing!!

MilkChocolateAmazonMilkChocolateAmazonover 16 years ago
Very good

Love it. hope i dont hav 2 w8 2 long 4 da nxt 1.

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