Handyman Hank Ch. 03


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"It's okay, I'm right here." I planted tender kisses on her face and forehead while holding her soft, trembling body close, and caressing her hair. I was amazed at how much like a child this thirty some year old woman seemed in my arms that night. She began to relax and as the storm receded in the distance, she kissed me with some of the passion she'd shown earlier.

My hands roamed her body freely, from cupping her taut breast with their nipples the size of marbles, down to her butt cheeks, which I pressed tightly against my rock hard cock. She moaned when I lifted her top, exposing her nipples to my waiting mouth. I nipped and suckled them, and she started pressing her pussy against my cock. Had not her bottoms blocked the way, she would have taken it in with neither of us guiding it to its target.

I turned her onto her back and ran my hands gently over her inner thighs before cupping her pussy and rubbing with a gentle circular motion. She humped up against my hand and tried to stick her tongue down my throat.

"Take them off." She was lifting her hips and squirming while I hooked my thumb in the waistband and tried to slide her bottoms off. As soon as I threw them on the floor, she threw one leg over mine, and then holding my cock with one hand she guided me into her waiting cunt. I believe that was the first time I'd been the passive partner. This wasn't Bessie's first rodeo, even if it was her first in a very long time.

She wiped the head of my cock through her labia's slick lips about twice before she placed it at her entrance and pressed forward. I felt my crown being engulfed by delicious warmth as it entered, just maybe an inch at first, but a little more when I pressed back. This position didn't lend itself to deep penetration, not if you had a normal cock like mine, but it sure felt great. We just lay there, side by side, kissing, while first one and then the other would try to press deeper. I thought I knew something about fucking, but Bessie was showing me a whole new angle. Finally, I could stand it no longer and apparently neither could she.

"Let me get on top," she whispered and with one motion she was astride me and my cock was completely nestled in her warm, juicy cunt; our pubic hair was intermeshed and her hips were doing a slow rotation, Our pelvises never lost contact until she slowly withdrew and I was almost completely out.

"Uuuhhh!" I could only groan when she slammed her cunt back down, setting every nerve in my cock on fire.

"Ohhh yes, yes, yes," she muttered over and over as she continued to slide herself up and down my bloated cock. It felt like my cock would burst any second, the tingle in my balls started and I fought for control. Bessie must have been feeling about the same; she picked up the pace until she was slamming herself against my pelvis, keeping up a litany of sweet nothings, until I could stand it no longer.

Deep down in my balls the lava started to boil over and I pumped rope after rope into her wildly gyrating pussy. They say nice guys finish last, but this was one time I wasn't a nice guy. I did manage keep it stiff, long enough for her to finish.

"Oh god—this is so good!" she jammed herself down on me just as hard as she could and held it there until her quivering ceased and she collapsed to the side. Exhausted, we lay in other's arms, finally falling asleep. The light was showing through the blinds when I felt a warm mouth engulf my crown and a tongue teased the foreskin.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" I said.

"Just shut up and enjoy. I owe you one for showing me how it feels to be a woman again." With that said, she proceeded to give me what was undoubtedly the best blow job of my life.

We ate a breakfast of cheese toast and coffee while we were still naked, then Bessie suggested we make the beds. I had something else in mind, but I followed her into the bedroom. One side of her bed was tight against the wall but she didn't pull it away; instead, she kneeled on the bed and reached over to pull the covers straight.

I was hoping she might do that. I caught her thighs with both hands and pulled her back against my throbbing cock. The angle was perfect and I slipped in with one smooth thrust.

"Oooooeee," she squealed. "You got exactly forty five minutes to stop that." She dropped her head to the mattress to help her hands brace herself while I drove into her cunt as fast as I could. As I drove in and out, she wiggled her ass, adding greatly to our pleasure.

Finally, tiring of that position, she fell forward, face down on the bed, while I straddled her legs and she lifted her hips. Now my angle of penetration allowed the head of my cock to rub her g-spot with each stroke. She went wild, begging me not to stop, and yelling "fuck me" over and over. We finished together.

"I've never climaxed like that before." She said as my limp cock slipped out of her.

"Have you ever squirted before?"

"What are you talking about—squirted?"

"You know—a g-spot orgasm." I showed her the soaked bedclothes. "You don't think all this is my cum, do you?"

"I never knew such a thing existed." She kissed me again, "But I tell you right now, I want more of it."

We sat around most of the morning, tuning from one radio station to another, hoping to hear that Bubba had been captured. All they said was he'd been spotted in the Orangeburg area and that all citizens should keep their doors locked and notify police if they saw anything suspicious. Oh yes, they also said he was armed and dangerous—now that was good news—not.

"You know," Bessie said, as she rubbed the bulge my cock made in my pants. "I almost hate for them to catch him too soon." She gave it a little pat, "I sort of like hiding from that bastard with you."

"Now what kind of way is that for you to talk about your loving husband?"

"Loving husband—shit. That bastard tried to kill me, and then he killed our daughter. I hope he rots in Hell."

We tried playing chess again, but Bessie's heart just wasn't in it. She couldn't concentrate, and after I beat her twice, she stood abruptly, and stared toward the slough where she had heard the alligator bellow.

"Can I see the gator?"

"Sure, just let me get a piece of that raw chicken you planned to cook for tonight."

"Can we go for another walk in the woods too? I really enjoyed it yesterday."

"Just let me get things together." I went inside the cabin for the chicken, but before I came back out, my 45 was tucked under my belt, in the small of my back. I had also run my trusty knife over a steel to bring the edge to razor sharpness. It rested in its sheath, snugly between my shoulder blades, in handy reach if needed.

"Be sure to keep tight control of Bruno," I warned as we approached the edge of the stale water. Its surface was almost completely covered with green slime and dotted with lily pads. About ten feet from the shore lay, what looked like about a thirteen foot long log except those raised spots, near one end, were eyes instead of knots.

"He looks so peaceful, just lying there like that. Do you think I could pet him?"

"Hell no! Watch this." I tossed the bloody raw meat within about five feet of his mouth. He swam over much faster than you would expect of an animal that size and swallowed the chicken in one gulp. "If Bruno was to go in that water, he'd get him, just like that."

"Ugh! Let go for that walk. I don't want Bruno anywhere near that thing."

Once again we were treated to a woodland symphony as we strolled along. The trees were old enough to have kept the undergrowth down, and even I must admit, I really enjoyed the scenery. A highlight was the doe and her two fawns that just stood and looked back at us while Bessie held Bruno tightly, not letting him bark until the deer tired of watching and all trotted off. One of the fawns seemed fascinated by us and hung back a few seconds before it joined the others.

"Did you ever see the movie, "Lady Chatterley's Lover?" Bessie asked when we rested under a giant oak tree. She continued when I shook my head. "In it, a couple made love under an oak like this. The man sat with his back to the tree and she kneeled facing him."

"Wan'ta try?" I unzipped and sat with my back against the tree. Stroking my hard cock, I said, "Your call."

She didn't hesitate. Shedding her shorts and top, she dropped to her knees facing me, like I suspect the woman did in the movie. I reached for her breast, cupping them and kissing them all over. All over that is, except for the brown aureoles and the pert little nipples, which were sticking out, begging to be kissed.

When I finally took them between my thumb and forefinger, Bessie was moaning and squirming, trying to impale herself on my erect cock, which was rubbing through her triangle of hair.

"Come on! Don't be so damn slow." She took my face between her hands and we kissed, deep and passionate. We broke for air and taking my cock in one hand, I guided it between her labia's moist lips. Once again her warm body engulfed me and slowly I slipped inside until our pelvises rubbed together in the world's oldest dance. I loved the way her face assumed a ruddy look, the way she closed her eyes, and the way she stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth at her approaching climax.

"Oh Honey, I can't take it any longer," I moaned as I emptied by balls into her cunt. I was afraid I might have left her hanging, but the worry was needless. Before my cock began to soften, she locked herself as hard against me as she could, then she rotated her hips a time or two, and fell forward against me. I held her, planting kisses on her forehead and in her hair, while telling her how good it was.

We sat under the tree long after our breathing returned to normal. I realized this was stolen time and I guess that's what made it all the more precious.

Bessie must have been thinking the same, for she said, "I wish it could always be like this," then with a sigh, she arose and started dressing. "We'd better head back. I have a special treat planned for dinner, but it takes a couple hours to prepare."

Hand in hand we strolled back toward the cabin with Bruno trailing behind, trying to chase every squirrel we saw. As we enter the clearing the cabin sat in, I pulled her to me for another kiss. "Want to try out that bed again?" I asked after we came up for air.

"Easy stud, plenty time for that after I get dinner in the oven."

Resigned to having to nurse a hard-on awhile longer, I at least kept my hand on her ass as we walked to the cabin. Just as we came around the side of the cabin, I was startled to see Bubba coming around the other side, with a pistol in his hand. He looked just as surprised to see us as we were to see him, but that didn't slow his reaction much.

Now I wish I could tell you how I tackled, hogtied, and dragged him to the cops, but I'd be lying. Instead, time seemed to slow almost to a stop. I took in everything—his hand swinging the pistol toward me—a flash of black, as a growling Bruno dashed toward him—Bessie's scream—all seemed like I was watching a film in slow motion.

I knew I didn't have time to get my gun in action, so I went for my knife and was in the act of throwing it when I felt something smash into my chest and the world got dark. The next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital bed, with tubes coming out all over my body, it seemed. Bessie and Old Joe were sitting on either side of my bed.

"Bout time ya woke up, boy. I thunk ya wus gonna sleep til Christmas." Old Joe pretended to be a tough cookie, but underneath he was a softie. The best I could manage at the time was a little smile when Bessie took my hand in both of hers.

"Thank you," she said, then kissed my hand. "You saved my life."

Now that was news to me, because like I told you, I couldn't remember shit, but after another seven days the doctors announced I'd be as good as new, and let me start sitting in a chair beside the bed. That's when Bessie, who'd spent several hours every day at my bedside, brought me up to date on what happened after I got shot.

What I'm about to tell you now, is what Bessie told me. As I said, I don't remember a thing after thinking the world was getting dark.

She said I threw my knife just as Bubba shot. My throw didn't hit him in the chest like I was trying for; instead it got him right in the crotch, just about the time seventy pounds of black hell clamped down on Bubba's gun arm. Bruno's leap sent them both "ass over teakettle" and Bubba's gun went flying, enabling Bessie to grab it up.

She didn't need it. She said when Bubba got to his feet, his right hand was dangling at a crazy angle, and the knife was still sticking from his crotch. He jerked it out; the front of his pants was one big bloody mess and getting messier. Bruno was barking and jumping at Bubba, just like he was going to attack again. Bubba turned to run; which is the last thing you do around a dog. Running makes them that much bolder.

Anyway, Bubba ran straight toward the slough with Bruno nipping at his heels and Bessie right behind, yelling for Bruno to come back before he got caught by the gator. She saw Bubba jump into the water just as Bruno gave up the chase. She held onto his collar, standing on the bank watching Bubba splash around in the water. She said she had the impression Bubba was getting weak, probably from the loss of blood, and never saw the gator approach. The last time she saw Bubba, he was being pulled under, into a churning maelstrom of bloody water.

"How the hell did Bubba know we were there?" I asked. My answer was that the police didn't think he did know. His car was filled with supplies, and since they learned his brother worked for the Orangeburg construction firm that remodeled my cabin, they think Bubba had learned about it from his brother and was just planning to hide out there. That would account for the surprised look on his face when he first saw us.

"Well, that's about it," Bessie said when she finished telling me about everything. "All's well that ends well." She came over to give me a kiss.

"We won't know all's well till ole Charlie stands up and he hasn't poked his head up since we were in the woods."

"Well, we can't have that, can we?" She pushed the door shut and took Charlie well in hand. She slipped the foreskin back and her tongue did laps around the crown. Charlie proved he was still in fighting shape and Bessie covered her teeth with her lips and was working on him, when the door opened.

"Oh my god, Mista Hank! You are a devil, aren't you?" The brown skinned, petite nurse I'd been flirting with every chance I got, took one look at us, pushed the door closed, and propped a chair under the handle. "Is it okay if I help make sure everything comes out all right?"

Bessie nodded and shifted to my balls, leaving my straining cock for our guest. The two of them had me discharged in record time and even set up an appointment for them to make a follow up house call. They said something about getting an injection.

The End

Please vote, whether you like this story or not. It's the best way for me to judge my success. If you can think of any way I could have improved the story, please leave a comment. Thanks! The Carolina Dreamer

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The Marine Recon would be more akin to the Army Rangers. The Green Berets have a totally different mission than either . Even most service members rarely have that straight. Still a 5* story!!

With best regards,


Barry3734Barry3734over 8 years ago
Reading at the dinner table

Good story but I need to read it again. I think it jumped somewhere or skipped something and my mind filled in the blank.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Good Fun Read****

Thanks for sharing.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 9 years agoAuthor
Re ENTERTAINING comment of 2/8/15

Good point, that's another stupid mistake on my part. Boy! Are they easy to make! Thanks for pointing it out; I'll try not to do that again. Dreamer

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Just one comment, I though labia were lips?

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 9 years ago
fun read

I like this handyman series.Lots of humor.

bigdnc13bigdnc13over 9 years ago
A Fun Read

I liked it -- 5 stars

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 9 years ago
Old Joe

How do you get away with this Old Joe stuff? I thought it would be illegal.

tabbymidnitetabbymidniteover 9 years ago
Just adore hank

Love your details and the people in your stories. They come to life before my eyes I can picture them. The sex scene where she squirted I agree that is indescribable to experience. But you still want to do it again and again. :) Keep up with the great writing. it is nice to take a trip to the south and read about Hank..

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More terrific American cuck storytelling.


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