Hazel Ch. 02


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She snaps her fingers and they transport near us. The ground opens up beneath them and they are swallowed from the neck down. They're both coughing and spitting trying to catch their breath.

I snap my eyes back at her.

"Now where is Amelia?" Her smile is there but her eyes are hard. Her blood red lips make my skin crawl.

"Safe." I respond. My voice is small. Why would she assume Amelia was with me?

Her head falls to the side causing her platinum hair to fall of her shoulders. "Now that was not what I asked you to do." Her smile turns into a frown. Her perfectly plucked eyebrows pull in. "When I ask you to do something Hazel I expect you to do it the first time. You'll learn I guess." She shrugs.

The Rebels around me begin to shift from side to side. I can't see their faces but I can tell they sense chaos coming.

"What are you talking about? I haven't seen you since that night in October." My lips are dry.

Her smile reappears and she takes a step closer to me. The waves of energy coming off her almost put me to my knees but I stand tall.

"I will only ask you one more time. Bring me the girl!" Her growling punches me in the gut and I bend over. My hands come up to push her away but something else happens. My powers begin to go haywire and I start to scream. The power coming off my fingertips feels like red lava running through my veins. I hear Leo and Everette in the background trying to get my attention but the burning sensation only makes me see red.

It is not until my vision clears that I see Amelia standing before me.



I can't breath.

I am clutching at my neck and chest but nothing is working. I was just in the bathroom, of the bar, looking at myself in the mirror when all the lights started to flicker. The only reason I knew I was transporting was because I couldn't breath and the last time I felt that way we had just left the bowling alley. Only this time it felt like I was transporting through space for hours. My lungs are burning. Hazel is standing in front of me but she can't see me. Her usually warm brown eyes are red. Her soft hands have red veins covering them. I begin to see black spots around the edges of my vision. I'm going to die. Even in my last seconds of being alive I think about Hazel and her safety. What is wrong with her?

"That's enough." A voice behind me orders.

That is when I am able to breath again. I fall over on my knees and take a lungful breath of air. I cough and try to breath in between the coughing.

"Amelia? Amelia!" It's Hazel's voice.

I lift my head and see Hazel staring at me in horror.



It has been a couple of minutes now.

I can't move and Amelia is still fighting to catch her breath. The tears burning in my eyes have yet to fall. Leo and Everette are staring at Amelia with the same concerned look on their face. I just transported her thousands of miles through space. She shouldn't even be alive right now. Why did I do that?

"Amelia, I'm sorry." I choke back a sob. Now what? How did Elise get me to bring her here?

"She'll get over it." I hear Elise say. I turn to look at her.

She brushes some dirt from her cloak and smiles at me. "Go ahead, hug her."

As soon as I feel myself move I rush to her side. Amelia looks up at me barely containing her fear. She begins to shake and pulls me closer to her. I pull her tight against me, running my hands up and down her spine. "I'm sorry." I keep saying over and over. My eyes never leave Elise. Surely if I am able to transport Amelia here I can make her go back. Her smile gets bigger.

"No funny business." Elise deep voice mocks me her forefinger moves back and forth in front of her. She gets closer to us. I step back bringing Amelia with me. "Now, ask her if she is okay. Make sure she is completely fine. Touch her."

I don't know why but I begin to do as she says.

I pull Amelia's face back and look at her tear stained cheeks. I involuntarily place my hands right against her cheeks. Her green eyes look at me. "Are you okay?"

She nods her head. Her hands come up over mine and I can tell she's trying to pull my hands away from her face. I am probably hurting her. I try to pull hands away but they're glued there.

"Hazel, that hurts." She bites her lip and tries to move her face away.

My eyes widen, and I begin to cry. What am I doing? Why am I hurting her? I have no control over my hands. They are glued to her face and there is nothing I can do about it. My anxiety level rises with each second. I begin to shake.

"Hazel, please stop." She begins to push against my body.

"I'm sorry Amelia I can't." I try to regain control of my body but I can't move a muscle.

Amelia finally seems to understand and she can't hide how scared she is. She just nods and begins to breath quicker. She closes her eyes and tears start flowing.

Oh God, I'm killing her! I'm hurting her!

"Please stop." I look at Elise who is watching us with excitement.

Amelia begins to scream and I see my fingers burning into her skin.

"Stop!" I look at Elise again.

She shrugs and snaps her fingers again.

I push Amelia as far away as I can. She lands in front of Everette and Leo. She moves back until she is behind them. She tries to touch the burn marks on her face but can't. It doesn't look like she is healing either.

I look away disgusted with myself. What did I do?



I remember Elise.

She looks as fearsome as the last time. This time I actually see what she is capable of. My face burns but I can't even touch it. The worst part is the look in Hazel's eyes. She is blaming herself for it but I know she has no control over her actions. I wish I could comfort her but I don't want to get close again until we are far away from this evil bitch. Are we going to make it out of here alive?

Leo and Everette are both buried to the ground from the neck down. How did they all end up here?

"Are you okay?" I hear Leo whisper to me. I lean closer to him and respond yes as quietly as I can.

"Just a few minutes longer guys." Everette says.

What does that mean? We'll be dead in a few minutes? Why wait?

"Where is Jake?" Leo's voice drops an octave. I can see the fear creeping in. He knows he's just a step away from repeating what Hazel just did.

"We were at a bar. I was in the bathroom and I-"

"Stop talking!" Elise's voice breaks through the air.

My lips pull tight and I can't open them. My hands come up to my face but I can't get my lips to open. I control my breathing and turn way so Hazel doesn't have to look at me. I have to let her focus. If Everett has a plan I have to stay in the sidelines and not call any attention to myself. And if for some reason this is the end of the road for us I have to let Hazel believe everything is fine with me. She can't see me suffer.

"Amelia dear, you might want to hear what I have to say next. This is going to be quick so just turn around and sit tight." Elise sounds like a teacher trying to get her class under control.

My body flips around and I land roughly against the floor. My arms and legs cross and I am facing them.

Hazel isn't looking at me. Her eyes watch Elise closely.

Her platinum hair flows around her as she rises from the ground. She levitates around the fire, giving us a show. I just want her to get on with it. My body feels fatigue, I'm probably going to faint soon. I don't want Hazel to see that.

"When I first saw you, Amelia, I knew you looked familiar." There is a small smile on her lips. The Rebels around us start to shift back and forth, their black cloaks moving with the wind. The air around us picks up and drops a couple of degrees. "Your mother was beautiful."

I stop shaking, my ears perk.

"Such a shame I had to do what I had to do."

"Amelia, stop listening." Hazel shouts in the distance.

But I am caught under her spell. I am listening and imagining just what she wants me to hear.

"Greg, one of my most powerful right hand men, found his soulmate, Kate." I feel the hairs on my back stand. My mother's name was Kate. "Yes, don't look so shocked. Your mother fell in love with him too. She was actually one of the first to advocate for humans to have relationships with us magical creatures. She volunteered her soul so she could be with Greg in the afterlife." She is saying everything so fast. It is hitting me like a train going full speed. "I had plans for you," Her eyes narrow briefly but then she smiles" But Greg got to you before I did and he planted the hospital scenes in your head and expected you to move on with your life. He is the reason you moved all the way over here across the U.S. It took me a while to track you but when I found you I was ecstatic. And the best part is you're following in her footsteps! You have found yourself a witch!"

"Stop!" Hazel turns towards her. "She's had enough." The concern on Hazel's face is evident. She's no longer trying to hide the fear she feels for me. All of this is becoming too much. I think I'm going to get sick.

"So," Elise continues, without blinking an eye, "I killed her and Greg and made it my mission to find you. You see your soul is one of the purest I have found in years. Should I have it, I can gain even more powers." Her smile is calculating. "But any who, history will repeat itself. You want to be with Hazel correct?" She doesn't wait for my answer. "So I'll kill you first, then Hazel and then you guys can life together in the afterlife. I'm really doing you both a favor." I see the hunger in her eyes. She wants my blood.

My mother was killed? She knew about witches and warlocks and was willing to die for one of them? I start hyperventilating. Elise has been looking for me specifically, wanting my soul? I am going to die. I won't make it out of here alive. The only comfort I find is that there might be a chance I will see her in the afterlife. But I don't want Hazel to die. She is so young and has so much to look forward to. I want to speak up, trade my soul for hers. My mouth is still shut tight. My body feels like every molecule is frozen in place. Hazel calls me in the distance but it is too late. The black dots around my vision become more pronounced until I can't see anything before me.



Amelia's body goes limp right next to Leo and a piercing scream breaks out of me.

The connection between us is getting weaker and weaker by the second. I'm losing her! I want to run to her side but my feet are glued to the ground. I can't do anything! There is a slight tugging against my chest but it is barely noticeable. In a matter of seconds I see red. I want to kill Elise. The ground beneath me begins to shake. The dirt bounces up and down around us. Is this my anger? Or does Elise have another trick up her sleeve. The silence that falls around us, is interrupted by the grumbling beneath us.

"Now!" Everette yells. I snap my head towards him wondering who he's talking to.

The ground beneath us shakes even more and I see Elise's eyes go wide. This isn't her doing. With the distraction I rush to Amelia's side. Everette's body shoots up from the ground and the Rebels around the circle begin to drop one by one. Leo claws himself out of the ground and points his palms towards Elise.

She is frozen into place. She looks around her but she does not move. Her arms are open wide and I see faint outlines of, what I think, are ghosts- each one holding her in place. Everette's hand goes into his robe and he pulls out a green crystal. He chants some words, I have never heard before, they are foreign. Elise screams over his chanting. Her body shakes even more pronounced than the ground beneath us. A blinding light comes from the green crystal in Everett's hand that I have to look away. My body is covering Amelia's. When I no longer feel the ground rumbling I look up to see Everette holding up the crystal in his hand. There is a small light inside of it that flashes on and off.

The dust around us begins to settle. The Rebels all begin to moan and try to stand.

"Hazel, we need your help getting all of us out of here and to the next town over." Everette says to me. He holds Leo's hand.

I look down at Amelia, I would rather not have to transport her again but I need to get her somewhere safe and quick.


I haven't moved from her side.

It has been three gruesome days but I have not let her out of my sight.

I turn my neck to try and get the kinks out of it. I've been sitting in this position for too long. The room they have her in is separate than where they have witches that need healing. My guess is we're in deep shit and they don't know what to do with us just yet. I don't care as long as they let her walk away from this. I rub my eyes. They burn. When was the last time I ate? I need to pee but what if she wakes? I don't want to miss it.

"It might be days before she wakes." The healer said when he brought me to her room a few days ago.

We are in the Wonderfield Coven, about three states over. I would have never been able to transport that far away if it wasn't for my desperation and bond to Amelia. I would have never been able to drag others with me. The Wonderfield Coven leaders and their people have been hospitable but they are just awaiting orders from the Star Dust Coven. They all seem on edge when they are around us.

I stare at the white older lady in the corner of the room. She's wearing a red and white robe. Most of the Coven members have red hair and fair skin covered in freckles. Since I've been here I have learned that they are healers like the Knight Coven but they use more spiritual methods than natural ones. We have probably ruined any plans they had to have a spiritually healing next couple of days.

There is a purple layer of fog surrounding Amelia, The lady, Gina I think she said her name was, explained that they would usually give a witch or warlock some potion they could drink or have injected into their system to speed up the process but because she is human they have to get it into her system by inhalation. It has to be monitored because anything above what is recommended could cause her more harm. Hence, why Gina has to be in the room when they are giving her the predetermined dose.

In the passing days I have seen Amelia's sickly ashen skin go back to its normal color. Her hair is shiny again and the dark circles around her eyes are less noticeable. I just want to hold her. I almost lost her. Elise almost killed her like she killed her mom. Oh God, when she wakes up it is all going to hit her like a train. The best I can do is be here for her.

Leo walks in through the double doors, in reality those doors are guarded by a spell and only those with access can come in. This must be important if Leo was able to come in without announcing himself.

"Get ready, your parents and mine are minutes away from arriving." He throws a black, leather bag on my lap. I open my mouth to argue but he puts his hand up. "I will make sure the room is sealed shut and if she wakes they will let us know immediately. For now you need to change. Eat the power bar that is in the bag and meet us in their audience room."

Leo is also dying to have his soulmate in his hands. All of us have been too caught up in giving all of our versions of the events that occurred with multiple Star Dust members to talk to any of our loved ones. I know my parents are going to chew me out and I will probably be demoted. Leo still has to get through all of this before he can even call Jake. They confiscated our phones as soon as we arrived here.

"If she wakes while we're in the meeting I will have to leave." I warn.

He nods and leaves the room.


The leaders of the Wonderfield Coven are sitting side by side in their 'thrones' looking down at the three of us.

They are an older couple, probably mid sixties. The gentleman has more blonde than red hair cut close to his head and his wife has long red and silver hair down her back. They have piercing blue eyes. I feel like we are being scrutinized all over again.

It is a room very similar to the one we have back home. People come here, voice their concerns-most likely in front of an audience- and get their answers right away. The windows high above the walls let in the deep red and orange hues, the sun must be setting. There are guards in red robes at every corner. It is close to being nighttime. It has taken a while for our parents to get here. They would have probably been here sooner if they did not have to deal with the instructions from the Star Dust Leaders. I wonder if Everret's parents came too.

I hear the door behind us open up. We all turn to see our parents walking in.

I want to rush to my mother's side but she shakes her head when I make a move. Leo's parents also have their hands behind their body's showing no indication that they would accept a hug. I'm surprised to see Everette's leaders walk through the doors instead of his parents but I guess that makes sense. All of their faces are grave. Behind them are the leaders of the Star Dust Coven. I have never seen them in person. I look down out of respect as they walk by. The Wonderfield leaders move out of their seats and offer both to them. Our parents come to stand next to us.

"There is much to address so let us begin immediately." The translucent woman says. Her voice is loud and clear, she looks frail but it has no correlation with her amount of power. Her eyes are just like Adam's, dark with random lights making it look like the universe is in them. Her white hair is kept short. "You three have done the impossible task. You have captured Elise, one of the most vile and evil beings in our Universe." It is hard not to look away. So much power radiating off them both has me feeling weak. I probably should have eaten more. "Along the way you have put at risk the lives of humans, nearly got yourselves killed, and have caused natural disasters around the site where the incident occurred that we have had to cover up."

I bow my head. We have been stupid. I was dumb to think they would be kissing our feet for getting them the person they have been tracking for years.

"But," The man next to her stands. I peek up at the sound of his voice. "Were it not for your bravery and grit, we would have lost many more human lives and many of our own as well. And for that we would like to give you three the honor of becoming part of the Star Dust Coven."

I fully look up and can't hide my shock. This is unheard of. Star Dust members are born into their roles, not picked from different Covens. I look over at Leo and Everrette who have the same look of disbelief on their faces. Is this real? This is truly the biggest honor anyone could have given us. My father has tears in his eyes and my mother finally holds my hand.

"We do not need your answers at this very moment, we know you have personal matters to attend to but please do have your answers ready by next week." The woman looks like she wants to smile but quite can't. "We will drop by your Covens then. And if we have any more questions in regards to the events that transpired three nights ago we will reach out."

They both move away from the chairs, towards the Wonderfield leaders and speak and hushed voices.

I turn to my parents and allow the pressure of their hands and bodies to calm my erratic heartbeat.


I lie her down on my bed.

The healers at the Wonderfield Coven assured me Amelia was good to come home with me after the meeting with the Star Dust leaders. They said she would wake by tonight and if for some reason she did not they would come to take a look at her. I carried her the whole way. The car ride felt like an eternity. My parents both gave me a lecture most of the car ride but I could hear their admiration along with fear in their tones. They gushed about the honor we were given by the Star Dust leaders but I barely paid attention. All I could focus on was Amelia in my arms, her heartbeat matching my own. The beat is steady and the connection between us feels the same but there is something more I can't pinpoint. I guess almost losing her has made me appreciate each beat that much more. I love her so much.