Hazel Ch. 02


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I put a thin blanket over her. I take off my robe and stretch my body. I feel more at ease in my own home. I have barely slept since I've been gone. I can't wait to be in bed next to her soon. I look over at her again, she hasn't moved. I guess a quick shower won't hurt.

I let the hot water run over my skin. I scrub as hard as I can. Trying to erase images of that night away. I was so close to losing her. I rub away the tears from my face. I didn't lose her. She's right in my bed. I will not let her out of my sight. The Gods themselves could never pry me from her.

I stand in front of the mirror. There are some bruises on my arms. My eyes look like they have sunk into my skull, I need to eat. I shake my wet hair away from my face. I dry myself off with a towel and hang it up on the rail. I put on my royal blue robe and shut the bathroom light off. I imagine my baby blue underwear on my top drawer and move my hand in the air to open the drawer across the room very quietly. Before I can open it completely I hear her shift on the bed. I slowly turn, my heart-her heart-skips a beat. She is sitting up on her elbows, her emerald eyes taking me in. She doesn't look tired or out of it like I expected. I know all she's wearing is my white tank top and nothing else underneath. I can't fight the deep-rooted want that almost knocks me to my knees when we make eye contact. She is hungry, but not for food.

I rush to her side and cover my body with hers. Kissing her deeply, I feel encouraged when she moans into my mouth. Her eager tongue sneaks out and licks my bottom lip. I groan and deepen the kiss. Her arms wrap around my neck and she pulls me closer to her, I settle in between her legs. I feel her perky breasts through the thin cloth against my own. I want to lick them like I have done before. This is usually the part where I pull away and put some distance between us to let us cool down. But nothing can tear me away from her at the moment. I want to forget just for a second that I almost came home without her. I let my tongue wrap around hers. She kicks off the sheet that is between us and tugs my robe off.

She gasps. "You're so beautiful." Her lids are heavy but she's looking down at my body. I feel ten feet tall and kiss her with even more hunger.

Something is urgent about her. This is one of the most intense kisses we have ever had. I feel her sexual frustration match mine. It should scare me but it only gives me more incentive to get closer. The usual fear that I feel about hurting her is nowhere to be found. I know I shouldn't be reckless and push her too hard but her heart beat sounds strong, the blood pumping in her veins is steady. I feel like I am close to finding the answer to what is different between us when I hear her frustrated moans.

Her hips begin to roll against me. I know what she wants. I lick her bottom lip and bite it. She moans again and tugs on my hair. I let my hand run down the side of her face and down her neck. I take a handful of her covered breasts and slightly squeeze it. A shiver goes up my spine at the gasp that escapes from her lips. My hand trails lower until I sneak it in between her legs. She is soaking wet. She gasps and her head falls back. I stare down at her as I spread her pussy lips open and allow my fingers to be coated with her juices. She moans even louder when I let my middle finger flutter against her clit. Her t-shirt is bunched up around her hips but I can see my hand buried deep into her folds.

"Please," There is desperation in her tone.

I stick my middle and ring finger into her wet hole. Her hips come up to take me in. "Ah," She yelps. She grinds into my palm and I know it is only a matter of seconds before she is coming. I cover my lips with hers and swallow her moans as she shakes beneath me. I pump in and out at a faster pace until she is clawing at my back. Her body stills and she practically screams as the waves of pleasure take her under. I let her ride it out on my hand, anticipating what she will taste like. I just want to lick her now. I pull my hand out and start to remove the shirt she's wearing. Once I do I kiss her lips.

Her eyes flutter open.

I'm mildly surprised she didn't faint this time. That is a first. I should probably be taking it easier on her but my body wants to taste her, fuck her, and forget about the rest.

She looks at me with wonder. Her emerald eyes are shining with lust.

"Hi, love." I smile tenderly.

She looks shy all of a sudden. "Hi."

I expect her to say more but she doesn't. I expect her to have questions or comments. But maybe she doesn't want to remember either.

"How are you feeling?" I feel her heartbeat all over the place.

"Good." She sits up and puts some space between us. I sit back and allow her all the space she needs. In reality I would rather have her in my arms but I don't want her to feel suffocated.

"I'm sorry but...who are you?" she whispers as she pulls the covers over herself.



I can tell the question upset her.

I want to take it back. She looked so happy and peaceful just a few minutes ago. Her gorgeous intense brown eyes make my insides feel mushy. Her long brown hair felt so soft under my hands. And her amazing body is to die for. I can't stop staring at her breasts. I feel my mouth water and my already soaked pussy is getting the sheets beneath me drenched. Even though she just gave me a mind blowing orgasm, I have no idea who she is. Or why I am here, or who I am. I bite my lip and control my breathing. I can't be in danger because I don't feel like I am. She doesn't look like the bad guy, but then again, how would I know what a bad guy looks like?

"Amelia," Her sweet tone interrupts my mental breakdown.

"Yes?" I automatically answer. I sit up higher. I guess that is my name.

"What is the last thing you remember?" She grabs her robe from the floor and puts it on.

I feel irrationally upset to see her covered up. I want her to kiss me again, but she just asked me something.

"Um," I close my eyes and try to focus on my last memory. I think harder but come up short. "I don't remember." I look at her under my lashes. I want to kiss her again.

"So you don't know who I am?"

I shake my head.

"Why did you kiss me?" She is confused.

I shrug. "I don't know. I can't explain it. I just saw you there and I wanted to kiss you so I did. It just feels right."

This seems to make her happy. She walks over to my side of the bed and sits next to me. She brushes a curl out of my face and places it behind my ear. I shiver at the contact. Every time she touches me she is pulling at strings in my lower belly, no matter how innocent the touch. Her knuckles brush against my cheek. I feel the hunger creeping in again. I want her to kiss me again. My heart skips a beat when her eyes land on my lips.

"What do you feel when I touch you?" She looks into my eyes.

I lick my lips. She is so sexy. "I feel an intense connection. Like, electricity flowing through your fingers. But it doesn't necessarily hurt. It feels good when," I bite my bottom lip embarrassed at how honest I am being. "It feels really good when you touch me."

She smiles, but I can tell she is still worried.

"Okay," She stands again and begins to pace. "So you obviously still feel the connection between us. You have no idea who I am and you can't pinpoint what your last memory is?" She seems to be talking to herself.

I feel tired now. When I first woke up I felt hungry and tired and I meant to ask her for some water but when she turned to look at me I felt this pull between us and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her. Now I feel the tiredness creeping in.

"I'm sorry, what is your name?"

"Hazel," She pretends not to be hurt by my question and I regret making her upset again.

"I'm sorry Hazel but I'm getting really tired." My eyes begin to droop. "Is it okay if I take a nap here?" I lay back and start getting more comfortable.

She comes over to tuck me in. "Yes, of course you probably need more sleep." I close my eyes and the last thing I feel is her lips against my forehead.



As soon as her breathing begins to slow I jump off the bed and put on a fresh change of clothes.

Fuck! Shit! Fuck! What happened? I tried to play it cool and not freak out in front of Amelia but I can't hide it anymore. How did she lose her memory? Is it something Elise did before disappearing, or was the whole experience so traumatic that her brain would rather forget? I put my damp her in a bun and stuff my feet into some shoes. I probably have an hour tops to figure something out before she wakes again.

I look over at her again. I can't believe she lost her memory and the first thing she wanted to do was kiss me. I smile and shake my head. At least she doesn't seem scared of me.

I close my eyes and transport to Leo's place. I make sure to transport outside his room in case Jake is over. I knock on the door. It takes a while before he opens it. He only has some basketball shorts on. Pretty sure they are Jake's since he is more of a kick boxing kind of person.

"Hazel?" He looks confused and tired.

"Sorry to bother you Leo but I have a dilemma." I feel my nerves on edge. I want to shout and run for two miles, run all of these emotions off but right now I just need someone who can help.

He closes the door behind him. "Sorry, Jake is sleeping and he really needs to recover."

I want to make fun of him for not letting Jake rest because of his ridiculous sexual frustration but I skip to the root of my problem. "Amelia doesn't remember anything."

He has his arms crossed and his eyes only blink. "What do you mean?"

"I mean she doesn't remember me!" I start to pace the halls. "I mean, she didn't even remember her name or what her last memory was."

"Okay." He looks fully awake now. "We need Everrette's help."

"I don't want to keep bothering him." But that is exactly who I want to see next.

"We definitely owe him. But trust me, he is our best bet. I will get ready, give me five minutes."

"I'm sorry!" I say when he opens his door. "I know you just want to be with him right now."

He shrugs. "I owe you one."


"I can't help with that." Everette says once he meets us by the sycamore tree.

His dampened, brown robe looks almost black. He was just getting back from his jog when we called him. I wish we could just let him live his normal life. Instead we keep expecting him to come through for us when we really have done nothing to deserve it. But I swear on my life if he ever finds his soulmate I will make sure they end up together no matter what.

I can't help it when my face falls at his words. I know we have bothered him too much. But I secretly hoped he would have some answers.

"But I think I know someone who can." He smiles at my relief.

Leo laughs and I flick him off.

"This is serious." I point out.

"Hazel, she woke up and sought you out. Even with her memory gone your connection is still there." He smirks. "You guys will get through this just like you have gotten over all of your other problems."

I can't help but smile back. This is what I need to hear. I look down at my watch. I have less than thirty minutes left.

"Okay when can we arrange this? Amelia will be up soon and I need to be there."

Everrette is looking down at his phone. He types something and waits while staring at the screen. I hear it vibrate and hold my breath.

"He can meet tomorrow afternoon."

I would rather not wait that long but I have no choice. I grab Everrette and hug him tight, this is the first time I have displayed this form of gratitude and I can see it catches him off guard. I should probably do something more for him. Once I get over this hurdle I will find a way to repay him.

Leo pats his back. Before we transport away Everette stops us.

"Are you guys going to take the deal?"

Leo doesn't look at me. "No." He doesn't offer any more explanation.

I am not surprised by his answer. When we were first offered positions as Star Dust members we were grateful and would have probably given it much more thought if it didn't mean that we would have to leave our soulmates behind. Everette is lucky. He has a clean slate and no reason not to say no. Leo and I, on the other hand, would have to leave Amelia and Jake being that Star Dust members cannot have soulmates, especially human ones. Soon after realizing that I never gave it a second thought. I think my parents know what my answer will be but that won't stop them from bragging about the opportunity that was granted to me.

I shake my head. "I could never live without her."

He smiles and nods his head. "I figured as much. Guess it'll be up to me to look after the both of you from up there."

I smile ruefully. "You've been doing great so far."



"Where is she?" I turn to the girl who's name is Juliet.

She's supposed to be my childhood friend but I don't remember her either. I was meant to come back to my dorm and meet her and Jake, I think is his name, to jog my memory but so far nothing has helped. Looking through photos, videos, and even reading some embarrassing diaries I can't remember anything. I would be lying if I said I wasn't distracted by thoughts of Hazel and her soft lips or magical fingers. When she announced that she had to leave for some meeting I felt my anxiety creeping in. Being away from her leaves me restless and upset. Even if I don't remember her, my body does and she is the only person I feel comfortable around at the moment. I met Leo briefly when he came to pick her up and I tried not to feel jealous when I saw her leave with him. She seems to like me a lot too. I comfort myself with that thought.

"She should be getting back in an hour or so. It has only been thirty minutes." Juliet is looking down at her book. She's reading some old novel for one of her English classes. She's spread out on the couch and Jake is on the recliner watching T.V. I'm sitting on the floor next to the coffee table, something about this feel like deja vu.

Juliet is a beautiful girl, with dark hair and blue eyes. Even now wearing a plain gray shirt and black yoga pants she looks like a model. She told me about how we met and eventually became inseparable but it is still hard to believe someone as gorgeous as she would want to be friends with someone like me. Jake is also insanely attractive with his dark skin and physically appealing body. His dark hoodie and work out pants plays into the whole jock look. How did I end up dating him? I'm mildly curious but mostly trying to find ways to distract myself.

I wish I had some school work to take my mind of everything but according to Hazel I am probably just going to take some time off from school until I'm back to my old self. I tried not to let that get me down. Did she miss the old me? What if I never remember? Will she decide to leave me?

"I feel bad for you. It all must feel really new to you. The separation anxiety is probably worse than it's ever been." Jake says and looks down at me with sympathy. I love his skin color and his thick lips but I don't feel any attraction to him anymore. "You were getting really good at distracting yourself when Hazel wasn't around."

"Does she leave often?" I can't hide my concern. I can't imagine having to deal with this over and over again. And to be honest I don't know if I want to get used to the idea of not having her around. I feel my heart beat go crazy at the thought of having to go days without seeing her. Surely that will never happen. Right?

"You're going to chew your bottom lip off." Jake points out.

I stand and begin to pace the living room. "I don't know what to do. This emotion just feels so intense. Everything about her feels intense."

"Tell me about it." Juliet snorts. "I only get to see my soulmate once a week and we don't even get to touch."

I cringe. I could never. I forget that these two are probably the only ones who actually understand what I am going through. Juliet does have it the hardest, I'll admit that. But this ache I feel in my chest is not something I think I can every get used to.

"You know there was a point in time when you and Hazel didn't see each other for weeks." Jake says.

I feel my heart skip a beat. "Why?"

Juliet puts her book down and gives him a look. He shrugs.

"I think Hazel should tell you the story of how you guys met and everything that happened afterwards." She's trying to play it down, but I want her to be honest. Maybe she doesn't think I'm ready for this conversation.

"I just wish she was back already." I know I sound like a whiny child.

"Her heart rate is probably through the roof right now with you pacing back and forth." Jake smirks. He tugs on his diamond earring.

"How? What do you mean?" I stop mid pace.

Juliet pushes Jake's arm. "Don't listen to him. Hazel will be back in no time and you will be able to breathe just fine." She kicks her feet off the couch and stands. "I think you need a distraction. Alcohol has always been our best friend. Do you want to stay in or go out?"

I nibble on my bottom lip again. I drink alcohol? I remember the taste of alcohol. I don't see how it can be my best friend. How can I remember that but not anything actually important?

"I don't know if being around people is a good idea." Jake stands as well. "But I think we have drank this place dry."

Juliet purses her lips. "We definitely finished the last bottle last night. I guess going out it is."

"Are you sure?" I cross my arms. "What if she gets back and she can't find me?"

They both stare at each other and laugh. "Oh trust me, she'll find you."



I am two seconds away from calling it quits.

My heart is close to popping out of my chest and I know this is all Amelia's doing. I should trust that Jules and Jake have this under control but why would her heart beat be so off balance?

Reggie, Jake's friend who is helping me come up with a solution is looking down at an ancient spell book. We're in his study. He's probably in his mid thirties and from what I gather he hasn't found his soul mate either. I'm sitting on a chair across from his desk. Everette is next to me and Leo is off walking around the study amazed by all it has to offer. More than once Reggie has asked him not to touch any of the books. He looks like a kid in a candy shop.

Reggie, like Everette, has dark rich skin. His hair is in locks and comes down to the middle of his back. He's wearing a suit, which is rare in our Covens, but I think Everette mentioned he was an actual lawyer in the human world. It is not rare for some of us to try and work or live alongside humans. Now that I have Amelia, I will probably consider it.

He turns to the next page. My leg bounces up and down, I want to ask how much longer but don't want to interrupt his concentration. Just then the book moves slightly away from him. He sits back and the book shuts itself.

I jump back.

"I need a moment with Hazel." His deep voice commands.

Leo and Everette leave. I chew on my bottom lip.

"I don't know why but the ancestors have had the answer all along, they were just asking me to buy time. They had a lot to say." He slowly rises and goes to a shelf near the back of the study. He digs in all the way in the back and pulls out a small glass container with blue vile inside of it. "This is the answer to all of your problems."

He doesn't hand it over. Instead he comes to sit next to me and crosses his ankle across his knee. "The ancestors did want me to deliver a message as well."

I sit straight. I should have guessed the ancestors would be here. I try not to feel like they are scrutinizing me on the other side for bothering Everette so much.