He Planned a Secret Ch. 02


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None of us had ever been to a pro football game. The next morning we were on the road again. By nightfall we were parked in Savannah and Kasumi was cooking dinner for us. We watched the Patriots play on TV and Jose' and I answered lots of questions. They won.

The next night we were in Fayetteville North Carolina. We ate delivered BBQ from a local place. Diane fell in love with the way they prepared their BBQ. She spoke to the man who cooked at the place and early the next morning she took a taxi and spent two hours with him, learning. She brought back some of the meat he had made the day before. We stopped for lunch and ate his BBQ Pulled Pork. It was so good!

Next day we stopped outside Washington, D.C. and rented a minivan. We visited the VietNam memorial and the other memorials on the mall. That night Jose' and I talked and discovered both of us had thought about wearing our silver stars to the mall. Neither of us had done it. It was an emotional day for both of us and for the three women who were holding on to us.

We planned one more stop before arriving at Gillette stadium in Massachusetts. It didn't happen. We drove eight hours that day and parked within sight of the stadium. Jose' was like a kid. I figured by game day he would be wearing not only a jersey but pads and a helmet as well.

We spent the next day in Boston. We acted like tourists and did all the things tourists do. We even took a Duck Tour! A Duck is an amphibious vehicle, both a truck and a boat. We got in and a driver talked us past lots of famous places and then drove us into the river and we motored down the river a ways and drove back out onto land. Every time we stopped, even for a traffic light we switched seats so Jose' and I got to sit with each of our ladies. It was a great, fun day.

The next day Jose' wanted to go to a museum so he and Kasumi went. Ann and Diane wanted to go to a cooking school they had spotted while on the Duck Tour. I stayed back with the RV's figuring to do a little clean up and maybe catch a nap.

I got the cleaning done, but the nap didn't happen. As I put the cleaning supplies away a Mazda Miata stopped in front of me and a tall blond got out of it. She was model material, even to the clothes she had on. Easily as tall as me, slender and moved in the practiced, sexy way some women spend years perfecting. Her dress screamed that the dress and shoes were all she had on. The dress was cut with a "V" neck that almost reached her navel and the hem was within three inches of exposing her pussy.

She walked up to me and said, "You did a nice job cleaning the bus."

"Thanks. I was about to get something to drink and sit out here to relax. Can I offer you a beverage?"

Her eyes sparkled like she had a secret and she said, "Diet Coke, if you have a spare."

"Diet Coke it is, even if I don't have a spare." I went inside and she sat down in one of our chairs. I came back and gave her a can. We both took a good drink and I asked, "So what brings you to visit me?"

"I came to deliver a message. The government that put out the contract on you and your brother has paid the families. They accept that the contract was fulfilled. You are dead. You can establish new identities and settle down wherever you like."

"Thank you."

"Oh, there's one more thing. I've met Diane and Ann. Talked with them at the gathering in Austin. I want what they have. I want you. Is that possible?"

"I'm not sure. What they have is a very intimate partnership with me. We might as well be married. Is that what you want? To move in here with us and participate as a full partner in this marriage?"

"No, that's not possible. My work moves me around and has me alone most of the time. What I want is to be loved. When I saw you together I felt it. You absolutely love them both. They both love you and each other. I want that feeling."

"Stay for dinner. I'm not making a promise or anything like it, I'm just opening a door. Stay for dinner. If you need to change appointments or clothes, do that."

From her car she got her cell phone and made three calls. From the trunk of the car she got casual clothes and asked if she could go inside to change. She came back in three minutes in dark grey slacks and a silk blouse. It was obvious to me that she was not wearing a bra. Her pebble sized nipples were pressed against the silk and aimed at me. She looked good.

She sat with me and we sipped out diet Cokes. We talked about the weather, about the situation in the Middle East and about domestic politics. We watched the minivan drive across the parking lot and stop behind the Miata.

When they stopped I realized that I had never asked and she had never offered a name. I didn't know how to introduce her. She solved the problem. She stood and shook hands with each person saying, "I'm Almond. I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

We laughed. No one from the government was here to help it was a joke from the Reagan years. He said one of the biggest things to fear was someone who said, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Jose' got drinks for everyone and we sat. Kasumi asked, "I heard the joke, but why are you really here?"

Almond looked at me and I knew she was asking if she should tell Kasumi and Jose'. I nodded. She said, "I am from the government and I came to deliver a message. I stayed to have a conversation with Ann, Diane and Ben."

"What was the message?" Diane asked.

"The foreign government has paid the families for the killing of Ben Peterson and Jose' Garcia. They are convinced you are dead. You can settle down any time you want."

Jose' said, "Good news. Thanks." He stood and said, "Kasumi, the rest of what she has to say isn't for or about us." He held his hand out to her. She stood, told Almond she was happy to have met her, and left with Jose'.

He and Kasumi got in the minivan and drove away.

Ann said, "Ok. What?"

"I've been watching you for months. The more I watched the more I knew what I wanted. I have a wonderful job. I love my job, but it has a huge downside. I am alone. I watched how you guys started together. How you support each other and how you love freely." She took a breath, watching Ann and Diane for their reactions.

"I want what you have. I know I can't have it the way you do. I can't drop my life and join you living in a Winnebago. What I want is to be loved. Not just sex, but loved, accepted and ... whatever it is that I always know I belong somewhere. I have no family. My parents and brother are gone." She stopped talking. A tear slid down her cheek.

Ann looked at Diane and then at me. She said, "I feel it. I remember that feeling. I had it when I moved to town. If you and I hadn't become sisters I probably would have died of loneliness."

Diane said, "Remember the night Ben told us about why he didn't hit on us? If he had said he was gay or not interested in us I would have jumped off a bridge. I've felt it too."

Ann was crying and said, "You want to stay for dinner and be here for breakfast. You want to follow us wherever we end up and drop in for a refill often, knowing that when you show up, you're home?"

Almond nodded.

I asked, "When do you have to be back at work?"

She opened her purse and pulled out a ticket for the game on Sunday. She said, "I got a seat right next to one of yours. I'm due back at work Monday at 0900."

Ann said, "Please stand up." Almond, Ann and Diane stood. They moved together and hugged. I joined them in the hug and I kissed Diane. When the kiss ended I said, "I love you. Wherever I am with you, we are home."

I turned my head and kissed Ann. When the kiss ended I said, "I love you. Wherever I am with you, we are home."

I turned to Almond and kissed her. She was quivering all over. When the kiss ended I said, "I love you. Wherever I am with you, we are home."

We stayed in the hug for a long time. Kisses were shared. Bodies pressed against bodies and tears fell on silk, cotton and the ground. When Jose' and Kasumi returned plans were made and put into operation for all of us to have dinner together. Diane took Kasumi aside and explained why Almond was still with us. Kasumi listened and walked away for a few minutes.

When she came back Diane called us all together and said, "From before Jose' and Kasumi came to Nebraska we accepted both of them as family. She's been like a sister to Ann and me, but different. She lived twelve miles from us. Now she lives in there and we live in here. We screwed up. With your permission I want to fix that."

She stood inches from Kasumi and kissed her. Kasumi didn't react as I expected. I expected her to back away. When Diane's lips touched Kasumi's lips she wrapped her arms around Diane and they really kissed. When the kiss ended Diane said, "I love you. Wherever I am with you, we are home. We are family."

Kasumi looked around the circle of all of us, beaming. Ann stepped close and repeated the ceremony. It was repeated until Kasumi had repeated the ceremony with Almond too.

Dinner made it to the table and we feasted. As it got later and later in the evening I wondered how the sleeping arrangements would be worked out. I had no need to worry. Diane and Ann were way ahead of me.

Ann whispered in my ear, "You're ready to get ready for bed. Go inside and get showered, shaved and into bed. Ok?" A man would need to be stupid to say "No". I said Good Night to everyone and went inside. I showered, shaved and climbed into bed.

A few minutes later three women came inside. The shower came on. I heard voices and movement, then the shower shut off. More movement a few giggles and kissing sounds and the lights went out. I waited, anxiously for whatever was next.

The door between the bedroom and the rest of the motor home opened and I felt a body climb into bed with me. Before I could reach for her I felt another body join us, and a third.

The first body was Ann. She found my face and kissed me as she crawled over me to snuggle against my right side. Diane climbed on me and we kissed. She moved to my left side. An unfamiliar body climbed up my body, entering the bed by my feet and slithering up until we were face to face.

Over the next hour or more she was touched, kissed, licked, poked, caressed and other things all with the intent of having her know she was loved. I held the caveman under control and gave her Clark Kent's full attention.

We had snuggled in and covered up, ready to fall asleep when we heard the door to the motor home open. My reflex was to be armed and I was. From under the mattress I had my 9mm weapon in my hand with a round chambered before whoever opened the door stepped inside.

I heard Kasumi's voice say, "Excuse me, please. You not making enough noise. Need to make Japanese girl sing for you." Kasumi usually spoke perfect English. We laughed and I stashed the weapon back where it belonged.

As Kasumi crawled into bed with us she said, "I explained to my husband that we are family. I now have three sisters and can have sex with all three. He wants to know if that means he can have sex with all three as well."

Diane asked, "What did you tell him?"

"We'll talk about it in the morning!" Kasumi said. The action started and while I was included I was not included in any action involving Kasumi directly. The clock showed 0433 when she thanked us and left the motor home.

We settled again and Almond said, "It smells like sex in here."

"Good!" I said. It was quiet and I listened as the breathing of the women told me they went to sleep.

When my eyes opened what I saw was one unfamiliar breast about five inches from my face. Small, pert and untanned, I assumed it belonged to Almond. I leaned forward and captured it with my mouth. She squealed and grabbed my head, pressing her breast into my mouth.

"I didn't know you woke up!" She said.

"I didn't either. I thought I was still dreaming." I said. I went back to sucking on her and she rolled me on my back with her above me. She moved to have me change from one breast to the other. Then she squealed again and said, "Someone just touched my pussy!"

That someone guided my morning wood into her pussy and nature took over the guidance from there. She looked in my eyes as we joined and kissed. No words were spoken between us.

I rolled us so I was on top and she opened her legs wider, inviting me in deeper. Kasumi joined us and kissed me good morning. She said, "Jose' says if it's ok with you, we are all married." Then she kissed Almond.

When their kiss ended I said, "Kasumi, Right now I'd really like some one-on-one time with Almond. Please."

She said, "Gotcha Good Buddy!" Bounced off the bed and closed the door as she left us. I joined with Almond slowly and gently. I whispered, "Can you feel it?"

"Yes. This isn't a one night thing. I'm in. They accept me as a sister, even as a co-wife."

"Kasumi has been with us for months. The possibility of having what you wanted didn't occur for her as possible until you asked for it. She wanted it too. She has it and is grateful. So am I."

"I'm not fragile."

I looked at her face and asked, "What would you like?"

"Pound into me hard enough that while were at the game I can still feel you. Eat me until I have whisker burns around my lips! Take me!"

My hands moved her hands so they were against the back wall of the motor home. I said, "Hold them there as if they were handcuffed there." I thrust into her and bent to her neck, kissing and nipping at her skin. I lifted her legs and slammed into her, grinding against her as I was fully inside her.

The door to the rest of the motor home opened and Ann put a towel and a wash cloth on the bed, stepped back out and closed the door. I smiled.

I rolled her over and lifted her butt up, presenting me with both butt and pussy. I used her juices to lube her pucker and pushed my cock into her. Her hands helped her push back against me until I was completely inside her butt. I held her hips and pounded into her as fast and hard as I could, knowing I would not last long.

I felt her body shake and she screamed that she was cumming. I came and she screamed that she felt me cumming in her ass. I held my cock in her until it wilted. I used the washcloth and towel to clean us both and then I turned her back over and dove into her pussy for an after coitus snack.

She screamed twice more. We went to sleep and napped for almost an hour. That's not accurate. I went to sleep and napped for almost an hour. Almond stayed with me for a couple minutes, got up showered, ate breakfast, dressed and talked with Kasumi, Ann and Diane.

When I woke up, got up and showered, dressed and came to the kitchen I looked out the windows and saw that there were at least a hundred vehicles parked out there. The famous tail-gate party had begun. Jose' came over and asked if anyone wanted to go for a walk. Ann went. I looked outside and saw them walk away, hand in hand. I wondered, 'Were we co-husbands?'

Almond sat with me while I ate. When I was done she washed my plate and Diane said, "Don't pamper him too much. He'll get used to it."

"I want to walk around and see what's cooking and how these folk do a tail-gate party." In a flash they were ready to go with me. Diane carried a camera to take pictures of things we wanted to remember.

Almond made sure she got one of my hands. As we walked I smelled various smells and asked people cooking about what they were cooking. We were offered tastes of brots, ribs, chicken, pulled pork and lots of side dishes. Beer was on tap at some motor homes. We walked, ate and talked for three hours before we were back at our motor home. Ann and Jose' were waiting for us.

Ann got up and kissed me, then went inside. Jose' said, "We need to talk."

Ann came back out with a beverage for both of us, kissed us both and pushed us away from the table. We walked, leaving all the ladies at home.

Jose' said, "I started hating you months ago." I waited. Sometimes Jose' takes a while to say what he needs to say.

"I realized Kasumi was in love with you and I knew it was wrong. She's been with me for a lot a years. I knew if you crooked your finger at her she'd be gone in half a minute. I believed I'd lost her to you."

We walked to the end of that parking row and turned. I said, "You didn't lose her."

"I know. She explained it to me. She's always felt isolated here in America. One look and people see an oriental, not a girl from San Francisco. She wanted to feel like she belonged. She wanted girl-friends who didn't speak Japanese! She saw everything she wanted in what you had with Ann and Diane."

"And because we lived twelve miles apart she still felt isolated and not part of what we had." I said. He nodded.

"Last night I said to her, "Go over there. I believe they see you as a sister but they haven't said it. Go and let them love you. I spent the night alone. I kept thinking and praying that she would be loved the way she needs to be loved."

"Did you realize you need it too?" I asked.

He nodded again. "I started walking with Ann and she held my hand. Ben, she held my hand like our hands belonged together! I didn't know what to do. I kept thinking, 'She's Ben's, not mine.' When we got back she said, "Talk to Ben. I love my sisters. I love Ben and you. I want to share."

We walked to the end of that row and stopped.

I said, "In eighteen years of serving I was close to three spotters and you. Two of the spotters didn't come back. I see you as a brother I didn't grow up with. When we leave here on Monday we leave as a family. Let's talk with the ladies and see how they feel. I have no problem with all of them loving both of us."

We walked back to the motor homes. Ann, Kasumi, Diane and Almond were sitting at the outside table. On the table was a cardboard piece with an arrow on it, a spinning arrow. Printed on the cardboard were five equal spaces, each with a woman's name on it. Kasumi said, "Husband, one of us wants to have a very intimate conversation with you. Spin and see which one."

Jose' spun the arrow and it stopped at Ann. Jose' and I smiled. He asked Ann, "Where do you want to talk?"

She took his hand and led him to his motor home. They went inside. Diane said, "Before you went for a walk with Jose' we cheated. Almond put a bug in your pocket and we could listen to your conversation."

I took the bug out of my pocket and said, "I know. I found it."

"We're in favor of the family sharing this way. I can't love you without loving Jose' as well. Kasumi can't love just Jose' and not you. So you don't need to spin. Take Kasumi inside and love her."

"The rest of you can wait a little while and then join us, if you'd like." Kasumi said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the motor home door.

[As always your comments are welcomed, unless you want to attack me personally. I have ex-wives and other relatives to tell me what a perverse, ignorant asshole I am. Please don't waste time repeating their beliefs. If your comments will possibly assist in me becoming a better writer, please, leave a comment.]

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This one was harder to put down than most of the others. I especially liked every aspect of their military background and how it came into play.


AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 2 years ago

I like this story. I have read similar stories. No one in these trelationship have left a spouse to co-habitate. What is the problem if they all have the same feelings? My opinion...big difference between these communications and some puss boy charlatan flaiginhg about peace in harmony

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961over 2 years ago

5 star I will wait till end to comment

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

With the inclusion of Almond out of nowhere, this story is now entering a stupidity phase. People don't just walk up to others and say that they are in love with them! This is bullshit!

rightbankrightbankabout 7 years ago
This has gone far afield

Way beyond the retired loner. And it's no longer in the Romance category. They aren't even in group, they are full on Poly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good story

Good story so far. I have a few questions that circle around one person. Barbara. Diana's daughter. Not one word about her. Not during the whole hide and seek part or their extensive trip so far. Just curious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Very, very good story

Two tours in viet nam, 40 years later, still hears the twigs...Larry Kansas

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Dear Scorpio, Me giving tips to a writer as good as you would be as real as a tick giving a hound directions! I do think a good proof reader would advance your readability, but don't get one if it will delay your writing!! MIke

michassmichassalmost 13 years ago
It was sort of believable until:

Almond arrived. You moved the story at a reasonable pace up until then. After that, it felt rushed and really silly.

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

S44a has done a masterful job of writing. The story, characters and plots a flow together. Will he add more chapters in the future? This has makings of a TV movie. TK U MLJ LV NV

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