Hearts Academy Ch. 02


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"Want to make a deal, Dana?" Archer laughed.


"I'll tell you my real name, but you've got to work for it."

"Not interested."

"So how about a date?"

"Excuse me?" His jaw dropped. "What did you just say?"

"A date! Do they not do that where you come from?" She began to walk towards him with the same confident stride he had seen from everyone else here.

"They do but uh-"

"Good! Meet me in the dining hall at eight. I'll be waiting Dana."

"I'm only agreeing because I'm scared that you'll shoot me if I say no."

"So, it's a date then."

"It's a date."


He opened his door with a heavy sigh and then collapsed against it as he buried his head in his hands.

"So," Charlotte called. His cheeks burned and he did not dare to raise his face to look at her. "you enter every room that way?"

"Fuck!" He sighed. "Sorry."

"Are you okay, Dana?" He heard Marie call.

"I'm okay."

"Oh you are so lying." Charlotte laughed.

"Dana, it's okay. You can talk to us. Are you hurt? Do you need assistance?" Natalie's calm voice floated to his ears.

"I don't." He sighed. "I just, what is wrong with this place?"

"What?" Cosette spoke from nearby.

"I just," He groaned banging his head against the door. "it's been two days. Two days and I've already seen three girls naked, one pair fucking, and another one who won't even tell me her damn name unless I go on a date!"

"Americans and nudity." Charlotte scoffed. "Like there's anything wrong with it."

"Hold on a second." Cosette's voice raised. "Someone asked you on a date?"

"No!" He shook his head. "Forget it."

"He did say that." Jess chimed in. "For an artist, Dana is very closeminded."

"Hey!" He yelled back removing his head from his hands. The group were all facing him, their television show clearly paused on the

"So, who's the girl, Dana?" Charlotte asked, her eyes lighting up with curiosity and enjoyment at how much her questions made him squirm.

"Some girl named Archer."

"Archer!" Charlotte squealed as she burst into laughter. "Ah fuck, I should have known."

"Wait you know her?"

"Oh yes." She nodded. "I know her very well."

"Wait, then what's her real name!"

"Like I'm going to ruin that fun? No way. So Dana, what are you wearing on the date?"

"I don't know." He groaned. "A t-shirt and slacks?"

"Dana Morgan!" Charlotte gasped in horror. "Are you serious?"

"What's wrong with that! Slacks are nice!" He growled.

"He's never dated before." Jess said without taking her eyes off her book.

"Is this true, Dana?" Cosette spoke up.


"Don't lie to us." Charlotte added.

"I," He swallowed as a lump in his throat began to form. "No." He whispered.


"I said no!" Dana shouted as he buried his head in his hands again. "I've never been asked out! I've never been on a date! Okay? Are you happy!"

"Dana get your suitcases." Charlotte smiled. "Now."

He stood up as he walked to his room, pushed the door open, and then wheeled them both out with another loud groan. He threw them into the common room and then collapsed again against the wall.

"Ugh, why did I say yes?" He sighed. He watched as Charlotte leapt to her feet, unzipped it before turning it over and dumping everything on to the floor. Garments, mementos, and even old pieces of his art went tumbling in slow motion on to the hardwood floor. Dana could only feel his anger rise as his precious belonging were tossed every which way with reckless abandon.

"Hey!" He shouted. "Watch it!"

Charlotte and Cosette both looked at the pile with a grimace before Natalie grabbed the other and did the same.

"Oh gross." Cosette exclaimed holding up a black t-shirt with his dad's band name on it with her foot. "Oh so gross."

"Dana, is this everything? Like are you serious?" Charlotte couldn't help but to gawk at the dislay.

"Yes. Look, I don't need your help."

"Oh yeah, you do." Marie sighed. "You need it so bad. Dana, if you want to win a girl's heart then who better to ask then us."

"I don't want to win her heart! I don't even want to go on this fucking date!"

"But you're going right?" Cosette asked as she crossed her arms.

"Yes." He groaned. Why did he have to say yes? Why did he have to go down that hallway? He should've just gone to any other area in the entire school. But no! His curiosity got him into this mess and now it was either stand-up a pretty girl he just met or humiliate himself in front of her.

What a fantastic choice.

"Marie, go lock the door." Charlotte spoke suddenly in a grave tone. Marie leapt from the couch and to her feet before jogging to the door without a moment of hesitation.

"Got it!" She called back as she turned the lock on the handle.

"Dana, you don't have any suitable clothes. You are miles from any tailor, and you have a date in a few hours. Which means you have to borrow. Do you understand what this means?" Charlotte's eyes narrowed as she focused intensely on his disheveled form. He hated the attention; it made his skin crawl and his heart race. He just wanted to curl up in the corner and die already.

"No." He shook his head as he felt his breath grow short. A smile began to spread across her lips as she clasped her hands together loudly and cried out:

"It's time for a makeover!"


"What the fuck do you mean?" Dana crossed his arms against his chest as he felt his anger rise.

"Is that not a popular term where you live?" Charlotte cocked an eyebrow as she scratched her chin. "It's the act of-"

"I know what it means." He growled. "I'm not letting you dress me up. There is no goddamn way-"

"Oh!" Natalie clapped her hands together. "What a fun idea! Yes, Dana let us dress you up!"

"Yes, a new look would suit you." Cosette nodded as she turned on her heels and walked into one of the rooms behind her. "What did you have in mind?"

"Yay!" Natalie cheered hot in Cosette's heels. "Let's see what Charlotte has first. I'm thinking a dress."

"Too fancy." Cosette spoke. "A nice skirt perhaps?"

"Skirt and blouse?" He felt his eye twitch at their words. He felt his heart race even faster.

"Yes." The room began to feel like an inferno and his mind grew hazy. A dull ever-increasing pain spread from his temples. His eye twitched once more.

There was a buzzing of voices and noise as Charlotte raced into her bedroom without a second thought. With every second it grew louder and louder until...

"EXCUSE ME!" He screamed and the room fell into silence. "Does anyone care about what I, the person going on the date, think about all this?"

"Yes!" Cosette poked her head out from the other room her voice full of concern after his yell. "Of course, we do. We aren't monsters."

"Dana." Natalie emerged with a pair of bright pink high heels in her hand. She set them down gently at the foot of the door before joining him on the floor. She sat cross-legged and placed a hand of his knee. Her touch was both firm and soft.

"Look guys, I love that you care so much. But this is all just too much for me. There's too much noise, too much energy, and just too much everything. My head hurts, my palms are so sweaty that I couldn't even pick up a fucking pencil if I wanted to. I just feel sick. I'm begging you to stop." He could feel the tears welling in his eyes.

"Okay." Natalie nodded placing another hand on his shoulder. "We'll stop."

"But-"Charlotte popped out immediately.

"Right, girls?" She hissed through her teeth at her.

"Okay." Charlotte sighed as she sadly returned to her room.

"I," He swallowed. "That's it?"

"Yes. We would never force you to do something that you don't want to do, Dana. Charlotte's just overeager to see you in a skirt."

"You can't prove that!" He heard Charlotte shout. A smile broke through Natalie's lips at that.

He saw her now. How beautifully kind that Natalie could be. She may have not been the inferno, but she was as tranquil as a mountain lake. Her eyes sparkled with joy, understanding, and compassion.

"So, you're going to stop."

"That's really it?" He stammered in disbelief. She laughed as she placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. He couldn't believe how warm she was. Her silky hair that smelled of lavender and honey, her skin that felt like silk, and her touch as gentle as the first winter's snow. He wanted to stay like this forever.

"Dana!" She purred once more. He loved the way his name sounded on her lips. Like a great song, like a comforting melody played by the world's most talented musicians. People could come from all across the globe, space, and time just to hear her play it.

"Natalie, you're really nice you know."

"That means the world to me." She grasped him tighter. "Thank you."

"Sorry Dana." Charlotte emerged once more flopping down on the couch with a loud groan. Jess gave a loud surprised yelp before returning back to her book. "I got carried away."

"I think we all did." Cosette added.

"Not me!" Marie laughed. "I've been guarding this door."

"Marie!" Charlotte hissed. "Way to sell us out."

"I try, Char."

"Thanks girls." He smiled. Natalie released him slowly before gracefully returning to her feet.

"Dana, would you like our help?" She smiled.

"Um," He wiped the increasing amount of sweat from his brow. "If I say no, will you all be mad?"

"No!" Natalie laughed. "Absolutely not. Dana, I really believe that we made the wrong impression on you and if we did, I'm sorry."

"It's just," He sighed. "I've never been on a date. I wasn't popular back home."

"Real shock there." Jess added. Before he could say another word, Cosette tore the book from her hands and hit her on top of the head with it.

"Go on, Dana." She nodded. "Please."

"I'm not much for people. I'm not much for parties either. So, I stayed in the back and just practiced my art. Jess is right, it's not a shock." He shook his head as tears begin to form once again. Years of being teased, bullied, and abused at public school flooded back to him. Even the outcasts never wanted anything to do with him.

"Told ya." Jess smirked.

"Well Dana, we're here for you in any way you want."

"Yes, there's a whole room full of pretty girls who like you now." Charlotte smiled.

"Thanks." He couldn't help but to smile back.

"Your date's at eight, right?"


"Well, how about a mock date?" He dragged his hands down his face as he groaned at the suggestion.

"A mock date?"

"Well you don't need to sound so offended at the concept!" Cosette pouted with a huff and turned away from him. Charlotte laughed quietly at that as she sat on the edge of the couch crossing her legs with a comforting smile.

"It could help. Practicing your charm on one of us. I mean you already find us bewitching." She bat her eyelashes as she gave him a sultry pout.

"Th-That's got nothing to do with this!" He stammered loudly. His cheeks grew flush and he hugged his knees to his chest.

"Charlotte, don't tease Dana." Marie sighed. "I do really like the idea. It's a very good suggestion. If you feel that we are overstepping our bounds, then you can simply leave."

"I mean this is my room." He rolled his eyes. "If anything, you should leave."

"Our room." She corrected him. "As such, we'll host our friends from time-to-time."

"You're avoiding the question, Dana." Jess droned from behind her book. "You're nervous and scared. Stop being a coward and make up your mind."

"Jess!" Marie hissed.

"No," He groaned loudly hitting his head against the wall behind him. "she's right. I'm avoiding the question. Okay, a quick mock date but if any of your try anything I will never forgive you."

"Let's make a short rule then." Natale smiled. "If Dana says the word, 'Purple', then we'll immediately stop."

"Oh I like that!" Charlotte nodded. "How about you, Dana?"

"I would like a bit of peace. Do you mind if I take a quick nap to recharge and then we can do this?"

"Sure!" She grinned ear from ear. "It'll give us time to set up."

"We'll give you twenty minutes." Cosette said with a smile. "But then, you best be prepared, Dana."

"I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this." He sighed rising to his feet. He dusted the small amount of dust off his pants.

"Don't think of it that way." Marie smiled. "Enjoy your nap."

"I'll try." He sighed.


Dana Morgan fell asleep the instant that his head had touched the pillow. It wasn't his fault that social interaction had tired him out so much. It was just a trait he was cursed to have ever since he was a child. The nausea, the anxious feeling that would slowly build, the unease that would spread, and the fidgeting motions that came with it all. There was no rhyme or reason to his unholy burden. It was just there.

It came on warm bright and beautiful days where the sky was the purest blue and the sun hung high in the air. It followed him through the dreariest days of grey in which the skies shed unending tears down upon him. It chased him down on the frigid white winter where no creature dared to stay outdoors for too long for fear of being smothered in the rigid blanket of ice and snow. In the evening, in the daytime, in the afternoons, and every day of every year. His curse was like his oldest friend which was ironic because it was single-handedly the only reason that he had no friends.

Dana was forced to avoid birthday parties, sleepovers, and graduations. If an event had more than ten people in a small room, he would not be in attendance. Most people believed that hell was being boiled alive in vats of lava, being stabbed by pitchforks, or even tortured by demons. But to him, it was crowded spaces with no escape and unfortunately that was far more feasible in this world.

Hearts Academy had forced him, repeatedly to face his fears, sometimes even head on. It was crucible that robbed him every individual ounce of strength that he had.

But Dana slept soundly despite knowing the giggling group of girls right next to him that were planning on extending his torture. But he had agreed. He had decided to go along with their plans. He did not dream of fantastical landscapes or legendary beings of pure splendor.

He just did not dream. His mind, his consciousness, was far more preoccupied with recharging all of the mental energy that he had expended on this horrible day. When he opened his eyes not even a half-hour later, he was able to do to so knowing that he was ready for the challenges that awaited him. Ready for the crucibles that lay ahead. Yet, all was still. Not a single voice penetrated the walls between him and the others. For a sweet blissful moment, he was able to close his eyes once again and remember what being alone felt like.

"Dana?" He heard Natalie's voice cut through his tranquil state and bring him back into the present once more.


"We're all set up here. You don't need to dress up or anything like that. Are you ready?"

"I suppose." He sighed. "Any chance of a five-minute extension?"

"Of course!" She called back. "Want ten?"

"Actually, I'll be right out. Just give me a moment to compose myself."

"Don't rush yourself, Dana!" Charlotte called from even further.

"It's no rush." He shook his head taking another deep breath while he stretched out his somehow tired limbs. It had only been twenty minutes! With each movement, as he shook the exhaustion from his bones, he could feel renewed energy surging forth.

Then he pushed open the door to the common room. The room had been transformed; the couch pushed against the wall closest to the door. The chairs from the kitchen had been across from each other between the glass coffee table and seated in the far chair with her legs crossed and a smile on her face was none other than Cosette. He swallowed hard as he steadily made his way over to the table before flashing a look to the huddle mass of girls watching him from the kitchen nook. The table had been covered in a white cloth and a vase of flowers, a set of dishes, two glasses, and a pitcher of water sat on it.

"Cosette?" He gulped again. "So, you're my mock date."

"I am Archer." She said placing a hand on her chest in shock. Her voice had taken a thicker accent and sounded unmistakably nasally. "I'm here for our date as planned."

"Right." He nodded taking a seat across from her. "How has your day been, Archer?"

"It has been most excellent. After sucking all of the cocks in the Academy I went to roll around in shit like the pig that I am."

"Pause!" Charlotte yelled from the kitchen. "Cosette, what are you doing?"

"I'm just portraying Archer, Charlotte." She scoffed at the question. "Whatever am I doing wrong?"

"You know that's not how she talks, acts, or sounds."

"Why did we let Cosette, who clearly hates Archer, play Archer?" Natalie sighed.

"Because." Charlotte groaned. "Cosette, you get one more chance and then I'm pulling you and letting Natalie have a go."

"Fine." Cosette rolled her eyes. "I'll be more realistic."

"Um," Dana laughed nervously at the building tension. "Should I be worried?"

"No, I can do this." Cosette sighed. "I'll just pretend that she isn't a mannish slut who smells of dirt and grime."

"Okay." He laughed again. "If you say so."

"My day was uneventful." Cosette's voice had returned back to her smooth melodic voice. But it had the unmistakable air of confidence and levity.

"Is that bad?"

"It's certainly not good. I'm very active, you know. I crave adventure."

"I see." He nodded. "Well, I'm happy that I could be a part of yours."

"Smooth!" Charlotte cried out happily and then everyone in the room turned to look at her and her face turned bright red. "Sorry."

"My such flattery, Dana." Cosette laughed. "Enough to drive a woman wild."

"Y-Yes." He gulped. "Just a bit of a joke."

"How do you like the Academy?"

"It's nice. Nicer than I expected."

"Did you expect something else?"

"You could say that."

"Well, I'm glad you could join us here." Cosette giggled as she bat her eyelashes at him. He could feel himself begin to sweat once again. He couldn't look away from her. Away from her beautiful earthen eyes.

"That's very kind of you."

"What sort of scholar are you?"

"I study art. I'm an artist."

"Well, I'd love for you to paint me sometime. Tell me, do you do portraiture?"

"I do not." A disappointed groan erupted from the room.

"I am thirsty." She crossed her arms. "Would you pour me a glass of water?"

"Sure." He reached across the table and took hold of the pitcher as his fingertips touched it; he could feel the table in his chest. His eyes widened and a scream bubbled forth from his lips as he pushed over the container full of ice cold water directly on to Cosette. She beat him to screaming first as she leapt backwards immediately as he winced in discomfort. Her screams and the sound of the chair scraping across the floor filled the room. Charlotte ran over to her with a towel and began to help her.

"DANA!" Cosette screamed before clearing her throat once and exhaling deeply. "Excuse me." She spoke in a fair softer voice.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright. Why didn't you get up Dana?"


"From the table?"

"Oh." Dana sighed. "I'm sorry I was just so entranced I forgot."

"That's sweet." She scoffed. "I wish you had said that before you dumped ice water on me."

"Again, I'm so sorry." He could feel his face burning from embarrassment and shame.

"Yet, Charlotte is the one who gave me a towel and is helping me."

"I," He gulped. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She sighed. "It's just water."

"It was going good!" Charlotte smiled. "You've got this Dana."