Heather Visits Simon

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Heather had been a loyal wife for so many years.
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Heather drove up and around the hill at the entrance to Lexington Villa. Red flowers on the right, and yellow on the left- it was exactly the same when she had made this drive nearly every day for over a year as Assistant Manager for the complex. She had really enjoyed that job. She loved the gossip; she loved knowing everyone's drama even if she never shared it.

She passed the same sign, made to resemble a golf flag. The manager's name below the name of the complex. Susan Gregory. Heather had never heard of her. She had lost touch with most of her contacts here years ago. She'd ask Jenn about her.

Heather had been Jenn's assistant when she worked here. They passed up Heather for the job when Jenn left. She remembered how sad she had been to be overlooked, then she saw Simon's bike. She was anything but sad now.

She had ridden that bike. Right there, she thought staring holes through the back seat of the Harley. The thing with Dr. Spencer had been awesome, but as great as it had made her feel, there was something inside that kept her from really letting go. But on that bike! Something inside her switched when she gushed through her leggings on the back seat of that Harley. Her legs had squeezed Simon, and he had been so firm in her grasp.

She hit the brakes.

Lost in her reverie, she almost collided with one of the golf carts the maintenance guys used. The assistant manager in her wanted to find the maintenance man who parked that cart so far into the drive. She heard Roger and Kurt had left not longer after her. The new guys would think she was crazy. It was really her fault; she should have watched where she was going. Stay focused, you're not some wanton slut. You are a married woman.

There it was. Across the lot from where the bike was parked. Simon's place, as he called it. He was such a gober. It wasn't love though. She was a married woman with a loving husband. She had no time for love. There was something different about Simon Dickson, though.

Heather bit her lip. There he stood. Jeans and T-shirt. Just like yesterday. He was so sexy, in an true kind of way. He waved at her, firm and steady with a gorgeous smile. She parked and stood from the car, taking her gaze from Simon.

"Heather?" The voice behind her startled her.

She jumped and spun. Roger Winston the old leader of the maintenance men stood ten feet behind her in his work uniform, broom in hand where he had been sweeping the sidewalk. "Hey, Roger." Her mind raced for an excuse to be here.

"You are a sight for sore eyes, Heather. Kurt said he thought he saw you with Mr. Dickson on that bike yesterday. I told him he was crazy, you would never get on a motorcycle." He looked to Simon. "But here you are, and there is Mr. Dockson." He smiled like a kid that knew a secret.

"Yes-" she stammered. "Jill, his daughter, wants to enroll in my drama class. She um-"

"We have papers to fill out." Simon saved her. "She left them with me yesterday." He turned to Heather. "I think I have everything filled out. When you finish your visit with Roger, come on in. I will leave the door open. He turned and entered his apartment, and Heather watched him the whole way, until he disappeared in the shade of his doorway.

"Mr. Dickson is a good man," Roger said behind her. She turned to face him. "Jill is a sweetheart, too."

"Yes, I look forward to meeting her. It is nice to see you again, Roger." She wanted to end this conversation as fast as she could. Simon waited for her right inside that door. She glanced over her shoulder. I wonder if he is still dressed.

"Nice seeing you, too, Heather. I guess Kurt wasn't lying." He fell silent. "Ahem."

Heather spun her head around. "Sorry, Roger. I was thinking about something." She could feel the heat rising in her face, but couldn't tell if she was embarrassed or horny.

"It's ok, Heather, I need to get back to work anyway." He aimed the leaf blower down the sidewalk and gave her that teethy smile that was so adoringly goofy on that little man. "He stepped a little closer. "You get in there and-" his smile got even bigger- "fill out papers with Mr. Dickson. And don't worry, I have better discretion than Kurt. I never saw you." He zipped his lips shut with his hand and walked away whistling as he swept. Heather turned and almost ran into Simon's place.

"I'm sorry, I-" Simon began. Heather silenced him, crashing into his arms and demanding a kiss. Simon obliged her and gave her his lips. "God, you are just perfect," he said between kisses. "I'll talk with Roger."

"No need, he's cool." She pulled her shirt up over her head. "He said he wouldn't tell anyone." She pressed her freed breasts into Simon's chest. Her nipples were so sensitive and aflame. The was his chest hair and rough skin grabbed and tickled her nipples gave her chills. She looked at Simon and grinned. "I think he knows you're about to fuck me, though. He knows you're about to fuck his biggest fantasy."

"Does he?" Simon crossed the room and pulled Heather into his arms into his arms. "Why would he have such a rude thought?"

"I don't know," Heather said embarrassed. The light coming through the large bay window behind him made him look like an angel. "Maybe he saw me gush through my stretch pants when I saw you." She shrugged.

"God, you are almost perfect." He kissed her as he pulled her shirt over her head. "Your boobs-" Simon loved her boobs the first time she let him fuck her, and his appreciation had not ended. He sucked a nipple in his mouth.

Heather moaned. "I guess Roger was correct."

He kissed down her body and pushed her sweat pants down as he fell. "No panties again?" He smiled.

"I didn't think you'd mind." She felt really cheeky for some reason. It was probably nerves. She stepped out of the pants and he moved her to the sofa. "I want you to taste me again."

She put a hand on the back of his head and directed his face to her wet pussy as she reclined in the sofa. This was perfect, just relaxing while a mature, hot guy licked your pussy.

He pushed two fingers inside her while his tongue focused on her clit. She felt an orgasm building already. "Wait, wait," she said. "I think you need to remove some clothes."

He reached behind his shoulders and pulled the T-shirt over his head. His chest and abs were fit, but that scar was an attention hog when Simon was shirtless. Heather ran her fingers across the scar. "Does it still hurt?"

He kicked his shoes off and unbuttoned his pants. He pushed them down his legs as he spoke. "No, at least not when you touch it. Sometimes, it does a little though. I'll just be sitting around and suddenly I'll feel it." He pushed her back. That proud cock stood out straight in front of her. "It's been hurting a little this morning. Can you kiss it for me?" He stepped forward.

His cock was hot against her neck when she kissed the scar on his belly. He thrust. It always got her hot when Edward kissed or bit her neck, but no man had ever thrusts his dick against her neck. She left the scar and took him in her mouth. His dick tasted so different from Edward's, but the same, too. His powerful musk filled the air around her.

Thinking of Edward reminded her of his instructions. If you want to give the perfect blowjob, put your hands behind your back. She had been using both hands at the base of his massive organ, keeping her lips locked on the velvet of the helm of his dick. She moved her hands behind her back and interlaced her fingers. Edward had been patient with her learning to deep throat, but she felt like she was a master now; Edward fucked her face a lot and it was almost easy. Simon's dick was so much bigger, but she wanted to try. She pulled her face from his cock, panting. "Mr. Simon," she said with her sweet, little girl voice, "would you please fuck my face?"

"If you need me to, Heather." He put his hand on the back of her head and eased his dick into her mouth slowly. Heather doubted her decision when he met the resistance at the back of her mouth. She stifled back three or four quick gags as he slid past her reflex. She swallowed like Edward had taught her, and Simon thrust deeper. Soon she reached the perfect state where she was too full of dick to breathe.

Her eyes watered. Simon pulled himself back slowly, then back down her throat. His smell! That smell was the sexiest thing about this supremely sexy man. It reminded her a bit of olives in soapy water, but that sounded gross. Whatever it was, her nostrils flared for more of that scent.

Heather bathed her face in that scent as it grew. She was content for a while breathing only when his cock allowed, but soon she burned. "Fuck me," she said between thrusts.

He pulled her to her feet and kissed her. "You make me feel so good,"

Heather turned him and pushed him to the sofa. "My turn to drive," she said and crawled onto him straddle. She grinded slowly against him. The pointy velvet head on his dick torpedo searched through the wet folds for her entrance. She inhaled each time it missed and pulled his long shaft against her clit. Then, finally, it found its target.

Heather arched her back and shook. The penetration just kept coming. He was so much longer than Edward, and she was definitely not used to him, yet. "Fuck!" Her toes curled. She slapped his shoulder. "No more. No more."

"Heather, it is in, baby." Simon slapped her hip. "You took it all first go."

She looked down and bit her lip. Shed could feel that rod moving inside her. "I did." She closed her eyes and grinded again. She didn't bounce on him. Edward told her, she shouldn't bounce, keep it all inside and grind.

Simon seemed to like the treatment. "Holy fuck, baby." He repeated mindless curses as his body wreathed by pleasure. He put his arms around her and sucked a nipple into his mouth. "Slow down." The pressure of his hand on her ass gave her a new rhythm. "I don't want to cum, yet."

She grinded slowly and kissed him. "Thank you for this," she said. She didn't know why she was thanking a man for fucking her, but she meant it.

He gripped her hips, looking behind her. "Don't look, now," he whispered, "but we have an audience."

She froze and tried to look back, but he held her tight. "Don't stop." He smacked her ass.

"It's Roger. He's outside, about 20 feet away, looking in my window." He rolled you off of him. "I'll get the curtain. I'm sorry, it should have closed it already."

"No, wait." Heather had never had anything for Roger, but she'd never been watched before. It was a little exciting. "He's already seen, and if you close that, he will tell everyone at the office he saw us fucking. They know my husband, Simon."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Let's show him so much that he can't say anything." Heather grinned. This might be fun. She thought she owed Roger a little something for his secrecy anyway. "Trust me," she said. She opened the curtain completely and placed her palms on the glass. "Fuck me."

Simon mounted her and fucked. His aggressions pushed her closer and closer to the glass. Roger stared, mouth agape, as her boobs smashed against the glass. She locked Roger's eyes and motioned him closer. "Oh God," she moaned. Simon felt so right inside her.

"He's walking toward us," Simon said. He reached for the curtain, but Heather slapped his hand away.

"No, he can tell the others he saw me fucking you." She pushed against him to accentuate her words. "But he won't say a word if he was involved." Heather felt no attraction to Roger, but the kinkiness of the situation was making her gush. She could cum already, but if she did, then Simon would. And she wasn't ready to end this yet.

Roger crawled over the railing of Simon's patio and up to the glass door. He placed his hands against the glass on the other side from Heather's. She knew she had been a fantasy of Roger and Kurt when she had worked here. The gratitude was evident of Roger's face as he eyes travelled up her body from her breasts to her eyes. 'Thank you,' he mouthed on the other side of the glass.

"Fuck me for him, Simon," Heather said, ever taking her eyes from Roger's. "Show him what I look like when I cum."

Simon smacked her ass once and grasped her hips. That long dick gave its length to Heather with each thrust. His hot balls swung low enough to bounce off her clit like two globes of flame. Heather exhaled from the new pleasure. She almost closed her eyes and lost her connection to Roger, but opened them wide just in time. She smiled at Roger and bit her lip as the first wave of orgasm released.

"Oh Fuck!" She slapped her hand on the glass. Roger put a hand down his pants.

"He's rubbing his dick for you, Heather," Simon panted behind her.

"He is. Fuck me." She pushed her ass against him hard. "Cum in my pussy." a second mini orgasm rippled through her. Roger pulled his cock out frantically and beat it.

"Fuck!" Simon twitched inside her. "Fuck!" The first load of cum he gave her was the hottest. Like hot molten sugar exploding inside her. Heather's knees buckled under the power of cumming. All of her weight supported by Simon's strong hands and long, erupting dick.

Beyond the glass barrier, Roger steadied himself with his left hand. He right hand continued beating, his cum shot onto Simon's patio. Roger looked at her wide-eyed, then looked to the mess he made. He immediately dropped to his knees wiping away the evidence.

Simon closed the curtain. "You are amazing." He tossed her a towel. He wiped himself off with another one and tossed it on the floor."

Heather wiped herself and tossed her towel near Simon's. "I know." They both laughed. Heather licked her lips looking at that long dick she had just cum on. "Simon, if you fuck me again, I want to clean it with my mouth, okay?" She had always thought that was rather gross, and she had never done it for Edward, but, at that moment, she really wanted to lick the results of their union form his cock and swallow them. But he is clean, she thought with a frown.

"Of course, but it might be a while, you'll forget all about me." He kissed the top of her head. "I need to go to LA for a while, not sure how long. At least a week, maybe a year."

"LA?" Why?" Heather asked.

"It is a work thing." He pulled her up to an embrace. "It is a huge project I am working on. I can't really talk about it, yet." He shook his head. "I can't begin to explain how huge this is, and I have been excited for this chance, but I..." He didn't have to finish the sentence. Heather stood on her tip-toes and kissed him.

"Maybe this will be better, Simon." Heather left the embrace and pulled her skirt up her legs. "We got caught already. I will keep Roger quiet, but still. I am a married woman, and I love my husband. I don't know why I am so lust driven lately, but I need to get control of myself. That will be easier with you on the other side of the country." The words felt empty. She wondered if Simon could hear how much the words were forced.

"Can I text you?" He asked.

"Yes." She smiled at the thought of getting flirty texts from Simon. "Wait. You better let me text you first. I'll let you know when I am free."

"Ok. I'll be mostly busy, but I look forward to hearing from you." He pulled her close again. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. He continued, "Round 2?"

"I need to go, Simon. I was supposed to be home already" She bit her lip and moaned. This man was so sexy standing there nude. The sun snuck through the blinds and spotlighted his form. His penis glistened with her juices. "God, you are so damn sexy, but I need to go. I'll text you." Heather felt her pussy responding to Simon, so she left as quickly as she could, kissing Simon bye once more.

Roger waited near her car. "Thank you, Heather," he said as she approached. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

"Roger, thank you for your discretion. I did not intend for you to see me that way. You likely think-"

"Heather, I think you are an incredibly sexy woman. If you need more than one man to keep you satisfied, it is none of my business." He slung the straps for the leaf blower over his shoulders. "I need to get back to work."

She kissed his cheek and whispered, "If you can keep this secret, I'll make sure to reward you."

He blushed. "Yes, ma'am"

She into her car. Why did I say that to Roger? She had no intention of having sex with him. But two weeks ago she had non intention of cheating on her husband with anyone ever. She checked her phone. The buzzing had been a text from Edward.

Hey, babe. Where are you? I wanted to order pizza. What do you think?

Heather replied, Sure. Thin crust supreme. Be home in 10 minutes. Love you! XXXOOOXX

She drove home quiet, nervous, with another man's semen dripping from her pussy.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

@the rise from arsches:

So if we read the tags, we have to like it?!!!? And if we don‘t read it , how could we say, we liked or disliked it?!!?

It’s a free page and free to read everything and to like or dislike what ever we want. Got it, rise from Arsch-es ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

No real point to this. Just a rambling with no explanations given.

Not really a story.

Bill S.

jimjam69jimjam69about 2 years ago

Another slut woman. Imagine that.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - a cheating slut anxiously waiting for the first sign that her husband has been watching and knows every single detail she worked so hard to keep secret. That will end this little infidelity.

I think that the pivotal point where the victim/cheater finally realizes that the jig is up and they have been caught red handed - gives me a great feeling of satisfaction. I hope the author adds the next chapter.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 3 years ago

A shallow life lived poorly.

TheRiseFromAshesTheRiseFromAshesover 4 years ago
People complaining about Cuckold stories...

READ Literotica's GODDAMN categories of stories. Also read the goddamn tags too.

It specifically says - and I quote this.

"Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more."

For fuck's sake. People are STUPID as fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What a bunch of idiotic comments!!!

Only perverts or brain sick readers approve wit that crap!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Another great no real respect for husband story

Love the way these stories have women give there pussies away for free. You wonder why men have no respect for women. I read a comment woman needed to do that to keep their marriage from going stale. If your marriage is just based on sex then it will fail. If you have no respect for your spouse to cheat on them then why stayed married. The hurt and pain takes along time to go away especially betrayal. This is exactly what this story is betrayal No things won't get better I have seen to many marriages end in betrayal. While one stays true the other falls for some guy who didn't pay his dues in a marriage. He didn't earn the sex she gave it away. Sorry these stories just show how much marriage is a waste of time

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very hot!

She knew what she wanted and Simon gave it to her, hard and deep. Win. Win. I can vouch for other wives who sometimes need a hard fucking from another man to keep the marriage on an even keel. The exhibitionism was also very erotic. I like being watched and my husband lets it happen. Sexuality is the backbone of marriage, and when it is fully satisfying there is bliss.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 7 years ago
Just enough

There was just enough suggestion at character potential (although no development)_ that the story felt right. We may speculate at her sudden need for more or different sex; pregnancy? Her calculation and suggestion that Roger might benefit from his discretion lets us think her secret will be out eventually.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What a shitty bunch of crap!!!

Idiotic!!! Where is the link to an amazing erotic "Loving Wives" story??? A slut who betrayed her husband?? Thats your story?? Idiotic!! I get more exciting and voluptuous stories at each cheap porn site!!!

MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 7 years ago
Nothing to see here

This was boring. And pointless. And hollow.

Sure, I have problems with cheating wives stories, but I can still appreciated a good romp, if the sex written in it is hot. However, when the couplings are as un-erotic as this one... seriously, what's the point?

Scratch this and try harder next time, author.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Its your first

You have a great opportunity to improve. OldBearSwitch

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Well, there must be 50 ways to end your marriage.

This was as casual as any. So what was the point of this story?

Never mind. Its not important, obviously.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What ugly and shallow story!

The author did a very poor job on this story.

This story lacks of creativity, shallow, lox context, poor written and it is not even hot nor sexy story.

this story is not enjoyable and it is such waste of itme reading all the way through.

hindsight2020hindsight2020almost 7 years ago

Nothing new. Not well told. Dull. Predictable. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
She has the wrong job

If she worked for Domino's she could deliver both Pizza & Pussy Hot and fast within 30 min or its free and she wouldn't need to have a husband. After all, she said in the beginning: " She was a married woman with a loving husband. She had no time for love." Give the guy a break, lose her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Dont like the stories and comments,,TOUGH SHIT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
With cum dripping from her pussy

her husband will know. She'll smell of sex, and he'll know. With pizza delivery coming, she won't be able to grab a quick shower.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 7 years ago
Was this a story?

Was this a story? I don't think so! Just a whore making house calls. She is always getting new clients...Soon she will be visiting Roger's house too...Then we ask ourselves: Why in hell wants this whore to be married? 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
your intro line

Stated she had been loyal wife for years...but within the first few paragraphs you indicate she had affair with doctor.

Your story boils fown to a one afternoon in serial cheater's life. She has no morals, no regrets and certainly was never loyal

Beyond boring!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 7 years ago

She said she was a married woman,

not a wanton slut.

She was wrong there, wasn't she?

She was both.

I like your writing technique bunchles.

Don't like sluts, so I didn't like the story.

We readers, who don't like cheating

sluts, are inclined to give this story

bad rating because of the morals.

In future I therefore recommend

you start a story with a warning to us

about the content.

That way we, who hate cheating, won't

read the story and you can avoid

bad ratings :).

I have a feeling you are a good writer

and don't deserve bad ratings.

Justgr8Justgr8almost 7 years ago

This was just a huge mess, scattered thoughts all over and just more Literotica garbage.

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

and the cheater still lives life and lies to the utmost, TK U MLJ LV NV

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