Her Tease, My Denial...

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The love of my life has complete control of our sex life...
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When I first met her, I was absolutely taken aback by her beauty. The girl, who is now my wife, was 19, slim and fit, with a perfect tan to her alluring skin. Her brown hair fell around her bright blue eyes, and if being gorgeous wasn't enough, her body mesmerized me. I was 19 as well, and the only girl I had ever been intimate with was my last girlfriend, who had very little assets for me to cling on to during the course of our teenage lovemaking.

When I first saw Jess, however, her larger, perky breasts were impossible for her to hide. Her long, toned, tan legs were enough to make me dizzy. It was a blind date, and she told me right off the bat that she thought I was cute. I was amazed at her interest.

On the second date I about hit the floor when, after a few beers and some heavy kissing in her apartment, she pulled her top off to show me her ample chest. My reaction was a dead giveaway, I could do nothing but gawk at the beauty of her incredible breasts. She climbed on me, unzipped my pants, and gave me the best night of my life up until that point. Her beautiful breasts bouncing as she rode had me entranced, and I came quickly at the sight in front of me.

Fast forward ten years and we are married, with children, living the "American Dream" Between work and kids, as it often does, our sex life has faltered quite a bit. Up until about a year ago, we were having sex about once every other week. It was routine, and she owned me in almost every aspect in the bedroom. I would ask for sex about every two days and eventually she would agree.

That was until I began a bit of a reckless streak with finances. Nothing major, but my bills at the end of the month crept up and up slowly. Jess, an avid budgeter who kept a tight cap on our finances, became "too stressed out" and "too worried" to allow intercourse to take place. Desperate for sex, I began to just go to the bathroom to relieve myself. After about six months of the same routine, we had yet to have sex. For the most part, I had also been deprived the sight of her beautiful body. On many occasions, I would softly rub her backside, creating an instant physical reaction from me, but always being met with scalding from her.

One night, after over six months of no sex, and literally weeks of seeing no skin or parts of her even naked body, I asked, almost begging, for sex. I had decided to stop my own self medication habits about two weeks earlier, and had never been so desperate for sex in my life. Therefore, when Jess slinked into bed in a tight t shirt and a thong, I instantly was all over her to try and get lucky.

After being denied, I begged "please, what can I do to have sex with you? I have to have sex!!"

"What are you offering?" She slyly said, acknowledging that she had been planning and plotting this teasing and denial all along. "You know what's really a turn on for me?"

"What? Anything, you name it and I'll do it."

"A budget. Financial responsibility, we need to set barriers and stick to them..." she turned to me, dodging my lips as I tried to sneak a kiss.

I was a bit mad in the moment, as I realized that I was played and treated as a pawn. At the same time, the sight of her beautiful, firm ass in her thong, along with the outline of her toned body in her t shirt had me as aroused as I could've possibly been.

"And if you agree to be good, and you do as I wish, I'll give you exactly... what... you've... been... wanting..." As she said this, she slowly slid my hand up her thigh, resting on her firm butt. My body slightly convulsed with pleasure just at the touch.

I agreed. Relentlessly. And as I did, a slow smile came across her face. She slowly began to kiss me, stirring me around and making me practically melt as she guided my hand over her plump breasts.

She then pushed me off, telling me that she had "a surprise for my good behavior" With that, she slid off her lace thong, and got up on her knees, bending down, exposing her beautiful ass in a doggy style position. As quickly as I could, I stripped my clothing and positioned myself for what I had desired for so long.

The wave of pleasure hit me like a blast. The sight of her beautiful ass bent over, small rotations of her hip forcing moans of pleasure from me. My rock hard member, being engulfed and devoured by her tight vagina. Within a minute, I was at my edge and felt the eruption of my orgasm, causing a flow of moans, yells, and some choice words, all in the name of pleasure.

Jess rolled over pulling me down next to her, smiling while she looked at me like she had won a prize. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself so much... I hope this was a lesson learned of what you were missing" she whispered, as she quickly kissed my check, rolled over, turned off the light, and went to sleep.

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Ridiculous69Ridiculous69over 1 year ago

Just another feminist author working to make all husbands spineless and idiots. Laughable to see how hard the writer works to make it ok for wife to be an evil and selfish shrew. Nonsense

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

The Whore of LW was trying to.make serious comment. Leave her be. Not.much story to make a comment about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
@AnnetteBishop said

"I liked the story because it could easily happen with couples I know", but she should have said: "I liked the story because it was what happened with my marriage, with the difference I fuck around."

The story? So bad!

WillieWrightWillieWrightover 6 years ago
Liked the comments

that's it

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 6 years ago
Financial issue?

When I first read this, I thought that his over spending — kind of a reversal, because these stories usually have the wife as the spendthrift — was shorthand for either a gambling problem or drug abuse. Being something new, this story could get interesting if further developed.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopover 6 years ago
Interesting Ouch!

It does happen. I liked the story because it could easily happen with couples I know. That said, the takeaway is that she stayed with him instead of making a deal that would kill their marriage, probably. xoxoxoxoxo Annette

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Financial Hostage

This sucks!

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 6 years ago

If only FTDS were still in business.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 6 years ago
HAS to be a serial.

NO way this is not a serial. It CANNOT end here. I don’t think it will be marked highly when it IS finished. They have kids (how many, what flavor?) and good to very good incomes (AmerDream) but Her-Love elaborates on NONE of that (or a bunch of other things that would fill-in the story fo We-The-Readers! No way this outline gets higher than a 2* with those omissions. It is hard to feel much for either Hubby or Sweetie ... Except that Sweetie admits to doing something MegaBitchy and unloving. Nonetheless, it needs to be finished. FTDS should have the shortest sequel in LIT history...

“So, Hubby promptly divorces her worthless ass. The female judge awards Hubby full custody and child support from the Ice Queen!”

(Yeah, I know it is woefully short of the LIT minimum word-length, but an exception is warranted.)

Unranked - in hopes the author will finish taking out the trash.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 6 years ago
Six months?

Seriously, the man was cut off by his wife for six months? During that time he didn't try harder to identify the 'problem'? She didn't get pissed-off enough for a solid argument over finances? Not plausible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
re: swingerjoe

I think the anon who called you an ass just made his point. You retaliated with an angry comment, he didn't. Told it like it is. As to the guy that thinks you're a hero, why is he whining. If everybody just commented as they see fit without attacking others for having opposing opinions there wouldn't be a problem. As always you cuckies have a need to defend your lifestyle. Let it go, nobody gives a shit who you fuck or what you fuck, or if your wife is a slut or not. These are stories and if somebody feels like attacking the morality of it, it's their business not yours. Like anon said, grow up and be an adult.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Fun story

Thanks for the story, it was fun and inventive. Keep up the good work and ignore the trolls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
No physical contact for 6 months?

Why not just talk about what needs to be worked out. Why use sex as a weapon? Thats what makes marriages work, communication.

MbgdallasMbgdallasover 6 years ago
Failed marriage.

This wife is a typical bitch who uses sex as a weapon to get what she wants. There is no love here.

This marriage has more problems than just the sex issue. This is a finance issue. One of the biggest marriage issues in existence.

Too bad women get into this position and use sex as a weapon. One of the biggest ways to say "I don’t love you" to a husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Really odd and unhealthy relationship dynamics.

So was this just a short portrayal of a dysfunctional marriage? What for, what was the point? Nothing erotic, dramatic, suspenseful, witty; nothing. The husband is a bit feckless, insubstantial, and timid. The wife is a bit cold and manipulative. And based on how the relationship is portrayed, the children are irrelevant.

So what is the take away from this story? How about, authors who have no story to tell should just make notes and write outlines of an emerging story until it has solidified into a comprehensive plot.

I hope this comment helps you develop and grow as a writer. You've got the mechanical writing part down, I think. Now just add some wit and imagination to create a story worth your time writing, and our time reading. Good luck with future endeavors.

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