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"That's true. Hypothetically, how would you make it 'worthwhile' for me to stay?"

"Just... how about we forget I said anything. It all seems a lot stupider now that I've thought about it."

"You know that just makes me more curious."

"Too bad for you."

"What do you mean too bad for me? You're the one who's trying to keep me here. You're gonna have to bribe me somehow."

Steph sighed and fell back to stretch out across her bed. I looked over at her, then emulated her. We lay parallel to each other, lost in our own thoughts.


"What?" I looked over again, somewhat alarmed by her sudden outburst.

"I just got some paint on my sheet. It's not much though. It was mostly dried on me anyway."

"Ha! And after you were all worried about me doing that."

"Oh shut up. It's my bed, I can do what I want."

"That's a little hypocritical of you."

"So what?"

I shrugged. "Just sayin'."

Steph was a quiet for a moment before speaking again.

"Hey Aaron?"


"Have you thought anymore about staying? Like, for real?"

"I've thought about it, yeah. Haven't come to any life changing decisions yet, if that's what you're asking."

"Oh, okay."

She sighed and rolled toward me. She put her head on my shoulder and rested her hand on my chest. My instinctual response was to sneak my arm around her and hold her against me. We just kind of lay there for a while, each of us leaving the other to their thoughts.

Cuddling with Steph felt nice; there was no avoiding that fact. It was something I'd have to give up if I left and went back to my real life and my lonely apartment. It was a tough choice to have to make. It was so easy to imagine dropping everything and moving back home. So easy to ignore all the problems that would cause.

"You should stay," Steph whispered.

"Yeah, I'm aware that's your position on the subject. You know it's not that simple. It'd be complicated. I'd have to move all my stuff, get a new job, deal with getting out of my lease-"

"So do that. I'll help. I mean, I'll help with what I can."

"Yeah, but-"

"And I really meant it when I said I'd make it all worth it for you."

I waited for a few seconds to make sure I wasn't going to get immediately interrupted again.

"You seem awfully invested in getting me to stay."

She shrugged. "I missed you. A lot. Things are better when you're here."

"Okay, I mean, I kinda feel that way too, but... I don't know, Steph. I just really don't know."

Steph pushed herself up onto her elbow. She chewed her lip in indecision for a moment, then sat the rest of the way up.

"Maybe I just gotta convince you then," she said quietly.

She moved quickly, before I even had a chance to ask how she planned to do that. Her hands went to the bottom of her shirt. In one smooth motion she pulled it up and over her head. I remained frozen in confusion. She had a bra on underneath so it wasn't like anything too crazy was actually happening, but I knew that her intent was something completely out of the ordinary.

Steph fidgeted with her shirt for a moment, then put it aside. She looked me in the eye ever so briefly, then turned away. She went for the clasp on her bra just as I was working up to saying something.

"What... Steph, what are you doing?"

"Convincing you. You like boobs, don't you?"

She tried to make it sound like a joke, but she was too nervous for that. Her voice trembled, and she fumbled with her bra clasp a couple times before unhooking it. I noticed her hand shaking slightly as she pulled her bra away from her chest.

I had no idea what I should do. My life experiences so far, and society in general, had failed to prepare me for my sister sitting topless next to me. Staring at her tits seemed incorrect, but also completely unavoidable. I mean, she wanted me to look. Clearly she wanted me to look. That was the whole purpose of taking her shirt and bra off. So I stared.

Nothing catastrophic happened right away, for which I was thankful. Steph had nice breasts, the sort I could happily admire for an extended period of time. I told myself I was just buying time so that I could figure how to extract myself tactfully from the room, but that was utter bullshit. She had me exactly where she wanted me.

"So... those are nice."

Steph blushed. "Thanks."

I waited, but she didn't say anything else. I was desperate for some signal as to what I should be doing or saying. Unfortunately, she showed no sign of giving me such an easy out.

"This is where I'm swayed to your point of view, is it?"


Steph's single word responses, while generally unhelpful, somehow helped my panic to recede. The situation was weird and totally unfamiliar to me, but the longer we went without any further developments, the less justification my fight-or-flight response had for sounding battle stations.

I could ask her what she wanted me to say, but I already knew the answer. She wanted me to say that I'd stay. There was a certain appeal to temporarily surrendering my sense of personal responsibility, but ultimately I'd have to live with the decision. It was in my own best interest to choose correctly.

I sat up. This had the effect of putting me a lot closer to my sister's naked breasts. She pulled away ever so slightly as I moved, then got control of herself and straightened back up. I reached toward her experimentally. Her eyes flicked to my hand, then back to my face. Her expression remained more or less impassive as my hand made its way slowly to her chest.

My fingertips landed just above Steph's boobs. I hadn't expected her to stop me, but somehow I was still surprised to have gotten that far. I met her gaze as I trailed my touch lightly downward, traversing the soft curve of her breast.

Steph's lips twitched as she fought to maintain control of her face. She finally turned her head away, unable to maintain the pretense that everything was completely normal. I, on the other hand, was simply fascinated. The way she reacted to my touch and the way my body reacted in turn was all so strange and novel. This was absolutely the least platonic interaction there had ever been between us.

"I'm not convinced you've thought this through," I said.

"How so?"

"Assuming I stayed, and assuming more of... this... happened."

"More touching?"

"Touching, looking, sleeping, whatever. That's what you're trying to lure me with, after all."

"Persuading," she corrected. "Not luring."

"Right, well if we assume that you manage to persuade me, then... isn't it possible I might start to want more?"

Steph bit her lip, then nodded. "It's possible," she said softly. "Why do you assume I haven't thought of that already?"

The obvious answer was that it was crazy, that I shouldn't be interested in my sister that way and that she should know that. The obvious answer also happened to be complete bullshit.

"So you've thought of everything then?"

She shrugged. "Probably not everything. Obviously I can't know for sure what you're going to do, or think, or say."

"That makes two of us."

Steph's lips twitched in amusement. She'd been gradually appearing more confident, mirroring the way I was feeling. Once the initial apprehension wore off, there really wasn't anything scary or nerve-wracking about the situation. It was just weird and socially unacceptable, was all.

Steph swung her leg over my lap and lowered herself to rest lightly across my thighs. She put her hands on my shoulders to balance herself, or maybe to hold on in case I tried to push her away. Her new position made it easy to reach her with both hands instead of just one. I put my hands on her hips and dragged them slowly upward, tracing her soft curves.

"This is kinda nice," I said.

"It kinda is," she agreed. "We could probably do a lot more of it if you decided not to leave."

"Oh yeah? And what else could we do?"

"Hmm, well..."

Steph slid backward off my lap. She dropped to her knees on the floor in front of me. If anything, she made for an even hotter picture from that position. She looked up at me, traces of lust now evident in her eyes. I probably had more or less the same expression. I was getting pretty turned on.

I knew what was coming, but I still watched in disbelief as Steph reached toward my crotch. My sister was trying to get into my pants, as ludicrous a thought as that would have been on any other day. It was like something out of a dream, the kind that you only half-remember when you wake up. This was so much more than a dream, however, and wasn't the sort of thing I'd soon forget.

I jumped a little when Steph's fingers actually made contact with my cock. She flinched in response to my reaction, but only for a second. My erection filled out quickly under her care. I leaned back, propping myself up on my arms and watched her through half-closed eyes. This was fucked. It was so, so fucked. But it felt good, and it wasn't hurting anyone, so it couldn't really have been all that bad.

"Is this what you want?" she asked softly.

I just nodded, my voice having temporarily deserted me. Her dextrous little fingers were doing amazing things to me, and she'd only just started. I lifted my butt off the mattress as she tugged on my pants. Together we stripped me from the waist down, removing all obstacles between her and my hard cock.

Steph took my shaft in a more solid grip. She stroked me slowly, but firmly. I groaned in pleasure at what she was doing to me. Her handjob felt amazing and, if I was being totally honest, it wasn't all because of the physical aspect. Some part of me-some deranged, pervy aspect of my mind-couldn't help deriving pleasure from watching my little sister perform such a sexual task on me. I loved her, and she was forbidden, and she was kneeling half-naked in front of me with my cock in her hand. It was quite a sexy mess to process.

"This is... pretty convincing," I said, failing abysmally to keep my voice steady.

"Thought it might be." She tilted her head slightly. "Of course, the other option was that you'd freak out and leave and never come back. I was really hoping it wasn't going to be that one."

I forced a half-hearted chuckle, although her alternate scenario wasn't really that funny. I wondered if me leaving home had triggered some kind of abandonment issues for her. If so, that would be a good reason to stay this time. I reached out and brushed her hair back from her face, trying to convey reassurance through the simple touch. She leaned into my touch slightly, nuzzling against my palm.

It all became so much more clear for me in that moment; my sister needed me. At least, she needed me more than anyone or anything in the new life I'd been trying to build. I'd been focused on entirely the wrong things. Plus, I'd been a lot happier even in the few days I'd been back. Maybe I never should have left in the first place.

Steph squealed as I grabbed her and pulled her up onto the bed with me. I swung her down onto her back, then climbed onto my knees and straddled her waist. Her eyes lit up with barely restrained hope and her chest heaved at the sudden burst of excitement. I smiled and reached down to play with her perky tits. She replaced her grip on my cock and stroked me even more enthusiastically.

She wanted to ask me; I could tell. She wanted to be sure she was reading me right. She alternated between starting to say something, and chewing on her lip hesitantly. Her hand kept moving the whole time, stroking my pre-cum-slick shaft. She was going to make me cum. That was a new and strange realization all on its own. Despite having come to terms with getting jerked off by my sister, somehow her finishing the job required me to evaluate our circumstances all over again.

I pinched one of Steph's nipples lightly just to see what she'd do. Her eyelids fluttered for a second and she drew in a sharp breath through her teeth. A faint smile flashed across her lips. I rubbed small circles around her nipples with my thumbs, intrigued at the reaction I got from toying with the sensitive tips of her breasts. Her grip tightened on me in response, driving me ever nearer to orgasm.

We were locked together, joined in an illicit sexual moment. Our mutual goal was my eventual release. More and more I felt the desire, the need, for that final burst of pleasure. I felt it inside me, growing stronger with every passing second. My sister's fingers worked their magic and built me to a climax.

"Oh god, Steeeph," I moaned as the last barrier fell away.

Time stopped for an instant, then exploded in a rush of sensation. I came hard, spurting onto Steph's tummy and breasts. I watched semen spurt from my cock like I was in a dream. It was the most surreal feeling in the world to be painting my sister's stomach in such a naughty way.

I stared stupidly down at my sister as my lust faded away. There was cum all over her; my cum. That was bad, wasn't it? It seemed like it should be a bad thing to my calmed down and slightly-more-rational brain. She looked back at me, evaluating my expression carefully. I shook my head as though it might help clear some of the confusion.

"Are you convinced yet?" she asked.

A slow, goofy grin spread across my lips. "You want me to stay pretty bad, huh?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I think I was clear about that."

"And if I did... there'd be more of what we did just now?"

"Maybe. If you're good."

I laughed. I couldn't help myself; all of a sudden every single thing about the situation seemed hilarious. I half-fell off of Steph, coming to rest next to her on my side. She smiled at my amusement but didn't succumb to actual laughter.

"What? What's so funny?" she asked.

"Everything. Everything's just... crazy. It's all so ridiculous."

"Why's that?"

"You're lying there like that," I said, gesturing to her naked, cum covered torso, "and you're going to ask me what's so crazy?"

She looked down at herself, then let out a giggle of her own. "Okay, fair point."

I put my hand on her tummy, just below where my cum was splashed across her skin. I felt the warmth and smoothness of her body through my palm. Steph stopped giggling and bit her lip as she looked over at me. Her pleading eyes expressed what she didn't want to say out loud. I'd achieved release, but she was still all worked up.

I slid my hand lower, locating the waistband of her pants. She reached down without any further prompting and pushed her pants partway down her legs. I kept looking straight into her eyes as I maneuvered my hand under her panties. Her pussy was soaked.

"I want to stay," I said.

Steph smiled. "Good."

"I want..." I trailed off, unsure how to phrase my desires properly.

She nodded as though she understood, even though I hadn't really said much of anything. It wouldn't have been that hard to guess the general idea. I didn't think it would even be possible for us to go back to a purely platonic relationship anyway. There are some lines that can't be uncrossed.

Steph's eyes widened and her lips twitched adorably as I found a sensitive spot. I was running my fingers along her wet slit, slowly probing deeper between her pussy lips. Hitting her clit seemed to get the best reactions from her, so I tried to put a little more focus there.

"Please," she breathed.

Her single word activated something inside of me; some desire to please and to possess all at once. She needed release, and she needed me to help her get there. She was temporarily enslaved to the whim of my touch. It was so unlike any feeling I was familiar with. I kind of liked it.

"You want me to keep doing this?" I asked softly as I rubbed the pad of my finger over the top of her slit again.

"Yesss," she hissed.

Steph arched her back in pleasure. Her fingers dug into the bed sheets, clenching and unclenching alternately. It looked like she was going to cum at any moment. It fascinated me to watch every twitch of her body, every small sign of her elevated arousal. I could practically see the buildup inside her, the orgasm forming and preparing to explode. I kept my fingers constantly moving and worked her steadily toward it.

Steph came all at once with no real warning. She abruptly stiffened and thrust her hips upward, pushing her pussy into my hand. She made a noise like a muffled moan that went on for several seconds. One of her hands latched onto my shoulder, maybe just for something to hold. She twitched and spasmed through her orgasm until it finally died down.

"Oh. My. God," she said.


She snorted weakly. "Yeah, you could say that."

"Who knew I had it in me."

"Well... you know, not to belittle your skills, but-"

"Hush, quit while you're ahead."

"Good call."

I pulled my hand away from Steph as she stretched out lazily. She still made quite a sexy sight, disheveled and undressed as she was. I decided I could get used to seeing her like that. And feeling her like that. And... other things.

"So you're staying?" she asked. "For real?"

"For real," I confirmed.

"Good. That's the right decision. You'll see."

I smiled as I lay down next to her. I was already pretty sure of that myself.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Started good, shouldve been a slower pace tho, she just yelped off her shirt was kinda out of place.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I.. am confused? I was down to stick with them and see where they go, trying to analyse their behaviour and understand their conflicts and needs when she just.. takes her shirt off? I'd get it if she had really been attracted to him earlier on. I have no qualms with the lack of sexual build-up between them as they had been connecting emotionally and physically throughout the entirety of the second page, I'm just wondering.. where did the sex come from? I love how you write dialogue though, and the banter always gets me cracking up. Well rounded overall.

kaotic2kaotic27 months ago

This was lovely.

fuze33fuze337 months ago

They don’t even have sex what a waste of time

cursrahcursrah7 months ago

another chapter please

KnightofmindKnightofmind10 months ago

Curious blend of sexuality and emotion there. A romance and a desperate cry against loneliness and a sympathetic sexual vulnerability. I feel it ended just a bit abruptly. But I respect the 'leave 'em wanting more' approach.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ain’t even got his meat stick up in that snatch? what a waste!

barny109barny109about 2 years ago

i love your sib romance stories and most of them, i feel, could be continued. but this one needs another chapter. 5*

tiercenpttiercenptover 4 years ago

good story, nice enough characters.

but felt like a lot of the Story not told and left hanging somewhere. always just hinted at something and not followed through with the "actual" Story.

Didn't have a problem with the cliffhanger, as soon as you realize this is a short story with a lot of hints, you should come to terms, there's no such thing as in a happy ending with everything told. the reader has to imagine himself.

liked it enough, but it felt like there could be a lot more to be said.

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