All Comments on 'Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 024'

by writerannabelle

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Great story which continues to stroke the building tension of what may happen but providing teasing moments of mental relief before revealing the end is just one, of so close, chapter further away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
How did she get out of the car?

Was she not forced to stay in the car till Daryl returned or all the healing would be stripped away?

kuhpa01kuhpa01over 5 years ago
Simple answer

Question: 'how did she get out of the car without losing the healing that had been done?'

Answer: The spell-caster dies, and his spell dies with him.

What a GREAT story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It's getting tense

I do so hope Mike gets back in time and obliterates the bastards

NighttymstoriesNighttymstoriesover 5 years ago
You are very gifted

You have an amazing gift for story telling. Please, keep up the great work.

By the way. Lily is a great character. Keep her safe and healthy. My heart couldn't take losing her.

Thank you again for this amazing story.

benmac87benmac87over 5 years ago
Good chapter

Its nice to see Lily being supportive to Dana, and I'm glad that Daryl got what he deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A fun read

I am not usually a fan of fantasy stories. With that said, I have been reading this one from the first installment and always look forward to the next in the series. Thank you for providing a captivating story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another Great Chapter

Looks like a big fight is on the horizon! Been checking for new chapters lately so I was glad to see this posted. Seems like Daryl got off easy if he is really dead.

Thanks for continuing the series!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not bad

Another interesting chapter. Great work as always. See you next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
facinated by sexy monster-girls

You are using your creativity and imagination to bring us much joy, thank you! I notice you have not had the time to update your biography section in a while, I liked your updates (if you can once again take a few minutes,...thanks). If your first 'book' is your first 12 chapters, you must be close to second 'book' by now; your fan base will undoubtibly continue to grow, well deserved, because you are a wonderful read. I need more! I look forward to Mike and his 'girls' kicking some seriously evil butt. Many hugs and kisses!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 5 years ago

The downside is that now I must wait for another couple of weeks to be thrilled again by your wonderous prose. It is worth it, you are good enough to go pro whenever you are ready to. Annabelle the professional Author, yeah!

I'm looking forward to Mike and the gang getting back from the Labyrinth and proceeding to smash these evil house crashers into pulp, mixing it into concrete and bury that under a church, just to be safe.

I am loving Lily, and how she's been so helpful, and how she is helping newly zombified Dana deal. Lovely Lily has a heart and can now use it for good and not evil purposes. ..and Zel delving into the Library,! ,.. and Mimic gets the munchies for a good cause, loved it,.. Look out bad guys. TTFN

your_new_toyyour_new_toyover 5 years ago
LOVE this story!!!

I find myself checking almost daily to see if you've given us another chapter, can't wait for the next installment!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely Amazing

Just started the series this week and was getting sad as I neared the end only to get anothe chapter today of all days. Reading this felt like binge watching an amazing anime or tv show. I really like what you did with the Trollhunters reference in chapter 18 (I think that's the chapter), you had me calling on the power of daylight. Thank you so much Annabelle for the truly delightful read, keep on keeping on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Praise And Questions In That Rather Specific Order

As many have said, including me most of a year ago, you have the skill to do this for a living. Might be less fun though. I read much faster than most people and constantly seek new authors worth reading. Most of my favorite works are series with character optimization and plot exposition/progression prioritized over filler or sex, though I enjoy that too. Examples would be The Gamer manga, The Dresden Files, Three Square Meals on this site by Tefler, The Iron Druid Chronicles, and The Genie Chronicles on this site by Joe Brolly. You write on that same level. Part 2 has concepts even I haven't previously thought of, and I spend most of my life in fictional realities and universes. Most of them fit and make sense in several of those realities. Now questions, what specifically did you the author mean when Ratu said Lovecraft had done more than mortals would ever know, and paid a price? Still have mixed feelings about Lovecraft personally, would like your honest opinion of him. Additionally, how did Mike get his luck? Does the house select the Caretaker? Is The Architect the creator of the multiverse, and if so, does he predate the Ancient Ones? More importantly, what happens to the multiverse when the house is not only destroyed, but after the passage of centuries or millennia when magic itself ceases to exist, will all else also cease? Please continue writing, too many good authors die before completing their best work. Even if you are the only one reading the story, don't you want to see how it ends?

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 5 years ago
Who knew

That mimics were so good at sucking face? Nice fake-out by Lily. And Daryl gets to join the boneyard, like all evil necromancers.

Still hope for Dana, though having the lesbian zombie craving Mike's sperm to stave off her decay and hunger is rather perverse. Naughty, naughty! The House might secrets yet to cure Dana.

Enjoyed. Thanks for sharing. Let me know when the book comes out and I'll spend my scheckels on it. 5* Slainté

dtd0129dtd0129over 5 years ago

Love the story, gets better with each chapter.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 5 years ago
Great as always

I do have mixed feelings however. I want the bad guys defeated. But I don’t want the story to end. I do hope that there is a chapter three in the future. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Best series

I thoroughly enjoyed your work. If this were to be a novel for the public I think it would be a best seller within a week. Every chapter has made us readers wanting more and since you have said about a final showdown I hope it's not the end and you keep on writing more. You have become one of my favorite authors here and keep me wanting to read your next chapter eagerly. Thank you for a great story.

joshmosejoshmoseover 5 years ago
Another chapter, yes!!!

Thanks for writing this. Well done, with twists and details that delight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Woot! WOOOT!

Awesome! Can’t wait for next chapter.

It Looks like Dana and Lilly are gonna run off together, sucking spunk wherever they go for energy...

I’d rather have them join Mike’s harem and drink his spunk.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

If Mike has sex with the Banshee and then Dana, will that return her to normal?

It would be hot if she spent the rest of her life riding Mike as thank you in his harem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is fantastic. Please keep writing.

kdeville87kdeville87over 5 years ago
well done

well done I can't wait till I read more. BUT It would be funny if new group of monster were found and helped them out. or if the book was never lost but with Morgan who is still and is pissed because this group is a danger to her way of life.

TwoGunKidtgkTwoGunKidtgkover 5 years ago

Love the story 👍❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
who needs sex?

This story doesn't

Don't get me wrong, not being critical at all. The sex is well done.

Rather, even without the sex its an incredibly engrossing story and would stand out on its own as a PG version. Thats how good it is.

Cannot wait for next installment

Dusty_ScottDusty_Scottover 5 years ago
Minor self torture!

Reading one chapter at a time. The Anticipation is wonderfully sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
it just keeps dragging me back

all of the stories i have read on this site and this is the only one that has me coming back three times a week to see if the next chapter is up

RebelAgainstLifeRebelAgainstLifeover 5 years ago
So looking forward to the next chapters!

This is great! You've outdone yourself once again!! Keep it up!!

Archangel_MArchangel_Mover 5 years ago

Much love. Such imagination. Good grammar. <3

SuggestionSuggestionover 5 years ago
Society or House?

As well as you are writing the Society conflict, it has detracted from the exploration of the house. Everything in the house has become so rushed that there really has not been time for the new additions to settle in and find their place. Zel has set up an entire laboratory in the garage but there was never really time for her to do so. Plus, it feels like there is a great sex scene with Zel that you never found time for. Mike's recent trip into the labyrinth does not seem to match the timeline of what is occurring outside the house. And most of the house has not even been explored!

The Society has morphed over the life of the story. What started as a coven of witches suddenly has characters that would never bother to be in such a sleepy town. Sarah's mother used to be the major force and leader behind the Society, but she now seems like Mary Poppins and is nowhere to be seen when her daughter is missing with some valuable property.

Also, while the geas on the house may make unremarkable, the geas would not be able to hide the continuous ongoing attacks against its weakening shields. No one notices the giant snake? The lightning show? The strange voodoo woman? The Society would want to keep this quiet. Because no matter how powerful they are, there is always someone else just waiting for them to weaken themselves.

Don't get me wrong. Your writing is excellent, particularly the way that you come up with so many unique and fully developed characters. But I would like to see more about the horny monsters and less about evil villains that have had centuries to attack the house, but waited until now. There are still several unexplored rooms in the house, so I am hoping the story goes on after the Society has been defeated.

MstChiefMstChiefover 5 years ago
Hopeful there will be more

Even as this chapter may end soon. I am hopeful there will be more stories from Mike's house. You must explore more of the house and all of its character's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
OMG!! I've read a lot of stories throughout the years. I keep coming back

First time a story has me coming back more than once a week to see if the new chapter is out!!! Keep up the great work. Can't wait for the next chapters. Wish I had the funds to become a paid supporter of your site.

NoctustheOwlNoctustheOwlover 5 years ago
mike needs guy friends.

i understand this is an adult romance, but even then, he needs some friends he can chat with, have a beer, play some poker. simple enough idea, the vault contains the "worst" monsters, this could also mean the strongest magically. i can imagine, in your world, an old wizard who just... wanted to learn more made himself into an eternal Lich, just to continue learning about the world around him. in his area of the Vault would be a simple library, a coffin to sleep the years away in, and an alchemy station. the other ones could be a pair of brothers, a Djinn and an Efreet. Asterion proved your willing to put in male monsters, but i rather doupt he would be interesting to just sit and chat with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I've not commented before now (sorry mostly read on my phone but last couple chapters I finished on my computer) but this is seriously one of the best stories I've read in a long time. It's not just mindless smut, it's an actual cohesive narrative and I LOVE IT! Already signed up for notifications on your site and will be joining your patreon soon. When the actual book is made I intend to be one of the first to buy!

Favorite girls? Well ALL of them but if I had to choose it'd be Cecilia and Abela. I love all of them but they are my favorites. I really hope Mike gets even closer to the two of them! The idea of a Banshee partner is just amazing. Maybe by the end up it the two of them find a way to live out an immortal existance together?

Will the Mandragora come back? I like the concept of a semi-sentient plant pet/monster.

I'd like to see Mike learn to be at least a little bit of a fighter. Man needs to learn how to protect his family! But I must say he is a well written character with real flaws and emotions. I dig it.

Cannot wait to see how much more the Society will throw at them. Hopefully after this climaxes and we get some down time they can return with some additional members and we can see some more elaborate combats!

Keep up the fantastic work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The Best

I usually don't read anything that has chapters in it. This, however, is my favorite story on here ever! I have read it all multiple times. I even like the parts that don't have sex in them because they tell such a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I love it!

Can't wait for the next chapter. 😍

Please keep writing. 😃😃😃

Thankfull greetings from Lizard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Bravo Zulu

Priapic Protagonist, Prurience, Professional Talent, Persistence, and Proper Punctuation - what's not to love? Damn, you ARE good. May your tribe increase!

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 5 years ago
A beautiful saga

As always, you come up absolute trumps. You never disappoint! All the way through these 24 chapters I have been waiting for a lull in quality, that simply never came. You mix, combine and stir fantasy, adventure, romance, mythology, magic and sheer intellect together with the touch of the finest Michelin three star chef - and you make the reader think, reflect and consider what you are saying, while still making it raunchy enough to satisfy us - or at least those who love erotica dressed in the finest cloth.

And if I sound like a fanboy, then so be it. I am a fan.

And most of all you make us desperately want to read the next chapter. (Small hint there.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank you

It took me almost a week... I had the 1st chapter open, but I was lacking interest.

When I finally got to it... well Ive been going straight and I'm at 7th part of the story, and it's so good that I fear I just might fall asleep next to my PC... It wouldn't be the first time, but would be first time because I found something to read.

Just dropped here to compliment the story, as this is the latest part of it. But so far you are in my top 2 authors.

arrowglassarrowglassover 5 years ago
Sooooo well done!

Next one up...gotta go to it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Great story all 5's so far

CissyBearCissyBearabout 5 years ago

Awww!!! I love how Lily helped Dana...that was sweet of her!

TotchaaTotchaaalmost 5 years ago
I hate to be negative but..

They seemed to be only moments away from breaking the barrier and what have Mike done since then? He went to sleep and had a nice long rest. Then he took a nap because he was feeling a little tired. When he woke up he sat down and had a nice cup of tea. It doesn't really seem like they are in a hurry there in the labyrinth. It's really just dumb luck that they haven't broken the barrier yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You wrote...

"I've seen and heard things that make my stomach curl."

Re: stomach curl

I think you were looking for either, 'my stomach turn' or, 'my hair curl'. Can't say that I've ever heard anyone talk about their stomach curling! LOL A classic case of the ol' 'mixing of the metaphors', I believe...


Dl_lmmieDl_lmmieover 4 years ago
Another one bites the dust

Darryl is gone. Yay. Two down, several to go.

I had to laugh. Someone was doing a run down of what Mike was doing during this "crisis." It's rather ridiculous!!! Still there had to be trade-offs, otherwise there is no sex and that's the reason most are reading on this site.

Keep up the good work, please!

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago
Mike needs to grow up

The uber powerful evil bad guys are about to crunch the house and he is sipping tea and crumpets. He needs to get a bit of urgency going or he is gonna be a looser. And Lily helping was great, especially liked Danes reaction to the the semen drink, priceless.

Lobosolo51Lobosolo51almost 4 years ago

I have enjoyed reading your work immensely. You have a wonderful imagination. Do continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Genius yet again

I’m sure you can tell I’m the same person calling you a genius, which you are. This story is as deep as Game of Thrones, just everything is happening to one group of people. You aren’t just an erotica writer, you are beyond brilliant. I was up till 3 reading this last night. 23 chapters in one day. That doesn’t happen to me a lot. In fact, the last time I remember a book captivating me like this was Michael Crichton. Find a way to get this published somehow. You are that good and I feel like that compliment isn’t enough to convey how much respect I have for your creativity

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 3 years ago
Haven't read it yet

But that starter scene with the phone call just triggered a wonderful memory for me. Probably allready been said by someone else but, ~"I know you don't want to be disturbed except if its Mr Shadow, and its Mr Shadow on the line." Ooooohhhhh, yeah. The chills when even the "bad guys" are terrified. So good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Oh wow, the Dana snd Lily scene is otherworldly!

MrCharonSrMrCharonSrover 3 years ago

I still want you to save Dana please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

If human essence is found in semen, there could be a zombie prostitute army "living" outside Las Vegas Nevada!

Lily could bring in a thousand horny males for Zel to stimulate with Mandragora spores and milk them for gallons worth.

BlowPopJBlowPopJabout 3 years ago

Haven't left a comment on previous chapters, but had to for this one. Loved the Human Centipede reference. Made me laugh a little

iseeyoufly1964iseeyoufly1964over 2 years ago

Looking forward to it...

The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionover 2 years ago

Suck a good saga. So glad Daryl received his justice. Finn

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What is against lesbians, in this story a lesbian is a lesbian until she fucked Mike, and just like the succubus I think both Dana and Lily will become human again when fucking Mike enough. But if it goes that way, I know when I'm maybe 20 chapters further...

Good writing annabelle, the sex scenes are nice solutions to most problems, but the storylines are what keeps me to want to continue reading. And thank god every so many chapters one of the evil doers dies...

SinJaySinJayover 2 years ago

You’re not you when you’re sleepy, have a snickers.

DominicNicoleDominicNicoleover 2 years ago

Lilly and a Mimic aint nothing to fuck with.

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Good riddance Daryl!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for your hard work! Man, Dana's story is so depressing lol. Good character, but man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm glad Daryl bought it! I hope the rest of the so called society meets a similar fate. BTW I thought the way the Mimic became a book, and then something that ended Daryl, and a chair to restrain Dana was brilliant. I hope it's a permanent feature in this story. Good job!

GrayWolf53GrayWolf53about 2 years ago

i am Late to the party as usual. Love your convoluted mind. It is a shame that this will never find its way on to barns & nobles shelves

DruggoDruggoalmost 2 years ago

Nom nom nom goes the mimic

Totally forgot he did that


Redneck_390Redneck_390almost 2 years ago

Loved the bit with Daryll and the mimic; a bit of poetic justice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Ahh the life force for sustaining a zombie. The first part of this series I actually predicted early. I feel so proud of myself :)

LevindlLevindlalmost 2 years ago

Finally! I see a combination to a head to head with this society and the house/mic/monsters etc.! As I keep telling you, your writing is amazing as well as your imagination and ability to weave a story and make us a part of it. Thank you.

OpenWordsOpenWordsalmost 2 years ago

Okay... I get that you have to develope the plot. But Mike's families entire existence is at stake with Kali breaking the Geas and you have him taking time out to have sex... Repeatedly? Either you don't care that you are writing your protagonist as a self indulgent idiot. Or you REALLY don't like him and don't want your readers to like him either. Which is it?

Hearthfire223Hearthfire223almost 2 years ago

Great lead-in, both to a significant confrontation, and the start of a beautiful adventure involving team Lily, Dana, and TickTock.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I stumbled upon this story a couple of weeks ago and have been reading it ever since! I love it and think that you could definitely publish it as a novel. I would totally buy this being such a bookworm. The sex scenes are great, but the story is even better. Please, please, please keep up the amazing work!!!

KatLadyKatLadyover 1 year ago

Rut roh! It's about to go down! I'm so addicted to this story!

KatLadyKatLadyover 1 year ago

Daryl got off too easy for me--I wanted to visualize his pain! Great chapter.

upyoursixupyoursixover 1 year ago

Yeah... I wish you would go back and rewrite Dana in the earlier chapters when she's talking about Mike being cute and not being able to get him off her mind when her she's supposedly repulsed by cum

Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

This work is so engrossing that I have been reading for four hours and I started well after midnight.

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBB12 months ago

This just keeps getting better, thank you

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


I get the impression that Dana being a lesbian was something that was thrown in later on. Dana was definitely lusting after Mike in most of her chapters before she got to the part where we meet Alex and Dana becomes a zombie. In fact, Alex herself was treated vaguely throughout the story until Dana "met" her in the "afterlife". Now she's just being outright stated as a lesbian.

Apparently, bisexuals don't exist in this world.

JodailyJodaily10 months ago

" Otherwise I'm going to go grab a jogger or something" Oh Annabelle, you bad girl! And a jogger wouldn't be near enough, too skinny and lacking in gray matter. But hey, it's just a jogger 😏. I'm glad to see Dana finally got a long overdue orgasm. Still holding on to hope that they can bring her back. If not, I hope she can start taking Mike's sustenance straight from the source without biting 😅

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Thank You

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot8 months ago

Are we going to be see Celts and Druids before long? Or perhaps Pelee (the Pacific Islander's volcanic goddess? There are so many possibilities.....

myassisdraginmyassisdragin7 months ago

Glad I found this story a long time after you started, I hate cliff hanger type chapter ending and the sometimes never ending wait when an author abandons a story for whatever reason.. At least I will have 80 or so to read still.. LOL

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That was a great story. The twists and turns was amazing. Hopefully, Dana can come back to life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Amazing story, good charakters (love the fairy's upbeat spirit & the naga) and well written. Of cause, in terms of storyline buildup Mike is the big dummy and waay too slow. Olways stumbeling, never quick to catch up and always tired. Ah, to be young again. Great piece of imagination - thank you for publishing.

RazmoudahRazmoudah7 days ago

One down, three to go, and then Mike'll have some breathing room while the Society recovers.

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