Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 024


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"Getting hungry?" Lily asked. Dana opened her eyes to see that the succubus was using her tail as an impromptu stool.

"Yeah. How can you tell?"

Lily leaned forward to wipe drool off of Dana's chin. "Would it help if I gave you something better to do?" She held out Dana's cellphone. "Sorry I took this. I needed to lure Daryl away from the others."

"You killed him, didn't you?" Dana took the phone.

"I did."

"But why? You told me to forget about it."

"You're right. Killing another person places a terrible burden on your soul. And while you may be numb to it now, I don't think your heart could have taken it if you become human again." Lily laughed. "I, however, had no problem doing it."

Dana shook her head. "That still wasn't your call. But... thank you."

"You're welcome."

Dana unlocked her phone with her fingerprint. A picture of Alex appeared, a photo of her on her motorcycle. She had taken the picture on their last trip, when they had ridden up to some cliffs overlooking the lake where they were camping. Over Alex's shoulder was a beautiful blue horizon scattered with rays of light that had fallen through holes in the clouds above. In her mind, heaven looked more like this anyway.

"You miss her."

"Yeah. I do. " Dana didn't have to ask how Lily knew. She could feel the tears dripping off her chin.

"I used to have someone like that. But that was a really long time ago." Lily sighed. "Between having a broken heart and being a soul eating bitch, I barely remember those feelings anymore."

"Is that what's waiting for me? If I can't fix this?"

"Honestly? I truly hope not." Lily scooted closer, putting her hand on Dana's leg and squeezing gently. "I wouldn't wish my fate on anyone who didn't deserve it."

"Thank you." Dana grabbed Lily's hand and squeezed back. Shutting her eyes again, she did her best to think non-hungry thoughts. Inevitably, her mind brought up the memory of the liquid that Zel had given her. The taste of it lingered in the back of her throat, and she smacked her lips at its memory. It had felt so warm, sliding down her throat, and even now she could feel that same warmth radiating out from her belly.

Minutes passed, and she became aware of the delicate fingers on her thigh, squeezing her flesh ever so gently. She opened her eyes and stared at those fingers, marveling at the sensuality that had been carved into every joint. She took the hand in her own and squeezed it. When it squeezed her back, the warmth radiated out again, focusing along her upper thighs.

"Hey Zel?" Lily was looking at the back of the garage. "That stuff you gave her? Would it have any side effects?"

"None that I can think of." Zel emerged from the shadows of her lab. "Why do you ask?" Zel's nose suddenly wrinkled up. "That smells like human arousal."

"Yeah, it does. How are you feeling Dana?"

"I feel pretty good. Just trying to keep my mind off of food." She was rubbing Lily's arm now, her eyes wandering across Lily's chest. The warmth in her upper thighs was pulsating now, moving up to her hips, then back down to her knees. The logical part of her brain said that she should be concerned, but without a heightened sense of fear, it couldn't be heard over the pleasant sensations in her legs.

"What was in that substance?" Lily asked, a cold edge to her voice.

Zel sighed. "A concentrated version of Mike's semen."

Lily's head whipped around. "Excuse me? Why in hell would you give her something like that?"

"He's a human who has been exposed to mandragora spores at least twice, and survived. And I've already documented that his essence has magnificent restorative properties. Based on the theory that zombies are actually eating life force rather than flesh, I assumed that his semen could be used as a food source."

"Wait, semen?" Dana's euphoric cloud popped. "I ate... semen?"

"Yeah. Yeah you did."

"That's..." Disgusting, horrible, vile. These were all words that she wanted to say, but there would be no emotion behind them. Being a lesbian meant that she had successfully avoided the stuff her entire life. She expected her gag reflex to suddenly activate, but apparently that wasn't going to happen either. "...gross."

"No grosser than actually ripping flesh off of a living being with your teeth." Zel knelt down in front of her, holding Dana's eyelids open. "Yeah, her pupils show all the signs of sexual arousal."

"But why?" Dana asked.

"I posit a new theory." Zel stood up, already scribbling in her notebook. Dana hadn't even seen her pull it out. "Upon the consumption of sufficient life force, a zombie can regenerate the dying cells in their bodies. Just as different parts of the body can contain different levels of spiritual energy, such as the brain and heart, the zombie will absorb any additional energy that those parts may contain. Ergo, the old saying 'you are what you eat' seems to apply in this situation."

"Wait. I'm horny because I ate spunk?" Dana was clenching and unclenching her hands.

"No. You're horny because you ate Mike's spunk." Lily rolled her eyes. "I don't know about mandragora spores, but I do know that Naia took a piece of his soul in exchange for a part of hers. You aren't just getting his energy. You are getting hers as well."

"So what can I do?" Dana shifted in her seat, suddenly aware of how tightly she had pressed her thighs together.

"Zel, can you excuse us?"

"Yeah. I could use some fresh air anyway." Zel disappeared through the door, the sounds of the fountain drifting in before it shut.

"It's getting worse." Dana shifted in the chair. The restraints didn't allow her to move very far. "Maybe you could untie me and give me a little privacy?"

"And run amok biting everyone? Not a chance." Lily leaned closer now, her scent washing over Dana. It was almost like the succubus had activated it. "But, if you wanted, I could lend you a hand."

"I... well..." Staring deep into the succubus' eyes, she couldn't help but wonder what her lips would feel like pressed against hers. Shutting her eyes, she turned her head away. "I can't. You're pretty, and I want to, but..."

"Is it because of me?" The voice hit Dana right in the heart. Opening her eyes, she saw that Alex was sitting in front of her.

Dana gasped, and Alex kissed her. Their fingers locked together as Alex explored Dana's mouth with her tongue, licking gently at her lower lip. In that moment, logic and reason were replaced with desire, and Dana no longer cared that. Losing herself in the illusion, she arched her back, trying to press herself into Alex.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to tie you down," Alex said with a grin. "To have my way with you until you beg me to stop."

"Please don't stop."

"I haven't even started yet." Alex ran her fingers along Dana's shoulders, one hand sliding down to squeeze her breast. Dana gasped, and Alex teased her until her nipples were hard enough to become visible through the fabric of her shirt. "If I remember correctly, someone didn't get off last time we saw each other."

"That wasn't real," Dana whispered.

"Well, this is as real as you want it to be." Alex's eyes flashed, her pupils briefly turning yellow.

"Let it be real." Dana moaned when Alex squeezed her breast, lifting her head away so that Alex could kiss her way along her collarbone. Alex gently licked the exposed flesh, sending a rush of heat down to Dana's stomach. Her hunger was consumed instead by the sensations on her body, her mind finally taken off of food.

Strapped to the chair, Dana lifted various parts of her body, hoping to get Alex's attention. Alex licked, sucked, and kissed her way across Dana's body, lifting her shirt to get at her breasts. A hand slid into the waistband of Dana's pants, a single finger teasing the folds hiding her clit. She opened her legs, finally able to smell her own arousal with her enhanced senses.

"Please." Dana pushed her hips into Alex's hand. "I need to feel you inside me."

One finger teased her opening while a thumb pressed down on the skin around her clit, sending a sexual SOS to Dana's spine. Wiggling back and forth on the chair was only making it harder. Shifting her weight backward, she waited until that finger was in the right spot before suddenly shifting forward, causing the finger to penetrate her.

"Ah!" Dana's hips bucked lightly, a very small orgasm rocketing through her legs and making the chair tip. Its extra legs spread out to catch it, and when it tilted back to its original position, the sudden impact with the floor caused the finger to go in even deeper.

"Yeeeeeeeees." Dana panted, gazing deep into Alex's eyes.

"Do you want more?"

"Please, pretty please," she begged. That single finger moved in tiny circles, causing her opening to relax. Tiny moans escaped her mouth and when the second finger slid into place, she whimpered. The fingers curled up, pressing expertly against her g-spot. Alex kissed her, nibbling on her lips. Fingers moved inside of Dana, Alex's thumb still pressing down on her clit, and she could feel a hot pressure build between the two points.

The chair started rocking on its own. The mimic was using its legs to press Dana's hips up, giving Alex a better angle. Dana bit her lower lip, grunting with pleasure. Alex kissed her breasts, biting playfully under her nipples and caressing her face with her free hand.

"I wish I could touch you," Dana said.

"Maybe when you're less bitey." Alex winked. "I have all sort of tricks I could show you."

"I would like - AH!" Alex had pushed a third finger in and was now pulling up on Dana's g-spot, causing the chair to rock. They kissed back and forth, Alex's fingers working magic inside of her for several minutes. She felt the universe slowly shrivel down until it was just barely the size of the room. All that mattered was that she was with Alex once more.

"AHHHHHH!" The orgasm had pushed against the dam, and Alex's eyes flashed. Inside of her wet pussy, Dana felt Alex's fingers expand inside of her, filling her up and stroking her g-spot rapidly. She let out a protracted cry, the sexual tension in her legs snapping like giant rubber bands into her core. Alex pressed against her, nibbling at her lips, her neck, and her ears. The orgasm rolled through Dana's body followed by a flood of tears. As the pleasure subsided, it was replaced with tears. Dana pressed her face into the crook of Alex's neck, taking in her scent one last time.

She cried this way for awhile. At some point, Lily turned back into herself, still holding Dana to her breast.


Kali stood next to the town car, her eyes on the top of the Radley house. She could smell familiar blood on the air, and it didn't bode well for Daryl.

Screeching tires behind her made her turn around. Sebastien stepped out of the large white van he had borrowed, his face twisted in anger. The side doors opened and six other versions of himself stepped out, each one limping on a cane.

"I have not seen this trick before," she told him, inspecting team Sebastien. As one, all of their faces shifted into sneers.

"I didn't have time to put anything else together," the Sebastien who had been driving explained. "And you certainly weren't any help. All you had to do was push the sand back together and I could have been here hours ago!"

"They used a hose on me."

"Well that explains why I couldn't reform." Kali didn't bother correcting him. "Is it true? He is coming?"

"It is. And if we can crack this egg apart before he gets here, he will have his succubus back and we will have his appreciation." Kali looked at the sky. "I have a plan, but I need your help."

"What about Daryl?"

"He is dead." Kali walked to the opening in the stone wall. "These people found a way to kill him."

"Shit." Team Sebastien followed her, their movements identical. They reminded her of toy soldiers marching into battle. "What do you need from me?"

"I think I found a way to crack the spell on the house, but I will need you to hold their attention. The spell is very unstable in its final stages, and I do not want a repeat of last time." She held out her hand, and the large snake slithered out from its hiding spot behind the wall. It had carried her to safety earlier. "I do not think there are many of them, but I believe that you have that covered?"

"I am my own army." They formed a line behind her. "Just tell us what we need to do."

"We have little time." Kali opened the snake's mouth, sticking her arm in nearly to her elbow. Feeling around, she grabbed onto the canvas strap inside and gave a pull. The snake's throat widened as she pulled her duffel bag from its dimensional pocket, and then up and out of the snake's throat. Stroking the reptile lovingly, she then set the bag down and unzipped it.

"I smell a storm coming," she told Sebastien. Stripping off her clothes, she opened the duffle bag. "And when it comes, only the strongest will survive."

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please don't forget to leave a rating on your way out. The Lit reader base is the best there is, and I am so grateful that my Home for Horny Monsters has its own little pocket universe here.

Next chapter, both sides will go all out against each other and you won't want to miss it. Until then, keep being kind to one another, and I hope to see you then!

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Dana got butchered and destroyed, the Dana since chapter 13 has nothing to do with Dana from the start of the story. They are 2 different characters, just with same name and same face.

@upyoursix you're right, I wish Dana of the last dozen chapters would be rewritten to be in-line with the Dana of the first 5 or so chapters. The bubbly happy Dana who thought Mike was cute, who was obviously straight and attracted to him; not repulsed by cum in some weird pandering or fetish for lesbian characters that got stretched to the point of perverting and destroying an already existing character instead of introducing a new one.

WHY was a lesbian needed in the first place? Do they really have to be shoehorned into everything? There was really no reason for how the author changed Dana compared to her first appearances.

This story really drew me in, in the first 5 chapters, but since the siege started it's been a drag.

It's become repetitive. I'm actually skipping, not just sex scenes (of which there are way too many for a supposedly crisis situation), but entire pages because nothing happens anymore, just pages and pages of pointless talking, verbal sparring, sex and no progress on the mission.

Just like with Murphy's law, everything that could interrupt and divert it, did so.

Daryl died, yay, but oh no he is instantly being replaced by an even bigger baddy that's gonna arrive soon! HOW DID I SEE THAT COMING?! Soon the entire Society is gonna be sitting outside, trying to break in. Meanwhile Mike will still dipping his wick in the Labyrinth or taking a nap cause he got a little tired from sex...

I loved this story at start, but at the thought of having to read another 80 chapters of something that keeps dragging on like this, I just groan in despair. I can't do it. I'm giving up.

Also, where are all the house monsters that were hiding when Elizabeth and Sarah first appeared? The house was supposedly FULL of them at the start, but we've had nothing but 4 same monsters for 24 chapters now.

RazmoudahRazmoudahabout 1 month ago

One down, three to go, and then Mike'll have some breathing room while the Society recovers.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Amazing story, good charakters (love the fairy's upbeat spirit & the naga) and well written. Of cause, in terms of storyline buildup Mike is the big dummy and waay too slow. Olways stumbeling, never quick to catch up and always tired. Ah, to be young again. Great piece of imagination - thank you for publishing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That was a great story. The twists and turns was amazing. Hopefully, Dana can come back to life.

myassisdraginmyassisdragin8 months ago

Glad I found this story a long time after you started, I hate cliff hanger type chapter ending and the sometimes never ending wait when an author abandons a story for whatever reason.. At least I will have 80 or so to read still.. LOL

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot10 months ago

Are we going to be see Celts and Druids before long? Or perhaps Pelee (the Pacific Islander's volcanic goddess? There are so many possibilities.....

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Thank You

JodailyJodaily11 months ago

" Otherwise I'm going to go grab a jogger or something" Oh Annabelle, you bad girl! And a jogger wouldn't be near enough, too skinny and lacking in gray matter. But hey, it's just a jogger 😏. I'm glad to see Dana finally got a long overdue orgasm. Still holding on to hope that they can bring her back. If not, I hope she can start taking Mike's sustenance straight from the source without biting 😅

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


I get the impression that Dana being a lesbian was something that was thrown in later on. Dana was definitely lusting after Mike in most of her chapters before she got to the part where we meet Alex and Dana becomes a zombie. In fact, Alex herself was treated vaguely throughout the story until Dana "met" her in the "afterlife". Now she's just being outright stated as a lesbian.

Apparently, bisexuals don't exist in this world.

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBabout 1 year ago

This just keeps getting better, thank you

Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

This work is so engrossing that I have been reading for four hours and I started well after midnight.

upyoursixupyoursixover 1 year ago

Yeah... I wish you would go back and rewrite Dana in the earlier chapters when she's talking about Mike being cute and not being able to get him off her mind when her she's supposedly repulsed by cum

KatLadyKatLadyover 1 year ago

Daryl got off too easy for me--I wanted to visualize his pain! Great chapter.

KatLadyKatLadyover 1 year ago

Rut roh! It's about to go down! I'm so addicted to this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I stumbled upon this story a couple of weeks ago and have been reading it ever since! I love it and think that you could definitely publish it as a novel. I would totally buy this being such a bookworm. The sex scenes are great, but the story is even better. Please, please, please keep up the amazing work!!!

Hearthfire223Hearthfire223almost 2 years ago

Great lead-in, both to a significant confrontation, and the start of a beautiful adventure involving team Lily, Dana, and TickTock.

OpenWordsOpenWordsalmost 2 years ago

Okay... I get that you have to develope the plot. But Mike's families entire existence is at stake with Kali breaking the Geas and you have him taking time out to have sex... Repeatedly? Either you don't care that you are writing your protagonist as a self indulgent idiot. Or you REALLY don't like him and don't want your readers to like him either. Which is it?

LevindlLevindlabout 2 years ago

Finally! I see a combination to a head to head with this society and the house/mic/monsters etc.! As I keep telling you, your writing is amazing as well as your imagination and ability to weave a story and make us a part of it. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ahh the life force for sustaining a zombie. The first part of this series I actually predicted early. I feel so proud of myself :)

Redneck_390Redneck_390about 2 years ago

Loved the bit with Daryll and the mimic; a bit of poetic justice.

DruggoDruggoabout 2 years ago

Nom nom nom goes the mimic

Totally forgot he did that


GrayWolf53GrayWolf53about 2 years ago

i am Late to the party as usual. Love your convoluted mind. It is a shame that this will never find its way on to barns & nobles shelves

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm glad Daryl bought it! I hope the rest of the so called society meets a similar fate. BTW I thought the way the Mimic became a book, and then something that ended Daryl, and a chair to restrain Dana was brilliant. I hope it's a permanent feature in this story. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for your hard work! Man, Dana's story is so depressing lol. Good character, but man.

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Good riddance Daryl!!!

DominicNicoleDominicNicoleover 2 years ago

Lilly and a Mimic aint nothing to fuck with.

SinJaySinJayover 2 years ago

You’re not you when you’re sleepy, have a snickers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What is against lesbians, in this story a lesbian is a lesbian until she fucked Mike, and just like the succubus I think both Dana and Lily will become human again when fucking Mike enough. But if it goes that way, I know when I'm maybe 20 chapters further...

Good writing annabelle, the sex scenes are nice solutions to most problems, but the storylines are what keeps me to want to continue reading. And thank god every so many chapters one of the evil doers dies...

The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionalmost 3 years ago

Suck a good saga. So glad Daryl received his justice. Finn

iseeyoufly1964iseeyoufly1964almost 3 years ago

Looking forward to it...

BlowPopJBlowPopJover 3 years ago

Haven't left a comment on previous chapters, but had to for this one. Loved the Human Centipede reference. Made me laugh a little

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If human essence is found in semen, there could be a zombie prostitute army "living" outside Las Vegas Nevada!

Lily could bring in a thousand horny males for Zel to stimulate with Mandragora spores and milk them for gallons worth.

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