How Did I Ever Here?


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"Everything was going so well, that we decided to buy a house outside of town. It was in an area that was building up rapidly with large homes; it was going to be the upscale place to live for years to come. It was also almost half way between Bentonville and the next town over which was where we were thinking of setting up our second gym. We had glorious plans for the future. We moved into the new house and hired a couple of additional personnel in order to give ourselves a little time off".

"About six months later, I had opened the gym as always, and had worked the day shift. When Kris came in, I hung around, helped out a little and then drove home. I got home and decided it would be nice to have dinner with Kris, so I made his favorite, lasagna, and, wanting to surprise him, headed back to the gym without calling. I got there about six thirty. When I walked in and asked for him at the front desk, Tommy one of the night staff looked very uneasy. I asked him where Kris was, and then looked around, I didn't see the new girl he had hired. Shirley was a big titted, small brained, twenty year old from one of the trailer parks on the other side of town. She attracted the attention of all the guys at the club and raised the ire of all the females."

"I looked Tommy straight in the eye and asked, "Are they upstairs?" He just nodded his head; I think he was anticipating me taking it out on him. "Don't you touch that phone, if I find out that you warned them, I'm coming down here and I am coming down here angry. Do you understand?"

" Now I think he had to go change his shorts. I opened the door and climbed the stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs, I opened the door quietly and heard the slapping of skin and the moaning of passion."

"You bastard" was all I said as I entered our former bedroom.

"There she was on her hands and knees, naked on the bed, her tits swaying back and forth from the pounding that my equally naked husband was giving her from behind. She screamed and rolled off the side of the bed, while Kris yelled "ah shit," and looked around for his clothes."

"Is this all our marriage means to you, that you'd risk it all for a fling with some big titted bimbo?"

"Now wait just a minute..."

"Shut up, I'll deal with you later."

" I turned back to Kris, he was getting his pants on."At least when I'm with her she feels like a woman, not some muscle bound freak."

" I lost it at that point, I hit him with five left jabs in a row, forcing him back against the wall. Then I went to work on his body, throwing upper cuts with both hands, preventing him from sliding down the wall. I return my attack to his head hitting him with lefts and rights until I heard screaming from the bimbo. "Stop, you're going to kill him" That brought me out of my rage and I let him sink to the floor, out cold."

"I walked over to where she was cowering in the corner, "you want him, you can have him" was all I said and walked back down stairs. As I walked around the front desk Tommie was eying me warily." Enjoy the lasagna, I'm afraid Kris won't be able to eat any solid foods for a while."

"I drove home, tears in my eyes, trying to decide what to do next. Kris was no dummy, he spent the rest of the week at the club. I arranged for him to pick up some clothes and pack what he wanted. I called an attorney. She was very ruthless, and sat with me explaining how she was going to milk him for every penny. I almost pitied him as I drove back to the house that night; almost."

"Two nights later, I was awoken by the sound of the front doorbell. I threw on a robe and came down the stairs. Looking out the side window I saw the blinking lights of a police car and the silhouette of a trooper on my front porch."

" Mrs. Schmidt"

"Yes, I said, what's happened?"

"Can you please get dressed and come with me, there's been a shooting at the gym."

"Oh, no, I cried, is he hurt?"

" Please get dressed and come with me."

" I ran upstairs, threw on an old tee shirt and a pair of jeans and ran back down stairs. I slipped my shoes on as I ran out the door. The ride in the squad car was silent. When we got to the gym there were half a dozen units around with light flashing, three ambulances and a TV crew. We walked up to the officer in charge."

"I'm sorry we have to ask you to do this but we need you to make positive identification of the bodies."

" I almost collapsed at that point, if it wasn't for the trooper who was holding my arm I might have. I walked over to the first body along with the officer. The medical technician pulled back the sheet. It was Kris. Shot in the chest. His shirt soaked with blood."

"That's my husband Kris Schmidt," I said barely audible.

"We walked a few yards deeper into the parking lot. There was another body."

"That's his girl friend, Shirley Johnson."

"The officer nodded and taking my hand led me to a weather beaten pickup truck. I could see there was a body leaning against the driver's side window which was covered with blood."

"I don't know that person."

"I turned and ran over to the grass and up came what was left of my dinner."

"The officer helped me back to his patrol car handed me a bottle of water and told me to rest while he talked to the medical examiner. When he came back, he said, unofficially of course, it appeared that the guy in the truck had come to the gym, waited for Kris and Shirley to come out, he shot Kris once in the chest, then turned to Shirley who was running for her life and shot her in the back twice; then returned to his truck where he put the gun in his mouth and fired. It was a case of double murder and suicide."

"I was driven back home and told that someone from the Sheriff's office would be over with a statement for me to sign. The next day, that's exactly what happened, I read and signed the statement. As the detective was leaving he said,"

"I thought you might like to know, we identified the shooter, he was the former boy friend who Shirley dumped to go after your husband. Between you and me, they all got what they deserved. "

"Funny how quickly news travels in a small town. My lawyer called me shortly after 1:00 saying that she would drop the divorce proceedings; and then asked if we had a will and if I wanted her to probate it for me. We did have a will, and I felt that she would be as good as anyone."

"The funeral arrangements were made and after a large wake, Kris grew up around here, we had a simple burial and that was it. After a couple of days I called the staff in for an early morning meeting. I announced that I wanted to reopen the gym and we worked out a new work schedule. I promoted Tommy to be the night supervisor which required him to close up. I always did like the mornings better than the evenings. One day about a week later, I got a call from my attorney, telling me that the will was probated and that everything that Kris owned was now mine. I thanked her for her hard work and hung up the phone. It rang again about ten minutes later. It was our banker asking me if it was possible for me to come to the bank to sign some papers. We arranged for a meeting in a couple of days. I made arrangements for one of the night shift personnel to come in early, and had my meeting with the banker."

"He had our business and personal files in front of him".

"First the personal situation; do you remember when you bought the house? I told you that because of the lack of a significant down payment that you would have to pay for mortgage insurance. Well, if you will give me two of the copies of the death certificate I asked you to bring I can get the paperwork started to have the insurance policy on your husband pay off the mortgage. The house will be mortgage free when the proceeds are received by the bank." I was in a state of shock, I had completely forgotten about the policies."

"Now let's talk about the business, you have a large mortgage with the bank, which if you remember the bank required that you take out large term policies on each other with the bank as beneficiary so that in case of either of your deaths, the bank loan would be satisfied. I will, with the other death certificate, file the claim on your behalf. The proceeds of the policy will be more than enough to pay off the loan. Therefore, after everything is all finalized, both the business and the house will be yours debt free."

"I left the bank a wealthy woman."

"That was a little over a year ago. I decided to simplify my life as much as possible. I had an architect look over the plans for the space above the gym. He was able to increase the living area by about a thousand square feet by utilizing some unused storage space and laid out the rooms into a more efficient floor plan. I sold the house, used the money to renovate the apartment and make it my own. Everything is now running smoothly, but my life is still missing something."

She paused for a few minutes, as if she were having a debate in her head over something, then she seemed to come to a decision.

"Jack, I'm offering you a chance to be my partner in this business. I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like you and I see things in the same way. We both love physical exercise and enjoy helping others to get fit. I also sense that you are the kind of guy that can work for a strong woman and not let your male ego get in the way of that relationship. So, I'm offering you a 49% share of this business. We'll work out the details later as to payments, work schedules, compensation, etc."

She changed position on the sofa. As she did, her robe parted and fell away from her legs, revealing her long muscular legs clear up to the top of her thighs. That was one of the most sexual views I've ever had of a woman. From her bare feet, up those incredible legs, to her white robe which gave the impression that she had very little if anything on underneath, to her smiling face and her slightly wet hair, she was an unbelievably sensual woman. That former husband must have been out of his mind.

I wanted to be close to this woman in any way I could, so I agreed to become her partner if we could agree on the details.

"Wonderful," she said reaching for the nearly empty bottle.

She split the remainder of the wine between our glasses and, standing, she proposed a toast to our partnership. We touched glasses and downed the contents.

"Now, there's one more item we have to discuss. I need a mate, she blurted out. I need a man who will not be resentful of deferring to a strong willed, independent minded, woman; one that has to be in control of almost everything in her life. A man who can live with the fact that his woman is stronger than he is, can dominate him physically, and if pushed too hard can do him great bodily harm. But also, a man who can accept the total love and protection of that woman and not feel that he is any less of a man."

"Jack, I'm asking you; do you think you could be that man?"

My mind was reeling. This was more than I could ever have dreamed possible.

"Nothing would make me happier than to be given the chance to try."

She leaned down and kissed me tenderly on the lips saying,

"I already know that you have the equipment capable of making me happy, but do you know how to use it?"

I looked up at her with a puzzled look on my face.

"After all, I've already felt it in the ring, and well, I had to check to make sure you were alright when you were in the shower," she said grabbing my hand, and we headed for her bedroom.

We made love all night, it was incredible. Sometime during the night I told her what I did as a part time job in college. She laughed and said simply "it shows."

The next morning she went downstairs to open the gym as usual. When the morning staff arrived, she called a meeting. I think we shocked them when I walked up with her, with a black eye, and first apologized to anyone that I had offended during my membership and then, when she told them that I was her new partner and their boss you could hear a pin drop.

We had the same meeting with the evening crew. Kris also introduced me to several of the other members who had complained about my behavior. I offered my sincere apologies to them all and promised to always be on my best behavior. I think my appearance also served as a not so subtle warning that you better mind your manners in the gym or you too would have to go through an attitude adjustment.


Epilog: Fifteen Years Later

I opened my eyes and found myself still holding her. We were spooned together just as I remembered from last night. I moved back slightly and gazed down her naked back. She was still a powerful, extremely fit woman. I wondered how any man could be so lucky as to find a woman like her. She was a combination of the three most important loves of my life. She possessed the strength of Erika the Great, the intelligence and strength of character of Victoria, and she was every bit as sexually insatiable as Karen. I have been truly blessed.

My cock was wedged down in between her butt cheeks. As I looked over her body, remembering the previous night's love making, I began to become aroused.

' No, I thought to myself, this is her morning to sleep in, it's only six o'clock.'

I carefully slipped my arm out from under her pillow and as gently as possible, got out of bed. I found my shorts on the floor where she had thrown them. I left the room closing the door behind me. As I walked down the hall on my way to the kitchen, I glanced into first, our son's room and then our daughter's; both were empty. I wasn't too concerned, they both were into early morning workouts so I assumed they were somewhere in the gym. I made myself a cup of coffee and headed to our office to catch up on some paperwork before going down to open the gym. Today was Sunday; the gym didn't open until ten in order to give the staff time to attend services if they choose to. We always went on Saturday night.

I switched on the large flat screen monitor, which was connected to the security system. I was looking at nine views taken from the various cameras mounted throughout the gym and the view of the parking lot. I found the kids in the boxing room. They were inside the ring each dressed in shorts and a tank top. Matt, the eldest, was fourteen years old, tall and thin, he had a runner's body. He loved to run; we would run into the countryside some evenings before supper, and run for miles. He never seemed to tire. Kristin had just turned thirteen; she was a couple of inches shorter than Matt, but where Matt was a runner, she, on the other hand, spent her time on the nautilus machines and in the weight room. Her hard work was really beginning to pay dividends. Her body looked like a smaller version of her mother's; she was already packing some serious muscles on her arms and shoulders.

Curious, I turned on the microphones located in the room in order to find out what was going on. My son was talking,

"I don't really think this is a good idea, suppose you get hurt, what would mom and dad say?"

" Mom already knows about this and said it was ok as long as we both promised that whatever happened we would always love each other. After all we are brother and sister."

"Of course I'll always love you."

"Then it's agreed, we'll box four two minute rounds with a minute rest in between each round. The loser has to grant the winner one favor."

"How are we going to determine who is the winner?"

"Either when the other fighter quits or can no longer continue or gets knocked out"

"Ok, sounds fair to me" replied my son.

She set the timer, and they each returned to their corner to put on their wraps and gloves and put in a mouth piece. I studied each of them as they warmed up. Matt looked slow, awkward, and unsure of himself; Kristin, on the other hand, looked confident, experienced and deadly. Matt had no idea what was about to happen.

As the bell sounded for round one, they each came to the center of the ring touched gloves and began to circle one another cautiously. Matt threw a couple of jabs which Kristin blocked easily with her gloves. She seemed to be biding her time waiting for an opening. I think Matt mistook her patience for fear because he seemed to loosen up and started to throw more punches without regard for her response. After a jab which she easily avoided, she let loose with a right hook to his body. With a look of pain on his face, he backed away quickly. Fear replacing confidence. For the rest of the round she stalked him. It was almost comical, 'look at the little boy run from the big bad girl.' The bell saved him and they retreated to their corners.

I said out loud, "I've got to get down there and stop this before she kills him."

A strong hand gripped my shoulder and I heard the voice of my wife say, "sit down and relax, I told her not to hurt him too badly."

"You knew about this?"

"Yes, I've been working with her for about six months; she's been planning this for a long time."

"What, is she seeking revenge for something he did to her?"

"No, just the opposite, she adores him and wants him to be her first"

I looked up at her not truly comprehending what she just said.

"Because we home school the kids, their contact with others is somewhat limited. Her body is telling her that she's ready for a sex but she only has one person she can turn to; her brother. She loves him and if it were only up to her she would marry him right now. I convinced her that they would have to make a decision like that after they grew up and if they still wanted to be together, we would give them our blessings. But the first step is to convince him that she's the only girl for him; to get him to love her."

"And how is her beating the crap out of him going to make him love her?"

"It worked on you didn't it!"


I hope you enjoyed it. Your comments are always welcome.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
What's with all the quotes?

And why didn't her husband have her arrested for beating the hell out of him?

If it'd been the other way around there'd have been such a hue and cry.



jrquilconjrquilconabout 4 years ago
Not bad...

I wouldn't say the ending RUINED it, but it was pretty fuckin good before ...

Now I just gotta say "Not Bad!"

JackmoftenJackmoftenabout 6 years ago

Me, I would of just cleaned out my locker before the beating took place. Left the gym NEVER to return there or talk to anyone from there again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It wasn't to bad until the ending. Really? Brother and sister boxing against one another? The sister just happens to be the better boxer just like her mother and will get to fuck her brother, just because they are home schooled? What BS!

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 10 years ago

Different !

Good read though !

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
I enjoyed this story so much that I gave it FIVE Stars, made it a favorite AND...

...made the author a favorite. I think I might have read it quite a while back but am not sure. I, too, did not care for the ending but did not let it influence my general impression of the story. No one pleases everyone. It pleased me a lot to read the whole story.

BelgiumBelgiumalmost 11 years ago

I agree with hotrod26808. The ending ruined it. It would have been fine had they been stepsiblings, but as it is now, it's a bridge to far and it ruined a good story.

hotrod26808hotrod26808almost 11 years ago

the ending ruined it

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