How Did You Learn To Love Fellatio? Ch. 05


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I think I just blurted out: "What?" She chuckled and rubbed my thigh and said she thought it was sweet that I didn't know, and then asked if I wanted her to tell me. Of course I did; anything else you and I could do. She hummed and thought for a moment or two, then said: "He can do what girls do with each other."

That wasn't much help. I hadn't ever thought about that. Okay, they could do to each other what they could do to themselves, but you were already doing that, and better than I could. I think I asked: "Isn't he already?" She probably shook her head in the dark, then said:

"He likes to kiss you; he could kiss you there, too."

"Kiss me there? Girls do that? You want him to kiss me there?" I asked, or words to that effect.

She chuckled at my surprised response and said that some girls do, and chuckled again and said that I and not she should want you to kiss me there. Then I began to think about it. I hadn't told her about our tasting each other, but recalling that we had agreed that I tasted good; would you want to kiss my pussy? I didn't say anything.

She murmured: "Like French kissing, licking. Sounded like he would know where."

Oh, you would, I thought, but how did my sister know? I asked. She hesitated with "Hm?" then said: "Good think it's dark." Was she blushing, I wondered. Then she said:

"My roommate does."

"She told you?" I asked.

"Hm-umm, I just know."

"She did it to you?"


"Really? ... Oh? You didn't do it to her, did you?" I asked.

"We both did," she murmured.

"Really? And you liked it?"

"Both ways, why I know you and he both would."

"Oh?!" was all I could say. My sister licked her roommate's pussy and liked it, liked to do it!

How was I going to tell you to do that? If she had admitted that it was good, it must be, but how was I going to suggest that you do it to me?

My thighs must have twitched. Her hand was still resting on one. She hummed and murmured:

"Yeah, it's good, even just thinking about it."

I don't know if I said anything more. She rubbed my thigh and suggested that we go to bed. I returned to my room and bed. Don't have to tell you what I did, wondering what your tongue would feel like, doing what the fingers of one of my hands were doing.

In the morning in the bathroom, when I shrugged with a funny expression, she just said:

"I did too, almost as good as she did."

"Almost as good as he does," I murmured, blushing.

Did I think about it all day on Wednesday? Often enough, too often, so much, that when we were in the bathroom together that evening, I almost immediately asked her:

"How am I going to tell him that I want him to?"

She smirked and replied:

"I don't know. Oh, if I were you, I would do it first."

"Do what?" I asked.

Jeez, was I ignorant, innocently ignorant! She chuckled and said the obvious – what I could have thought of:

"Lick him too."

"Lick his cock?!" Yeah, I really said that!

She nodded, tactfully not chuckling or snickering. She was washing her pussy. I washed mine. As we were about to leave the bathroom, she looked at me. Her nipples had popped out, and the way she was looking at me, mine did. She took a deep breath and sighed with almost a moan, and took another breath and murmured:

"If you want, I told you I like to, I could show you. You don't have to."

She wanted to lick my pussy, her little sister's pussy!? She had been right, just thinking about it made my thighs twitch again. She nodded just slightly and murmured:

"I want to. Why not? You don't have to."

My thighs must have twitched again. Why not, if she wanted to, and she had said it was good? I didn't think it could be better than what you did, but if she wanted to, it would be impolite not to let her. I nodded, wondering if you would like to; yeah, a little wondering if I would like to. Oh, if I did, I wasn't going to tell you. Too late, I have already and I did.

She did in my room. Of course it was good. You know that now. Hm-hmm! That it's good both ways, well, not like she and I know, but you know that I love it. Of course, I then wanted to do it to her. My tongue was slobbering around in my mouth, while hers was slobbering around on my pussy. You can't know how good it was then: knowing just how it felt for her where I licked. But you did it just as good without knowing. Oooh! I was aroused again, almost asked her to do it again. Hope you don't mind hearing about that.

Anyway, I still didn't know about licking your cock. She went back to her room. Yeah, we promised to do it again. Sure, I lay in bed wondering about what we had done and liked, and wondered about licking your cock. Had she done that? She had suggested that I do it as a way to suggested that you lick my pussy. She must have! Licked it – whose! - so that it came like yours does? Did I want to do that, so that I could ask you to lick my pussy? If that's what I had to do, I thought, to give us something else to do together. I told you how good it was that you had told me about doing it with just one finger, letting me think that I could do that with my tongue. Of course, that wasn't all I then did, but I didn't know about that yet.

Then next evening, Thursday, it was a lot like with us Tuesday morning. We knew what we wanted to do, in her bed this time. When she suggested that we both could at once, we did. Hmmm! That was good! Sometimes, when we both were licking the same place, I suddenly felt almost like I was licking my own pussy. Oh, it was good!

Afterwards, she said that it had been like that for her too, admitting, not just with me. I couldn't tell you all this, if it hadn't been so good with you, sucking your cock and then your licking my pussy so good. It had been so good with my sister, that I was worried that it wouldn't be with you. She had said that I should lick your cock to let me suggest you could lick my pussy. Could you, as good as she did? You can, said that before.

Anyway, after we had, worried about that, I asked her about licking you. She hummed. We were lying together like you and I do. Hmm? Wicked, incestuous sisters? Can't really be anything wrong about that. So, she hummed and then said that it wasn't just about licking your cock. Yeah, she was personally direct - "your cock" – that I should take it in my mouth and lick and suck it.

I was shocked; I knew what would happen if I did that. Guess I said something about that. She nodded. I just had to ask if she had. She nodded again. Was I shocked, or had I expected that she had? A little – a lot – of both, but if she and her roommate did what they did, it was a little reassuring that she also wanted to do something with guys. I asked her:

"And you let him, in your mouth?"

She nodded again, then snorted and said:

"He loves it. Tastes really strange, especially that first time, but since he loves it so much ...."

"Real strange, tasted it once," I agreed: "little puddle in his bellybutton after I smeared the rest all over him."

"Then you know," she replied with a chuckle.

"And you want me to do that with him?"

"Hmm! Like before, you, not I, have to want to, but he will love it, do anything you ask him to."

I was asking myself if I was willing to let you come in my mouth just so that I could ask you to lick my pussy. That's why I tasted it again on Friday. I still wasn't sure. Wasn't what we had done been good enough? Yeah, and after I had the pill for a few days, I could tell you, and we could prove that your big cock fits in my pussy. Hmm? Now you know that I want it to. But till then? Suck your cock so that you lick my pussy?

Yeah, I told her what we did Friday, that I tasted you again. Of course, she and I had again. It was so easy and good, but also made me worry about how it would be with you. Hmm! Well, now you know that I didn't have anything to worry about, and she didn't want me to. Told her about that too. She really wanted me to think that it would be good, sucking your cock. She was right.

Oh, she really worked at it. Sure, we hadn't just been licking, fingers too. This was going on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Sorry, if that bothers you, just alone in your bed. Hope I made up for it this morning. After we had one night, she was describing in intimate detail how good it was to suck a cock. Hmm? It wasn't one like yours. When I had told her about sliding your skin up and down, she had sounded a little disappointed when she said that she had never had one like that. I asked: three in her pussy and two before, when she was still a virgin, two she had sucked.

Anyway. She really wanted me to suck yours: telling me about how arousing it would be for you when I licked where I first did; and how nice it would feel to have the firm head of your cock in my mouth, how silky smooth it would be, that it would fit so well in my mouth. I already knew about 'silky smooth', seen yours all shiny, like a piece of silk with pink threads one way and blue ones the other – pink, purplish, almost iridescent. She loved that description and told me how arousing it would be for me, when I felt you cock twitch in my mouth, its telling me how aroused it was, that I would be even more aroused, when your hips twitched, that my pussy would be so aroused, going all wet, wanting your cock to be moving in it.

She was right; it was like that. It almost was, while she was telling. She had her hand down between my thighs, when my hips twitched, well, we did it again. By now I was sure that I wanted to do it to you, but how could I start? It was just perfect, your telling about doing it with one finger!

* * *

During Peggy's telling, her hand had found my soft cock and balls, just gathering them up in her hand. Maybe she wanted to reassure me that she hadn't forgotten them during all her talk about what she and her sister had done. That hadn't been arousing for me, until her sister started telling her all about cocksucking. When my cock began to stiffen, her fingers unconsciously let my balls slip away and just held my cock. By the time she was finishing telling so much about how her sister said it would be with my cock in her mouth – just like it had been – my cock was all stiff, and her hand was gently jogging on it, down on my hair, not touch its head.

When she stopped talking, it seemed that she first realized where her hand was, what it was doing. She snorted and murmured:

"Oh! Hm-hmm! It wants me to again."

"Um-hmm, and so do I," I enjoined.

"Mmmm! Then let's, both of us, like she and I did."

We did. She couldn't lick my cock's favorite, most sensitive spot that way. When I was trying to plunge my tongue in her opening, however, I glimpsed her little asshole – sweet – letting me think that if it could stretch to let a BM pass through it, my cock could certainly fit in her pussy. She didn't have to lick my cock there for the result to be just as good as the first time, and her orgasm was also equally good.

When we had recovered, I said:

"Maybe I have to thank your sister for her help."

"I'll tell her," Peggy replied, snickering and adding:

"I don't want you trying to show her how much you appreciated her help."

"Hmm? If I had been thinking that, I wouldn't have told you."

We chuckled and agreed that we had to go to the bathroom, joking that we didn't have to take a shower, that I just needed to wash my face and she, her pussy, that she had licked my cock clean.

I can't remember if we went to the pool that day, confused by the fact that during the next weeks, we were so many time in my room and then did go to the pool or somewhere. The following week, after she had started taking the pill, of course, we really did it. Had her sister also recommended that Peggy should be on top, or did we decide that? Whatever, she was and could control how fast and how deep she wanted to let my cock go in: slowly the first time, but then all the way, her hips resting on mine.

We couldn't do it every day, of course, but when we did, we did everything, even just with our hands. Peggy wanted to see her Epcot Center fountain again, but then didn't smear it around, licking up all the blobs. She really liked it, and then would kiss me. Of course, she also had her periods. She said that she still wanted to suck my cock, but we agree that we each got so aroused when we did it to each other that it would be unfair for her to be so aroused and not be able to let me satisfy her.

Her sister was all in the know. Peggy said that she was a little envious of us, even though they did what they could together. She was the one who suggested that it would be suspicious if we didn't see each other at all during Peggy's periods, so we did, also, of course, not every day.

Did we love each other? We never said so, just how much we loved what we did, and we still never kissed when we met or parted, except in the dark, when we could arouse each other with our hands.

I guess we didn't. I hope she didn't. One day when we weren't together, I was at the mall, enjoying the air conditioning, just passing the time looking at girls in hot pants and halter tops, tank tops, blouses tied up under their breasts. Of course, I wasn't looking at their clothing, looking at legs and whatever skin I could see. Suddenly, an older girl approached me and said:

"Aren't you Mark, Peggy's boyfriend?"

I nodded, wondering if I had been caught girl watching, then recognizing that she was Peggy's sister, whom I hadn't seen since she was a high school senior, two years older than me.

"You must be Peggy's sister," I replied. When I said that, it all came to me a flash, maybe a flush – my cheeks. She knew all about us, everything! She nodded with a smile. What kind of a smile? A "knowing smile"? Of course she knew that I had heard about her advice, and Peggy had told her that I thought I should thank her. Did she know that Peggy had told me what they did together?

"Yeah, I am," she added to her nod, then remarking:

"Sounds like you two really enjoy yourselves; I'm glad."

I nodded before I could reply:

"Um-hmm, I guess you know. Er, uh, I guess we owe you a lot of thanks, uh, that I do too."

"Don't mention it; I thought it was so nice how it started, that you didn't ... well, you know."

"Hmm? Me? I was too shy."

"It didn't sound like it, well, maybe 'were'."

I shrugged with a wry expression. She nodded with slight smirk, then said:

"Didn't sound like you were after that."

Another wry expression. Did she want to talk about it? Hadn't Peggy told her everything she could want to know. She said:

"Maybe we shouldn't talk here; want to go somewhere? I've got the car."

She did want to talk. Go somewhere, car? I guess I shrugged again, don't think I nodded.

"Come on," she said, and I did, walking with her in the direction of one of the exits to the parking area, wondering if she wanted to hear my version of everything. What could she want to tell me that she hadn't heard of already? Outside in the sun and hot air, she slowed down, looking around to find the car, speaking without looking at me:

"I guess she also told you what we do."

She wasn't looking at me, I couldn't just nod, replying:

"Yeah, she did, afterwards. I didn't ask her that, but, well, then she told me, sort of to explain why she wanted me to."

Had I really said that?! She nodded before she looked at me and said:

"I had hoped so, not that she would tell you, but that's all right. I just wanted to be sure that she wanted you to enough, well, to do what she did."

"Oh, she did," I replied more enthusiastically than I had intended, trying then to cover that by asking where the car was. She led me to it. Where were we going? Where was she taking me?

As she unlocked the car, she looked over it at me and said:

"I'm glad; I wanted her to like it as much as I do."

The car didn't have central locking, I had time to think about what she had said, while she got in and reached over to unlock my door. I need the time. Sure, she had said that, of course she wanted Peggy to like it – sucking my cock – but why did she have to tell me that she liked it so much?

I opened the car door and got in, hotter than outside. Too hot to think properly, or could I just not think properly? She started the car.

I glanced over at her , for the first time really conscious of what she had on, a sleeveless blouse and bermudas. Was she wearing a bra? I had been training my eyes to recognize that. Her breasts were smaller than Peggy's; she could certainly get away without wearing one. Before she shifted into reverse, she glanced over at me with a slight smirk and said:

"Yeah, I'm wearing one. I saw you girl watching before I spoke to you."

"You don't need to," I heard myself say. Shit! How could I have said that?!

She just nodded with grin and then looked in the mirrors and backed out. When she was on the straight, she chuckled and said:

"That didn't sound like you're still shy."

"You caught me. Didn't mean to say that."

"Just said it, too much girl watching. I won't tell her."

At least, she was keeping her eyes on the road, didn't see me blushing. When she turned onto the street, I murmured:

"Where we going?"

"Anywhere you want, back home if you want, but I wasn't thinking of that."

"What was that?"

She didn't immediately reply, almost looked like she could be blushing, but it was so hot that she could just have a red face. She didn't look at me, then replied:

"Sort of told you over the top of the car."

What had she said; that she liked to suck a cock as much as Peggy did! She wanted to go somewhere and suck my cock?! Stupid me! Maybe I wasn't now so shy, but I sure didn't think about what I was saying, the implications of what I was saying.

"Where?" I asked.

The implications, her inferences only popped into my head, when she finally looked over with a grin and said:

"Not in the car."

She did want to suck my cock, and my stupid question had implied that I had understood that already and was agreed, just the stupid question of where she wanted to go to do it. She nodded and looked over again with a smile and said:

"I was right, you're not so shy any more. I think I know a place, out of town."

She was looking at the street again, with enough traffic, thank goodness, that she couldn't talk, and I could think, try to. I got over my shock. It was going to happen, we were going to do it. We? Did she want me to lick her pussy? Did she want to really do it, fuck? I remembered that Peggy had once said that she was a little envious about what we did. Okay. I hoped there wasn't a skid mark in my shorts. Was her pussy just like Peggy's? How could pussies differ? I had seen enough nipples in girlie magazines to know how they could.

When we were out of town, she said that she hoped that the car blanket was in the trunk; we were going to do outside somewhere. How did she know where? She slowed down at a wooded area, apparently the wrong one; she drove to the next one and found the dirt road into it. As she slowly drove on it, she murmured:

"We were here last summer, but he has a summer job in his college town."

That answered my question, and I guess I could have expected that explanation. She parked, out of sight of the road, and we got out. The car blanket was in the trunk. She found the clear spot and spread it out, while I was wondering how we would start, obviously not like Peggy and I had the first time. Like she and whoever had done it, but obviously not their first time together?

She looked at me, and I looked at her. At least, she also didn't quite know how to start. She smirked slightly and said:

"Here we are. I want to. Thanks for coming along."

"I want to too," I replied, thinking that the obligatory thing to say.