How I Lost My Mother Ch. 02

Story Info
Mom's friendship with neighborhood bully deepens.
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/29/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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The next morning, I woke up expecting my mom to be by my bedside. With her apologizing to me for yelling at me. Something she always did after we had a fight.

Instead, I heard the sound of water running somewhere in the house and realized that mom must be taking a shower. Sexually charged thoughts entered my mind as I got out of bed.

After I left my bedroom, I noticed that mom's bedroom door was left open slightly. When I got closer to her door, I could hear her shower running full blast. In between the running water, I could hear her humming to herself.

I decided to silently push open her door and peek inside. Facing the bedroom door was mom's queen sized bed. On the left side of her bed was her nightstand. My brain began showing me images of mom on her back as some asshole thrusted his big cock inside her. Her bell-shaped breasts swayed with each thrust he made. Her hands held onto his arms as she stared into his eyes, as her bed creaked steadily under their combined movements. Hearing her breathy moans in my head as he fucked her.

I shook my head free from those thoughts. After all, mom promised me that she'd never let anything like that happen again. Yet... I couldn't help but think about it. What if she likes guys like that? Guys, who are assholes?

I heard her shower turn off and the sounds of her getting out. Still humming to herself.

I then crept away from her bedroom door, just as she exited the bathroom, towel wrapped around her body and hair. Oh, how I wished to be that towel wrapped around her. I then entered my bedroom just as she closed her bedroom door and began to get dressed.


I sat on my bed when I heard her knock on my bedroom door a short while later.

"Paul, honey, you up yet?" she asked.

I cracked open my door a bit to look at her. Showing her that I was indeed up and fully dressed.

"May I come in?" she then asked.

I opened my bedroom door and ushered her inside. She then walks in and sits on the corner of my bed. Both of us looked at each other in silence before mom sighed.

"Look... about last night," she began, "I'm sorry I yelled at you, sweetie."

"It's alright, mom," I said, reassuring her, "It's my fault for not really explaining what I meant.

I then sat next to her on my bed. Our hips practically touching.

"I just worry about you is all," I continued, leaning my head on her shoulder, "I hate the way guys look at you. Especially Henri."

She pats my head.

"I appreciate you looking out for me, sweetie." mom said, "Just like your father."

She then kisses my forehead before standing up. Then, she checks her phone.

"I have to go finish some final documents at my workplace," mom stated afterward, "will you be okay on your own for a bit, or would you like to come with me?"

I shook my head

"I'll be fine here, mom," I said.

She gave me a warm motherly smile and left my bedroom. I stared at her heart-shaped ass swaying as it disappeared from view.

"Maybe I'll surprise mom by unpacking all the boxes in our living room," I told myself.

I had just heard the front door close behind her when I heard the sound of two people talking outside. I peered out my window and saw that it was Henri, who was chatting with mom on our driveway.

I heard him asking mom where she was going. Mom replied that she was heading to her new workplace to finish some last-minute documents. He then asked what her job was. Mom told him that she was a dentist. She asked him if he had a part-time job. Henri said he worked with his dad at his deli shop. Telling mom afterward that their slices are the biggest around. To which mom laughed and said she'd like to try something from their deli sometime.

She then got into her Dodge Journey and pulled out of the driveway. Henri watched her leave before looking back at our house. He locked eyes with me before he casually went back to his property and disappeared behind a tall fence.

I was on edge the whole time I started putting stuff away in the living room. Alert to very little noise. I knew he was trying to do something. But what?


Thirty minutes later, I received a text message from mom telling me that she's on her way back and was picking something up for lunch.

Suddenly, I heard a rattling sound coming from somewhere in the house. I followed the sound, trying to pinpoint its location.

When I stood in front of mom's bedroom, the sound was more apparent. As I opened her bedroom door, I saw Henri opening her window and climb into her room. Looking around as if searching for something. At one point, I saw him bend down and pick up mom's negligee. Then, he held it up to his nose and inhaled her scent deeply from it.

Having seen enouh, I burst into her room.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled.

He wasn't fazed by my outburst and continued looking around her room. Before stopping at her dresser and looked at me.

"Your mom has so many things," he said, "surely she'll not notice a pair of underwear missing from her room, right?"

He then reached into her dresser and pulled out a pair of mom's black lacey thongs.

"Oh, so your mom likes this type of underwear then?" he then chuckled, "I never would have guessed."

Henri then pocketed his prize and noticed mom's laptop. He then sat on her bed and began looking through it.

I watched him pull up nude pictures of mom. Photos I thought she got rid of after she ended things with Adam. Yet... here they are. Stored on her laptop. Then he pulled up a video of mom pleasuring herself. Her little daintly little manicured fingers rubbed her swollen clitoris as she brought herself to orgasm.

Henri became fully obsorbed in the video and unzipped his shorts. Then he pulled out his cock and used mom's panties as he began jerking off. Timing his grunts with mom's moans on the video. It was like he completely forgot I was standing behind him in mom's open doorway. Watching him masturbate to the video of mom masturbating on camera.

Just then, I heard the front door open, and mom announce that she's home with lunch. Panick filled Henri's eyes as he quickly zipped up his shorts and tried to close the video. Only to increase the volume of her loud orgasm and the squishy sounds of her pussy becoming wet in the process.

"What's that sound?" mom called from the dining room, "Paul, you better not be watching porn!"

Why would she assume me? I hardly ever touch that stuff. Besides, it's Henri doing it, not me.

When mom said that, Henri punched me in the gut and jumped out her window. I fell backward, landed on my ass and groaned as mom came running down the hallway. She saw me sprawled outside her bedroom door and... a video of her moaning loudly as she made herself cum hard on video.

The look on mom's face was pure disgust and shock, as she stormed into her bedroom and closed the video. She then rounded on me.




She then slaps my face before marching me to my room.

"I'm so fucking disgusted with you right now!" she then slams my door shut and storms off to her room, "Fucking disgusted Paul!"

I then heard her slamming her dresser shut as I figured she was hiding her laptop now.

She then slammed her door shut and went back to the living room, where she sat down on the couch and sighed heavily.


I blame Henri for this situation. If it wasn't for him, I'd be out in the living room eating whatever mom brought back home and watching tv with her. Instead, here I was in my room, while mom ate by herself. Totally pissed off at me for something I didn't even do.

My stomach growled as I lay on my bed. The daylight was just now starting to fade, when I heard the front door ring and mom's footsteps going to answer it. I heard her talking to someone, and judging my her reaction, she sounded pissed.

"Paul Johnes!" mom called out from the hallway, "Get your ass out here! Right now!"

I exited my room and saw that it was Henri standing on our doorstep. Mom held a pair of her panties in her clenched hand. She was seething with anger.

"My underwear? mom spat at me, "You were using a pair of my underwear to masturbate while you watching a sexual video of me on my laptop!"

"I didn't do it, mom!" I said, "I swear!"

She then looked at Henri and sighed.

"Tell him what you just told me," she said

"I came over earlier to hang out with Paul," Henri said, "when he didn't answer the door, I decided to knock on his window to get his attention."

He paused.

"So when I got to his window," Henri continued, "I saw him with your laptop on his bed while viewing a video of a woman who looked like you touching herself. He also had a pair of your panties and was using them to masturbate."

"Fucking li-" I started to say.

"Enough, Paul!" mom hissed.

She then looked back at Henri

"Please continue," mom said.

"I then tapped on his window to get his attention," Henri stated, "When he noticed me, he yelled at me to leave him the fuck alone."

I opened my mouth to retort, but mom gave me that "shut the hell up last warning" look. I chose to bit my tongue.

"So I entered your house through your window and took your laptop from him," Henri said, "He told me to get the fuck out and tried to take it back from me. that's when I heard you announce that you were home and panicked. I pushed him out of your room and left through your window. The video on your laptop was still playing when you came to investigate."

"Thank you, Henri for telling me this," she said, "I'm grateful for your honesty."

"Just trying to be a good friend," he told her.

Mom then looked at me. Her eyes blazed with hurt and anger.

"I can't even come up with a punishment for you!" she stated, "That's how upset I am about this situation. But I can make sure that it doesn't happen again."

She then storms past me and down the hallway. I followed after her. Seeing her enter my room and pull out a small box I hid under my bed to hide my perverted shame. Spilling its contents on top of my mattress. Judging by her reaction to seeing my collection of MILF magazines, she sounded perturbed.

"You know, I looked the other way with your little milf fantasies. Put up with them for months." mom stated, "Thinking that maybe you'll grow out of this... and find yourself a girlfriend."

She then shakes her head.

"But to me? You fantasize about me? You stroke your... penis to me?" mom continued, "That's disgusting Paul! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I didn't do it, mom," I said, trying not to cry in front of her.

"I don't want to hear your excuses," mom stated, "you'll sit here in your room and think about what you've done!"

She then called me a disgusting perverted freak under her breath as she walked past me and slammed my door shut.

From the outside of my room, I heard mom's muffled yelling as she thought about sending me to live with my aunt and Henri's voice as he tried to calm her down. I hated the idea of Henri being alone with my mom. Hated that he used his perversion for mom to get me in trouble with her and try to seem like he was the responsible friend.

I cried as I crawled under my bed. Hearing them continuing to talk for another hour or so before I heard the front door open and close some time later. Telling me that Henri left our house after having alone time with her.

I opened my bedroom door and saw mom sitting on the couch. Hands covering her face. I heard her crying. I decided to leave the matter alone and accept my loss.


The next morning, mom took me with her as she got me registered for public school again. The downside was that I had to repeat my senior year. Because of all my unexpected absences and failing grades. As well as her unexplained reasoning to my old school about why she pulled me out of public school to begin with.

"Can we talk about last night?" I asked as we stopped at a red light.

"Drop it," mom hissed, "I'm not repeating myself again."

We waited in silence. She then sighs.

"Look... I understand that every male your age goes through stuff like this," mom said, "but it's disturbing and disgusting to know you were masturbating while thinking about me or watching a.... porn video of a woman who looked like me masturbating on camera."

I decided to test the water.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm still mad, Paul," mom stated, "very much still mad at what you did. You went through my personal things and even watched a porn video on my laptop."

"But I'm also disappointed and hurt too," she continued, "but... people make mistakes. Just like it took you time to forgive me, you'll have to start making amends to me now."

She then continued driving after the light turned green. Her eyes straight ahead of her.

"Plus, you should really be grateful to Henri," mom said, "he came to your defense last night and talked me out of making a rash decision."

I hated that he was starting to twist her against me.


The next evening, mom and I sat on the couch watching a tv show. When suddenly the doorbell rang.

"That must be Henri," mom said.

She then pulled herself off the couch and disappeared around the corner. I heard her greet Henry at the door before ushering him inside.

"What's that you got there?" I heard mom ask.

"Just something from my mom's collection," Henri stated, "I thought you would like it."

I heard mom gasp as he apparently showed her what he had.

"This... this is beautiful, Henri," mom said, "but I can't accept this. It was your mother's."

"Please do," Henri said, "I'm sure it'll make her happy knowing a beautiful woman like you is wearing something like this."

I heard mom giggle.

"You little flirt," she then said, "fine, I'll accept the gift. But don't think that this gives you the right to spoil me."

Mom then reentered the living room, holding a small box in her hand. Henri followed a few feet behind her.

"Look, Paul!" mom said excitedly, "Henri gave me a gift. Isn't it beautiful?"

She opened the box in front of my face. In it, was a necklace that looked rather expensive. Something that the likes of him couldn't afford. Yet it was his mother's? I doubt it.

I had to bite back my tongue from telling her that it was most likely stolen. Her face looked too cute when she was happy. Something I missed.

"It... looks great, mom," I stated.

She placed the necklace back in the box and sat back down on the couch. Taking her previous seat.

"Want to watch this show with us?" mom asked Henri.

He sat between us and kicked up his feet on our coffee table. Mom giggled again.

"Making yourself at home, are you?" she asked.

"Just making myself comfortable, Lilian," Henri said.

Since when have they been on a first name basis?

"Just go back to your home already," I muttered under my breath.

"So what are we watching?" he asked, ignoring my comment.

Mom then went into the details about the show. Telling him what season we were on, what it was about, what was happening, who her favorite character was, and what her favorite episodes were. She then asked if he wanted to watch from the first season.

"Why don't we play a game instead?" Henri asked, "and watch the show another time."

"Good idea," mom said, "I think we have a few board games in the closet."

She then gets up and walks toward the hallway closet.

"What sounds good to you?" mom asked him as she opened the closet, "we have Life, Jenga, Monopoly, Sorry, Clue and Scrabble."

Henri grabbed at his crotch as she listed off the games we had. Staring at her heart-shaped ass wedged in her grey capri pants.

"Henri?" mom asked, turning her head sideways to look at him.

"Oh... whatever sounds good to you." Henri stated.

"How about we start with an easy one before moving onto a harder game," mom suggested.

She pulled out Life as the easy game and Monoply being the hard one. We then sat on the floor as mom started to set up the game.

"So the point of Life is to get to retirement village," mom stated, pointing to an area with small buildings, "we each spin the topper to see who goes first. We then decide if we either start at college or go straight into a career with a college degree. Your career defines what type of salary you get when you land on the payday spaces."

She points to the payday spaces on the board.

"Just like in real life, having a college degree giving you more options. Once you choose a career, you can't replace it. It stays with you until retirement." mom stated, "But there will are crisis events where you either lose your job or start a new career but at a lower salary."

She then paused before continuing.

"Marriage is mandatory and so is buying a house. But there will be crisis events as well that will either end your marriage or leave you homeless," mom stated, "Children are an option in this game too. With them being either born from wedlock or adopted at a later time."

She then places the manual back in the box and spun the spinner. Her being a 6. Henri a 8, and me getting a 5.

"Well, since Henri rolled highest," mom said, "he goes first. College or straight into a career?"

"Uh... straight into career," Henri said.

Mom held out four cards face down. He chose the inner left one, which was the entertainer career. Mom then held up the six salary types, with him getting the $90,000 one.

"Good start so far," mom said, "now go ahead and spin."

He spun the topper and got a 10. After moving ten spaces, he landed on a card tile and handed it to mom.

"You placed first in a small raffle," mom read, "collect $10,000 from the bank."

She then handed him a $10,000 note.

"My turn now," mom said, "and I choose to start at college."

She then spun a 6 and landed on a card tile.

"Lucky day!" mom said, "You get to graduate early and spin again!"

Mom then chose one of the college careers. Her's being the doctor and her salary being $80,000.

"Okay, so I spin again then," mom said.

She spun a 10 this time and landed next to Henri. Her little pink car parked next to his blue one and drew another card.

"You became best friends with the person to your right," mom said, "you each take a Life token from the board."

Mom took two tiles before handing Henri one.

Finally, it was my turn. I'm going to impress mom with my luck.

"I choose college," I said.

I then spun a three and landed on a card space.

"Exams are here!" I said, "Lose your next turn."

"Oh, that sucks," mom said, "I remember my college days being just like that too."

"Sucks to be you," Henri chuckled.

Mom playfully punches his arm and giggles afterward.

"Oh come on, Henri, that's mean," she said.

I sighed in irritation. Seeing her every action toward him a betrayal. I know she was just having fun, but it still made me jealous.

Henri's next move landed him on the marriage space. To which mom delicately placed a pink person next to his blue one.

"Aww, the first of us to land on the marriage spot. Congrats!" mom said.

Mom's next move also landed her on the marriage space. To which Henri placed a blue person next to her pink one.

"A double wedding?" Henri asked as a joke, "maybe something good will happen."

Since I had to skip my turn, Henri moved again. This time, he got a four and landed on a card space. Like before, he handed it to mom.