How I Lost My Mother Ch. 02


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"Ooooh, tough break!" mom read, "Your spouse left you for someone else."

She then pats his back consolingly.

"Plenty of fish in the sea, big guy," mom said matter-of-factly.

Mom then spun a four and landed on the same space as him again. Drawing a card before blushing.

"The person on your left is now engaged to you," mom read, "you both receive another life tile and move again."

" I guess my marriage didn't work out either, hahaha," mom said, and playfully linked her arm around his, "but at least we're together now."

I spun the topper and got a five. This time again, landing on another card space.

"You failed your exams!" I read, "Skip your turn and move back five spaces."

"Shit honey, what terrible luck you have," mom said.

Henri snorted.

"I think it's best if you leave the college thing to your mother," Henri said.

Henri then moved again. Getting a nine, this timed and again landed on yet another card space. He then handed it to mom.

"You won the settlement case!" mom read, "Earning you a small sum of money. Take $10,000 from the bank and roll again."

Mom handed him another $10,000 note, and Henri spun again. This time, he got a four and landed on the house space. Mom spread out the 7 house cards, and he chose the middle one. Which was the Tudor style house, with a mortgage value of $70,000.

Mom then spun and landed on the same space he previously did. Picking up a card afterward.

"You are now expecting!" mom read, "What a joyous occasion! Spin again!"

Mom spun the topper again and landed on the house space as well. She chose the colonial homestead, with a mortgage value of $50,000.

Henri then spun a three and landed on yet another card space. He hands it to mom.

"Bad luck!" mom read, "A massive earthquake torn through your house. Pay $50,000 in repair cost."

Henri forked over $50,000 to mom, who placed it back in the bank. She then spun again. Landing on the same tile as his and drew a card.

"Great news!" Mom read, "Your fiance decided to move in with you. Take $50,000 from the bank and spin again."

Mom placed her house card between the two of them.

"So not only are we expecting," mom said, "you decided to move in with me?"

She then giggles and spun again. This time, landing on a branch in the road. She drew another card.

"Your first child is born!" mom read, "Turn left at the crossroad."

"Is it a boy or girl?" Henri asked, holding two little pink and blue pegs in his palm.

Mom studied the card again.

"Oh... it doesn't say." mom stated, "You're the father. What should it be? A baby girl or a baby boy?"

"Hmm... girl," he said, placing a pink person behind mom's character.

"I always did want a daughter," mom laughed, "girls are much easier to handle than boys."

I could tell she was joking, but the statement still stung nonetheless.

I spun again and, this time, getting a 10. Mom smiled at me as she held out the college careers. I chose the accountant with a salary of $50,000.

"Took you long enough." Henri said, snickering, "While you were having trouble in college, your mom and I got engaged, moved in together, and became parents to a baby girl."

He was gloating about it. This was just a game.

"Though that was after BOTH, our marriages failed, your spouse leaving you for someone else, and your house being destroyed in an earthquake." mom stated.

She smiled at me afterward.

Henri spun a five and landed on another card space. He handed it to mom.

"Detour ahead!" mom read, "Go right and land on a payday or go left and land on a mystery space."

Mom looked at the board and pointed to a space below hers.

"That must be the mystery space," she said, "I wonder what it is."

"Then I choose mystery space," Henri said.

He moved to the space below mom's and took another card. Like before, he handed it to her.

"Mystery event!" mom read, "The person to your right must join their car with yours. This is in effect until the end of the game.

Mom took his character and replaced her blue person with his.

"Now it's more concrete!" mom giggled, "Both parents are with their daughter now."

It sickened me that she was okay with role-playing this with him. But I had to remind myself that this was just a game. It's a stupid game.

Mom then spun a 10 and moved ten tiles. Landing on a payday. Since they are both in the same car, it was a double payday. She then draws a card.

"Big news!" mom read, "Your second wedding is more joyous than your first one! Move ahead three spaces, and congratulations!"

She then moved their car three spaces and took another card.

"Expensive honeymoon!" mom read, "The person to your right must give you $30,000."

I handed her my $50,000 note and waited for her to hand me back $20,000.

"So how does it feel to be married to me now?" mom asked Henri teasingly.

"It's alright." Henri said, smirking at her.

It's just a game. I clenched my fists tightly.

"Your turn, sweetie," mom said.

I spun a nine and landed on the marriage space. Mom placed a pink person next to my character.

"Congratulations on finally catching up," Henri said.

Mom giggled at what he said. I noticed that they were sitting closer together now. Likely due to them being one vehicle, sharing one household, and having a child in the game together.

It's just a stupid game.

Henri moved their car up four spaces and handed the card to mom.

"You decide to go to night school," mom read, "pay $40,000 for the course and draw a new career."

"But I really liked being an entertainer," Henri said.

"Well, you have a daughter to think about now and a wife too," mom stated, "so as much as may ha you liked it, we are more important."

Henri picked the far right and chose the veterinarian career, with a salary of $70,000.

Mom then spun for her turn and took their car up five spaces. Landing on a crisis space. She then drew a card.

"Your child got hurt pretty badly at the playground and needs to go to the hospital." mom read, "Pay $10,000 for medical costs."

Mom then placed $10,000 in the bank.

"It's your turn now, Paul," she then said.

I spun a four and moved ahead four spaces. Then, I took a card and instantly threw it back onto the board.

"What's it say?" mom asked, picking it up.

"Your spouse left before you could consummate your marriage." mom read, "Move ahead five spaces and draw again."

She then moved my character up to five spaces and drew another card for me.

"How unfortunate." mom read, "Your attempts to reconcile with your spouse end in a disaster. Recieve $5,000 from the bank and spin again."

Mom spun the topper for me and got me a 10. After moving ten spaces, I landed on the house space with five moves left.

Mom then spread out the remaining house cards. I took the victorian mansion with a mortgage of $100,000. I then moved my remaining five spaces and took another card.

"Major news!" mom read, "You won a massive inheritance from a deceased relative. Take $200,000 and a Life token."

She then handed me $200,000 from the bank and a Life token.

"See?" mom said, "Your luck is getting better now."

Henri then took his turn and moved their car up six spaces. He then handed the card to mom.

"It's your kid's first day at school!" mom read, "Pay $5,000 for schooling costs."

He handed mom $5,000 and watched her place it in the bank.

Mom then spun for her turn and got a 10. Moving them closer to the retirement village. She drew another card.

"It's a miracle!" mom read, "Your second child is born, and it's a boy. Congratulations!"

Mom placed a blue person behind Henri's.

"A second pregnancy, huh?" mom asked him with a coy smile on her face, "You must have really wanted me to give you a son this time."

"Who's to say," Henri said.

Mom giggled at him.

I spun again and got a nine. After moving nine spaces, I landed on a payday and drew another card.

"You realized that the house you live in is too big for you." I read, "Trade properties with the person to your left."

"Well, look at that," Henri said, "we're getting a bigger house to raise our two kids in."

Mom handed me her colonial homestead, and I gave her my Victorian mansion. She placed it between the two of them again.

"A bigger house means more cleaning," mom said, "perhaps we could hire a butler and a few maids."

"I'd love that idea," Henri said, "maids are sexy as hell."

"Yeah, on second thought, no maids," mom stated, "I can see the temptation in your eyes."

Henri smirked at her before spinning the topper. He spun a one and moved their car up one space. He picked up the card and handed it to mom.

Why is always making her read it? And more importantly, why was mom allowing it?

"Your anniversary is coming up." mom read, "Pay $50,000 for an expensive gift."

Henri looked at his money and then back at mom.

"You saying you don't have enough to buy the gift?" mom asked, "Some husband you are!"

She then giggled and wrapped her arms around his chest as if saying she still loved him despite him not having enough to give her a gift.

"I'm sure we can work something out," mom said teasingly to him.

I noticed that he was shifting slightly and realized that he was probably getting hard by what she was saying. I was growing nauseous by the second.

"Oh, I'm sure we could," Henri said, "maybe a dinner date with me?"

I was floored. Did he really just ask mom out on a date?

"A date, huh?" mom repeated, "it's an interesting proposal. But it is highly inappropriate nonetheless."

She then pulled him up and walked towards the hallway with him. Once they were out of sight, I heard her speak.

"You're not being serious, are you?" I heard mom ask softly.

"What if I was?" Henri replied back, "Would that be okay?"

"It's been... forever since I was on a date," mom said nervously, "but this is wrong!"

"Surely, one little date won't hurt, right?" Henri asked.

I grew disgusted that mom was even considering it. Let alone even entertain such a notion.

"No, one date won't hurt," mom agreed, "but it's still inappropriate!"

"Don't tell me you don't want this," Henri said.

I peeked around the corner and saw him place a hand on her back, pulling her towards him, while the other other touched her cheek. She closed her eyes as if enjoying his touch. His firm hands held her to him.

"The hell is this?" I asked.

Mom recovered from her stuper and moved away from him. But the damage was already done. I noticed his dick was very hard and jutting out against the front of his jeans. Luckily, mom didn't notice it.

He smirked at me as if saying he almost got her.


"Paul!" mom hissed in warning.

"No, mom, I had enough!" I said, "I'm not going to stand here and watch you flirt with him!"

I stormed off to my room and slammed my door shut. I heard mom sigh a few minutes later.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I should have realized how... close he is to you."

"He's been this way even before we moved... it was something I caused."

"No need to start explaining. I understand.

There was silence for a second.

"Maybe if we'd have met before, I would have loved to go on a date with you."

She said that tenderly.

"Surely your happiness is just as important."

"I... made... a... mistake, Henri! Something that still eats at me. I don't want... Paul going through that trauma again."

"So what should we do then? I'm not backing off after telling you this. If you want me to keep my distance, then say it, and I'll keep my distance."

"Hun... you did nothing wrong! I'm just not really ready to find someone to date right now."

"Yet you keep teasing me with these ideas, and now I'm starting to think you really do."

"I... think you should leave. I'm sorry. I just can't put my son through what he witnessed again."

"You keep repeating that. What happened?"

Mom sighed.

"I... had a relationship with someone from my son's old school. I thought he was decent until well... he didn't take kindly to me ending things after Paul walked in on us. The shock on Paul's face, the pure hatred in his voice as he said I was dead to him."

There was silence between them afterward.

"How was I supposed to know he started targeting my son at school and beating him up. But there were times when I told myself that maybe if I starting seing him again, things would settle down. But the damage was already done."

"How were you supposed to know."

"Exactly! But then... he started targeting me. Scratching derogatory words into the side of my car, stalking me at my workplace. Hell, he even broke into our old house and made off with most of Paul's electronics. Stuff I bought him. "

"That's low."

"It gets worse Henri. Much worse. The... asshole then decided to actually cause more damage and spread a nasty rumor about me at my workplace. It cost me my reputation with my clients and my co-workers."

She was silent again.

"So after hearing all that, do you still want to ask me?"

"It's not me who has to ask that. I only stated my desire to take you on a date. It's ultimately your choice if you want me to back off or stay on the current course."

He then sighs as if upset. Probably a part of his plan.

"But... if it's for your sake, then I'll stay away for a while. Give you some time to think.

"Henri... you did nothing wrong."

"I'll keep my distance."

I then heard the front door open and close a second later. Followed by mom sniffling. Great, now I feel bad. I feel bad that she was starting to like him in a romantic sense. That I ruined her chance of dating someone who seemed nice and genuine

All a crock of shit. It's just his way of scoring points with her abd eventually getting into her pants.


I heard her knock on my door a short while later.

"May I come in?" she asked.

I said nothing. Yet she took that as me, saying that she could.

I turned my back to her as she walked into my room and sat on my bed. Her lower back touching my upper back. I would have loved to fantasize about this, but it was not the time.

"So, are you happy now?" mom asked.

Her voice sounded upset.

"I am actually," I said, "I never want him around here anymore! I'm tired of how he stares at you. How easily you believe him over me."

"That's because you haven't given me reasons to take your side, Paul," mom said.

"This is just like back then," I stated.

"Enough! I'm tired of you constantly bringing that up!" mom said, "I know I fucked up okay? Stop holding this one mistake against me!"

"Do you want me to apologize again?" mom continued, "Do you?"

I said nothing.

"I told you multiple times that it was a mistake on my part," mom continued. "A moment of weakness! Yet you treat it like it was so life threatening."

I turned my head to look at her.

"You think yourself the only victim?" mom said, "I was targeted by him too! Or did you forget that part. He ruined my job! My car had derogatory words scratched into it. He stalked me while I was at work. He even broke into OUR house and stole the electronics that I paid for."

"Do you want to know where they went? Those expensive electronics I bought you?" mom said, "He sold them at a pawn shop. For less than what I was charged buying them."

"Do you want to know what he did with the money he got from selling them?" mom asked, "He threw it at my feet. Like I was a prostitute to be bought for a cheap fuck."

I didn't know that part.

"Did he really?" I asked.

She nods her head.

"I had no idea," I said.

"Yet you're trying to say that Henri is like that?" mom continued, "Is he throwing money at my feet trying to "get into my pants" no! Is he scratching derogatory words into the side of our car? No! Has he broke into our house and stole stuff from us? No!"

She was taking his side.

"You need to grow up!" mom stated "I'm tired of all this... crap that's been happening lately. I want us to have a normal life again. But you keep pushing me away from you. Do you want that? Do you want me to stop caring about you and just focus on my needs?"

I didn't realize I was. With every action caused by Henri, mom was going further and further away from me.

"Because at this point I'm leaning towards the latter," mom said plainly, "Do you really want that Paul?"

"I don't want that..." I said.

"Then STOP with the bullshit! Give Henri a chance! He's a good friend to you. Trust me!" mom stated.

"I do trust you..." I said.

"Then you have no problems with me going on a dinner date with him?" mom asked looking at me now.

"I... no?" I said meekly.

"Good then it's decided then." mom stated as she smiled at me, "You'll see, Henri's a good guy and a great friend to have around."

She then gets up and walked towards my bedroom door.

"You know I'm glad we had this talk to be honest," mom said, "We never really had a heart to heart talk about the past."

She then walked out of my room and into hers. Closing the door behind her.

Did mom really say she's going on a date with him?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please continue the next chapter

ngy65ngy652 months ago

Where is the next part?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The visual of a guy turning the volume up on a computer, punching mc in the gut, then jumping out the window in like 10 seconds is the best part of this story.

Som criticism: The mom is painfully dumb and so is the son. I would imagine he has a phone or camera so he could take a picture of what the guy was doing on the computer. The fact the mom trusts this random guy she has known for a day more than her son is wild and the fact she saw nothing wrong with how she was acting during that game of “life” was even worse. Also please do not do a board game section again it was really bad like made me want to stop reading because the lack of self awareness and cringe made me want to just stop reading.

xperaxpera3 months ago
so damn hot

wating for the next chapter. loving the theme.

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