How to Fill an Empty Nest Pt. 02


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"Mom I picked out a club that Trish and I have gone to a few times. It's not too trendy and it attracts a lot of regular kids, code for not snobby at all. I'll save those for other times because I just wanted you to get your feet wet and let you get comfortable going to a club again. Sooooo... the club I picked is called the culture club."

Trish smiled and walked next to Donna and did a little hip shaking, "It's a really fun place Donna! I love going there because the music they play is so cool too!"

"Well I'm the putty in your hands sweetheart; I just hope I can remember how to move out on the floor!"

"Mom, the way you look no one is going to even give a care how you move. I promise that you're going to be beating guys AND girls off with stick tonight. Trish is going to be your wing girl tonight and keep you comfortable, right sis?"

"Of course, you stick with me and we'll have a great time. Maybe not as great as your horny little daughter there if we're still sticking to her plan for tonight. Are we still sticking to the plan Katie?"

"Yeah we are, I want to put on a show for my mother tonight that no daughter would ever imagine doing. I want her to see me, the little girl she raised and spent all those nights brushing her hair as a grown woman. I want her to see how much I love getting fucked so she knows what to expect when it's her turn!" Katie told Trish while staring directly into Donnas' eyes.

"Oh baby, that was the first fantasy I had about you when you invited me out two months ago. I pictured you doing such wonderfully dirty things with a boy until I started focusing on you in my fantasies!" she told her daughter breathlessly.

"Tonight we start down the road of making all of our fantasies come true; I mean all of them including yours Trish. While we were getting changed Donna was telling me about your mom and I can see some dirty sex in your future if you can loosen up and let it happen!"

The three of them left the house and walked over to First Avenue and hailed a cab. Even though the night was filled with hot young people everywhere around them all eyes seemed to focus on the three of them while they waited.

"Hey Katie maybe I should ask this since I'm Donnas' guardian angel tonight. What if she gets really hot over some guy and ...well?"

"Trish doesn't have to worry about me tonight with that. I've never been picked up in a club before and tonight my whole focus is on Katie. It will be flattering if I get anywhere near the attention she swears I will get but don't worry about it."

"Mom, I can promise you one thing going forward. Everything you've never done you will do with me at some point, which includes us going out one night and you picking up a guy for us to share!"

"I guess I should have remembered the old saying, be careful what you ask for you just might get it! I spent eighteen years trying to mold you into a beautiful liberal minded young woman; I guess it's your turn to mold me. Like I said earlier I'm the putty in your hands baby shape me and make me yours!"

As they arrived at the club Katie led the way out of the cab, "Well let the molding begin, I will give you two options for tonight Donna. One will feature your age difference as part of the game for the night. The other will ignore it and nothing will be mentioned. It's your choice but I will tell you that one choice will lead to a kinkier evening and will involve some role play that really isn't role play, it's totally your choice!"

Donna was just slightly confused, "Katie you spent all morning trying to get me to believe that I looked hot and now you want me to play up my age I don't understand. If I had my choice I would rather ignore our difference and just have fun."

"Donna you misunderstood my intentions this morning, I never wanted to try and convince you that you didn't look your age. I wanted to get you to believe how hot you are no matter what age you are. I personally find our age difference to be a huge turn on and you know why but..."Katie explained.

"Oh damn, okay... I get the feeling you really want me to go for option one so let's do that. So why will playing up my age make tonight more interesting?" Donna asked.

"You'll see mommy dearest, you will see very soon!" she exclaimed as she led Donna by the hand towards the door to the club.

When they got to the door it was fairly obvious that Katie had been here before. She and Trish were both on a first name basis with the bouncers at the door.

Donna looked up at the logo and noticed that it was a huge Pac-man. She suddenly knew why her daughter found this place fun and realized that Katie had picked a great place to help her get comfortable with the idea of clubbing.

As the door opened and the first sounds hit her she instantly recognized the song and the band. They had actually been one of her favorites when she was younger; it was Blue Monday by New Order. She almost instantly felt at ease and squeezed Katie's hand affectionately. She looked around the large open space as they emerged into the main dance area and couldn't help but smile. The whole place was dedicated to the 80's Donnas' decade where she started discovering herself with Jack's help.

She instantly felt the irony surge over her about this whole situation. Her she was looking to rediscover herself once again but in a place that was reminiscent of her first days of discovery. Throw in the fact that she had been led her by her own daughter and that it was through her that she wanted to explore once again and it made her shiver.

She had forgotten how loud night clubs could be but she loved every second of it. She could feel the music making her want to dance and she let the two girls pull her out to the floor. They didn't even stop to get a drink before she realized she was bouncing and bobbing just like she had years ago. She couldn't believe that she was in the middle of a college girl sandwich either because both Katie and Trish were taking turns with her.

Her eyes were filled with the sight of both Katie's amazingly large tits and Trish's more modest ones bouncing unfettered right in front of her. She couldn't wait till they all got comfortable enough to just reach out and grab each other and that includes Trish too she realized. She fully expected that the road they were taking would lead to her and Trish being together also. She felt so alive again and felt like she was the center of the two young women's world right now.

Katie was on fire in her body and her mind; she had gotten just what she wanted two months ago to happen tonight. She had her mother out with her in a nightclub just being one of the girls. She couldn't help smile to herself though because tonight was going to be so much more than that. Donna wasn't here just as one of the girls but instead she was here to witness her daughter pick up a guy to take home.

Just the idea that at some point tonight she was going to feel a hard cock pushing into her pussy while her own mother watched had her soaked down below. Of course the fact that she was soaked didn't bother her because she knew that after her first trip to the ladies room she would be going commando anyway. She loved the feel of air hitting her shaved pussy and she loved knowing that people could see it too!

As the New Order song started to segue into another recognizable hit Trish shouted to Katie that they should find a table. The three of them left the floor and after a bit of searching found a little round table big enough for four. Donna was hesitant to sit down though because she was feeling the music flowing into her and she wanted to dance. It had been so many years since she had danced at all and she realized how much her body missed it.

After they sat down Trish went up and got the three of them drinks. She was sure these would be the last drinks they were paying for tonight. She could already see the attention that both Katie and Donna were getting and knew the sharks would start circling. She hoped she had the strength to keep Donna under control tonight because she could see how excited she was to be here. She was so horny herself right now too just thinking about everything going on right now that if it weren't for having to be Donnas' guardian angel she might let herself get picked up for the first time ever.

She walked slowly over to the table with the drinks trying to catch bits and pieces of conversations but the music was so loud it was impossible. It was obvious by the body language though that both Donna and Katie were the topic of interest right now.

Sure enough she wasn't surprised to get to the table and see that they were already being chatted up by two different guys. Both of them appeared to be in their early twenties and both looked tight as hell. She sighed feeling like the third wheel all of a sudden. It wasn't something she was unfamiliar with being Katie's best friend. For some reason Katie could walk into a club and have both men and women on her in seconds.

"Hey girls, new friends?" she interjected as she squeezed one of the wanna be wolves out of her seat and passed the drinks.

"Mmmmm maybe, I don't know Donna what do you think should we be friends with these guys?" Katie teased. She was teasing both the guys and her mother with the question. She could see that her mother was a little uncomfortable with the sudden appearance of the two young studs.

"Well we just got here so I don't know...I mean they are kind of cute!" Donna told her daughter. She talked at Katie pretending the two guys couldn't hear her.

"Well I'll tell you what mom, why don't you hang here with Trish for a bit and let these two get me nice and sweaty on the dance floor. You know how much you like it when I get sweaty don't you mom." Katie said loudly with an obvious emphasis on the mom part.

Donna was shocked at Katie exposing their relationship to the whole world and got visibly nervous.

The two guys both heard Katie clearly and couldn't believe their ears.

The taller of the two a blonde surfer looking guy named Brad asked, "Sweet Jesus is this really your mom?"

Katie made it clear then what she had told Donna earlier.

"No don't be silly, she's mine and Trish's classmate from school. She is a mom though and she's just getting back into school after a bunch of years. We just call her mom out affection for her and because it makes guys like you freak out. Now are you gonna get me all sweaty or what?"

As she was going out on to the floor she noticed that the shorter of the two named Stefan was staying behind. She wasn't having any of that though because she wanted Donnas' attention on her and not on some young guy right now. She felt a slight twinge of jealousy and shoved it aside because she knew that Donna was focused on her.

"Come on Stefan lets the three of us show these two how to make a scene on the dance floor," she said grabbing him away.

As Katie led the two men out to the dance floor she winked at her mom and blew her a kiss. Then she proceeded to put on a show in between the two men that would make a stripper blush. She could feel the eyes on her from all over the room and it just spurred her on to take bigger and bigger risks. The biggest of all was when she was leaning back against Brad with his hands on her tits and staring into the eyes of Stefan she reached under her dress and slowly pulled her panties down and off while everyone watched.

"She's something else isn't she Mrs. C...oh sorry Donna. I mean I've seen her control a dance floor all night long making guys think she was going home with them only to turn to maybe the one guy she didn't dance with and leave with him. She's just so sensual and sexy and everyone seems to want to be with her," Trish said sipping her drink.

"Even her own mother, god I want her so badly Trish. I want to rip her off that dance floor right now and rip her dress off and fuck her. I can't believe I'm saying these things about my own little girl but they're true. You're right she is just so sexy and she knows how to use it or so it seems," Donna said unable to take her eyes off the undulating form of her daughter.

She watched her with the full knowledge now that under the dress she was wearing Katie had no underwear on at all. That the only material between her and getting herself fucked was that skimpy piece of cloth that passed for a dress.

Trish leaned into Donna pressing her own tits into the older woman's arms purposely, she just needed to be touched.

"You will Donna; tomorrow night you will be the one she's dancing for. Tomorrow night you will get to feel those thighs, look at how they move, pressing your head deeper into her sex, her pussy, her cunt." Trish said whispering it right into Donnas' ear. She knew the older woman could feel her breath with every word she said because she was so close. She was so close in fact she could imagine sucking the lobe of Donnas' ear into her mouth and nibbling on it.

Trish took out her I-Phone and started videotaping Katie on the floor with the Brad and Stefan. She figured she should get used to doing this a lot if Katie was serious about making a movie. These raw shots would fit nicely into her film and as she filmed she got Donnas' attention.

While still filming she directed the camera up to Donnas' face while scanning her body. She still had Katie and her men in the shot while she filmed Donna's reactions to the dance.

"So Donna isn't that your daughter out on the dance floor with those two men?" Trish asked trying to get into an interview type of feel.

"Yes, it is," Donna answered the arousal in her voice obvious.

"Do you wish it was you out there dancing with her, it looks like you're enjoying the show?"

"She's just so beautiful and hot and sexy, I just want to scoop her up and eat her all night long!" Donna confessed on camera.

Trish laughed mischievously loud enough that it could be heard on the camera, "OF course you mean that figuratively don't you. I mean she's your own daughter you wouldn't really do that would you?"

"Oh yes I would, I would eat her up all night long every night if I had the chance!"

"Oh really and what part of her would you want to eat all night long?" Trish boldly asked.

Just as boldly Donna looked first at Katie on the floor then right at the camera and said, "Her pussy, I would eat her pussy all night long!"

After about twenty minutes of working up a sweat Katie headed back to the table followed by both Brad and Stefan. The two of them thought for sure they were going to get lucky tonight and had no problem with sharing especially someone as hot as Katie. They were all fired up until they got to the table.

Once the three of them got to Donna and Trish she handed her mother her soaked panties. Then she leaned right in and shoved her tongue down her throat. Donna responded like a starved animal shoving her own tongue into her daughter's mouth.

Both brad and Stefan were ecstatic because the outlook for a memorable night had just risen exponentially. They even thought that the hot red head that seemed kind of shy might be a bonus pussy.

As Katie broke the kiss she whispered in Donnas' ear, "Sniff them mommy, do it. You know you are hungry to see how I smell so sniff my soaked panties right here!"

Donna lifted the wet panties she held in one hand up to her nose and could feel the moisture in the crotch. She lifted the soaked spot to her nose and breathed deeply inhaling her daughter's scent. It filled her nostrils and she moaned at how fresh and enticing it smelled. Her aroma spurred Donna on to do something even hotter, she took the soaked crotch of the panties and put it in her mouth. She was making a show of trying to suck the moisture and taste out of her own daughter's wet panties right in front of everyone.

"Holy shit Katie, look at her go. I think you might have met your match finally!"

"Oh yeah baby, do it suck that juice out and show us all how hot you are to taste the real thing!" Katie encouraged her, "How does it taste mom, how does my freshly dripped juice taste?"

Brad felt like he was going to shoot in his pants each time he heard Katie call Donna mom. He could see a definite resemblance but Katie had told them it was just a tease. He wanted to imagine it wasn't because the idea that the older of these two hotties was the younger one's mom was beyond hot. It would be like the pinnacle of sexual experiences if it was true and he could score them both with Stefan.

"Baby, I don't think I've ever tasted anything as sweet as you. I don't know if I can wait till..."

"Yes you can mom, you can wait till the time is right and it's not that time yet." Katie said. She was looking right into Donnas' eyes when she said it and she could see the hunger there. She could see the fire that she was stoking inside Donna roaring behind her eyes. She shivered thinking how intense their first time would be because of the teasing tonight.

With that she turned to Brad and Stefan, "Boys, I don't know how to break it to you but I loved the dance. You both know how to move with a girl but that's as far as this girl is ready to go. Maybe later tonight we can share another just like it but if you don't mind I want to spend some time with my girls now."

Both Brad and Stefan were floored; just when they thought they were going to have the luckiest night of their lives they were summarily dismissed. At first Brad thought of pushing the issue because he felt like Katie had teased him mercilessly on the dance floor but he thought better of it. He didn't want to burn this bridge by looking like an asshole.

"Wow, I felt like the night was just starting for us all. I was hoping to get to know you much better and maybe even get to know your friends too. That's okay though because the few minutes we were out there made my night. If you feel like it later find me and we can maybe exchange numbers, maybe do something another time?" he said as humbly as he could muster.

Katie looked him over and sized him up once again; she was impressed with how easily he was taking her dismissal.

"Okay cutie, I see that you aren't a raging ass give me your phone. Stefan give your phone to my mom!"

Donna looked puzzled for a second then took Stefan's phone from him.

"Come on mom dial your number into Stefan's phone this way he has your number too. I know you didn't get to dance with him but he's hot on the floor and he's packing a nice piece too!" she whispered to Donna. Donna of course was hesitant to give a young guy her number because of Jack.

"Remember, no saying no! Do it mom don't worry about it because nothing will happen I promise."

So they gave the two guys their numbers and before they left Katie told them, "Do not call us, we will call you. I promise you we will call the both of you but it might be a couple of weeks with finals and all. If you call either of us you will blow a shot at one of the wildest nights of your life!"

"Holy shit, I can't wait to see what you would consider the hottest night of my life!" he added before him and Stefan blended into the crowd.

"Baby what if he calls and Jack sees it, what could I possibly tell him." Donna said nervously.

"Relax Donna, there is no chance in hell they will call either of us and risk blowing a night with us together. Besides didn't it feel great to give your number to a guy his age? I bet he's gonna go home and stroke his big cock tonight thinking about you mommy. Imagine that young guy stroking himself till he shoots a huge load because of you!"

Trish who had been sitting quietly sipping her drink leaned into Donnas' ear and told her, "Katie's such a slut and she's going to make you just like her. I can see how eager you are to follow her. Tell her you want that Donna tell her you want her to make you her personal slut!"
