How to Fill an Empty Nest Pt. 02


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"Oh god yes I want that, I want that more than anything I've ever wanted before!" Donna moaned.

"What is that mom, what is it that you want more than anything?" Katie teased.

"I want to be your slut Katie, your personal slut. I want to give myself to you totally and entirely. Will you have me honey? Will you make me do the dirtiest and most perverse things you can think of for you?" Donna begged.

"Yes Donna I will take you as my slut but remember the one word you mustn't ever use when I tell you to do something! You do remember that word don't you slut in training?"

Donna just nodded her head and mouthed the word no so she wouldn't be in violation by actually saying it. She was in a world so far removed from her normal life right now and she felt right at home. She wasn't feeling nervous or guilty about the power she had just given her daughter over her body, she only felt excited.

She had always felt more comfortable being led and told what to do when having sex. It was obvious that Katie recognized it for what it was and she was going to use it to both their satisfaction. It had been necessary early on when throwing off the ultra conservative conception of sex that had been ingrained on her by her parents. It made her feel less dirty and less responsible if she was just following the directions of someone she loved.

Years ago that had been Jack; she had given him everything he ever asked for sexually. Then at some point his commanding demeanor in the bedroom stopped. She was well past needing that from him at that point but it felt like he had gotten weaker in her eyes. He was the man in her relationship and he should always be taking charge of their sex life. Even before Katie had left for school he had relinquished that role. He was now content with a fairly regular does of steady sex but she had essentially cut him off for the last few months.

She found that without the respect he commanded in the bedroom years ago she had lost respect for him as a lover too. It was into this void that Katie had stepped on her last trip home, the culmination of which was about to be played out this weekend. When Katie had walked in the house after being out on a Saturday night she had found Katie alone in the kitchen. Their conversation had led Donna into being cajoled till she asked her own daughter if she had gotten fucked that night, using those same words.

It was the first time Donna had ever used vulgarity with her daughter and the context it was used in was purely sexual. She had asked at Katie's urging not being able to say no. Katie had then started to suspect that her mother had a submissive side that she never knew about.

"Katie will you dance with me please, while I was watching you with those boys I got so hot I wanted to take my panties off just like you did. I wished it was me dancing with you so please will you dance with me?"

"Of course Donna, I mean you don't even have to ask just get up and grab my hand if you want to dance." Katie said delightedly.

"I couldn't do that...not yet...I need to ask you still. I'm feeling things I haven't felt in years and I need you... I need you like I used to need your father." Donna said softly while looking down.

Katie knew when to press the advantage once again, "What exactly do you mean other than you wanting us to fuck. I know you used to need to fuck daddy but what else do you need from me?"

"Please don't make me say it, I mean its embarrassing!"

"You told me earlier that as long as you're with me you won't be embarrassed or ashamed of anything we do, were you lying?"

"No honey it's not that, it's not being embarrassed by doing anything. I'm having the time of my life right now. It's embarrassing to tell you something." Donna admitted.

"Just go ahead mommy; it's just me you and Trish here right now. There's going to be no secrets at all between us from now on. What one of us knows we all will know, kind of like the three musketeers but even closer. So I want you to tell me this thing that you need from me because you know I will give you anything you need."

"Okay honey; please don't think worse of me. I need...I need... I need you to give me direction. I basically need you to tell what to do in this new part of our lives. I want to do everything you want me to but I will always need you to tell me, at least for now." Donna said almost in tears.

Katie smiled and pulled her mother into her arms realizing the complete role reversal that had taken place in just one day with her mother. She was the one giving reassurance and comfort to the woman who had given it to her for all her life.

"Oh mom, don't you worry. I told you earlier today that I would never get you into anything that will hurt you. I understand what you need and you can depend on me to give it all to you!"

"Thank you baby, it just makes it all so much easier to accept myself doing things I would never have dreamed of if it's you telling me to do them." Donna said once again calmed down.

"Well let's start right now then, I want you to take me on the dance floor by my hand and dance with me till I can't take it!" Katie teased.

"Oh baby, your wish is my command; I just hope that I have the energy to keep up with you!"

"Don't you worry mom I won't go too fast...yet!" Katie laughed and Donna and Trish joined in.

As they walked out on the dance floor Katie asked Donna how she felt constantly being called mom by her in such a surreal situation.

"It's such a fucking turn on baby but I don't want others to get the wrong idea," Donna said as they hit the dance floor.

"Mom I don't really give a care about anyone here getting the wrong idea so just go with it. Remember if it feels good let's do it...together, okay mommy my love" Katie told her.

"Hmmmm that sounds hot coming out of your mouth too sweetie." Donna said getting into a rhythm with Katie.

"Well you are you know, you are my love, how could I ever love anyone more than my own mom?" Katie smiled matching her body's movements to Donnas.

"Besides how am I going to make a film about our newly evolving relationship without revealing its true nature? I'm proud to be here with you mom, and I will be just as proud when Trish films us making love for the first time. I fully intend to make sure that no one who sees that scene will have an ounce of doubt as to who we are to each other."

Donna smiled and just let her body get taken over by the music just like she had loved doing also many years ago. Dancing was almost as forbidden in her parent's world as sex for pleasure was. It was the first of the bricks to fall out of her own self made wall when Jack made her realize how much fun it was. Now she was out on a dance floor losing herself in the music while never taking her eyes off of her partners undulating body.

She could feel her confidence on the dance floor retuning and it made her much more comfortable. It had been a brilliant choice on Katie and Trish's part to bring her here tonight. She recognized every song that had been playing so far and loved the one currently playing too.

It was Shadowplay by Joy Division who ironically were New Order before they became New Order. If she remembered her history the lead singer for Joy Division had committed suicide for reasons she had forgotten. The difference between the two bands sounds was a reflection of her feelings before coming to the city today to meet up with Katie and Trish. Her moods at home over the last few months were definitely darker and more foreboding just as Joy Division's sound was much darker and edgy than New Order. Since arriving today though and with everything that had happened so far she was feeling liberated and open to everything around her just as New Order sounded much lighter and carefree.

She felt so many emotions as she danced with her daughter. She felt her old relationship with her being strengthened at the same time as she was on the dawn of a new one. She felt elated at being here with the young woman she had raised and nurturerd. She felt lust, oh god did she feel lust for the same young woman and it was pulsing thorugh every pore in her body. Not for one moment did she even think of Jack or what he might be doing.

What she had told Rashim earlier was in fact true in her mind right now. At this moment in time she was divorced from not only Jack but her whole life in Connecticut. Her whole life revolved around this gorgeous young creature in front of her on the dance floor. It was as if everything else was suspended in time except the two of them and their movements to the music.

Katie was completely impressed with her mother's moves on the dance floor and was matching her thrust for thrust. She felt like this was so right to be out here with her enjoying themselves in a way they had never done before. She knew it was wrong on so many levels in some people's eyes but like she had said earlier, she could care less about them.

She seemed to feel a natural rhythm between her and Donna almost as if they could read each other's bodies openly. It was the first time they had ever danced together but to onlookers it looked like they had been doing it for years.

Her eyes were drawn to her mother's curves as they danced how they shook and moved. She could honestly say that she had never been so turned on by anyone else in her life. She was chiding herself for being so determined to see her 'schedule' for the weekend through. Every fiber of her being was screaming to just take Donna home right now and fuck her nonstop for the rest of the weekend. Donna had no idea how close she was to making that decision but she was a determined young woman. When she made a decision on something she almost always followed through.

So at the end of the night tonight she would have some guy's cock pumping her pussy while her mother would be in the same room watching and listening. She knew that they would both have fun with this, maybe her a little more than Donna, so she was determined to stick to the plan.

It wasn't going to be easy with Donnas' braless tits bouncing in front of her face like they were. She imagined she could almost smell her mother's wet pussy form a foot away. Then she leaned forward and turned Donna around so she was using Katie's body as support. She whispered in her ear and Donna smiled and nodded her head.

As Katie held her Donna repeated the move that her daughter had made earlier with Brad and Stefan. She slid her hands up her hips and returned them down holding her panties. She slowly stepped out of them and handed them obediently to her daughter.

Then they put their bodies together and started grinding on each other with their lips an inch away from each other. Donna made the first attempt to move in for a kiss but Katie teased her and pulled her head back slightly.

Donna pouted like she remembered Katie pouting so many times when she was a little girl. It made Katie laugh right before she grabbed Donna by the back of the head and pulled her in for a scorching soul searching kiss. As they kissed their bodies continued to move to the music but at a much more subdued pace. They moved together just as Katie had thought, like one soul in two bodies, like they were meant to be doing this.

Trish was watching with wide open eyes from the table they had. Her mind was blown away with what she was seeing. It seemed so beautiful and sensual and sexual, all things that shouldn't be thought of while watching a mother and daughter interact. But there it was right in front of her eyes, a mother and daughter basically making love to each other on a dance floor.

They very well might as well have been actually making love there because the only thing lacking was penetration. It was obvious to her and lots of others who she saw watching that there was serious chemistry between the two of them. She felt her heart surge with happiness for both Katie and Donna that they had allowed their feelings for each other to come out. It was also obvious to her how strong those feelings and desires must have been for things to progress as quickly as they had today.

She imagined that neither Katie nor Donna realized how close they were growing when night after night her mother would brush her hair. It was the kind of thing that usually stopped when a girl hit puberty but it had continued all the way up to the present for the two of them. She wondered briefly if Katie's dad ever thought it was unusual. That was followed up with a curious thought; maybe jack was like her father but didn't know it. Maybe a part of Jack knew but subconsciously he liked the idea of Donna being with another person.

Trish's insight was only her own though because neither Katie nor Donna had any experience with a cuckold. It was only her and it was purely by her accidental discovery of her parent's unusual sex life. She had grown to envy her mother's self confidence and freedom to have lovers outside her marriage. She secretly hoped that the man she would marry would be the same way. How great she thought it would be to have a loving husband who loved her enough to share her with others.

As she had sat there watching Donna and Katie put on a show for everyone on the dance floor she once again thought of her own mom. She imagined herself in the same spot as Katie with Joanna taking the lead. That was the difference between her and her best friend, she could never be bold enough to pull off what Katie had put into motion this weekend. If it weren't for Donnas' exciting offer she would be like Katie was as recently as last week, a girl with a fantasy.

In fact it was only because of Katie and her situation that she was able to even acknowledge an attraction to her mom. She had always thought she was sexy and exciting with her corporate job in the city. Ironically Joanna worked only minutes from where she and Katie lived by cab. It had led to few lunches for mom and daughter but not much more. She knew that Joanna was always busy so she didn't mind that much. Long ago she had accepted that her mom wasn't the same nurturing type that Donna was with Katie. That didn't stop her from loving her with all her heart though because Joanna was her idol. She was the strong confidant woman that Trish envisioned herself being one day.

It was the confidence thing that Trish needed some serious work with and Katie was constantly trying to give her that help. She was always reinforcing how beautiful she thought Trish was. She was constantly praising her for her computer work and helping build her self esteem in that area. She knew though that she had to believe it all herself and she was starting to get there even if it was very slowly.

As she had sat there watching Katie and her mom three different guys had come up to the table obviously interested in her. She had dismissed them as only being interested in her to get to Katie or Donna. It never occurred to her that they wanted to dance with her alone. She knew that if she had been her with Katie alone and she saw Trish turn three guys away she wouldn't hear the end of it for days.

It all came so easy to Katie, maybe it was a byproduct of all that maternal nurturing she had received. Maybe her own lack of self confidence was a result of not getting that same attention from Joanna. It didn't matter anyway tonight though because she wasn't interested in any guys, her total focus was the two women on the dance floor.

She noticed her battery on her phone was dying because she had filmed their entire time on the floor. She was going to really love being the camera girl for this project but she wondered if it would ever see the light of day.

Katie's new idea to make a film documenting the unorthodox relationship that was developing between her and her mom was off the charts ballsy. It would essentially be a porn film that revolved around a real life incestuous relationship of mother and daughter. She wondered how on earth Katie would even get the idea past her student advisor let alone the panel that would judge the film. Again she didn't worry about this because it was Katie's show and she would figure it out, she always did.

She noticed that Katie and Donna were heading back her way and she smiled at them as they sat down.

"Do you both know that almost every eye on the dance floor was on the two of you? My god you were both so hot out there, I almost thought you were going to have your first time together right here on the dance floor!" Trish said giddily.

"Hmmm right about now if she wanted me I would let her have me right here Trish. This daughter of mine is some kind of walking sex bomb and she makes me want to do things..." Donna said trailing off.

"Don't you worry Donna baby, you are going to do all those dirty filthy things running in your head and you're gonna do them all with me! I'm going up to the bar to get us all refills. Trish keep her safe and away from the wolves!" Katie told her best friend.

Before she left she leaned over and once more shoved her tongue into Donnas' mouth. Trish visibly shook form being right next to the two of them. She was more turned on then she had ever been in her life.

After Katie walked away Donna just leaned back into her chair and breathed a sigh of contentment. She was on cloud nine right now and never wanted to come down. Then she turned to Trish and felt a little bad. She felt bad because it seemed that Trish was the only one not having any fun tonight.

Trish honey, why aren't you out there dancing and having a good time? I know I saw a few guys come over to you while Katie was almost raping me out there!"

Trish laughed, "If that was rape then you are the most willing victim in history. I didn't go out there because I was filming the two of you for Katie's project. Besides those guys really didn't want to dance with me it was just a ploy on their part. They knew I was with the two of you and probably wanted to talk with me so they could get to know the two of you!"

Donna was shocked by Trish's observation and her lack of belief in herself. In fact it totally reminded her of how she felt earlier today. Maybe a trip to see Naomi would do her wonders. Maybe she needed to have that talk with Joanna this week because maybe Trish could use a little attention from her mom.

"Why on earth would you believe that honey? My god you are so beautiful and so yummy looking!" Donna told her.

"You don't have to be nice Donna, I know that I'm not in Katie or your leagues but I'm fine with it."

Donna actually got mad with Trish, this girl was like a second daughter to her and she wouldn't let her feel this way.

"Listen to the bullshit you're telling yourself. Well I promise that I'm gonna make it my mission to prove you wrong. Just like Katie needed me to feel more confident in myself I'm gonna make sure you feel the same way!" Donna told her sternly.

Trish just smiled sweetly at Donna and changed the subject.

"You know this is the time don't you?" she asked.

"The time for what?" Donna answered allowing Trish to move away from what they were talking about.

"This is usually the time that Katie finds someone to hook up with tonight. She always uses the going to get refills as her excuse to prowl alone. Mark my words when she comes back with the drinks she won't be alone!"

"Do you ever go out there and do any prowling of your own sweetie. I promise you that almost anyone in this club would be lucky to have you share their bed tonight."

"Even you Donna, would you let me share your bed with you if you weren't here with Katie." Trish teased.

"I think you probably will share a bed with me in the future honey, but not until I get Joanna to share one with you first!" Donna teased right back.

"Touché, one can only hope. I mean I ... well I think I want that's not right... I know I want to do that. Since Katie opened my eyes to the idea of having you as her lover my own eyes have opened too!"
